Beispiel #1
class Track(Playable):
    '''Representation of a music track.'''

    def __init__(self, filename, title, number, artist, album, year, length,
        lyrics, create_album_callback):

        # Check that these fields are integers
        for field in [number, year, length]:
            if type(field) != int:
                raise TrackTypeError("%s is not an integer" % field)

        self.filename = filename
        self.title = title
        self.number = number
        self.artist = artist
        self._album = album
        self.year = year
        # Length of the track in seconds (example 240)
        self.length = length
        self._lyrics = lyrics
        self.create_album_callback = create_album_callback

    def album(self):
        '''Get the album object and use the callback if it's not an instance.'''
        if not isinstance(self._album, Album):
            album = self.create_album_callback(self._album)
            self._album = album
            return album
            return self._album

    def length_string(self):
        '''Return length as a human readable string. Example: 2:46.'''
        return str(self.length / 60) + ":" + str.zfill(str(self.length % 60), 2)

    def _get_lyrics(self):
        '''Get the track lyrics.'''
        return self._lyrics

    def _set_lyrics(self, lyrics):
        '''Set the lyrics. LyricsDownloader returns None if it can't find
        anything so ensure that using lyrics is always a string.'''
        if lyrics is None:
            self._lyrics = ''
            self._lyrics = lyrics

    lyrics = property(_get_lyrics, _set_lyrics)

    def has_lyrics(self):
        '''Test if the track has any lyrics.'''
        if self.lyrics == "":
            return False
            return True

    def fetch_lyrics(self, callback=False):
        '''Fetch lyrics from the Internet using the LyricsDownloader, use a
        callback function to indicate completion since LyricsDownloader is
        asynchronous. Callback function must take lyrics as only input
        if not callback:
            callback = self.set_lyrics
        if not self.has_lyrics():
            self.ld = LyricsDownloader(self.title, self.artist, callback)

    def get_album_art_url(self):
        '''Get the album art location if it exists.'''
        if self.album.has_album_art():
            return self.album.album_art_url
            return None

    # Implement playable interface
    def get_title(self):
        '''Get the title.'''
        return self.title

    def get_type(self):
        '''Get the type.'''
        return Playable.AUDIO_STREAM

    def get_uri(self):
        '''Get the URI.'''
        return "file://" + self.filename