Beispiel #1
    def _on_player_victim(self, attacker, victim, **kwargs):
        if attacker.dead or self.level == 0:

        info = TakeDamageInfo()
        info.inflictor = victim.index
        info.damage = self.reflect_damage
    def _on_player_victim(self, attacker, victim, **kwargs):
        if attacker.dead or randint(0,
                                    101) > (self.level * 2) or self.level == 0:

        info = TakeDamageInfo()
        info.inflictor = victim.index
        info.damage = self.reflect_damage
Beispiel #3
    def take_damage(self, damage, attacker, weapon=None, skip_hooks=True):
        # TODO: This method should not have been called if the victim is already dead
        assert not self.player.dead

        if not self.player.dead:
            global _global_bypass

            _global_bypass = skip_hooks

            take_damage_info = TakeDamageInfo()
            take_damage_info.attacker = attacker

            if weapon is None:
                index = set_weapon_name('point_hurt', None)
                index = set_weapon_name(weapon)

            take_damage_info.weapon = index
            take_damage_info.inflictor = index
            take_damage_info.damage = damage
            take_damage_info.type = DamageTypes.GENERIC

                _global_bypass = False
Beispiel #4
    def take_damage(self, damage, attacker, weapon=None, skip_hooks=True):
        # TODO: This method should not have been called if the victim is already dead
        assert not self.player.dead

        if not self.player.dead:
            global _global_bypass

            _global_bypass = skip_hooks

            take_damage_info = TakeDamageInfo()
            take_damage_info.attacker = attacker

            global _global_weapon_entity

            if _global_weapon_entity is None:
                _global_weapon_entity = Entity.create('info_target')

            if weapon is None:
                _global_weapon_entity.set_key_value_string('classname', 'point_hurt')
                _global_weapon_entity.set_key_value_string('classname', f'wcs_{weapon}')

            take_damage_info.weapon = _global_weapon_entity.index
            take_damage_info.inflictor = _global_weapon_entity.index
            take_damage_info.damage = damage
            take_damage_info.type = DamageTypes.GENERIC

                _global_bypass = False
Beispiel #5
    def take_damage(
            self, damage, damage_type=DamageTypes.GENERIC, attacker_index=None,
            weapon_index=None, hitgroup=HitGroup.GENERIC, skip_hooks=False,
        """Method used to hurt the entity with the given arguments."""
        # Import Entity classes
        # Doing this in the global scope causes cross import errors
        from weapons.entity import Weapon

        # Is the game supported?
        if not hasattr(self, 'on_take_damage'):

            # Raise an error if not supported
            raise NotImplementedError(
                '"take_damage" is not implemented for {0}'.format(GAME_NAME))

        # Store values for later use
        attacker = None
        weapon = None

        # Was an attacker given?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Entity instance of the attacker
            with suppress(ValueError):
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Was a weapon given?
        if weapon_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Weapon instance of the weapon
            with suppress(ValueError):
                weapon = Weapon(weapon_index)

        # Is there a weapon but no attacker?
        if attacker is None and weapon is not None:

            # Try to get the attacker based off of the weapon's owner
            with suppress(ValueError, OverflowError):
                attacker_index = index_from_inthandle(weapon.current_owner)
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Is there an attacker but no weapon?
        if attacker is not None and weapon is None:

            # Try to use the attacker's active weapon
            with suppress(AttributeError, ValueError, OverflowError):
                weapon = Weapon(index_from_inthandle(attacker.active_weapon))

        # Try to set the hitgroup
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            self.hitgroup = hitgroup

        # Get a TakeDamageInfo instance
        take_damage_info = TakeDamageInfo()

        # Is there a valid weapon?
        if weapon is not None:

            # Is the weapon a projectile?
            if weapon.classname in _projectile_weapons:

                # Set the inflictor to the weapon's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = weapon.index

            # Is the weapon not a projectile and the attacker is valid?
            elif attacker_index is not None:

                # Set the inflictor to the attacker's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = attacker_index

            # Set the weapon to the weapon's index
            take_damage_info.weapon = weapon.index

        # Is the attacker valid?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Set the attacker to the attacker's index
            take_damage_info.attacker = attacker_index

        # Set the damage amount
        take_damage_info.damage = damage

        # Set the damage type value
        take_damage_info.type = damage_type

        # Loop through the given keywords
        for item in kwargs:

            # Set the offset's value
            setattr(take_damage_info, item, kwargs[item])

        if skip_hooks:
Beispiel #6
    def take_damage(self,
        """Deal damage to the entity.

