Beispiel #1
 def deleteResource(self, resource_id):
     Delete a resource (resource must be empty or error will be thrown).
     :param resource_id: The numeric ID of resource (cannot use resource name here).
     :type resource_id: int
     :return: The deleted resource object.
     :rtype: dict
     r = resources.delete(resource_id)
     auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_DEL, target=r)
     return r.to_dict(decrypt=False)
Beispiel #2
 def delete(self, group_id):
     Deletes a group.
     group = groups.get(group_id)
     all_resources = group.resources.all()
     # This is very lazy (could be done in SQL), but simple/easy-to-debug.
     resources_only_in_this_group = []
     resources_in_other_groups_too = [] 
     for r in all_resources:
         if r.groups.all() == [group]:
     if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
         # First remove any resources that are only owned by this group. 
         for r in resources_only_in_this_group:
             # Remove any passwords in this resource
             for pw in r.passwords:
                 del_pw = passwords.delete(
                 auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_DEL, target=del_pw)
             del_r = resources.delete(
             auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_DEL, target=del_r)
         # Next we manually remove the group from any other resources that were associated
         # with this group.
         for r in resources_in_other_groups_too:
             group_ids = set([ for g in r.groups.all()])
             (mod_r, modified) = resources.modify(, group_ids=group_ids)
             if modified:
                 auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_MOD, target=mod_r, attributes_modified=modified)
         # And finally we can delete the group itself.
         group = groups.delete(
         auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_DEL, target=group)
         notify_entity_activity(group, 'deleted')
         raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/group/list')
         return render('group/delete.html', {'group_id': group_id,
                                             'del_resources': resources_only_in_this_group,
                                             'mod_resources': resources_in_other_groups_too})
Beispiel #3
 def delete(self, resource_id, redirect_to=None):
     resource = resources.get(resource_id)
     if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
         # First remove any passwords for this resource.
         for pw in resource.passwords:
             del_pw = passwords.delete(
             auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_DEL, target=del_pw)
         # Then remove the actual resource
         resource = resources.delete(resource_id)
         auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_DEL, target=resource)
         notify_entity_activity(resource, 'deleted')
         if redirect_to:
             raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect_to)
             raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/resource/list')
         return render('resource/delete.html', {'resource': resource,
                                                'redirect_to': redirect_to})