Beispiel #1
 def hex(self, value):
     Much like the python hex routine, except this will automatically
     pad the value's string length out to pointer width.
     w = self.arch.getPointerSize()
     return e_bits.hex(value, width)
Beispiel #2
 def hex(self, value):
     Much like the python hex routine, except this will automatically
     pad the value's string length out to pointer width.
     w = self.arch.getPointerSize()
     return e_bits.hex(value, width)
Beispiel #3
    def do_reg(self, args):
        Show the current register values.  Additionally, you may specify
        name=<expression> to set a register

        Usage: reg [regname=vtrace_expression]
        if len(args):
            if args.find("=") == -1:
                return self.do_help("reg")
            regname,expr = args.split("=", 1)
            val = self.trace.parseExpression(expr)
            self.trace.setRegisterByName(regname, val)
            self.vprint("%s = 0x%.8x" % (regname, val))

        regs = self.trace.getRegisters()
        rnames = regs.keys()
        final = []
        for r in rnames:
            # Capitol names are used for reg vals that we don't want to see
            # (by default)
            if r.lower() != r:
            val = regs.get(r)
            vstr = e_bits.hex(val, 4)
            final.append(("%12s:0x%.8x (%d)" % (r,val,val)))
    def do_reg(self, args):
        Show the current register values.  Additionally, you may specify
        name=<expression> to set a register

        Usage: reg [regname=vtrace_expression]
        if len(args):
            if args.find("=") == -1:
                return self.do_help("reg")
            regname, expr = args.split("=", 1)
            val = self.trace.parseExpression(expr)
            self.trace.setRegisterByName(regname, val)
            self.vprint("%s = 0x%.8x" % (regname, val))

        regs = self.trace.getRegisters()
        rnames = regs.keys()
        final = []
        for r in rnames:
            # Capitol names are used for reg vals that we don't want to see
            # (by default)
            if r.lower() != r:
            val = regs.get(r)
            vstr = e_bits.hex(val, 4)
            final.append(("%12s:0x%.8x (%d)" % (r, val, val)))
Beispiel #5
 def reprRegister(self, idx):
     This may be used to allow a register context to provide
     extended repr (flags breakouts, etc) info about a register.
     width = self._rctx_widths.get(idx)
     reg = self.getRegisger(idx)
     return e_bits.hex(reg, width / 8)
Beispiel #6
 def reprRegister(self, idx):
     This may be used to allow a register context to provide
     extended repr (flags breakouts, etc) info about a register.
     width = self._rctx_widths.get(idx)
     reg = self.getRegisger(idx)
     return e_bits.hex(reg, width/8)
Beispiel #7
def buildContextMenu(vw, va=None, expr=None, menu=None, parent=None, nav=None):
    Return (optionally construct) a menu to use for handling a context click
    at the given virtual address or envi expression.

    va      - virtual address of the context click
    expr    - expression to parse instead of va
    menu    - existing menu to add items to
    parent  - Qt parent
    nav     - the "local" EnviNavMixin instance
    if va is None:
        va = vw.parseExpression(expr)

    if expr is None:
        expr = '0x%.8x' % va

    if menu is None:
        menu = QMenu(parent=parent)

    menu.addAction('rename (n)', ACT(vw.getVivGui().setVaName, va))
    menu.addAction('comment (;)', ACT(vw.getVivGui().setVaComment, va))
    menu.addAction('print location', ACT(vw.getVivGui().getLocation, va))

    refsto = vw.getXrefsTo(va)
    refsfrom = vw.getXrefsFrom(va)

    if refsto:
        rtomenu = menu.addMenu('xrefs to')
        for fromva, tova, xrtype, xrflag in refsto:
            xloc = vw.getLocation(fromva)
            xexpr = '0x%.8x' % fromva
            xrepr = '0x%.8x: %s' % (fromva, vw.reprLocation(xloc))
            xfva = vw.getFunction(fromva)
            if xfva is not None:
                xrepr = '%s (%s)' % (xrepr, vw.getName(xfva))
            xmenu = rtomenu.addMenu(xrepr)
            if nav:
                xmenu.addAction('(this window)', ACT(nav.enviNavGoto, xexpr))
            e_q_memcanvas.initMemSendtoMenu(xexpr, xmenu)