        :param int damage:
            Amount of damage to deal.
        :param DamageTypes damage_type:
            Type of the dealed damage.
        :param int attacker_index:
            If not None, the index will be used as the attacker.
        :param int weapon_index:
            If not None, the index will be used as the weapon. This method
            also tries to retrieve the attacker from the weapon, if
            ``attacker_index`` wasn't set.
        :param HitGroup hitgroup:
            The hitgroup where the damage should be applied.
        :param bool skip_hooks:
            If True, the damage will be dealed directly by skipping any
            registered hooks.
        # Import Entity classes
        # Doing this in the global scope causes cross import errors
        from weapons.entity import Weapon

        # Is the game supported?
        if not hasattr(self, 'on_take_damage'):

            # Raise an error if not supported
            raise NotImplementedError(
                '"take_damage" is not implemented for {0}'.format(GAME_NAME))

        # Store values for later use
        attacker = None
        weapon = None

        # Was an attacker given?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Entity instance of the attacker
            with suppress(ValueError):
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Was a weapon given?
        if weapon_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Weapon instance of the weapon
            with suppress(ValueError):
                weapon = Weapon(weapon_index)

        # Is there a weapon but no attacker?
        if attacker is None and weapon is not None:

            # Try to get the attacker based off of the weapon's owner
            with suppress(ValueError, OverflowError):
                attacker_index = index_from_inthandle(weapon.owner_handle)
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Is there an attacker but no weapon?
        if attacker is not None and weapon is None:

            # Try to use the attacker's active weapon
            with suppress(AttributeError):
                weapon = attacker.active_weapon

        # Try to set the hitgroup
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            self.hitgroup = hitgroup

        # Get a TakeDamageInfo instance
        take_damage_info = TakeDamageInfo()

        # Is there a valid weapon?
        if weapon is not None:

            # Is the weapon a projectile?
            if weapon.classname in _projectile_weapons:

                # Set the inflictor to the weapon's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = weapon.index

            # Is the weapon not a projectile and the attacker is valid?
            elif attacker_index is not None:

                # Set the inflictor to the attacker's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = attacker_index

            # Set the weapon to the weapon's index
            take_damage_info.weapon = weapon.index

        # Is the attacker valid?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Set the attacker to the attacker's index
            take_damage_info.attacker = attacker_index

        # Set the damage amount
        take_damage_info.damage = damage

        # Set the damage type value
        take_damage_info.type = damage_type

        # Loop through the given keywords
        for item in kwargs:

            # Set the offset's value
            setattr(take_damage_info, item, kwargs[item])

        if skip_hooks:
Beispiel #7
def on_take_damage_alive_pre(stack_data):
    """Creates a FloatingNumber when a player takes damage."""
    # Get the Player instance of the victim.
    player_v = player_instances[index_from_pointer(stack_data[0])]
    # Get the CTakeDamageInfo instance.
    info = TakeDamageInfo._obj(stack_data[1])
    # Get the index of the entity that caused the damage.
    index_a = info.attacker

    # Did the player take damage from the world?
    if index_a == 0:
        # Are damage numbers disabled for world damage (world_damage set to 0)?
        if not world_damage.get_int():

        number_origin = player_v.get_number_origin()
        unique_data = []

        for player in player_instances.values():
            # There's no need for bots to see the FloatingNumber.
            if player.is_bot():

            # Is the player not looking at the position where the
            # FloatingNumber is going to spawn?
            if not player.is_in_fov(target=number_origin):

            distance = number_origin.get_distance(player.origin)
            # Add this player's unique data to the list.
                'angle': player.view_angle,
                'size': 10 + distance * DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER,
                'recipient': player.userid

        # Will no one be able to see this FloatingNumber?
        if not unique_data:
            # Don't bother spawning it.

            # Since `info.damage` is a float, convert it to an integer before
            # converting it to a string to get rid of the decimal part.

