Beispiel #1
    def _create_playing_preview(self):
        '''Create the Now Playing preview sidebar.'''
        preview = clutter.Group()

        # Video preview of current media
        video_texture = self.media_player.get_texture()
        if video_texture == None:
            video_texture = Texture(self.theme.getImage("default_album_art"))
        width, height = video_texture.get_size()
        x_ratio = (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width)
        y_ratio = (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height)

        if x_ratio > y_ratio:
            video_texture.set_scale((self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height),
                                    (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height))
            new_width = int(width * \
                ((self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height)))
            new_x = int(((self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) - new_width) / 2.0)
            video_texture.set_position(int(new_x), 0)
            # Below are size and position calculations for border rectangle
            rect_x = new_x -3
            rect_y = -3
            new_width = (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height) * width
            new_height = (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height) * height
            video_texture.set_scale((self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width),
                                    (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width))
            new_height = int(height * \
                ((self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width)))
            new_y = int(((self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) - new_height) / 2.0)
            video_texture.set_position(0, int(new_y))
            rect_x = -3
            rect_y = new_y -3
            # Below are size and position calculations for border rectangle
            new_width = (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width) * width
            new_height = (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width) * height

        # Video frame
        rect = clutter.Rectangle()
        rect.set_size(int(new_width + 6), int(new_height + 6))
        rect.set_position(rect_x, rect_y)
        rect.set_color((128, 128, 128, 192))


        self._preview_title = Label(0.03, "text", 0.03, 0.74, "")

        return preview