    if refsfrom:
        rfrmenu = menu.addMenu('xrefs from')
        for fromva, tova, xrtype, xrflag in refsfrom:
            xloc = vw.getLocation(tova)
            xexpr = '0x%.8x' % tova
            xrepr = '0x%.8x: %s' % (tova, vw.reprLocation(xloc))
            xfva = vw.getFunction(tova)
            if xfva is not None:
                xrepr = '%s (%s)' % (xrepr, vw.getName(xfva))
            xmenu = rfrmenu.addMenu(xrepr)
            if nav:
                xmenu.addAction('(this window)', ACT(nav.enviNavGoto, xexpr))
            e_q_memcanvas.initMemSendtoMenu(xexpr, xmenu)

    fva = vw.getFunction(va)
    if fva is not None:
        funcmenu = menu.addMenu('function')
        funcname = vw.getName(fva)
        if nav:
            funcmenu.addAction(funcname[:80], ACT(nav.enviNavGoto, funcname))

        rtype, rname, cconv, cname, cargs = vw.getFunctionApi(fva)
        if cargs:
            argmenu = funcmenu.addMenu('args')
            for i, (atype, aname) in enumerate(cargs):
                act = ACT(vw.getVivGui().setFuncArgName, fva, i, atype, aname)
                argmenu.addAction(aname, act)

        funclocals = vw.getFunctionLocals(fva)
        if funclocals:

            locmenu = funcmenu.addMenu('locals')

            for _, spdelta, ltype, linfo in funclocals:
                if spdelta > 0:  # FIXME perhaps make this flexable based on cconv?

                # Make the workspace do the resolving for us
                typename, varname = vw.getFunctionLocal(fva, spdelta)
                act = ACT(vw.getVivGui().setFuncLocalName, fva, spdelta,
                          typename, varname)
                locmenu.addAction(varname, act)

        if fva != va:
            funcmenu.addAction('show emulator state',
                               ACT(printEmuState, vw, fva, va))

        funcmenu.addAction('call graph',
                           ACT(vw.getVivGui().showFuncCallGraph, fva))
        funcmenu.addAction('re-analyze codeblocks',
                           ACT(vagc.analyzeFunction, vw, fva))
        if fva == va:
            # funcmenu.addAction('delete function', ACT(vw.delFunction, va))
            funcmenu.addAction('delete function',
                               ACT(vw.getVivGui().delFunction, va))

    loc = vw.getLocation(va)
    if loc is None:
        makemenu = menu.addMenu('make')
        makemenu.addAction('code (c)', ACT(vw.makeCode, va))
        makemenu.addAction('function (f)', ACT(vw.makeFunction, va))
        makemenu.addAction('string (s)', ACT(vw.makeString, va))
        makemenu.addAction('pointer (p)', ACT(vw.makePointer, va))
        makemenu.addAction('unicode (u)', ACT(vw.makeUnicode, va))
        makemenu.addAction('structure (S)', ACT(vw.getVivGui().makeStruct, va))

        nummenu = makemenu.addMenu('number')
        for size in (1, 2, 4, 8):
            nummenu.addAction("%d-bit (%d bytes)" % (size << 3, size),
                              ACT(vw.makeNumber, va, size=size))

        archmenu = makemenu.addMenu('code (archs)')
        prevumenu = menu.addMenu('preview instruction')

        archs = [(archname, archid)
                 for (archid, archname) in envi.arch_names.items()]
        for archname, archid in archs:
            if archname == 'default':
            archmenu.addAction(archname, ACT(vw.makeCode, va, arch=archid))
            prevumenu.addAction(archname, ACT(vw.previewCode, va, arch=archid))