    # Or from a player?
            # Try to get the Player instance of the attacker.
            player_a = player_instances[index_a]
        except ValueError:
            # Damage was caused indirectly (grenade, projectile).
                # Try to get a Player instance again, but this time using the
                # the owner inthandle of the entity that caused the damage.
                player_a = player_instances.from_inthandle(
            except (ValueError, OverflowError):
                # ValueError: not a player.
                # OverflowError: invalid owner inthandle (-1).

        # Is the attacker a bot?
        if player_a.is_bot():

        # Self inflicted damage?
        if player_v is player_a:

        number_origin = player_v.get_number_origin()
        velocity = None

        # Did the bullet go through another entity before hitting the player?
        if info.penetrated and wall_bangs.get_int():
            # Let's check if that entity is the world.
            trace = GameTrace()
                # Create a Ray() from the attacker's eyes to the hit position.
                Ray(player_a.eye_location, info.position),

            # Is this an actual wall-bang (bullet went through world)?
            if trace.did_hit():
                # Calculate the directional vector from the wall to the player.
                from_wall = trace.start_position - trace.end_position
                # Calculate the offset for the FloatingNumber's new origin.
                origin_offset = 10 + from_wall.length * 0.01
                # Normalize it.
                # Vector(368.52, 40.71, -7.77) -> Vector(0.99, 0.10, -0.02)
                # Change the origin of the FloatingNumber so it spawns in front
                # of the wall where the wall-bang took place.
                number_origin = trace.end_position + origin_offset * from_wall

                right, up = Vector(), Vector()
                from_wall.get_vector_vectors(right, up)

                velocity = from_wall * 25 + (
                    right * 35 * player_a.next_direction)
                # If the bullet went through something else (another player)
                # before hitting the wall, adjust how high the FloatingNumber
                # gets pushed.
                velocity.z = 75 * info.penetrated

        distance = number_origin.get_distance(player_a.origin)
        # TODO: Figure out a better way to allow other plugins to change the
        # color of the FloatingNumber. Or hardcode the colors to unused
        # DamageTypes (e.g. AIRBOAT = YELLOW, PHYSGUN = BLUE)?
        color = YELLOW if info.type == DamageTypes.AIRBOAT else WHITE

            # Change the color if it's a headshot.
            color=RED if player_v.last_hitgroup == 1 else color,
            # Increase the size depending on the distance.
            size=10 + distance * DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER,
    def take_damage(
            self, damage, damage_type=DamageTypes.GENERIC, attacker_index=None,
            weapon_index=None, hitgroup=HitGroup.GENERIC, skip_hooks=False,
        """Deal damage to the entity.

        :param int damage:
            Amount of damage to deal.
        :param DamageTypes damage_type:
            Type of the dealed damage.
        :param int attacker_index:
            If not None, the index will be used as the attacker.
        :param int weapon_index:
            If not None, the index will be used as the weapon. This method
            also tries to retrieve the attacker from the weapon, if
            ``attacker_index`` wasn't set.
        :param HitGroup hitgroup:
            The hitgroup where the damage should be applied.
        :param bool skip_hooks:
            If True, the damage will be dealed directly by skipping any
            registered hooks.
        # Import Entity classes
        # Doing this in the global scope causes cross import errors
        from weapons.entity import Weapon

        # Is the game supported?
        if not hasattr(self, 'on_take_damage'):

            # Raise an error if not supported
            raise NotImplementedError(
                '"take_damage" is not implemented for {0}'.format(GAME_NAME))

        # Store values for later use
        attacker = None
        weapon = None

        # Was an attacker given?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Entity instance of the attacker
            with suppress(ValueError):
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Was a weapon given?
        if weapon_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Weapon instance of the weapon
            with suppress(ValueError):
                weapon = Weapon(weapon_index)

