def get_source_and_dest_rect(self, dataset, subsets):
        size_x, size_y = dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize
        image_rect = Rect(0, 0, size_x, size_y)

        if not subsets:
            subset_rect = image_rect

        # pixel subset
        elif subsets.srid is None:  # means "imageCRS"
            minx, miny, maxx, maxy = subsets.xy_bbox

            minx = int(minx) if minx is not None else image_rect.offset_x
            miny = int(miny) if miny is not None else image_rect.offset_y
            maxx = int(maxx) if maxx is not None else image_rect.upper_x
            maxy = int(maxy) if maxy is not None else image_rect.upper_y

            subset_rect = Rect(minx, miny, maxx - minx + 1, maxy - miny + 1)

        # subset in geographical coordinates
            vrt = VRTBuilder(*image_rect.size)

            options = reftools.suggest_transformer(dataset)

            subset_rect = reftools.rect_from_subset(vrt.dataset, subsets.srid, *subsets.xy_bbox, **options)

        # check whether or not the subsets intersect with the image
        if not image_rect.intersects(subset_rect):
            raise RenderException("Subset outside coverage extent.", "subset")

        src_rect = subset_rect  # & image_rect # TODO: why no intersection??
        dst_rect = src_rect - subset_rect.offset

        return src_rect, dst_rect
Beispiel #2
    def read(self, obj):
        ds = open_gdal(obj)
        if ds is not None:
            driver = ds.GetDriver()
            size = (ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize)
            gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
            extent = None

            if gt != (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0):
                x_extent = (gt[0], gt[0] + size[0] * gt[1])
                y_extent = (gt[3] + size[1] * gt[5], gt[3])

                extent = (
            projection = ds.GetProjection()

            values = {
                "size": (ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize),

            if projection:
                values["projection"] = (projection, "WKT")
            if extent:
                values["extent"] = extent

            reader = self._find_additional_reader(ds)
            if reader:
                additional_values = reader.read_ds(ds)
                for key, value in additional_values.items():
                    values.setdefault(key, value)

            if ds.GetGCPCount() > 0:
                rt_prm = rt.suggest_transformer(raw_metadata)
                fp_wkt = rt.get_footprint_wkt(raw_metadata,**rt_prm)
                values["footprint"] = GEOSGeometry(

            driver_metadata = driver.GetMetadata()
            frmt = driver_metadata.get("DMD_MIMETYPE")
            if frmt:
                values["format"] = frmt

            return values
        raise Exception("Could not parse from obj '%s'." % repr(obj))
Beispiel #3
def getExtentFromReferenceableDS( ds ):
    """ Calculates the extent tuple of the given gdal.Dataset. The dataset 
    must be encoded using the tie-points. 

    filelist = ds.GetFileList()

    if 1 != len( filelist ) : 
        raise RuntimeError( "Cannot get a single dataset filename!" ) 
    rt_prm = rt.suggest_transformer(filelist[0]) 
    fp_wkt = rt.get_footprint_wkt(filelist[0],**rt_prm)

    return GEOSGeometry( fp_wkt ).extent 
Beispiel #4
    def get_source_and_dest_rect(self, dataset, subsets):
        size_x, size_y = dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize
        image_rect = Rect(0, 0, size_x, size_y)

        if not subsets:
            subset_rect = image_rect

        # pixel subset
        elif subsets.srid is None:  # means "imageCRS"
            minx, miny, maxx, maxy = subsets.xy_bbox

            minx = int(minx) if minx is not None else image_rect.offset_x
            miny = int(miny) if miny is not None else image_rect.offset_y
            maxx = int(maxx) if maxx is not None else image_rect.upper_x
            maxy = int(maxy) if maxy is not None else image_rect.upper_y

            subset_rect = Rect(minx, miny, maxx - minx + 1, maxy - miny + 1)

        # subset in geographical coordinates
            vrt = VRTBuilder(*image_rect.size)

            options = reftools.suggest_transformer(dataset)

            subset_rect = reftools.rect_from_subset(vrt.dataset, subsets.srid,

        # check whether or not the subsets intersect with the image
        if not image_rect.intersects(subset_rect):
            raise RenderException("Subset outside coverage extent.", "subset")

        src_rect = subset_rect  #& image_rect # TODO: why no intersection??
        dst_rect = src_rect - subset_rect.offset

        return src_rect, dst_rect
Beispiel #5
    def read(self, obj):
        ds = open_gdal(obj)
        if ds is None:
            raise Exception("Could not parse from obj '%s'." % repr(obj))

        driver = ds.GetDriver()
        size = (ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize)
        values = {"size": size}

        # --= rectified datasets =--
        # NOTE: If the projection is a non-zero string then
        #       the geocoding is given by the Geo-Trasnformation
        #       matrix - not matter what are the values.
        if ds.GetProjection():
            values["coverage_type"] = "RectifiedDataset"
            values["projection"] = (ds.GetProjection(), "WKT")

            # get coordinates of all four image corners
            gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
            def gtrans(x, y):
                return gt[0] + x*gt[1] + y*gt[2], gt[3] + x*gt[4] + y*gt[5]
            vpix = [(0, 0), (0, size[1]), (size[0], 0), (size[0], size[1])]
            vx, vy = zip(*(gtrans(x, y) for x, y in vpix))

            # find the extent
            values["extent"] = (min(vx), min(vy), max(vx), max(vy))

        # --= tie-point encoded referenceable datasets =--
        # NOTE: If the GCP projection is a non-zero string and
        #       there are GCPs we are dealing with a tie-point geocoded
        #       referenceable dataset. The extent is given by the image
        #       footprint. The fooprint must not be wrapped arround
        #       the date-line!
        elif ds.GetGCPProjection() and ds.GetGCPCount() > 0:
            values["coverage_type"] = "ReferenceableDataset"
            projection = ds.GetGCPProjection()
            values["projection"] = (projection, "WKT")

            # parse the spatial reference to get the EPSG code
            sr = osr.SpatialReference(projection, "WKT")

            # NOTE: GeosGeometry can't handle non-EPSG geometry projections.
            if sr.GetAuthorityName(None) == "EPSG":
                srid = int(sr.GetAuthorityCode(None))

                # get the footprint
                rt_prm = rt.suggest_transformer(ds)
                fp_wkt = rt.get_footprint_wkt(ds, **rt_prm)
                footprint = GEOSGeometry(fp_wkt, srid)

                if isinstance(footprint, Polygon):
                    footprint = MultiPolygon(footprint)
                elif not isinstance(footprint, MultiPolygon):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Got invalid geometry %s" % type(footprint).__name__

                values["footprint"] = footprint
                values["extent"] = footprint.extent

        # --= dataset with no geocoding =--
        # TODO: Handling of other types of GDAL geocoding (e.g, RPC).

        reader = self._find_additional_reader(ds)
        if reader:
            additional_values = reader.read_ds(ds)
            for key, value in additional_values.items():
                values.setdefault(key, value)

        driver_metadata = driver.GetMetadata()
        frmt = driver_metadata.get("DMD_MIMETYPE")
        if frmt is None:
            _driver_name = "GDAL/" + driver.ShortName
            _frmt = getFormatRegistry().getFormatsByDriver(_driver_name)
            if _frmt:
                frmt = _frmt[0].mimeType
        if frmt:
            values["format"] = frmt

        return values
Beispiel #6
    def apply(self, src_ds):
        # setup
        dst_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
        gcp_sr = osr.SpatialReference()

        dst_sr.ImportFromEPSG(self.srid if self.srid is not None else self.gcp_srid)

        logger.debug("Using GCP Projection '%s'" % gcp_sr.ExportToWkt())
            "Applying GCPs: MULTIPOINT(%s) -> MULTIPOINT(%s)"
            % (
                ", ".join([("(%f %f)") % (gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY) for gcp in self.gcps]),
                ", ".join([("(%f %f)") % (gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine) for gcp in self.gcps]),
        # set the GCPs
        src_ds.SetGCPs(self.gcps, gcp_sr.ExportToWkt())

        # Try to find and use the best transform method/order.
        # Orders are: -1 (TPS), 3, 2, and 1 (all GCP)
        # Loop over the min and max GCP number to order map.
        for min_gcpnum, max_gcpnum, order in [(3, None, -1), (10, None, 3), (6, None, 2), (3, None, 1)]:
            # if the number of GCP matches
            if len(self.gcps) >= min_gcpnum and (max_gcpnum is None or len(self.gcps) <= max_gcpnum):

                    if order < 0:
                        # let the reftools suggest the right interpolator
                        rt_prm = rt.suggest_transformer(src_ds)
                        # use the polynomial GCP interpolation as requested
                        rt_prm = {"method": rt.METHOD_GCP, "order": order}

                        "Trying order '%i' {method:%s,order:%s}"
                        % (order, rt.METHOD2STR[rt_prm["method"]], rt_prm["order"])
                    # get the suggested pixel size/geotransform
                    size_x, size_y, geotransform = rt.suggested_warp_output(
                        src_ds, None, dst_sr.ExportToWkt(), **rt_prm
                    if size_x > 100000 or size_y > 100000:
                        raise RuntimeError("Calculated size exceeds limit.")
                    logger.debug("New size is '%i x %i'" % (size_x, size_y))

                    # create the output dataset
                    dst_ds = create_mem(size_x, size_y, src_ds.RasterCount, src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).DataType)

                    # reproject the image

                    rt.reproject_image(src_ds, "", dst_ds, "", **rt_prm)

                    copy_metadata(src_ds, dst_ds)

                    # retrieve the footprint from the given GCPs
                    footprint_wkt = rt.get_footprint_wkt(src_ds, **rt_prm)

                except RuntimeError, e:
                    logger.debug("Failed using order '%i'. Error was '%s'." % (order, str(e)))
                    # the given method was not applicable, use the next one

                    logger.debug("Successfully used order '%i'" % order)
                    # the transform method was successful, exit the loop
Beispiel #7
    def apply(self, src_ds):
        # setup
        dst_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
        gcp_sr = osr.SpatialReference()

        dst_sr.ImportFromEPSG(self.srid if self.srid is not None
                              else self.gcp_srid)

        logger.debug("Using GCP Projection '%s'" % gcp_sr.ExportToWkt())
        logger.debug("Applying GCPs: MULTIPOINT(%s) -> MULTIPOINT(%s)"
                      % (", ".join([("(%f %f)") % (gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY) for gcp in self.gcps]) ,
                      ", ".join([("(%f %f)") % (gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine) for gcp in self.gcps])))
        # set the GCPs
        src_ds.SetGCPs(self.gcps, gcp_sr.ExportToWkt())

        # Try to find and use the best transform method/order.
        # Orders are: -1 (TPS), 3, 2, and 1 (all GCP)
        # Loop over the min and max GCP number to order map.
        for min_gcpnum, max_gcpnum, order in [(3, None, -1), (10, None, 3), (6, None, 2), (3, None, 1)]:
            # if the number of GCP matches
            if len(self.gcps) >= min_gcpnum and (max_gcpnum is None or len(self.gcps) <= max_gcpnum):

                    if ( order < 0 ) :
                        # let the reftools suggest the right interpolator
                        rt_prm = rt.suggest_transformer( src_ds )
                        # use the polynomial GCP interpolation as requested
                        rt_prm = { "method":rt.METHOD_GCP, "order":order }

                    logger.debug("Trying order '%i' {method:%s,order:%s}" % \
                        (order, rt.METHOD2STR[rt_prm["method"]] , rt_prm["order"] ) )
                    # get the suggested pixel size/geotransform
                    size_x, size_y, geotransform = rt.suggested_warp_output(
                    if size_x > 100000 or size_y > 100000:
                        raise RuntimeError("Calculated size exceeds limit.")
                    logger.debug("New size is '%i x %i'" % (size_x, size_y))

                    # create the output dataset
                    dst_ds = create_mem(size_x, size_y,

                    # reproject the image

                    rt.reproject_image(src_ds, "", dst_ds, "", **rt_prm )

                    copy_metadata(src_ds, dst_ds)

                    # retrieve the footprint from the given GCPs
                    footprint_wkt = rt.get_footprint_wkt(src_ds, **rt_prm )

                except RuntimeError as e:
                    logger.debug("Failed using order '%i'. Error was '%s'."
                                 % (order, str(e)))
                    # the given method was not applicable, use the next one

                    logger.debug("Successfully used order '%i'" % order)
                    # the transform method was successful, exit the loop
            # no method worked, so raise an error
            raise GCPTransformException("Could not find a valid transform method.")

        # reproject the footprint to a lon/lat projection if necessary
        if not gcp_sr.IsGeographic():
            out_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
            geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(footprint_wkt, gcp_sr)
            footprint_wkt = geom.ExportToWkt()

        logger.debug("Calculated footprint: '%s'." % footprint_wkt)

        return dst_ds, footprint_wkt
Beispiel #8
    def apply(self, src_ds):
        # setup
        dst_sr = osr.SpatialReference()

        logger.debug("Using internal GCP Projection.")
        num_gcps = src_ds.GetGCPCount()

        # Try to find and use the best transform method/order.
        # Orders are: -1 (TPS), 3, 2, and 1 (all GCP)
        # Loop over the min and max GCP number to order map.
        for min_gcpnum, max_gcpnum, order in [(3, None, -1), (10, None, 3),
                                              (6, None, 2), (3, None, 1)]:
            # if the number of GCP matches
            if num_gcps >= min_gcpnum and (max_gcpnum is None
                                           or num_gcps <= max_gcpnum):

                    if (order < 0):
                        # let the reftools suggest the right interpolator
                        rt_prm = reftools.suggest_transformer(src_ds)
                        # use the polynomial GCP interpolation as requested
                        rt_prm = {
                            "method": reftools.METHOD_GCP,
                            "order": order

                    logger.debug("Trying order '%i' {method:%s,order:%s}" %
                                 (order, reftools.METHOD2STR[rt_prm["method"]],

                    # get the suggested pixel size/geotransform
                    size_x, size_y, gt = reftools.suggested_warp_output(
                        src_ds, None, dst_sr.ExportToWkt(), **rt_prm)
                    if size_x > 100000 or size_y > 100000:
                        raise RuntimeError("Calculated size exceeds limit.")
                    logger.debug("New size is '%i x %i'" % (size_x, size_y))

                    # create the output dataset
                    dst_ds = create_mem(size_x, size_y, src_ds.RasterCount,

                    # reproject the image

                    reftools.reproject_image(src_ds, "", dst_ds, "", **rt_prm)

                    copy_metadata(src_ds, dst_ds)

                    # retrieve the footprint from the given GCPs
                    footprint_wkt = reftools.get_footprint_wkt(
                        src_ds, **rt_prm)

                except RuntimeError, e:
                    logger.debug("Failed using order '%i'. Error was '%s'." %
                                 (order, str(e)))
                    # the given method was not applicable, use the next one

                    logger.debug("Successfully used order '%i'" % order)
                    # the transform method was successful, exit the loop
Beispiel #9
    def read(self, obj):
        ds = open_gdal(obj)
        if ds is None:
            raise Exception("Could not parse from obj '%s'." % repr(obj))

        driver = ds.GetDriver()
        size = (ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize)
        values = {"size": size}

        # --= rectified datasets =--
        # NOTE: If the projection is a non-zero string then
        #       the geocoding is given by the Geo-Trasnformation
        #       matrix - not matter what are the values.
        if ds.GetProjection():
            values["coverage_type"] = "RectifiedDataset"
            values["projection"] = (ds.GetProjection(), "WKT")

            # get coordinates of all four image corners
            gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()

            def gtrans(x, y):
                return gt[0] + x * gt[1] + y * gt[2], gt[
                    3] + x * gt[4] + y * gt[5]

            vpix = [(0, 0), (0, size[1]), (size[0], 0), (size[0], size[1])]
            vx, vy = zip(*(gtrans(x, y) for x, y in vpix))

            # find the extent
            values["extent"] = (min(vx), min(vy), max(vx), max(vy))

        # --= tie-point encoded referenceable datasets =--
        # NOTE: If the GCP projection is a non-zero string and
        #       there are GCPs we are dealing with a tie-point geocoded
        #       referenceable dataset. The extent is given by the image
        #       footprint. The fooprint must not be wrapped arround
        #       the date-line!
        elif ds.GetGCPProjection() and ds.GetGCPCount() > 0:
            values["coverage_type"] = "ReferenceableDataset"
            projection = ds.GetGCPProjection()
            values["projection"] = (projection, "WKT")

            # parse the spatial reference to get the EPSG code
            sr = osr.SpatialReference(projection, "WKT")

            # NOTE: GeosGeometry can't handle non-EPSG geometry projections.
            if sr.GetAuthorityName(None) == "EPSG":
                srid = int(sr.GetAuthorityCode(None))

                # get the footprint
                rt_prm = rt.suggest_transformer(ds)
                fp_wkt = rt.get_footprint_wkt(ds, **rt_prm)
                footprint = GEOSGeometry(fp_wkt, srid)

                if isinstance(footprint, Polygon):
                    footprint = MultiPolygon(footprint)
                elif not isinstance(footprint, MultiPolygon):
                    raise TypeError("Got invalid geometry %s" %

                values["footprint"] = footprint
                values["extent"] = footprint.extent

        # --= dataset with no geocoding =--
        # TODO: Handling of other types of GDAL geocoding (e.g, RPC).

        reader = self._find_additional_reader(ds)
        if reader:
            additional_values = reader.read_ds(ds)
            for key, value in additional_values.items():
                values.setdefault(key, value)

        driver_metadata = driver.GetMetadata()
        frmt = driver_metadata.get("DMD_MIMETYPE")
        if frmt:
            values["format"] = frmt

        return values
    """ Print simple usage help. """
    exename = basename(sys.argv[0])
    print >>sys.stderr, (
        "USAGE: %s <input image> [%s]" % (exename, "|".join(OUTPUT_FORMATS))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    DEBUG = False
    FORMAT = "WKB"
        INPUT = sys.argv[1]
        for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
            if arg in OUTPUT_FORMATS:
                FORMAT = arg # output format
            elif arg == "DEBUG":
                DEBUG = True # dump debugging output
    except IndexError:
        error("Not enough input arguments!\n")

    # get the referenceable dataset outline
    #NOTE: It is assumed, that the outline is not wrapped around the date-line.
    ds = gdal.Open(INPUT)
    prm = rt.suggest_transformer(ds)
    geom = setSR(parseGeom(rt.get_footprint_wkt(ds, **prm)), OSR_WGS84)

    # print geometry
    sys.stdout.write(dumpGeom(geom, FORMAT))
Beispiel #11
    def read(self, obj):
        ds = open_gdal(obj)
        if ds is None:
            raise Exception("Could not parse from obj '%s'." % repr(obj))

        driver = ds.GetDriver()
        size = (ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize)
        values = {"size": size}

        projection = ds.GetProjection()

        # --= rectified datasets =--
        # NOTE: If the projection is a non-zero string then
        #       the geocoding is given by the Geo-Trasnformation
        #       matrix - not matter what are the values.
        if projection and not (ds.GetGCPProjection() and ds.GetGCPCount() > 0):
            sr = osr.SpatialReference(projection)
            if sr.srid is not None:
                projection = 'EPSG:%d' % sr.srid

            gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()

            values['origin'] = [gt[0], gt[3]]

            values['grid'] = {
                'coordinate_reference_system': projection,
                'axis_offsets': [gt[1], gt[5]],
                'axis_types': ['spatial', 'spatial'],
                ['x', 'y'] if sr.IsProjected() else ['long', 'lat'],

            if sr.GetLinearUnitsName() in ('metre', 'meter', 'm') \
                    and abs(gt[1]) == abs(gt[5]):
                values['grid']['resolution'] = abs(gt[1])

        # --= tie-point encoded referenceable datasets =--
        # NOTE: If the GCP projection is a non-zero string and
        #       there are GCPs we are dealing with a tie-point geocoded
        #       referenceable dataset. The extent is given by the image
        #       footprint. The fooprint must not be wrapped arround
        #       the date-line!
        elif ds.GetGCPProjection() and ds.GetGCPCount() > 0:
            projection = ds.GetGCPProjection()
            sr = osr.SpatialReference(projection)
            if sr.srid is not None:
                projection = 'EPSG:%d' % sr.srid

            values['grid'] = {
                'coordinate_reference_system': projection,
                'axis_offsets': [None, None],
                'axis_types': ['spatial', 'spatial'],
                ['x', 'y'] if sr.IsProjected() else ['long', 'lat']
            values['origin'] = [None, None]

            # # parse the spatial reference to get the EPSG code
            sr = osr.SpatialReference(ds.GetGCPProjection(), "WKT")

            # NOTE: GeosGeometry can't handle non-EPSG geometry projections.
            if sr.GetAuthorityName(None) == "EPSG":
                srid = int(sr.GetAuthorityCode(None))

                # get the footprint
                rt_prm = rt.suggest_transformer(ds)
                fp_wkt = rt.get_footprint_wkt(ds, **rt_prm)
                footprint = GEOSGeometry(fp_wkt, srid)

                if isinstance(footprint, Polygon):
                    footprint = MultiPolygon(footprint)
                elif not isinstance(footprint, MultiPolygon):
                    raise TypeError("Got invalid geometry %s" %

                values['footprint'] = footprint

        # --= dataset with no geocoding =--
        # TODO: Handling of other types of GDAL geocoding (e.g, RPC).

        reader = self._find_additional_reader(ds)
        if reader:
            additional_values = reader.read_ds(ds)
            for key, value in additional_values.items():
                values.setdefault(key, value)

        driver_metadata = driver.GetMetadata()
        frmt = driver_metadata.get("DMD_MIMETYPE")
        if frmt:
            values["format"] = frmt

        return values