def pickup_cut(az, dets, pcut): """Cut samples as specified in the pcut struct, which works on hexed per tod per scanning direction.""" hex = det2hex(dets) dir = np.concatenate([[0],az[1:]<az[:-1]]) res = sampcut.empty(len(dets),len(az)) for cdir,chex,az1,az2,strength in pcut: myrange = sampcut.from_mask((az>=az1)&(az<az2)&(dir==cdir)) uncut = sampcut.empty(1, len(az)) mycut = [] for h in hex: if h == chex: mycut.append(myrange) else: mycut.append(uncut) res *= sampcut.stack(mycut) return res
def pickup_cut(az, dets, pcut): """Cut samples as specified in the pcut struct, which works on hexed per tod per scanning direction.""" hex = det2hex(dets) dir = np.concatenate([[0], az[1:] < az[:-1]]) res = sampcut.empty(len(dets), len(az)) for cdir, chex, az1, az2, strength in pcut: myrange = sampcut.from_mask((az >= az1) & (az < az2) & (dir == cdir)) uncut = sampcut.empty(1, len(az)) mycut = [] for h in hex: if h == chex: mycut.append(myrange) else: mycut.append(uncut) res *= sampcut.stack(mycut) return res
def avoidance_cut_old(bore, det_offs, site, name_or_pos, margin): """Cut samples that get too close to the specified object (e.g. "Sun" or "Moon") or celestial position ([ra,dec] in racians). Margin specifies how much to avoid the object by.""" cmargin = np.cos(margin) mjd = utils.ctime2mjd(bore[0]) obj_pos = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel", "hor", name_or_pos, mjd, site) obj_rect = utils.ang2rect(obj_pos, zenith=False) # Only cut if above horizon above_horizon = obj_pos[1] > 0 if np.all(~above_horizon): return sampcut.empty(det_offs.shape[0], bore.shape[1]) cuts = [] for di, off in enumerate(det_offs): det_pos = bore[1:] + off[:, None] #det_rect1 = utils.ang2rect(det_pos, zenith=False) # slow # Not sure defining an ang2rect in array_ops is worth it.. It's ugly, # (angle convention hard coded) and only gives factor 2 on laptop. det_rect = array_ops.ang2rect(np.ascontiguousarray(det_pos.T)).T cdist = np.sum(obj_rect * det_rect, 0) # Cut samples above horizon that are too close bad = (cdist > cmargin) & above_horizon cuts.append(sampcut.from_mask(bad)) res = sampcut.stack(cuts) return res
def read_cut(fname, permissive=True): """Read the act cut format, returning ids, cuts, offset, where cuts is a Multirange object.""" nsamp, ndet, offset = None, None, None dets, cuts = [], [] for line in utils.lines(fname): if "=" in line: # Header key-value pair toks = line.split() if toks[0] == "n_det": ndet = int(toks[2]) elif toks[0] == "n_samp": nsamp = int(toks[2]) elif toks[0] == "samp_offset": offset = int(toks[2]) else: continue # Ignore others elif ":" in line: parts = line.split(":") uid = int(parts[0].split()[0]) if len(parts) > 1 and "(" in parts[1]: toks = parts[1].split() ranges = np.array([[int(w) for w in tok[1:-1].split(",")] for tok in toks]) ranges = np.minimum(ranges, nsamp) cuts.append(sampcut.from_list([ranges], nsamp)) # Handle uncut detectors else: cuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, nsamp)) dets.append(uid) # Add any missing detectors if we are in permissive mode if permissive: missing = set(range(ndet)) - set(dets) for uid in missing: dets.append(uid) cuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, nsamp)) # Filter out fully cut tods odets, ocuts = [], [] for det, cut in zip(dets, cuts): if cut.sum() < cut.nsamp: odets.append(det) ocuts.append(cut) if len(ocuts) == 0: ocuts = sampcut.full(0, nsamp) else: ocuts = sampcut.stack(ocuts) return odets, ocuts, offset
def read_cut(fname, permissive=True): """Read the act cut format, returning ids, cuts, offset, where cuts is a Multirange object.""" nsamp, ndet, offset = None, None, None dets, cuts = [], [] for line in utils.lines(fname): if "=" in line: # Header key-value pair toks = line.split() if toks[0] == "n_det": ndet = int(toks[2]) elif toks[0] == "n_samp": nsamp = int(toks[2]) elif toks[0] == "samp_offset": offset = int(toks[2]) else: continue # Ignore others elif ":" in line: parts = line.split(":") uid = int(parts[0].split()[0]) if len(parts) > 1 and "(" in parts[1]: toks = parts[1].split() ranges = np.array([[int(w) for w in tok[1:-1].split(",")] for tok in toks]) ranges = np.minimum(ranges, nsamp) cuts.append(sampcut.from_list([ranges],nsamp)) # Handle uncut detectors else: cuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, nsamp)) dets.append(uid) # Add any missing detectors if we are in permissive mode if permissive: missing = set(range(ndet))-set(dets) for uid in missing: dets.append(uid) cuts.append(sampcut.empty(1,nsamp)) # Filter out fully cut tods odets, ocuts = [], [] for det, cut in zip(dets, cuts): if cut.sum() < cut.nsamp: odets.append(det) ocuts.append(cut) if len(ocuts) == 0: ocuts = sampcut.full(0,nsamp) else: ocuts = sampcut.stack(ocuts) return odets, ocuts, offset
