def update_pipeline(self):         # Called when we drag filter under another VTK file
        """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline
        when data upstream is known to have changed.

        This method is invoked (automatically) when the input fires a
        `pipeline_changed` event.
        # Do nothing if there is no input.
        if len(self.inputs) == 0:

        magn = linalg.norm
        earth_radius = 6378000.0

        # By default we set the input to the first output of the first input
        self.grid = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
        self.grid.deep_copy(self.inputs[0].reader.output)  ## WAY OF DOING THIS WITHOUT A DEEP COPY?
        #self.inputs[0].outputs[0] ## DOESN'T WORK WITH update_data()

        # Split array by column into the cartesian coordinates
        xyz = array(self.grid.points)
        x = xyz[:,0]
        y = xyz[:,1]
        z = xyz[:,2]

        xyz_squared = xyz**2
        r_squared = xyz_squared.sum(axis=1)
        r = sqrt(r_squared)

        self.longitude = arctan2(y, x)
        self.colatitude = 1.3 * arccos(z/r)
        self.initial_depth = earth_radius - r

        # Now we do vector correction
        self.unit_r = column_stack((x/r, y/r, z/r))
        len_lon = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        self.unit_lon = column_stack((y/len_lon, -1*x/len_lon, zeros(len(x))))
        self.unit_lat = cross(self.unit_r, self.unit_lon)

        # Correct current vector array
        current_vector_array = self.inputs[0].outputs[0]


        # Propagate the data_changed event - let modules that depend on this filter know that pipeline has changed
        self.pipeline_changed = True
    def update_data(self):             # Called when we change an option under VTK file, e.g. one of the vectors
        """Override this method to do what is necessary when upstream
        data changes.

        This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs
        sends a `data_changed` event.
        # Do nothing if there is no input.
        if len(self.inputs) == 0:

        if (self.inputs[0].reader.output.point_data.scalars):
            self.active_scalar = self.inputs[0]
        if (self.inputs[0].reader.output.point_data.vectors):
            self.active_vector = self.inputs[0]

        # Propagate the data_changed event - let modules that depend on this filter know that data has changed
        self.data_changed = True
 def setup_pipeline(self):
     """Override this method so that it *creates* its tvtk
 def _scale_factor_changed(self, old, new):