Beispiel #1
def get_parents(class_name, id_):
        class_name in _translations,
        message="tried to access a not-managed class in hierarchy",
        data={"class_name": class_name})
    return _translations[class_name]['parents'](id_)
Beispiel #2
def get(class_name, id_):
	InternalError.check(class_name in _translations, code=InternalError.ASSERTION,
	                    message="tried to access a not-managed class in hierarchy", data={"class_name": class_name})
	obj = _translations[class_name]['get'](id_)
	UserError.check(obj is not None, UserError.ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST, message="entity doesn't exist.",
	                data={"class_name": class_name, "id_": id_})
	return obj
Beispiel #3
	def get_tasks_settings(self):
		get the tasks settings of the current module
		:return: dict containing Config.TASKS_MAX_WORKERS
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check('tasks' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="tasks configuration missing")
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['tasks']
Beispiel #4
	def get_account_info_update_interval(self):
		get the interval in which to update user account info
		:return: interval in seconds
		:rtype: int
		InternalError.check('account-info-update-interval' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="account-info-update-interval configuration missing")
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['account-info-update-interval']
Beispiel #5
	def get_account_info_update_interval(self):
		get the interval in which to update user account info
		:return: interval in seconds
		:rtype: int
		InternalError.check('account-info-update-interval' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="account-info-update-interval configuration missing")
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['account-info-update-interval']
Beispiel #6
	def get_duration_log_settings(self):
		get duration log settings
		:return: dict containing 'enabled', 'location', 'size'
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check('duration-log' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="duration log configuration missing")
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['duration-log'].iteritems()}
Beispiel #7
	def get_host_connections_settings(self):
		get host connections settings
		:return: dict containing 'update-interval', 'availability-halftime', 'resource-sync-interval', 'component-timeout'
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check('host-connections' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="host connection configuration missing")
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['host-connections'].iteritems()}
Beispiel #8
	def get_tasks_settings(self):
		get the tasks settings of the current module
		:return: dict containing Config.TASKS_MAX_WORKERS
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check('tasks' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="tasks configuration missing")
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['tasks']
Beispiel #9
	def get_duration_log_settings(self):
		get duration log settings
		:return: dict containing 'enabled', 'location', 'size'
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check('duration-log' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="duration log configuration missing")
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['duration-log'].iteritems()}
Beispiel #10
	def get_template_dir(self):
		get the directory where templates will be stored
		:return: directory path
		:rtype: str
		InternalError.check('templates' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['paths'], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="template directory missing")
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['paths']['templates']
Beispiel #11
	def get_github_settings(self):
		get the github config
		:return: the github config, a dict containing 'access-token', 'repository-owner', 'repository-name'
		:rtype: dict(str)
		InternalError.check('github' in self.original_settings, code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="github not configured")
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings['github'].iteritems()}
Beispiel #12
	def get_github_settings(self):
		get the github config
		:return: the github config, a dict containing 'access-token', 'repository-owner', 'repository-name'
		:rtype: dict(str)
		InternalError.check('github' in self.original_settings, code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="github not configured")
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings['github'].iteritems()}
Beispiel #13
	def get_template_dir(self):
		get the directory where templates will be stored
		:return: directory path
		:rtype: str
		InternalError.check('templates' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['paths'], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="template directory missing")
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['paths']['templates']
Beispiel #14
	def get_bittorrent_settings(self):
		bittorrent settings
		:return: dict containing 'tracker-port' and 'bittorrent-restart'
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check('bittorrent' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="bittorrent configuration missing")
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['bittorrent'].iteritems()}
Beispiel #15
	def get_host_connections_settings(self):
		get host connections settings
		:return: dict containing 'update-interval', 'availability-halftime', 'resource-sync-interval', 'component-timeout'
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check('host-connections' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="host connection configuration missing")
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['host-connections'].iteritems()}
Beispiel #16
	def get_dumpmanager_enabled(self, tomato_module):
		get whether dumps on this module are enabled
		:param str tomato_module: tomato module as in Config
		:return: whether dumps on this module are enabled
		:rtype: bool
		InternalError.check(tomato_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES, code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="invalid tomato module", todump=False, data={'tomato_module': tomato_module})
		return self.original_settings[tomato_module]['dumps']['enabled']
Beispiel #17
	def get_external_url(self, external_url):
		get the url for the given external link.
		:param external_url: link name (Config.EXTERNAL_URL_*)
		:return: the url
		:rtype: str
		InternalError.check(external_url in self.original_settings['external-urls'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="External URL does not exist", data={"external-url": external_url, 'existing': self.original_settings['external-urls'].keys()})
		return self.original_settings['external-urls'][external_url]
Beispiel #18
	def get_web_resource_location(self, resource_type):
		get the url to the specified web resource (Config.WEB_RESOURCE_*)
		:return: url to the resource list
		:rtype: str
		InternalError.check('web-resources' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="web resource configuration missing")
		InternalError.check(resource_type in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['web-resources'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="No such web resource type", data={"resource_type": resource_type})
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['web-resources'][resource_type]
Beispiel #19
	def get_user_quota(self, config_name):
		get quota parameters for the configuration configured in settings under this name
		:param str config_name: name of the configuration in settings (/user-quota/[config_name])
		:return: dict containing 'cputime', 'memory', 'diskspace', 'traffic', 'continous-factor'
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check(config_name in self.original_settings['user-quota'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="No such quota config", data={"config_name": config_name})
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings['user-quota'][config_name].iteritems()}
Beispiel #20
	def get_dumpmanager_enabled(self, tomato_module):
		get whether dumps on this module are enabled
		:param str tomato_module: tomato module as in Config
		:return: whether dumps on this module are enabled
		:rtype: bool
		InternalError.check(tomato_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES, code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="invalid tomato module", todump=False, data={'tomato_module': tomato_module})
		return self.original_settings[tomato_module]['dumps']['enabled']
Beispiel #21
	def get_user_quota(self, config_name):
		get quota parameters for the configuration configured in settings under this name
		:param str config_name: name of the configuration in settings (/user-quota/[config_name])
		:return: dict containing 'cputime', 'memory', 'diskspace', 'traffic', 'continous-factor'
		:rtype: dict
		InternalError.check(config_name in self.original_settings['user-quota'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="No such quota config", data={"config_name": config_name})
		return {k: v for k, v in self.original_settings['user-quota'][config_name].iteritems()}
Beispiel #22
	def get_external_url(self, external_url):
		get the url for the given external link.
		:param external_url: link name (Config.EXTERNAL_URL_*)
		:return: the url
		:rtype: str
		InternalError.check(external_url in self.original_settings['external-urls'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="External URL does not exist", data={"external-url": external_url, 'existing': self.original_settings['external-urls'].keys()})
		return self.original_settings['external-urls'][external_url]
Beispiel #23
	def get_web_resource_location(self, resource_type):
		get the url to the specified web resource (Config.WEB_RESOURCE_*)
		:return: url to the resource list
		:rtype: str
		InternalError.check('web-resources' in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module], code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="web resource configuration missing")
		InternalError.check(resource_type in self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['web-resources'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="No such web resource type", data={"resource_type": resource_type})
		return self.original_settings[self.tomato_module]['web-resources'][resource_type]
Beispiel #24
	def __init__(self, filename, tomato_module):
		Load settings from settings file

