def computeLogScores(forecastsAndILI, forecastWeek, iliEW):
    if forecastsAndILI.shape[0] == 0:
        return pd.DataFrame()

    from datetime import datetime
    calendarEW = Week.thisweek()
    dayOfWeek =
    if dayOfWeek in {5, 6}:  # Saturday or Sunday
        calendarWeek = "{:d}{:d}".format(
            calendarEW.week + 1)  # should be referenced from the next week
        calendarWeek = "{:d}{:d}".format(calendarEW.year, calendarEW.week)

    subsetToProbabilities = forecastsAndILI.loc[
        (forecastsAndILI.bin_start_incl <= forecastsAndILI.wili)
        & (forecastsAndILI.bin_end_notincl > forecastsAndILI.wili), :]
    subsetToProbabilities['logScore'] = np.log(
        [float(x) for x in subsetToProbabilities.value])
    logScores = subsetToProbabilities.loc[:, [
        'model', 'location', 'target', 'region', 'lag', 'releaseEW',
        'releaseDate', 'wili', 'logScore'
        'surveillanceWeek'] = forecastWeek  # this is the most recent week of data available
        'calendarWeek'] = calendarWeek  # this is the present week in real-time
    logScores['targetWeek'] = iliEW  # this is the target week of forecasting

    return logScores
def grabForecastWeeks():
    from epiweeks import Week, Year
    thisWeek = Week.thisweek()

    weeks = [Week(2019, 40)]
    while weeks[-1] < thisWeek:
        weeks.append(weeks[-1] + 1)
    formattedWeeks = [
        int("{:04d}{:02d}".format(x.year, x.week)) for x in weeks
    return formattedWeeks
Beispiel #3
def generate_week_periods(open_future_periods, page_limit, begin_period, direction, direction_change):
    weeks_to_display = {}

    # When the user first visits the period screen the begin_period variable is empty.
    # Therefore, use the current week as default.
    week = Week.thisweek("iso") + open_future_periods

    # If begin_period variable has a date, use it to calculate the weeks to display.
    if begin_period != '':
        week = Week.fromdate(datetime.datetime.strptime(begin_period, '%Y-%m-%d'), 'iso')
        # This logic is to fix week discrepancy when a user clicks + and changes the direction and press - or vice versa
        if direction_change:
            if direction == '+':
                week += page_limit - 1
            if direction == '-':
                week -= page_limit - 1

    # We should not open future dates for data entry. The -1 is to prevent from opening this week.
    if direction == '+' and week + page_limit > Week.thisweek("iso") + open_future_periods:
        week = Week.thisweek("iso") + open_future_periods - page_limit - 1

    rng = range(page_limit, 0, -1) if direction == '+' else range(page_limit)

    for key, i in enumerate(rng):
        w = week + i if direction == '+' else week - (i + 1)
        weeks_to_display[str(key + 1)] = {
            "period": w.isoformat(),
            "display": "W{} - {} - {}".format(w.weektuple()[1], w.startdate(), w.enddate())

        # Take the first week to calculate the beginning period in the next screen.
        if direction == '+' and i == page_limit:
            begin_period = str(w.enddate())
        # Take the final week to calculate the beginning week in the next screen.
        if direction == '-' and i == page_limit - 1:
            begin_period = str(w.startdate())

    return begin_period, weeks_to_display
Beispiel #4
 def addTodaysEpiWeek(self):
     thisweek = Week.thisweek()
     yr,wek = thisweek.year,thisweek.week
     self.todaysEW = int("{:04d}{:02d}".format(yr,wek))
Beispiel #5
def fromToday2EpiWeek():
    thisweek = Week.thisweek()
    yr,wek = thisweek.year,thisweek.week
    return int("{:04d}{:02d}".format(yr,wek))
Beispiel #6
def handle_coverage():
    similar to /signal_dashboard_coverage for a specific signal returns the coverage (number of locations for a given geo_type)

    source_signal_pairs = parse_source_signal_pairs()
    daily_signals, weekly_signals = count_signal_time_types(source_signal_pairs)
    source_signal_pairs, alias_mapper = create_source_signal_alias_mapper(source_signal_pairs)

    geo_type = request.args.get("geo_type", "county")
    if "window" in request.values:
        time_window, is_day = parse_day_or_week_range_arg("window")
        now_time = extract_date("latest")
        last = extract_integer("days")
        last_weeks = extract_integer("weeks")
        # week if latest is week like or weeks are given otherwise we don't know and guess days
        if (now_time is not None and not guess_time_value_is_day(now_time)) or last_weeks is not None or weekly_signals > 0:
            # week
            if last_weeks is None:
                last_weeks = last or 30
            is_day = False
            now_week = Week.thisweek() if now_time is None else week_value_to_week(now_time)
            time_window = (week_to_time_value(now_week - last_weeks), week_to_time_value(now_week))
            is_day = True
            if last is None:
                last = 30
            now = if now_time is None else time_value_to_date(now_time)
            time_window = (date_to_time_value(now - timedelta(days=last)), date_to_time_value(now))
    _verify_argument_time_type_matches(is_day, daily_signals, weekly_signals)

    q = QueryBuilder("covidcast", "c")
    fields_string = ["source", "signal"]
    fields_int = ["time_value"]

    q.set_fields(fields_string, fields_int)

    # manually append the count column because of grouping
    q.fields.append(f"count({q.alias}.geo_value) as count")

    if geo_type == "only-county":
        q.conditions.append('geo_value not like "%000"')
    q.where_source_signal_pairs("source", "signal", source_signal_pairs)
    q.where_time_pairs("time_type", "time_value", [TimePair("day" if is_day else "week", [time_window])])
    q.group_by = "c.source, c.signal, c.time_value"
    q.set_order("source", "signal", "time_value")

    _handle_lag_issues_as_of(q, None, None, None)

    def transform_row(row, proxy):
        if not alias_mapper or "source" not in row:
            return row
        row["source"] = alias_mapper(row["source"], proxy["signal"])
        return row

    return execute_query(q.query, q.params, fields_string, fields_int, [], transform=transform_row)