def cut_mostly_cut_detectors(cuts, max_frac=None, max_nrange=None): """Mark detectors with too many cuts or too large cuts as completely cut.""" max_frac = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_frac", max_frac) max_nrange = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_nrange", max_nrange) cut_samps = cuts.sum(axis=1) cut_nrange = cuts.nranges bad = (cut_samps > cuts.nsamp*max_frac) if max_nrange > 0: bad |= cut_nrange > max_nrange ocuts = [] for b in bad: if b: ocuts.append(sampcut.full(1,cuts.nsamp)) else: ocuts.append(sampcut.empty(1,cuts.nsamp)) return sampcut.stack(ocuts)
def cut_mostly_cut_detectors(cuts, max_frac=None, max_nrange=None): """Mark detectors with too many cuts or too large cuts as completely cut.""" max_frac = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_frac", max_frac) max_nrange = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_nrange", max_nrange) cut_samps = cuts.sum(axis=1) cut_nrange = cuts.nranges bad = (cut_samps > cuts.nsamp * max_frac) if max_nrange > 0: bad |= cut_nrange > max_nrange ocuts = [] for b in bad: if b: ocuts.append(sampcut.full(1, cuts.nsamp)) else: ocuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, cuts.nsamp)) return sampcut.stack(ocuts)
def avoidance_cut(bore, det_offs, site, name_or_pos, margin): """Cut samples that get too close to the specified object (e.g. "Sun" or "Moon") or celestial position ([ra,dec] in racians). Margin specifies how much to avoid the object by.""" cmargin = np.cos(margin) mjd = utils.ctime2mjd(bore[0]) obj_pos = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel", "hor", name_or_pos, mjd, site) obj_pos[0] = utils.rewind(obj_pos[0], bore[1]) cosel = np.cos(obj_pos[1]) # Only cut if above horizon above_horizon = obj_pos[1] > 0 null_cut = sampcut.empty(det_offs.shape[0], bore.shape[1]) if np.all(~above_horizon): return null_cut # Find center of array, and radius arr_center = np.mean(det_offs, 0) arr_rad = np.max(np.sum((det_offs - arr_center)**2, 1)**0.5) def calc_mask(det_pos, rad, mask=slice(None)): offs = (det_pos - obj_pos[:, mask]) offs[0] *= cosel[mask] dists2 = np.sum(offs**2, 0) return dists2 < rad**2 # Find samples that could possibly be near object for any detector cand_mask = calc_mask(arr_center[:, None] + bore[1:], margin + arr_rad) cand_mask &= above_horizon cand_inds = np.where(cand_mask)[0] if len(cand_inds) == 0: return null_cut # Loop through all detectors and find out if each candidate actually intersects cuts = [] for di, off in enumerate(det_offs): det_pos = bore[1:, cand_inds] + off[:, None] det_mask = calc_mask(det_pos, margin, cand_inds) # Expand mask to full set det_mask_full = np.zeros(bore.shape[1], bool) det_mask_full[cand_inds] = det_mask # And use this to build actual cuts cuts.append(sampcut.from_mask(det_mask_full)) res = sampcut.stack(cuts) return res
def avoidance_cut(bore, det_offs, site, name_or_pos, margin): """Cut samples that get too close to the specified object (e.g. "Sun" or "Moon") or celestial position ([ra,dec] in racians). Margin specifies how much to avoid the object by.""" cmargin = np.cos(margin) mjd = utils.ctime2mjd(bore[0]) obj_pos = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel","hor",name_or_pos,mjd,site) obj_pos[0] = utils.rewind(obj_pos[0], bore[1]) cosel = np.cos(obj_pos[1]) # Only cut if above horizon above_horizon = obj_pos[1]>0 null_cut = sampcut.empty(det_offs.shape[0], bore.shape[1]) if np.all(~above_horizon): return null_cut # Find center of array, and radius arr_center = np.mean(det_offs,0) arr_rad = np.max(np.sum((det_offs-arr_center)**2,1)**0.5) def calc_mask(det_pos, rad, mask=slice(None)): offs = (det_pos-obj_pos[:,mask]) offs[0] *= cosel[mask] dists2= np.sum(offs**2,0) return dists2 < rad**2 # Find samples