		:param str filename: path to settings file
		:param str tomato_module: tomato module (e.g., "web" or "backend_core")
		:return: None
		InternalError.check(tomato_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES, code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="invalid tomato module %s" % tomato_module, todump=False, data={'tomato_module': tomato_module})
		self.tomato_module = tomato_module
		self.filename = filename

Beispiel #25
	def __init__(self, filename, tomato_module):
		Load settings from settings file

		:param str filename: path to settings file
		:param str tomato_module: tomato module (e.g., "web" or "backend_core")
		:return: None
		InternalError.check(tomato_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES, code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="invalid tomato module %s" % tomato_module, todump=False, data={'tomato_module': tomato_module})
		self.tomato_module = tomato_module
		self.filename = filename

Beispiel #26
	def reload(self):
		InternalError.check(os.path.exists(self.filename), code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="configuration missing", todump=False, data={'filename': self.filename})
		with open(self.filename, "r") as f:
			print "reading settings file '%s'." % self.filename
			settings_content =
		self.original_settings = yaml.load(settings_content % OsFormatter())

		self.secret_key = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY', str(random.random()))

		for path in filter(os.path.exists, ["/etc/tomato/backend.conf", os.path.expanduser("~/.tomato/backend.conf"), "backend.conf"]):
			print >> sys.stderr, "Found old-style config at %s - This is no longer supported." % (path)
		for path in filter(os.path.exists, ["/etc/tomato/web.conf", os.path.expanduser("~/.tomato/web.conf"), "web.conf"]):
			print >> sys.stderr, "Found old-style config at %s - This is no longer supported." % (path)

		print "debugging is %s" % ("ENABLED" if self.debugging_enabled() else "disabled")
Beispiel #27
	def reload(self):
		InternalError.check(os.path.exists(self.filename), code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="configuration missing", todump=False, data={'filename': self.filename})
		with open(self.filename, "r") as f:
			print "reading settings file '%s'." % self.filename
			settings_content =
		self.original_settings = yaml.load(settings_content % OsFormatter())

		self.secret_key = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY', str(random.random()))

		for path in filter(os.path.exists, ["/etc/tomato/backend.conf", os.path.expanduser("~/.tomato/backend.conf"), "backend.conf"]):
			print >> sys.stderr, "Found old-style config at %s - This is no longer supported." % (path)
		for path in filter(os.path.exists, ["/etc/tomato/web.conf", os.path.expanduser("~/.tomato/web.conf"), "web.conf"]):
			print >> sys.stderr, "Found old-style config at %s - This is no longer supported." % (path)

