Beispiel #1
	def trigger_call_popup(self):
		scheduled_employees = get_scheduled_employees_for_popup(self.medium)
		employee_emails = get_employees_with_number(

		# check if employees with matched number are scheduled to receive popup
		emails = set(scheduled_employees).intersection(employee_emails)

		# # if no employee found with matching phone number then show popup to scheduled employees
		# emails = emails or scheduled_employees if employee_emails

		for email in emails:
			frappe.publish_realtime('show_call_popup', self, user=email)
Beispiel #2
	def trigger_call_popup(self):
		if self.is_incoming_call():
			scheduled_employees = get_scheduled_employees_for_popup(self.medium)
			employee_emails = get_employees_with_number(

			# check if employees with matched number are scheduled to receive popup
			emails = set(scheduled_employees).intersection(employee_emails)

			if frappe.conf.developer_mode:
					Scheduled Employees: {scheduled_employees}
					Matching Employee: {employee_emails}
					Show Popup To: {emails}

			if employee_emails and not emails:
				self.add_comment(text=_("No employee was scheduled for call popup"))

			for email in emails:
				frappe.publish_realtime('show_call_popup', self, user=email)