        if loc[L_LTYPE] == LOC_OP:

            op = vw.parseOpcode(va, arch=loc[L_TINFO])
            for idx, oper in enumerate(op.opers):
                # Give the option to switch ('hint') that you want
                # the immediate operand displayed differently...
                if oper.isImmed():
                    val = oper.getOperValue(op)
                    hval = e_bits.hex(val)

                    cval = val
                    r = []
                    while cval:
                        r.append(chr(cval & 0xff))
                        cval = cval >> 8
                    cstr = repr(''.join(r))

                    immmenu = menu.addMenu('immediate')
                    # FIXME struct offsets?
                    immmenu.addAction('decimal (%d)' % val,
                                      ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, str(val)))
                    immmenu.addAction('hex (%s)' % hval,
                                      ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, hval))
                    immmenu.addAction('chars (%s)' % cstr,
                                      ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, cstr))

                    names = vw.vsconsts.revLookup(val)
                    if names is not None:
                        for name in names:
                                name, ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, name))
            menu.addAction('make code xref->', ACT(vw.getVivGui().addVaXref,

        menu.addAction('bookmark (B)', ACT(vw.getVivGui().addBookmark, va))
        menu.addAction('undefine (U)', ACT(vw.delLocation, va))

    e_q_memcanvas.initMemSendtoMenu(expr, menu)

    # give any extensions a chance to play
    for extname, exthook in vw._ext_ctxmenu_hooks.items():'exthook: %r', exthook)
        exthook(vw, va, expr, menu, parent, nav)

    return menu
Beispiel #8
def buildContextMenu(vw, va=None, expr=None, menu=None, parent=None, nav=None):
    Return (optionally construct) a menu to use for handling a context click
    at the given virtual address or envi expression.

    va      - virtual address of the context click
    expr    - expression to parse instead of va
    menu    - existing menu to add items to
    parent  - Qt parent
    nav     - the "local" EnviNavMixin instance
    if va == None:
        va = vw.parseExpression(expr)

    if expr == None:
        expr = "0x%.8x" % va

    if menu == None:
        menu = QtGui.QMenu(parent=parent)

    menu.addAction("rename (n)", ACT(vw.getVivGui().setVaName, va))
    menu.addAction("comment (;)", ACT(vw.getVivGui().setVaComment, va))

    refsto = vw.getXrefsTo(va)
    refsfrom = vw.getXrefsFrom(va)

    if refsto:
        rtomenu = menu.addMenu("xrefs to")
        for fromva, tova, xrtype, xrflag in refsto:
            xloc = vw.getLocation(fromva)
            xexpr = "0x%.8x" % fromva
            xrepr = "0x%.8x: %s" % (fromva, vw.reprLocation(xloc))
            xfva = vw.getFunction(fromva)
            if xfva != None:
                xrepr = "%s (%s)" % (xrepr, vw.getName(xfva))
            xmenu = rtomenu.addMenu(xrepr)
            if nav:
                xmenu.addAction("(this window)", ACT(nav.enviNavGoto, xexpr))
            e_q_memcanvas.initMemSendtoMenu(xexpr, xmenu)

    if refsfrom:
        rfrmenu = menu.addMenu("xrefs from")
        for fromva, tova, xrtype, xrflag in refsfrom:
            xloc = vw.getLocation(tova)
            xexpr = "0x%.8x" % tova
            xrepr = "0x%.8x: %s" % (tova, vw.reprLocation(xloc))
            xfva = vw.getFunction(tova)
            if xfva != None:
                xrepr = "%s (%s)" % (xrepr, vw.getName(xfva))
            xmenu = rfrmenu.addMenu(xrepr)
            if nav:
                xmenu.addAction("(this window)", ACT(nav.enviNavGoto, xexpr))
            e_q_memcanvas.initMemSendtoMenu(xexpr, xmenu)

