def setUpModel(self):
        # set ode solver
        ti = 0
        tf = 20
        n_steps = tf
        self.rk = RKSolver(ti, tf, n_steps)

        self.rk.output_frequency = 1
        eqn = Seir()
        eqn.tau = 5
        self.rk.equation = eqn

        n_pop = 7E6
        u0 = np.array([n_pop - 1, 0, 1, 0])
        u0 /= n_pop
        du0_dp = np.zeros((eqn.n_components(), eqn.n_parameters()))
        self.rk.set_initial_condition(u0, du0_dp)

        # set cached_sim object
        cached_sim = CachedSEIRSimulation2(self.rk)

        # set theano model op object
        self.op_class = ModelGradOp(cached_sim)
Beispiel #2
def run(region, folder):

    (t_obs, dates, y_obs, n_pop, shutdown_day, u0,
     _) = data_fetcher.read_region_data(folder, region)
    y_obs = y_obs.astype(np.float64)
    u0 = u0.astype(np.float64)

    # set eqn
    eqn = Seir()
    eqn.tau = shutdown_day
    eqn.population = n_pop
    eqn.beta = .7
    eqn.sigma = 0.8
    eqn.gamma = 0.2
    eqn.kappa = 0.25
    eqn.tint = 25

    # set ode solver
    ti = t_obs[0]
    tf = t_obs[-1]
    m = 2
    n_steps = m * (tf - ti)
    rk = RKSolverSeir(ti, tf, n_steps)
    rk.rk_type = "explicit_euler"
    rk.output_frequency = m
    rk.equation = eqn

    (_, y_sim) = rk.get_outputs()

    x_dates = [dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() for date in dates]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(x_dates, y_sim[0, :], color='b', lw=2)
    ax.plot(x_dates, y_obs, 'x', color='b')

    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
    ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b'))

Beispiel #3
def run(region, folder, load_trace=False, compute_sim=True, plot_posterior_dist = True):

    print("started ... " + region)

    if not os.path.exists(region):

    # observed data
    (t_obs, datetimes, y_obs, n_pop, shutdown_day, u0, _) = data_fetcher.read_region_data(folder, region)
    y_obs = y_obs.astype(np.float64)
    u0 = u0.astype(np.float64)

    # set eqn
    eqn = Seir()
    eqn.population = n_pop
    eqn.tau = shutdown_day
    # set ode solver
    ti = t_obs[0]
    tf = t_obs[-1]
    m = 2
    n_steps = m*(tf - ti)
    rk = RKSolverSeir(ti, tf, n_steps)
    rk.rk_type = "explicit_euler"
    rk.output_frequency = m
    rk.equation = eqn
    du0_dp = np.zeros((eqn.n_components(), eqn.n_parameters()))
    rk.set_initial_condition(u0, du0_dp)

    # sample posterior
    with pm.Model() as model:
        # set prior distributions
        #beta  = pm.Lognormal('beta',  mu = math.log(0.4/n_pop), sigma = 0.4)
        #sigma = pm.Lognormal('sigma', mu = math.log(0.3), sigma = 0.5)
        #gamma = pm.Lognormal('gamma', mu = math.log(0.25), sigma = 0.5)
        #kappa = pm.Lognormal('kappa', mu = math.log(0.1), sigma = 0.5)

        #beta  = pm.Normal('beta',  mu = 0.4/n_pop, sigma = 0.06/n_pop)
        #sigma = pm.Normal('sigma', mu = 0.6, sigma = 0.1)
        #gamma = pm.Normal('gamma', mu = 0.3, sigma = 0.07)
        #kappa = pm.Normal('kappa', mu = 0.5, sigma = 0.1)
        #tint = pm.Lognormal('tint', mu = math.log(30), sigma = 1)

        beta  = pm.Lognormal('beta',  mu = math.log(0.1), sigma = 0.5) #math.log(0.3/n_pop), sigma = 0.5)
        sigma = pm.Lognormal('sigma', mu = math.log(0.05), sigma = 0.6)
        gamma = pm.Lognormal('gamma', mu = math.log(0.05), sigma = 0.6)
        kappa = pm.Lognormal('kappa', mu = math.log(0.2), sigma = 0.3) # math.log(0.001), sigma = 0.8)
        tint = pm.Lognormal('tint', mu = math.log(30), sigma = math.log(10))
        dispersion = pm.Normal('dispersion', mu = 30., sigma = 10.)

        # set cached_sim object
        cached_sim = CachedSEIRSimulation(rk)
        # set theano model op object
        model = ModelOp(cached_sim)
        # set likelihood distribution
        y_sim = pm.NegativeBinomial('y_sim', mu=model((beta, sigma, gamma, kappa, tint)), alpha=dispersion, observed=y_obs)
        if not load_trace:
            # sample posterior distribution and save trace
            draws = 1000 #1000
            tune = 500 #500
            trace = pm.sample(draws=draws, tune=tune, cores=4, chains=4, nuts_kwargs=dict(target_accept=0.9), init='advi+adapt_diag') # using NUTS sampling
            # save trace
            pm.backends.text.dump(region + os.path.sep, trace)
            # load trace
            trace = pm.backends.text.load(region + os.path.sep)     
        if plot_posterior_dist:
        # plot posterior distributions of all parameters
            data = az.from_pymc3(trace=trace)
            pm.plots.traceplot(data, legend=True)
            plt.savefig(region + os.path.sep + "trace_plot.pdf")
            az.plot_posterior(data,  hdi_prob = 0.95)
            plt.savefig(region + os.path.sep + "post_dist.pdf")

        if compute_sim:
            n_predictions = 7
            rk.final_time = rk.final_time + n_predictions
            rk.n_steps = rk.n_steps + m*n_predictions

            y_sims = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace)['y_sim'][:,0,:]
            np.savetxt(region + os.path.sep + "y_sims.csv", y_sims, delimiter = ',')
            mean_y = np.mean(y_sims,axis=0)
            upper_y = np.percentile(y_sims,q=97.5,axis=0)
            lower_y = np.percentile(y_sims,q=2.5,axis=0)
            # plots
            dates = [dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() for date in datetimes]
            pred_dates = dates + [dates[-1] + dt.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(1,1 + n_predictions)]

            np.savetxt(region + os.path.sep + "y_obs.csv", y_obs, delimiter = ',')

            dates_csv = pd.DataFrame(pred_dates).to_csv(region + os.path.sep + 'dates.csv', header=False, index=False)
            # linear plot
            font_size = 12
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
            ax.plot(dates, y_obs, 'x', color='k', label='reported data')
            import matplotlib.dates as mdates
            ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b'))
            plt.title(region[0].upper() + region[1:].lower() + "'s daily infections", fontsize = font_size)
            plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize = font_size)
            plt.ylabel('New daily infections', fontsize = font_size)
            ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)

            # plot propagated uncertainty
            plt.plot(pred_dates, mean_y, color='g', lw=2, label='mean')
            plt.fill_between(pred_dates, lower_y, upper_y, color='darkseagreen', label='95% credible interval')
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')
            plt.savefig(region + os.path.sep + "linear.pdf")

            # log plot
            plt.savefig(region + os.path.sep + "log.pdf")
    print("finished ... " + region)