that could possibly be near object for any detector cand_mask = calc_mask(arr_center[:,None] + bore[1:], margin+arr_rad) cand_mask &= above_horizon cand_inds = np.where(cand_mask)[0] if len(cand_inds) == 0: return null_cut # Loop through all detectors and find out if each candidate actually intersects cuts = [] for di, off in enumerate(det_offs): det_pos = bore[1:,cand_inds]+off[:,None] det_mask = calc_mask(det_pos, margin, cand_inds) # Expand mask to full set det_mask_full = np.zeros(bore.shape[1], bool) det_mask_full[cand_inds] = det_mask # And use this to build actual cuts cuts.append(sampcut.from_mask(det_mask_full)) res = sampcut.stack(cuts) return res
def avoidance_cut_old(bore, det_offs, site, name_or_pos, margin): """Cut samples that get too close to the specified object (e.g. "Sun" or "Moon") or celestial position ([ra,dec] in racians). Margin specifies how much to avoid the object by.""" cmargin = np.cos(margin) mjd = utils.ctime2mjd(bore[0]) obj_pos = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel","hor",name_or_pos,mjd,site) obj_rect = utils.ang2rect(obj_pos, zenith=False) # Only cut if above horizon above_horizon = obj_pos[1]>0 if np.all(~above_horizon): return sampcut.empty(det_offs.shape[0], bore.shape[1]) cuts = [] for di, off in enumerate(det_offs): det_pos = bore[1:]+off[:,None] #det_rect1 = utils.ang2rect(det_pos, zenith=False) # slow # Not sure defining an ang2rect in array_ops is worth it.. It's ugly, # (angle convention hard coded) and only gives factor 2 on laptop. det_rect = array_ops.ang2rect(np.ascontiguousarray(det_pos.T)).T cdist = np.sum(obj_rect*det_rect,0) # Cut samples above horizon that are too close bad = (cdist > cmargin) & above_horizon cuts.append(sampcut.from_mask(bad)) res = sampcut.stack(cuts) return res
def autocut(d, turnaround=None, ground=None, sun=None, moon=None, max_frac=None, pickup=None): """Apply automatic cuts to calibrated data.""" if not config.get("autocut"): return d ndet, nsamp = d.ndet, d.nsamp if not ndet or not nsamp: return d # Insert a cut into d if necessary if "cut" not in d: d += dataset.DataField("cut", sampcut.empty(ndet,nsamp)) # insert an autocut datafield, to keep track of how much data each # automatic cut cost us d += dataset.DataField("autocut", []) def addcut(label, dcut, targets="c"): # det ndet part here allows for broadcasting of cuts from 1-det to full-det dn = dcut.sum()*d.ndet/dcut.ndet if dcut is not None else 0 if dn == 0: d.autocut.append([label,0,0]) else: n0, dn = d.cut.sum(), dcut.sum() dn = dn*d.cut.ndet/dcut.ndet if "c" in targets: d.cut *= dcut if "n" in targets: d.cut_noiseest *= dcut if "b" in targets: d.cut_basic *= dcut d.autocut.append([ label, dn, d.cut.sum() - n0 ]) # name, mycut, myeffect if config.get("cut_tconst") and "tau" in d: addcut("tconst", cuts.tconst_cut(nsamp, d.tau, config.get("cut_tconst"))) if config.get("cut_stationary") and "boresight" in d: addcut("stationary", cuts.stationary_cut(d.boresight[1])) if config.get("cut_tod_ends") and "srate" in d: addcut("tod_ends", cuts.tod_end_cut(nsamp, d.srate)) if config.get("cut_turnaround", turnaround) and "boresight" in d: addcut("turnaround",cuts.turnaround_cut(d.boresight[1])) if config.get("cut_ground", ground) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d: addcut("ground", cuts.ground_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset)) if config.get("cut_sun", sun) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d and "site" in d: addcut("avoidance",cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset,, "Sun", config.get("cut_sun_dist")*np.pi/180)) if config.get("cut_moon", moon) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d and "site" in d: addcut("moon",cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset,, "Moon", config.get("cut_moon_dist")*np.pi/180)) if config.get("cut_pickup", pickup) and "boresight" in d and "pickup_cut" in d: addcut("pickup",cuts.pickup_cut(d.boresight[1], d.dets, d.pickup_cut)) if config.get("cut_mostly_cut"): addcut("mostly_cut", cuts.cut_mostly_cut_detectors(d.cut_quality)) if config.get("cut_obj"): objs = utils.split_outside(config.get("cut_obj"),",") for obj in objs: toks = obj.split(":") objname = toks[0] if objname.startswith("["): objname = [float(w)* for w in