def test_improved_gradient_reduces_precision(test_spec): """Check that the gradient produces larger RV error.""" wav = test_spec[0] flux = test_spec[1] transmission = test_spec[2] a = Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=transmission, grad=False).value b = Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=transmission, grad=True).value assert a <= b
def test_relation_of_rv_to_sqrtsumwis(test_spec, wav_unit, flux_unit, trans_unit): """Test relation of sqrtsumwis to rv_precision.""" wav = test_spec[0] * wav_unit flux = test_spec[1] * flux_unit mask = test_spec[2] if test_spec[2] is not None: mask *= trans_unit mask = mask ** 2 assert np.all( Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=mask) == c / Q.sqrt_sum_wis(wav, flux, mask=mask) )
def test_sqrt_sum_wis_with_mask_with_unit_fails( test_spec, wav_unit, flux_unit, trans_unit2 ): """Assert a transmission with a unit fails with type error.""" wav = test_spec[0] * wav_unit flux = test_spec[1] * flux_unit transmission = np.random.rand(len(wav)) * trans_unit2 with pytest.raises(TypeError): Q.sqrt_sum_wis(wav, flux, mask=transmission ** 2) with pytest.raises(TypeError): Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=transmission ** 2)
def test_transmission_reduces_precision(test_spec): """Check that a transmission vector reduces precision calculation.""" wav = test_spec[0] flux = test_spec[1] transmission = test_spec[2] # Value should be less then normal if trans <=1 if transmission is not None: assert Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=None) < Q.rv_precision( wav, flux, mask=transmission ) # mask=None is the same as mask of all 1. assert Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=None) == Q.rv_precision( wav, flux, mask=np.ones_like(wav) )
def test_sqrt_sum_wis(test_spec, wav_unit, flux_unit, trans_unit): """Test that sqrt_sum_wis can handle inputs as Quantities or unitless. Returns a dimensionless unscaled Quantity. """ wav = test_spec[0] * wav_unit flux = test_spec[1] * flux_unit mask = test_spec[2] if test_spec[2] is not None: mask *= trans_unit sqrtsumwis = Q.sqrt_sum_wis(wav, flux, mask) print("wav", wav, type(wav)) print("flux", flux, type(flux)) print("mask", mask, type(mask)) print("sqrtsumwis", sqrtsumwis, type(sqrtsumwis)) if ( (isinstance(wav, Quantity)) or (isinstance(flux, Quantity)) or (isinstance(mask, Quantity) and (test_spec[2] is not None)) ): assert isinstance(sqrtsumwis, u.Quantity) # Check is unscaled and dimensionless Quantity assert sqrtsumwis.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled assert not hasattr(sqrtsumwis.value, "__len__") # assert value is a scalar else: assert not hasattr(sqrtsumwis, "__len__") # assert value is a scalar
def test_increments_rv_accumulate_same_as_full(real_spec, increment_percent, no_mask): """Assuming that the weighted rv from the steps should equal the rv from the band.""" wav, flux, mask = real_spec[0], real_spec[1], real_spec[2] if no_mask: # Try with mask= None also. mask = None rv_full = Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=mask).value x, incremented_rv = Q.incremental_rv( wav, flux, mask=mask, percent=increment_percent ) incremented_weighted = weighted_error(incremented_rv) assert np.round(rv_full, 2) == np.round(incremented_weighted, 2) assert x[0] > wav[0] assert [-1] < wav[-1]
def test_sqrt_sum_wis_with_no_units(test_spec): """Test that sqrt_sum_wis can handle inputs as Quantities or unitless. Returns a dimensionless unscaled Quantity. """ sqrtsumwis = Q.sqrt_sum_wis(test_spec[0], test_spec[1], test_spec[2]) # Doesn't turn into quantity if does not have to. assert not isinstance(sqrtsumwis, u.Quantity) assert not hasattr(sqrtsumwis, "__len__") # assert value is a scalar
def test_sqrtsumwis_warns_nonfinite(grad_flag): """Some warning tests.""" with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="This will cause infinite errors."): Q.sqrt_sum_wis( np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([0, 0, 0]), grad=grad_flag, ) # All masked with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Weight sum is not finite"): Q.sqrt_sum_wis( np.array([2, 2, 2]), np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([1, 1, 1]), grad=grad_flag, ) # infinite gradient
def test_rvprev_calc_with_lists(test_spec): """Test that it can handle list input also.""" wav = list(test_spec[0]) flux = list(test_spec[1]) mask = test_spec[2] rv = Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask) assert not hasattr(rv.value, "__len__") # assert value is a scalar assert isinstance(rv, u.Quantity) assert rv.unit == m_per_s
def test_quality_independent_of_units(test_spec, wav_unit, flux_unit): """Quality should be returned as unitless (not a quantity).""" wave = test_spec[0] * wav_unit flux = test_spec[1] * flux_unit q = Q.quality(wave, flux) assert not isinstance(q, Quantity) assert isinstance(q, float) assert not hasattr(q, "__len__") # assert value is a scalar
def test_normalize_flux_new_verse_old(resampled_data): """Test only small differences due to new normalization.""" id_string, wav, flux = resampled_data print("wav in max =", wav[0], wav[-1]) new_norm = eniric.obsolete.snr_norm.normalize_flux(flux, id_string, new=True) old_norm = eniric.obsolete.snr_norm.normalize_flux(flux, id_string, new=False) print("new norm", new_norm) print("old_norm", old_norm) rvprec_new = Q.rv_precision(wav, new_norm) rvprec_old = Q.rv_precision(wav, old_norm) print("new rv=", rvprec_new, "old rv=", rvprec_old) assert np.abs(rvprec_new.value - rvprec_old.value) < 0.4
def test_rvprev_calc(test_spec, wav_unit, flux_unit, trans_unit): """Test that rv_precision can handle inputs as Quantities or unitless and returns a scalar Quantity.""" wav = test_spec[0] * wav_unit flux = test_spec[1] * flux_unit mask = test_spec[2] if test_spec[2] is not None: mask *= trans_unit rv = Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask) assert rv.unit == m_per_s assert not hasattr(rv.value, "__len__") # assert value is a scalar assert isinstance(rv, u.Quantity)
def test_increments_rv_gives_reasonable_length(real_spec, increment_percent): """The expected number of steps would be between the wavelength difference divided by the first and last point * the percent increment. """ wav, flux, mask = real_spec[0], real_spec[1], real_spec[2] x, rv = Q.incremental_rv(wav, flux, mask=mask, percent=increment_percent) d1 = wav[0] * increment_percent / 100 d2 = wav[-1] * increment_percent / 100 dlambda = wav[-1] - wav[0] len_rv = len(rv) assert len_rv >= np.floor(dlambda / d1) assert len_rv <= np.ceil(dlambda / d2 + 1) assert len(x) == len_rv
def test_increment_quality_gives_reasonable_length(real_spec, increment_percent): """The expected number of steps would be between the wavelength difference divided by the first and last point * the percent increment. """ print(real_spec) wav, flux = real_spec[0], real_spec[1] x, q = Q.incremental_quality(wav, flux, percent=increment_percent) d1 = wav[0] * increment_percent / 100 d2 = wav[-1] * increment_percent / 100 dlambda = wav[-1] - wav[0] len_q = len(q) assert len_q >= np.floor(dlambda / d1) assert len_q <= np.ceil(dlambda / d2 + 1) assert len(x) == len_q
def test_sqrt_sum_wis_transmission_outofbounds(test_spec, wav_unit, flux_unit): """Transmission must be within 0-1.""" wav = test_spec[0] * wav_unit flux = test_spec[1] * flux_unit mask_1 = np.random.randn(len(wav)) mask_2 = np.random.rand(len(wav)) mask_1[0] = 5 # Outside 0-1 mask_2[-1] = -2 # Outside 0-1 # Higher value with pytest.raises(ValueError): Q.rv_precision(wav, flux, mask=mask_1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Q.sqrt_sum_wis(wav, flux, mask=mask_1) # Lower value with pytest.raises(ValueError): Q.sqrt_sum_wis(wav, flux, mask=mask_2) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Q.sqrt_sum_wis(wav, flux, mask=mask_2)