        # Is there a weapon but no attacker?
        if attacker is None and weapon is not None:

            # Try to get the attacker based off of the weapon's owner
            with suppress(ValueError, OverflowError):
                attacker_index = index_from_inthandle(weapon.owner_handle)
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Is there an attacker but no weapon?
        if attacker is not None and weapon is None:

            # Try to use the attacker's active weapon
            with suppress(AttributeError):
                weapon = attacker.active_weapon

        # Try to set the hitgroup
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            self.hitgroup = hitgroup

        # Get a TakeDamageInfo instance
        take_damage_info = TakeDamageInfo()

        # Is there a valid weapon?
        if weapon is not None:

            # Is the weapon a projectile?
            if weapon.classname in _projectile_weapons:

                # Set the inflictor to the weapon's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = weapon.index

            # Is the weapon not a projectile and the attacker is valid?
            elif attacker_index is not None:

                # Set the inflictor to the attacker's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = attacker_index

            # Set the weapon to the weapon's index
            take_damage_info.weapon = weapon.index

        # Is the attacker valid?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Set the attacker to the attacker's index
            take_damage_info.attacker = attacker_index

        # Set the damage amount
        take_damage_info.damage = damage

        # Set the damage type value
        take_damage_info.type = damage_type

        # Loop through the given keywords
        for item in kwargs:

            # Set the offset's value
            setattr(take_damage_info, item, kwargs[item])

        if skip_hooks:
def take_damage(entity, damage, attacker):
    take_damage_info = TakeDamageInfo()
    take_damage_info.attacker = attacker.index
    take_damage_info.damage = damage
    take_damage_info.type = DamageTypes.BLAST
Beispiel #10
    def take_damage(
            self, damage, damage_type=DamageTypes.GENERIC, attacker_index=None,
            weapon_index=None, hitgroup=HitGroup.GENERIC, skip_hooks=False,
        """Method used to hurt the entity with the given arguments."""
        # Import Entity classes
        # Doing this in the global scope causes cross import errors
        from weapons.entity import Weapon

        # Is the game supported?
        if not hasattr(self, 'on_take_damage'):

            # Raise an error if not supported
            raise NotImplementedError(
                '"take_damage" is not implemented for {0}'.format(GAME_NAME))

        # Store values for later use
        attacker = None
        weapon = None

        # Was an attacker given?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Entity instance of the attacker
            with suppress(ValueError):
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Was a weapon given?
        if weapon_index is not None:

            # Try to get the Weapon instance of the weapon
            with suppress(ValueError):
                weapon = Weapon(weapon_index)

        # Is there a weapon but no attacker?
        if attacker is None and weapon is not None:

            # Try to get the attacker based off of the weapon's owner
            with suppress(ValueError, OverflowError):
                attacker_index = index_from_inthandle(weapon.current_owner)
                attacker = Entity(attacker_index)

        # Is there an attacker but no weapon?
        if attacker is not None and weapon is None:

            # Try to use the attacker's active weapon
            with suppress(AttributeError, ValueError, OverflowError):
                weapon = Weapon(index_from_inthandle(attacker.active_weapon))

        # Try to set the hitgroup
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            self.hitgroup = hitgroup

        # Get a TakeDamageInfo instance
        take_damage_info = TakeDamageInfo()

        # Is there a valid weapon?
        if weapon is not None:

            # Is the weapon a projectile?
            if weapon.classname in _projectile_weapons:

                # Set the inflictor to the weapon's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = weapon.index

            # Is the weapon not a projectile and the attacker is valid?
            elif attacker_index is not None:

                # Set the inflictor to the attacker's index
                take_damage_info.inflictor = attacker_index

            # Set the weapon to the weapon's index
            take_damage_info.weapon = weapon.index

        # Is the attacker valid?
        if attacker_index is not None:

            # Set the attacker to the attacker's index
            take_damage_info.attacker = attacker_index

        # Set the damage amount
        take_damage_info.damage = damage

        # Set the damage type value
        take_damage_info.type = damage_type

        # Loop through the given keywords
        for item in kwargs:

            # Set the offset's value
            setattr(take_damage_info, item, kwargs[item])

        if skip_hooks: