Beispiel #1
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Get enrollments on edxapp
        user_query = self.get_user_query(request)
        user = get_edxapp_user(**user_query)

        course_id = self.query_params.get('course_id', None)

        if not course_id:
            raise ValidationError(detail='You have to provide a course_id')

        enrollment_query = {
            'username': user.username,
            'course_id': course_id,
        enrollment, errors = get_enrollment(**enrollment_query)

        if errors:
            raise NotFound(detail=errors)
        response = EdxappCourseEnrollmentSerializer(enrollment).data
        return Response(response)
Beispiel #2
    def __validate_enrollment_integrity(self, object_name):
        Function that validates existence of the enrollment.

            - object_name: name of the object to validate. It can be: target_object or owner_object
        object_ = self.instance.get_attribute(object_name)
        data = {
            "username": object_.username,
            "course_id": str(object_.course_id),
            enrollment, _ = get_enrollment(**data)
            if not enrollment:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "EOX_TAGGING | Enrollment for user '{}' and courseID '{}' does not exist"
                    .format(data["username"], data["course_id"]))
        except Exception:
            raise ValidationError(
                "EOX_TAGGING | Error getting enrollment for user '{}' and courseID '{}'"
                .format(data["username"], data["course_id"]))
Beispiel #3
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Retrieves enrollment information given a user and a course_id

        **Example Requests**

            GET /eox-core/api/v1/enrollment/?username=johndoe&

            Request data: {
              "username": "******",
              "course_id": "course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course",


        - 200: Success, enrollment found.
        - 400: Bad request, missing course_id or either email or username
        - 404: User or course not found
        user_query = self.get_user_query(request)
        user = get_edxapp_user(**user_query)

        course_id = self.query_params.get("course_id", None)

        if not course_id:
            raise ValidationError(detail="You have to provide a course_id")

        enrollment_query = {
            "username": user.username,
            "course_id": course_id,
        enrollment, errors = get_enrollment(**enrollment_query)

        if errors:
            raise NotFound(detail=errors)
        response = EdxappCourseEnrollmentSerializer(enrollment).data
        return Response(response)
Beispiel #4
    def get(self, request):
        Retrieves Grades information for given a user and course_id

        **Example Requests**

            GET /eox-core/api/v1/grade/?username=johndoe&course_id=course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course

            Request data: {
              "username": "******",
              "course_id": "course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course",

        **Response details**

        - `earned_grade`: Final user score for the course.
        - `section_breakdown` (**optional**): Details of each grade subsection.
            - `attempted`: Whether the learner attempted the assignment.
            - `assignment_type`: General category of the assignment.
            - `percent`: Grade obtained by the user on this subsection.
            - `score_earned`: The score a user earned on this subsection.
            - `score_possible`: Highest possible score a user can earn on this subsection.
            - `subsection_name`: Name of the subsection.
        - `grading_policy` (**optional**): Course grading policy.
            - `grade_cutoff`: Score needed to reach each grade.
            - `grader`: Details of each assignment type used by the Grader.
                - `assignment_type`: General category of the assignment.
                - `count`: Number of assignments of this type.
                - `dropped`: The number of assignments of this type that the grader will drop. The grader will drop the lowest-scored assignments first.
                - `weight`: Weight of this type of assignment towards the final grade.

        More information about grading can be found in the
        [edX documentation](


        - 200: Success.
        - 400: Bad request, missing course_id or either email or username.
        - 404: User, course or enrollment not found.
        user_query = self.get_user_query(request)
        user = get_edxapp_user(**user_query)

        course_id = self.query_params.get("course_id", None)
        detailed = self.query_params.get("detailed", False)
        grading_policy = self.query_params.get("grading_policy", False)

        if not course_id:
            raise ValidationError(detail="You have to provide a course_id")

        _, errors = get_enrollment(username=user.username, course_id=course_id)

        if errors:
            raise NotFound(errors)

        grade_factory = get_course_grade_factory()
        course_key = get_valid_course_key(course_id)
        course = get_courseware_courses().get_course_by_id(course_key)
        course_grade = grade_factory().read(user, course)
        response = {"earned_grade": course_grade.percent}

        if detailed in ("True", "true", "on", "1"):
            breakdown = self._section_breakdown(course_grade.subsection_grades)
            response["section_breakdown"] = breakdown
        if grading_policy in ("True", "true", "on", "1"):
            response["grading_policy"] = course.grading_policy

        return Response(EdxappGradeSerializer(response).data)