def calculate_prec( spectral_types, bands, vsini, resolution, sampling, plot_atm=False, plot_ste=False, plot_flux=True, paper_plots=True, rv_offset=0.0, use_unshifted=False, snr=100, ref_band="J", new=True, grad=True, ): """Calculate precisions for given combinations. grad: bool Use more precise gradient function. """ # TODO: iterate over band last so that the J band normalization value can be # obtained first and applied to each band. print("using new config.yaml file here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") results = {} # creating empty dictionary for the results wav_plot_m0 = [] # creating empty lists for the plots flux_plot_m0 = [] wav_plot_m3 = [] flux_plot_m3 = [] wav_plot_m6 = [] flux_plot_m6 = [] wav_plot_m9 = [] flux_plot_m9 = [] for band in bands: if use_unshifted: atmmodel = os.path.join( eniric.paths["atmmodel"], "{0}_{1}.dat".format(eniric.atmmodel["base"], band), ) print("Reading atmospheric model...") atm = Atmosphere.from_file(atmmodel) wav_atm, flux_atm, std_flux_atm, mask_atm = ( atm.wl, atm.transmission, atm.std, atm.mask, ) print( ( "There were {0:d} unmasked pixels out of {1:d}., or {2:.1%}." "" ).format( np.sum(mask_atm), len(mask_atm), np.sum(mask_atm) / len(mask_atm) ) ) print( "The model ranges from {0:4.2f} to {1:4.2f} micron.".format( wav_atm[0], wav_atm[-1] ) ) print("Done.") print("Calculating impact of Barycentric movement on mask...") # mask_atm = atm.old_barycenter_shift(wav_atm, mask_atm, rv_offset=rv_offset) mask_atm = barycenter_shift(wav_atm, mask_atm, rv_offset=rv_offset) else: shifted_atmmodel = os.path.join( eniric.paths["atmmodel"], "{0}_{1}_bary.dat".format(eniric.atmmodel["base"], band), ) print("Reading pre-doppler-shifted atmospheric model...") atm = Atmosphere.from_file(shifted_atmmodel) wav_atm, flux_atm, std_flux_atm, mask_atm = ( atm.wl, atm.transmission, atm.std, atm.mask, ) print("Done.") print( ("There were {0:d} unmasked pixels out of {1:d}, or {2:.1%}." "").format( np.sum(mask_atm), len(mask_atm), np.sum(mask_atm) / len(mask_atm) ) ) if plot_atm: # moved plotting code to separate code, plt_functions.plot_atmosphere_model(wav_atm, flux_atm, mask_atm) # theoretical ratios calculation # wav_m0, flux_m0, wav_m3, flux_m3, wav_m6, flux_m6, wav_m9, flux_m9 = read_nIRspectra() iterations = itertools.product(spectral_types, vsini, resolution, sampling) # for star in spectral_types: # for vel in vsini: # for res in resolution: # for smpl in sampling: for (star, vel, res, smpl) in iterations: file_to_read = ( "Spectrum_{0}-PHOENIX-ACES_{1}band_vsini{2}_R{3}" "_res{4:2.01f}.dat" ).format(star, band, vel, res, float(smpl)) # print("Working on "+file_to_read+".") try: wav_stellar, flux_stellar = io.pdread_2col( os.path.join(eniric.paths["resampled"], file_to_read) ) except FileNotFoundError: # Turn list of strings into strings without symbols ["J", "K"] -> J K spectral_str = re.sub(r"[\[\]\"\',]", "", str(spectral_types)) band_str = re.sub(r"[\[\]\"\',]", "", str(bands)) vsini_str = re.sub(r"[\[\]\"\',]", "", str(vsini)) res_str = re.sub(r"[\[\]\"\',]", "", str(resolution)) sampling_str = re.sub(r"[\[\]\"\',]", "", str(sampling)) print( ( "\nFor just this file I suggest you run\n\tpython -s {0} -b {1} -v {2} -R {3} " "--sample_rate {4}\nOr for all the combinations you ran here\n\tpython -s {5}" " -b {6} -v {7} -R {8} --sample_rate {9}" "" ).format( star, band, vel, res, smpl, spectral_str, band_str, vsini_str, res_str, sampling_str, ) ) raise if len(wav_stellar) == 0 or len(flux_stellar) == 0: raise Exception("The file {0} is empty".format(file_to_read)) # Removing boundary effects wav_stellar = wav_stellar[2:-2] flux_stellar = flux_stellar[2:-2] # sample was left aside because only one value existed # TODO: Add metallicity and logg into id string id_string = "{0:s}-{1:s}-{2:.1f}-{3:s}".format(star, band, float(vel), res) # Getting the wav, flux and mask values from the atm model # that are the closest