Beispiel #1
 def test_exposeDocAttribute(self):
     Creating an exposer should require a docstring explaining what it's
     docstring = "This is my docstring."
     exposer = Exposer(docstring)
     self.assertEqual(exposer.__doc__, docstring)
Beispiel #2
 def setUp(self):
     Create two exposers to expose methods in tests.
     self.exposer = Exposer("test exposer")
     self.otherExposer = Exposer("other exposer")
Beispiel #3
class ExposeTests:
    This mixin provides tests for expose, based on a parameterized base type
    for the class which methods are being exposed on.  Subclass this before
    L{TestCase} and set L{superClass} to use this.

    @ivar superClass: the class to be subclassed by all classes which expose

    superClass = None
    def setUp(self):
        Create two exposers to expose methods in tests.
        self.exposer = Exposer("test exposer")
        self.otherExposer = Exposer("other exposer")

    def test_exposeDocAttribute(self):
        Creating an exposer should require a docstring explaining what it's
        docstring = "This is my docstring."
        exposer = Exposer(docstring)
        self.assertEqual(exposer.__doc__, docstring)

    def test_simpleExpose(self):
        Creating an exposer, defining a class and exposing a method of a class
        with that exposer, then retrieving a method of that class should result
        in the method of that class.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def __init__(self, num):
                self.num = num

            def bar(self):
                return self.num + 1
        f = Foo(3)
        method = self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(method(), 4)

    def test_notExposed(self):
        Creating an exposer and then attempting to retrieve a method not
        exposed with it should result in a L{MethodNotExposed} exception.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 1
        f = Foo()
        self.assertRaises(MethodNotExposed, self.exposer.get, f, 'bar')

    def test_differentMethodsDifferentExposers(self):
        Methods should only be able to be retrieved with the exposer that
        exposed them, not with any other exposer.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 1
            def baz(self):
                return 2
        f = Foo()
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.otherExposer.get(f, 'baz')(), 2)
        self.assertRaises(MethodNotExposed, self.otherExposer.get, f, 'bar')
        self.assertRaises(MethodNotExposed, self.exposer.get, f, 'baz')

    def test_sameMethodExposedByDifferentExposers(self):
        If the same method is exposed by two different exposers, it should be
        accessible by both of them.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 4
        f = Foo()
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')(), 4)
        self.assertEqual(self.otherExposer.get(f, 'bar')(), 4)

    def test_exposeWithDifferentKey(self):
        The 'key' argument to {Exposer.expose} should change the argument to
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 7
        f = Foo()
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(f, 'hello')(), 7)

    def test_exposeOnDifferentClass(self):
        An exposer should only be able to retrieve a method from instances of
        types which it has explicitly exposed methods on.  Instances of
        different types with the same method name should raise
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 7
        class Baz(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 8
        f = Foo()
        b = Baz()
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')(), 7)
        self.assertRaises(MethodNotExposed, self.otherExposer.get, b, 'bar')

    def test_exposeUnnamedNoKey(self):
        L{Exposer.expose} raises L{NameRequired} when called without a value
        for the C{key} parameter if it is used to decorate a non-function
        def f():
            class Foo(self.superClass):
                def foo(self):
        self.assertRaises(NameRequired, f)

    def test_exposeNonMethod(self):
        L{Exposer.expose} should work on methods which have been decorated by
        another decorator and will therefore not result in function objects
        when retrieved with __get__.
        class Getter(record('function')):
            def __get__(self, oself, type):
                return self.function

        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar():
                return 7

        f = Foo()
        # Sanity check
        self.assertEqual(, 7)
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')(), 7)

    def test_descriptorGetsType(self):
        L{Exposer.get} should not interfere with the appropriate type object
        being passed to the wrapped descriptor's C{__get__}.
        types = []
        class Getter(record('function')):
            def __get__(self, oself, type):
                return self.function
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar():
                return 7
        f = Foo()
        self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(types, [Foo])

    def test_descriptorGetsSubtype(self):
        When a descriptor is exposed through a superclass, getting it from a
        subclass results in the subclass being passed to the C{__get__} method.
        types = []
        class Getter(record('function')):
            def __get__(self, oself, type):
                return self.function
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar():
                return 7
        class Baz(Foo):
        b = Baz()
        self.exposer.get(b, 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(types, [Baz])

    def test_implicitSubclassExpose(self):
        L{Exposer.expose} should expose the given object on all subclasses.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 7
        class Baz(Foo):
        b = Baz()
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(b, 'bar')(), 7)

    def test_overrideDontExpose(self):
        L{Exposer.expose} should not expose overridden methods on subclasses.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 7
        class Baz(Foo):
            def bar(self):
                return 8
        b = Baz()
	self.assertRaises(MethodNotExposed, self.otherExposer.get, b, 'bar')

    def test_sameKeyOnDifferentTypes(self):
        L{Exposer.expose} should work with the same key on different types.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 17
        class Qux(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 71
        q = Qux()
        f = Foo()
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(q, 'bar')(), 71)
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')(), 17)

    def test_overrideReExpose(self):
        L{Exposer.expose} should expose a method on a subclass if that method
        is overridden.
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 7
        class Baz(Foo):
            def bar(self):
                return 8
        f = Foo()
        b = Baz()
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(f, 'bar')(), 7)
        self.assertEqual(self.exposer.get(b, 'bar')(), 8)

    def test_deleteExposedAttribute(self):
        When an exposed attribute is deleted from a class, it should no longer
        be exposed; calling L{Exposer.get} should result in
        class Foo(self.superClass):
            def bar(self):
                return 7
        f = Foo()
        self.assertRaises(MethodNotExposed, self.otherExposer.get, f, 'bar')