Beispiel #1
    def _create_viewport(self):
        # Create a container and add our plots
        canvas = PlotCanvas()
        canvas.range_controller = RangeController(cavas = canvas)

        toolbar = make_toolbar(canvas)
        toolbar.component = canvas

        viewport = Viewport(component=canvas)
        if MULTITOUCH:
  , drag_button="right"))
        return viewport
def create_plot ( parent, editor ):
    """ Creates a data explorer plot.
        nmep  = editor.object
        model = nmep.model
        items = nmep.plot_items
        if len( items ) == 0:
            return wx.Panel( parent, -1 )
        index = nmep.plot_index
        if index is None:
            plot_index = PlotValue( arange( 0.0, len( model.model_indices ) ) )
            selection_index = None
            plot_index      = PlotValue( ModelData( model = model,
                                                    name  = ) )
            selection_index = PlotValue( SelectionData( model = model,
                                                        name  = ) )
        canvas = PlotCanvas( plot_type     = items[0].plot_type,
                             plot_bg_color = items[0].canvas_color )
        canvas.axis_index = PlotAxis()
        if index is not None:
            canvas.axis_index.title = index.label
        if len( items ) == 1:
            canvas.axis = PlotAxis( title = items[0].label )
            canvas.add( PlotGroup(
                            overlay  = True,
                            position = 'top right',
                            *[ PlotOverlay( legend_color = item.line_color,
                                            text         = item.label,
                                            border_size  = 0,
                                            bg_color     = transparent,
                                            margin       = 0,
                                            padding      = 2 )
                               for item in items ] ) )
        for item in items:
            canvas.add( PlotValue( ModelData( model = model ).set(
                                              name  = ),
                                   index         = plot_index,
                                   plot_type     = item.plot_type,
                                   line_weight   = item.line_weight,
                                   line_color    = item.line_color,
                                   fill_color    = item.fill_color,
                                   outline_color = item.outline_color,
                                   size          = 'small' ) )
            if selection_index is not None:
                plot_value = PlotValue( SelectionData( model = model ).set(
                                                       name  = ),
                                        index      = selection_index,
                                        plot_type  = 'scatter',
                                        size       = item.selection_size,
                                        fill_color = item.selection_color )
                canvas.add( plot_value )

        # Set up the interactive data filters:
        if selection_index is not None:
            canvas.interaction = nmep._interaction = ia = \
                NumericModelExplorerInteraction( value = plot_value )
            nmep._selection_models = sms = []
            ia._filters = filters = []
            for item in items:
                sm = model.get_selection_model()
                sms.append( sm )
                sm.model_filter = PolygonFilter( x_value =,
                                                 y_value = )
                filters.append( sm.model_filter )

            ia.on_trait_change( editor.ui.handler.interaction_complete,
                                'points' )
            if len( nmep.polygon ) > 0:
                do_later( ia.set_selection, nmep.polygon )

        return Window( parent,
                       component = PlotComponent( component = canvas ) ).control
        import traceback
Beispiel #3
    def init ( self, parent ):
        """ Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit
        # Make sure the model we'll be editing exists:
        object = self.object
        model  = getattr( object, '_hidden_model', None )
        if model is None:
            object._hidden_model = model = NumericObjectModel( object )

        # Get the list of traits to plot:
        factory = self.factory
        type    = factory.type
        index   = factory.index
        names   = factory.names
        if len( names ) == 0:
            names = [ name for name in object.trait_names()
                      if object.base_trait( name ).array ]

        idx = getattr( object, index, None )
        if idx is None:
            plot_index = PlotValue( arange( 0.0, len( model.model_indices ) ) )
            selection_index = None
            plot_index      = PlotValue( ModelData( model = model ).set(
                                                    name  = index ) )
            selection_index = PlotValue( SelectionData( model = model ).set(
                                                        name  = index ) )
        canvas = PlotCanvas( plot_type = factory.type,
                             bg_color  = BGColor )
        canvas.axis_index = PlotAxis()
        if idx is not None:
            canvas.axis_index.title = index
        if len( names ) == 1:
            canvas.axis = PlotAxis( title = names[0] )
        for name in names:
            canvas.add( PlotValue( ModelData( model = model ).set(
                                              name  = name ),
                                   index     = plot_index,
                                   plot_type = type,
                                   size      = 'small' ) )
            if selection_index is not None:
                plot_value = PlotValue( SelectionData( model = model ).set(
                                                       name  = name ),
                                        index      = selection_index,
                                        plot_type  = 'scatter',
                                        fill_color = 'red',
                                        size       = 'small' )
                canvas.add( plot_value )

        # Set up the interactive data filters:
        if selection_index is not None:
            canvas.interaction = ia = \
                NumericModelExplorerInteraction( value = plot_value )
            ia._filters = filters = []
            for name in names:
                sm = model.get_selection_model()
                sm.model_filter = PolygonFilter( x_value = index,
                                                 y_value = name )
                filters.append( sm.model_filter )

            ia.on_trait_change( self.interaction_complete, 'points' )

        self.control = Window( parent, component = PlotComponent(
                                                  component = canvas ) ).control