to the stellar wav values, see # index_atm = np.searchsorted(wav_atm, wav_stellar) # replace indexes outside the array, at the very end, by the value at the very end # index_atm = [index if(index < len(wav_atm)) else len(wav_atm)-1 for index in index_atm] indx_mask = index_atm >= len(wav_atm) # find broken indexs index_atm[indx_mask] = len(wav_atm) - 1 # replace with index of end. wav_atm_selected = wav_atm[index_atm] flux_atm_selected = flux_atm[index_atm] mask_atm_selected = mask_atm[index_atm] # Check mask masks out deep atmosphere absorption if np.any(flux_atm_selected[mask_atm_selected] < 0.98): print( "####WARNGING####\nThis absorption mask does not mask out deep atmosphere transmission!" ) print( "Min flux_atm_selected[mask_atm_selected] = {} < 0.98\n####".format( np.min(flux_atm_selected[mask_atm_selected]) ) ) # Normalize to SNR 100 in middle of J band 1.25 micron! # flux_stellar = normalize_flux(flux_stellar, id_string) # flux_stellar = snrnorm.normalize_flux(flux_stellar, id_string, new=True) # snr=100, ref_band="J" flux_stellar = eniric.obsolete.snr_norm.normalize_flux( flux_stellar, id_string, new=new, snr=snr, ref_band=ref_band, sampling=smpl, ) if id_string in [ "M0-J-1.0-100k", "M3-J-1.0-100k", "M6-J-1.0-100k", "M9-J-1.0-100k", ]: index_ref = np.searchsorted( wav_stellar, 1.25 ) # searching for the index closer to 1.25 micron snr_estimate = np.sqrt( np.sum(flux_stellar[index_ref - 1 : index_ref + 2]) ) print( "\tSanity Check: The S/N for the {0:s} reference model was of {1:4.2f}.".format( id_string, snr_estimate ) ) elif "J" in id_string: index_ref = np.searchsorted( wav_stellar, 1.25 ) # searching for the index closer to 1.25 micron snr_estimate = np.sqrt( np.sum(flux_stellar[index_ref - 1 : index_ref + 2]) ) print( "\tSanity Check: The S/N for the {0:s} non-reference model was of {1:4.2f}.".format( id_string, snr_estimate ) ) # Precision given by the first method: print("Performing analysis for: ", id_string) prec_1 = Qcalculator.rv_precision(wav_stellar, flux_stellar, grad=grad) # Precision as given by the second_method wav_stellar_chunks, flux_stellar_chunks = eniric.legacy.mask_clumping( wav_stellar, flux_stellar, mask_atm_selected ) prec_2_old = eniric.legacy.RVprec_calc_masked( wav_stellar_chunks, flux_stellar_chunks, grad=grad ) prec_2 = eniric.legacy.RVprec_calc_masked( wav_stellar, flux_stellar, mask_atm_selected, grad=grad ) assert np.all(prec_2_old == prec_2) """ # histogram checking lengths = [len(chunk) for chunk in flux_stellar_chunks_unformatted] n, bins, patches = plt.hist(lengths, 500, range=[0.5, 500.5], histtype='stepfilled') plt.title(id_string) """ # Precision as given by the third_method prec_3 = Qcalculator.rv_precision( wav_stellar, flux_stellar, mask=flux_atm_selected ** 2, grad=grad ) # Adding Precision results to the dictionary results[id_string] = [prec_1, prec_2, prec_3] # Prepare/Do for the plotting. if plot_ste or plot_ste == id_string: plt_functions.plot_stellar_spectum( wav_stellar, flux_stellar, wav_atm_selected, mask_atm_selected ) plot_ids = [ "M3-Z-1.0-100k", "M3-Y-1.0-100k", "M3-J-1.0-100k", "M3-H-1.0-100k", "M3-K-1.0-100k", ] if plot_flux and id_string in plot_ids: wav_plot_m0.append(wav_stellar) flux_plot_m0.append(flux_stellar) if plot_flux and id_string in plot_ids: wav_plot_m3.append(wav_stellar) flux_plot_m3.append(flux_stellar) if plot_flux and id_string in plot_ids: wav_plot_m6.append(wav_stellar) flux_plot_m6.append(flux_stellar) if plot_flux and id_string in plot_ids: wav_plot_m9.append(wav_stellar) flux_plot_m9.append(flux_stellar) if plot_flux: plt_functions.plot_nIR_flux() if paper_plots: plt_functions.plot_paper_plots() else: return results
def test_quality_independent_of_flux_level(scale): """Q of a spectrum is independent of flux level.""" wavelength = np.arange(100) flux = np.random.random(100) assert np.allclose(Q.quality(wavelength, flux), Q.quality(wavelength, flux * scale))