def test_two_weakrefs_to_bound_method_are_identical(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        self.assertIs(ref(f.method), ref(f.method))
    def test_two_weakrefs_to_bound_method_are_identical(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()
        self.assert_(ref(f.method) is ref(f.method))

Beispiel #3
    def test_two_weakrefs_to_bound_method_are_identical(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            ref1 = ref(f.method)
            ref2 = ref(f.method)

        self.assertIs(ref1, ref2)
Beispiel #4
    def test_deprecated(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
    def test_two_weakrefs_to_bound_method_are_equal(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        # Make sure that two references to the same method compare as equal.
        r1 = ref(f.method)
        r2 = ref(f.method)
        self.assertEqual(r1, r2)

        # Make sure that a reference compares as unequal to non-references!
        self.assertTrue(not r1 == 99)
    def test_internal_cache_is_weak_too(self):
        # smell: Fragile test because we are reaching into the internals of the
        # object under test.
        # I can't see a (clean!) way around this without adding something to
        # the public API that would only exist for testing, but in terms of
        # 'bang for the buck' I think this is good enough despite the
        # fragility.
        cache = ref._cache

        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        # Get the length of the cache before we do anything.
        len_cache = len(cache)

        # Create a weak reference to the bound method and make sure that
        # exactly one item has been added to the cache.
        r = ref(f.method)
        self.assertEqual(len_cache + 1, len(cache))

        # Delete the instance!
        del f

        # Our `ref` should now reference nothing...
        self.assertEqual(None, r())

        # ... and the cache should be back to its original size!
        self.assertEqual(len_cache, len(cache))
    def test_internal_cache_is_weak_too(self):
        # smell: Fragile test because we are reaching into the internals of the
        # object under test.
        # I can't see a (clean!) way around this without adding something to
        # the public API that would only exist for testing, but in terms of
        # 'bang for the buck' I think this is good enough despite the
        # fragility.
        cache = ref._cache

        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        # Get the length of the cache before we do anything.
        len_cache = len(cache)

        # Create a weak reference to the bound method and make sure that
        # exactly one item has been added to the cache.
        r = ref(f.method)
        self.assertEqual(len_cache + 1, len(cache))

        # Delete the instance!
        del f

        # Our `ref` should now reference nothing...
        self.assertEqual(None, r())

        # ... and the cache should be back to its original size!
        self.assertEqual(len_cache, len(cache))

    def test_two_weakrefs_to_bound_method_are_equal(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        # Make sure that two references to the same method compare as equal.
        r1 = ref(f.method)
        r2 = ref(f.method)
        self.assertEqual(r1, r2)

        # Make sure that a reference compares as unequal to non-references!
        self.assert_(not r1 == 99)

    def test_two_weakrefs_to_bound_method_hash_equally(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        # Make sure we can hash the references.
        r1 = ref(f.method)
        r2 = ref(f.method)

        self.assertEqual(hash(r1), hash(r2))

        # Make sure we can hash non-bound methods.
        r1 = ref(Foo)
        r2 = ref(Foo)

        self.assertEqual(hash(r1), hash(r2))
    def test_get_builtin_weakref_for_non_bound_method(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):

        f = Foo()

        # Get a weak reference to something that is not a bound method.
        r = ref(f)
        self.assertEqual(weakref.ref, type(r))
    def test_get_builtin_weakref_for_non_bound_method(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):

        f = Foo()

        # Get a weak reference to something that is not a bound method.
        r = ref(f)
        self.assertEqual(weakref.ref, type(r))

    def test_two_weakrefs_to_bound_method_hash_equally(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):

        f = Foo()

        # Make sure we can hash the references.
        r1 = ref(f.method)
        r2 = ref(f.method)

        self.assertEqual(hash(r1), hash(r2))

        # Make sure we can hash non-bound methods.
        r1 = ref(Foo)
        r2 = ref(Foo)

        self.assertEqual(hash(r1), hash(r2))

    def test_can_create_weakref_to_bound_method(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):
                self.method_called = True

        f = Foo()

        # Get a weak reference to a bound method.
        r = ref(f.method)
        self.assertNotEqual(None, r())

        # Make sure we can call it.

        # Delete the object to delete the method!
        del f

        # The reference should now return None.
        self.assertEqual(None, r())
    def test_can_create_weakref_to_bound_method(self):
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            def method(self):
                self.method_called = True

        f = Foo()

        # Get a weak reference to a bound method.
        r = ref(f.method)
        self.assertNotEqual(None, r())

        # Make sure we can call it.

        # Delete the object to delete the method!
        del f

        # The reference should now return None.
        self.assertEqual(None, r())