    fva = vw.getFunction(va)
    if fva != None:
        funcmenu = menu.addMenu("function")
        funcname = vw.getName(fva)
        if nav:
            funcmenu.addAction(funcname[:80], ACT(nav.enviNavGoto, funcname))

        rtype, rname, cconv, cname, cargs = vw.getFunctionApi(fva)
        if cargs:
            argmenu = funcmenu.addMenu("args")
            for i, (atype, aname) in enumerate(cargs):
                act = ACT(vw.getVivGui().setFuncArgName, fva, i, atype, aname)
                argmenu.addAction(aname, act)

        funclocals = vw.getFunctionLocals(fva)
        if funclocals:

            locmenu = funcmenu.addMenu("locals")

            for _, spdelta, ltype, linfo in funclocals:
                if spdelta > 0:  # FIXME perhaps make this flexable based on cconv?

                # Make the workspace do the resolving for us
                typename, varname = vw.getFunctionLocal(fva, spdelta)
                act = ACT(vw.getVivGui().setFuncLocalName, fva, spdelta, typename, varname)
                locmenu.addAction(varname, act)

        if fva != va:
            funcmenu.addAction("show emulator state", ACT(printEmuState, vw, fva, va))

        funcmenu.addAction("call graph", ACT(vw.getVivGui().showFuncCallGraph, fva))
        funcmenu.addAction("re-analyze codeblocks", ACT(vagc.analyzeFunction, vw, fva))

    loc = vw.getLocation(va)
    if loc == None:
        makemenu = menu.addMenu("make")
        makemenu.addAction("code (c)", ACT(vw.makeCode, va))
        makemenu.addAction("function (f)", ACT(vw.makeFunction, va))
        makemenu.addAction("string (s)", ACT(vw.makeString, va))
        makemenu.addAction("pointer (p)", ACT(vw.makePointer, va))
        makemenu.addAction("unicode (u)", ACT(vw.makeUnicode, va))
        makemenu.addAction("structure (S)", ACT(vw.getVivGui().makeStruct, va))

        nummenu = makemenu.addMenu("number")
        for size in (1, 2, 4, 8):
            nummenu.addAction("%d-bit (%d bytes)" % (size << 3, size), ACT(vw.makeNumber, va, size=size))

        archmenu = makemenu.addMenu("code (archs)")
        prevumenu = menu.addMenu("preview instruction")

        archs = [(archname, archid) for (archid, archname) in envi.arch_names.items()]
        for archname, archid in archs:
            if archname == "default":
            archmenu.addAction(archname, ACT(vw.makeCode, va, arch=archid))
            prevumenu.addAction(archname, ACT(vw.previewCode, va, arch=archid))


        if loc[L_LTYPE] == LOC_OP:

            op = vw.parseOpcode(va, arch=loc[L_TINFO])
            for idx, oper in enumerate(op.opers):
                # Give the option to switch ('hint') that you want
                # the immediate operand displayed differently...
                if oper.isImmed():
                    val = oper.getOperValue(op)
                    hval = e_bits.hex(val)

                    cval = val
                    r = []
                    while cval:
                        r.append(chr(cval & 0xFF))
                        cval = cval >> 8
                    cstr = repr("".join(r))

                    immmenu = menu.addMenu("immediate")
                    # FIXME struct offsets?
                    immmenu.addAction("decimal (%d)" % val, ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, str(val)))
                    immmenu.addAction("hex (%s)" % hval, ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, hval))
                    immmenu.addAction("chars (%s)" % cstr, ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, cstr))

                    names = vw.vsconsts.revLookup(val)
                    if names != None:
                        for name in names:
                            immmenu.addAction(name, ACT(vw.setSymHint, va, idx, name))
            menu.addAction("make code xref->", ACT(vw.getVivGui().addVaXref, va))

        menu.addAction("bookmark (B)", ACT(vw.getVivGui().addBookmark, va))
        menu.addAction("undefine (U)", ACT(vw.delLocation, va))

    e_q_memcanvas.initMemSendtoMenu(expr, menu)
    return menu