objname[1:-1].split(",")] dist = 0.2* if len(toks) > 1: dist = float(toks[1])* # Hack: only cut for noise estimation purposes if dist is negative targets = "cnb" if dist > 0 else "n" addcut(obj, cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset,, objname, dist), targets=targets) if config.get("cut_srcs"): cpar = [tok.split(":") for tok in config.get("cut_srcs").split(",")] names, lims = [], [] for par in cpar: if par[0] in ["map","nmat"]: names.append(par[0]) lims.append(float(par[1])) if any(lims): params = pointsrcs.src2param(d.pointsrcs) params[:,5:7] = 1 params[:,7] = 0 # Only bother with sources that are actually strong enough maxlim = max(lims+[0]) params = params[params[:,2]>maxlim] cutlist = cuts.point_source_cut(d, params, lims) for name, c in zip(names, cutlist): if name == "map": addcut("point_srcs_m", c, "c") elif name == "nmat": addcut("point_srcs_n", c, "n") if config.get("cut_extra_srcs"): srclist = np.loadtxt(config.get("cut_extra_srcs"), usecols=(0,1), ndmin=2) srclim = float(config.get("cut_extra_lim")) params = np.zeros([len(srclist),8]) params[:,:2] = srclist[:,1::-1]* params[:,2] = 1 params[:,5:7] = 1 c = cuts.point_source_cut(d, params, srclim) addcut("point_srcs", c, "nbc") # What fraction is cut? cut_fraction = float(d.cut.sum())/d.cut.size # Get rid of completely cut detectors keep = np.where(d.cut.sum(axis=1) < nsamp)[0] d.restrict(d.dets[keep]) ndet, nsamp = d.ndet, d.nsamp def cut_all_if(label, condition): if condition: dcut = sampcut.full(d.ndet, nsamp) else: dcut = None addcut(label, dcut) cut_all_if("max_frac", config.get("cut_max_frac", max_frac) < cut_fraction) if "srate" in d: cut_all_if("tod_mindur", config.get("cut_tod_mindur") > nsamp/d.srate/60) cut_all_if("tod_mindet", config.get("cut_tod_mindet") > ndet) # Get rid of completely cut detectors again keep = np.where(d.cut.sum(axis=1) < nsamp)[0] d.restrict(dets=d.dets[keep]) return d
mjd = utils.ctime2mjd( utils.mjd2ctime(scan.mjd0) + scan.boresight[::100, 0]) try: object_pos = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel", "hor", args.objname, mjd, except AttributeError as e: print( "Unexpected error in interpol_pos for %s. mid time was %.5f. message: %s. skipping" % (id, mjd[len(mjd) // 2], e)) continue visible = np.any(object_pos[1] >= -margin) if not visible: cut = sampcut.empty(d.ndet, d.nsamp) else: pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, mask, sys="sidelobe:%s" % args.objname) # Build a tod to project onto. tod = np.zeros((d.ndet, d.nsamp), dtype=dtype) # And project pmap.forward(tod, mask) # Any nonzero samples should be cut tod = tod != 0 cut = sampcut.from_mask(tod) del tod progress = 100.0 * (ind - comm.rank * ntod // comm.size) / ( (comm.rank + 1) * ntod // comm.size - comm.rank * ntod // comm.size) print("%3d %5.1f %s %6.4f %d %8.3f %8.3f" % (comm.rank, progress, id, float(cut.sum()) / cut.size, visible,
sys = "hor", site = scan.hwp_phase = np.zeros([len(bore),2]) bore_box = np.array([np.min(d.boresight,1),np.max(d.boresight,1)]) bore_corners = utils.box2corners(bore_box) scan.entry = d.entry # Is the source above the horizon? If not, it doesn't matter how close # it is. mjd = utils.ctime2mjd(utils.mjd2ctime(scan.mjd0)+scan.boresight[::100,0]) try: object_pos = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel","hor", args.objname, mjd, except AttributeError as e: print("Unexpected error in interpol_pos for %s. mid time was %.5f. message: %s. skipping" % (id, mjd[len(mjd)//2], e)) continue visible = np.any(object_pos[1] >= -margin) if not visible: cut = sampcut.empty(d.ndet, d.nsamp) else: pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, mask, sys="sidelobe:%s" % args.objname) # Build a tod to project onto. tod = np.zeros((d.ndet, d.nsamp), dtype=dtype) # And project pmap.forward(tod, mask) # Any nonzero samples should be cut tod = tod != 0 cut = sampcut.from_mask(tod) del tod progress = 100.0*(ind-comm.rank*ntod//comm.size)/((comm.rank+1)*ntod//comm.size-comm.rank*ntod//comm.size) print("%3d %5.1f %s %6.4f %d %8.3f %8.3f" % (comm.rank, progress, id, float(cut.sum())/cut.size, visible, memory.current()/1024.**3, memory.max()/1024.**3)) mystats.append([ind, float(cut.sum())/cut.size, visible]) # Add to my work file _, uids = actdata.split_detname(d.dets)