def clean(args): try: Eris.getProxy().status() print >> sys.stderr, "eris must be stopped" except Pyro4.errors.PyroError: try: print "storage deleted" os.remove(Storage.dbFile()) except: pass
def count(args): try: proxy = Eris.getProxy() c = proxy.count() print "{} packets in storage".format(c) except Pyro4.errors.PyroError: print >> sys.stderr, "eris not available"
def status(args=None): def printStatus(statusFile, pid=None, cpu=None, mem=None, uptime=None, du=None): status = ( color("WORKING", "green") if statusFile and pid else color("NOT WORKING", "red") if not statusFile and pid is None else color("UNKNOWN", "red") ) print "Status: " + status if pid: print " PID: {}".format(pid) print " CPU: {:.1f}%".format(cpu) print " MEM: {:.1f}%".format(mem) print " Storage: {} KiB".format(du) print " Up-time: {}".format(str(timedelta(uptime.days, uptime.seconds, 0))) statusFile = False try: with open(config.statusFile, "r") as f: statusFile = == config.STATUS_LINE except: pass try: (pid, cpu, mem, uptime, du) = Eris.getProxy().status() printStatus(statusFile, pid, cpu, mem, uptime, du) except Pyro4.errors.PyroError: printStatus(statusFile)
def get(args): try: proxy = Eris.getProxy() packets = proxy.get(args.since, 0, args.limit) print "<packets>" for p in packets: print '<packet timestamp="{}">\n{}\n</packet>'.format(p[0], " " + p[1].replace("\n", "\n ")) print "</packets>" except Pyro4.errors.PyroError: print >> sys.stderr, "eris not available"
def put(args): try: data = open(args.file, "r").read() if args.file else packets = [(args.timestamp, data)] proxy = Eris.getProxy() proxy.put(packets) except IOError as e: print >> sys.stderr, e except Pyro4.errors.PyroError: print >> sys.stderr, "eris not available"
def start(args): Eris().start() proxy = Eris.getProxy() for _ in range(STATUS_RETRIES): try: if == config.PNAME: break except Pyro4.errors.CommunicationError: time.sleep(SLEEP_PERIOD) status()
def stop(args): proxy = Eris.getProxy() try: proxy.stop() except Pyro4.errors.CommunicationError: pass for _ in range(STATUS_RETRIES): try: if != config.PNAME: break time.sleep(SLEEP_PERIOD) except Pyro4.errors.CommunicationError: break status() try: with open(config.statusFile, "w"): pass except: pass
def run_bot(): # Ativamos o i18n em português do módulo `humanize`. humanize.activate('pt_BR') bot = Eris()
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Starboard(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Misc(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Economy(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Config(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Reminder(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Status(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Errors(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Mod(bot))
def setup(bot: Eris): bot.add_cog(Ranking(bot))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import hardware from eris import Eris import csv #TODO: These parameters should rather come from the hardware model in the future print("Generating Pareto frontier for parameters ...") for c in ["deduplication-scan", "deduplication-indexed", "tatp"]: data = [] for freq in range(800000, 3600000, 200000): for cores in range(1, 5, 1): for ht in [0, 1]: cpus = (ht + 1) * cores #Benchmark names should come from sw model params = Eris(cpus).benchmarks(c) ipc = hardware.IPC( ht=ht, memory_heaviness=params["memory_heaviness"](), avx_heaviness=params["avx_heaviness"](), compute_heaviness=params["compute_heaviness"](), cache_heaviness=params["cache_heaviness"](), cpus=cpus, freq=freq) p_pkg = hardware.P_PKG( memory_heaviness=params["memory_heaviness"](), IPC=ipc, freq=freq, avx_heaviness=params["avx_heaviness"](), compute_heaviness=params["compute_heaviness"](), cpus=cpus) tps = (freq * 1000) / (params["ipt"]() / ipc)