def logout(tg_client): """ This function logs the user out. """ file_log = get_logger() if not confirm("Are you sure you want to Logout?"): return task = tg_client.call_method("logOut", {}) task.wait() if task.error_info: print("Oops something went wrong") file_log.error(task.error_info) return try: rmtree(GRAMUP_DIR) except FileNotFoundError: file_log.warning("Cache already cleared")"Logged out") input("Logged out. Press enter to continue.") sys.exit(0)
def fix_failed_screenshot(cursor): print("Fix Base64 Decode Error due to failed screenshot") print() rows = cursor.execute("SELECT ID, Discriminator, FileName, length(FileContents) FROM Events WHERE Discriminator='ScreenshotEvent' AND FileContents like 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The handle is invalid%' ").fetchall() if len(rows): print("ID: Discriminator: FileName: Character Lengh of FileContents") options=[] terminal_rows, terminal_columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() for row in rows: row_filename=f"{str(row[2])}" max_filename_length = (50 * int(terminal_columns)) // 100 if len(row_filename) < max_filename_length: string_row = f"{str(row[0])}: {str(row[1])}: {row_filename}: ({str(row[3])}) Chars" else: shortened_filename="..." + row_filename[-max_filename_length:] string_row = f"{str(row[0])}: {str(row[1])}: {shortened_filename}: ({str(row[3])}) Chars" options.append(string_row) choices = enquiries.choose("Select a record to truncate...", options, multi=True) for choice in choices: truncation_record = re.split(r':\s', choice) if enquiries.confirm('Do you want to resolve {} ({})?'.format(str(truncation_record[0]),str(truncation_record[2]))): print("Attempt to fix record: " + str(truncation_record[0]) ) update_screenshots_in_events_table(cursor, truncation_record[0]) else: print("Could not find any matching records showing evidence of stack trace where a SreenShot should be.") print("") fix_bad_things_menu(cursor)
def truncate_downloaded_files_events_table(cursor): print("Which Downloaded file do you wish to truncate?") print("") rows = cursor.execute("SELECT ID, Discriminator, FileName, length(FileContents) FROM Events WHERE Discriminator='DownloadEvent' ").fetchall() if len(rows): print("ID: Discriminator: FileName: Character Lengh of FileContents") options=[] terminal_rows, terminal_columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() for row in rows: row_filename=f"{str(row[2])}" max_filename_length = (50 * int(terminal_columns)) // 100 if len(row_filename) < max_filename_length: string_row = f"{str(row[0])}: {str(row[1])}: {row_filename}: ({str(row[3])}) Chars" else: shortened_filename="..." + row_filename[-max_filename_length:] string_row = f"{str(row[0])}: {str(row[1])}: {shortened_filename}: ({str(row[3])}) Chars" options.append(string_row) choices = enquiries.choose("Select a record to truncate...", options, multi=True) for choice in choices: truncation_record = re.split(r':\s', choice) if enquiries.confirm('Do you want to truncate {} ({})?'.format(str(truncation_record[0]),str(truncation_record[2]))): print("Truncated record: " + str(truncation_record[0]) ) update_downloads_in_events_table(cursor, truncation_record[0]) else: print("Currently no downloads in the database.") print("") fix_bad_things_menu(cursor)
def change_folder(_): """ This function allows user to change backup folder. """ file_log = get_logger() try: with open(DATA_FILE, "rb") as db_file: db_dict = pickle.load(db_file) except FileNotFoundError: file_log.warning("No backup folders to change") db_dict = {} if not confirm(f"Currently {','.join(db_dict['back_up_folders'])} are backed-up. Do you want to change this?"): return db_dict["back_up_folders"] = get_folders() with open(DATA_FILE, "wb") as db_file: pickle.dump(db_dict, db_file)"Backup Folders changed.") input("Backup Folders changed. Press any enter to continue.")
def get_folders(c_dir=None, selected_dirs=None): """ This function shows a file chooser to select multiple directories. """ if c_dir is None: c_dir = getcwd() selected_dirs = selected_dirs if selected_dirs else set([]) dirs = {item for item in listdir(c_dir) if isdir(join(c_dir, item))} dirs = {item for item in dirs if join(c_dir, item) not in selected_dirs and item[0] != "."} options = ["Select This directory"] options.extend(dirs) options.append("⬅") info = f"You have selected : \n {','.join(selected_dirs)} \n" if len(selected_dirs) > 0 else "\n" choice = choose(f"{info}You are in {c_dir}", options) if choice == options[0]: selected_dirs.add(c_dir) if confirm("Do you want to select more folders?"): return get_folders(str(Path(c_dir).parent), selected_dirs) return selected_dirs if choice == options[-1]: return get_folders(str(Path(c_dir).parent), selected_dirs) return get_folders(join(c_dir, choice), selected_dirs)
def clear_cache(_): """ This function clears all local caches. """ if not confirm("Are you sure you want to clear all cache?"): return file_log = get_logger() try: rmtree(CACHE_DIR) except FileNotFoundError: file_log.warning("Cache already cleared")"Cache cleared") input("Cache cleared. Press any enter to continue.")
def handle(self) -> None: email = "" password = "" while not email: email = input("Email: ") while not password: password = getpass("Password: "******"Password stored for {email}") if enquiries.confirm(f"Use {email} as your default account?"): self.config["default_account"] = email save_config(self.config)
def change_chat(tg_client): """ This function allows user to change backup folder. """ file_log = get_logger() try: with open(DATA_FILE, "rb") as db_file: db_dict = pickle.load(db_file) except FileNotFoundError: file_log.warning("No backup folders to change") db_dict = {} if not confirm("If you change chat you will not be able to access previously backed-up files without changing back." "Are you sure you want to change?"): return get_chat_id(tg_client, db_dict["phone_number"], db_dict["back_up_folders"]) input("backup chat changed. Press any enter to continue.")
def truncate_downloaded_files_commandoutputs_table(cursor): print("Which Downloaded file do you wish to truncate?") print("") sql = ''' SELECT CommandOutputs.Id, GruntTaskings.Parameters , length(CommandOutputs.Output) FROM CommandOutputs INNER JOIN GruntCommands ON GruntCommands.CommandOutputId = CommandOutputs.Id INNER JOIN GruntTaskings ON GruntTaskings.GruntCommandId = GruntCommands.Id INNER JOIN GruntTasks ON GruntTaskings.GruntTaskId = GruntTasks.Id WHERE GruntTasks.Name = 'Download' ''' rows = cursor.execute(sql).fetchall() if len(rows): print("ID: Discriminator: FileName: Character Lengh of FileContents") options=[] terminal_rows, terminal_columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() for row in rows: row_filename=f"{str(row[1])}" max_filename_length = (50 * int(terminal_columns)) // 100 if len(row_filename) < max_filename_length: string_row = f"{str(row[0])}: {row_filename}: ({str(row[2])}) Chars" else: shortened_filename="..." + row_filename[-max_filename_length:] string_row = f"{str(row[0])}: {shortened_filename}: ({str(row[2])}) Chars" options.append(string_row) choices = enquiries.choose("Select a record to truncate...", options, multi=True) for choice in choices: truncation_record = re.split(r':\s', choice) if enquiries.confirm('Do you want to truncate {} ({})?'.format(str(truncation_record[0]),str(truncation_record[1]))): print("Truncated record: " + str(truncation_record[0]) ) update_downloads_in_commandoutputs_table(cursor, truncation_record[0]) else: print("Currently no downloads in the database.") print("") fix_bad_things_menu(cursor)
def login(): """ This function creates and authenticates Telegram client and calls the call_back with Telegram client, phone no and chat id as arguments. """ (ph_no, chat_id, bup_folders) = load_data() tg_client = Telegram(api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH, files_directory=FILES_DIR, database_encryption_key=DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY, tdlib_verbosity=0, phone=ph_no) tg_client.call_method( "setTdlibParameters", { "use_file_database": True, "use_chat_info_database": True, "use_message_database": True, "application_version": VERSION }, ) if chat_id is None: print("A code has been sent to you via telegram.") try_login_with_code(tg_client) if chat_id is None: chat_id = get_chat_id(tg_client, ph_no, bup_folders) if confirm("Do you want to load previously backed-up file list?"): print("Getting file list, this might take some time...") tg_client.get_chats().wait() return tg_client, chat_id, bup_folders
print("your password is: ", passman.get_password()) elif choice == options[1]: print("adding a new password...") passman.add_password() #passman.save_new_passwords(pass_dict) elif choice == options[2]: print("getting password...") print("your password is: ", passman.get_password_menu(pass_dict)) elif choice == options[3]: print("entering setting menu...") settings_choice = enquiries.choose('Choose one of these options: ', settings_options) if settings_choice == settings_options[0]: print("setting machine_id...") #passman.set_machine_id() elif settings_choice == settings_options[1]: print("creating master password...") passman.create_master_password() #passman.generate_key() elif settings_choice == settings_options[2]: print("exiting...") quit() elif choice == options[4]: print("exiting...") quit() if enquiries.confirm('yes to continue using passman, no to exit'): os.system('clear') else: quit()