		print "debugging is %s" % ("ENABLED" if self.debugging_enabled() else "disabled")
Beispiel #28
	def get_email_settings(self, message_type):
		get email parameters for a certain message type.
		:param str message_type: message type from Config.EMAIL_*
		:return: configuration including 'smtp-server', 'from', 'subject', 'body'
		:trype: dict(str)
		settings = self.original_settings['email']
		InternalError.check(message_type in settings['messages'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="No such message template", data={"message_type": message_type})

		return {
			'smtp-server': settings['smtp-server'],
			'from': settings['from'],
			'subject': settings['messages'][message_type]['subject'],
			'body': settings['messages'][message_type]['body']
Beispiel #29
	def get_email_settings(self, message_type):
		get email parameters for a certain message type.
		:param str message_type: message type from Config.EMAIL_*
		:return: configuration including 'smtp-server', 'from', 'subject', 'body'
		:trype: dict(str)
		settings = self.original_settings['email']
		InternalError.check(message_type in settings['messages'], code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="No such message template", data={"message_type": message_type})

		return {
			'smtp-server': settings['smtp-server'],
			'from': settings['from'],
			'subject': settings['messages'][message_type]['subject'],
			'body': settings['messages'][message_type]['body']
Beispiel #30
	def get_interfaces(self, target_module):
		:param str target_module: tomato module to retrieve this information for.
		:return: a list of interface configs. each config is a dict, containing host, port, protocol, and optionally ssl
		:rtype: list(dict)
		InternalError.check(target_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES, code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="invalid tomato module", todump=False, data={'tomato_module': target_module})
		conf = self.original_settings['services'][target_module]
		if 'interfaces' in conf:
			res = []
			for interface in conf['interfaces']:
					'host': conf['host'],
					'port': interface['port'],
					'protocol': interface['protocol'],
					'ssl': interface['ssl']
			return res
			return [{
				'host': conf['host'],
				'port': conf['port'],
				'protocol': conf['protocol']
Beispiel #31
	def get_interfaces(self, target_module):
		:param str target_module: tomato module to retrieve this information for.
		:return: a list of interface configs. each config is a dict, containing host, port, protocol, and optionally ssl
		:rtype: list(dict)
		InternalError.check(target_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES, code=InternalError.INVALID_PARAMETER, message="invalid tomato module", todump=False, data={'tomato_module': target_module})
		conf = self.original_settings['services'][target_module]
		if 'interfaces' in conf:
			res = []
			for interface in conf['interfaces']:
					'host': conf['host'],
					'port': interface['port'],
					'protocol': interface['protocol'],
					'ssl': interface['ssl']
			return res
			return [{
				'host': conf['host'],
				'port': conf['port'],
				'protocol': conf['protocol']
Beispiel #32
	def _check_settings(self):
		Check settings for completeness.
		When an error is found, either fill it in, or raise an exception.
		:return: None

		error_found = False  # set to true if tomato cannot be started
		bad_paths = []

		# services

		if 'services' not in self.original_settings:
			print "Configuration ERROR at /services: section is missing."
			print " this is fatal."
			error_found = True
			for service in default_settings['services']:
				service_settings = self.original_settings['services'].get(service, None)
				if service_settings is None:
					print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s: is missing." % service
					print " this is fatal."
					error_found = True
					bad_paths.append('/services/%s' % service)
					if not self.original_settings['services'][service].get('host', None):
						print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s/host: %s hostname not found" % (service, service)
						print " this is fatal."
						error_found = True
					if 'interfaces' in service_settings:
						interface_config_error_found = False
						for interface in service_settings['interfaces']:
							for s in ("port", "ssl", "protocol"):
								if interface.get(s, None) is None:
									print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s/interfaces: %s not specified" % (service, s)
									interface_config_error_found = True
						if interface_config_error_found:
							print " Using default interface config for %s" % service
							if 'interface' in default_settings['services'][service]:
								service_settings['interface'] = default_settings['services'][service]['interface']
								del service_settings['interface']
								service_settings['port'] = default_settings['services'][service]['port']
								service_settings['protocol'] = default_settings['services'][service]['protocol']
						for s in ('port', 'protocol'):
							if not service_settings.get(s, None):
								print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s/%s: %s not specified" % (service, s, s)
								if s in default_settings['services'][service]:
									print " using default %s." % s
									service_settings[s] = default_settings['services'][service][s]
									print " this is fatal."
									error_found = True
									bad_paths.append('/services/%s/%s' % (service, s))

		# web-url
		if 'web-url' not in self.original_settings:
			print "Configuration WARNING at /web-url: section is missing."
			print " using defeault url."
			self.original_settings['web-url'] = default_settings['web-url']

		# external urls
		if 'external-urls' not in self.original_settings:
			print "Configuration WARNING at /external-urls: section is missing."
			print " using defeault external urls."
			self.original_settings['external-urls'] = default_settings['external-urls']
			for k, v in default_settings['external-urls'].iteritems():
				if k not in self.original_settings['external-urls']:
					print "Configuration ERROR at /external-urls: %s missing" % k
					print " using default URL"
					self.original_settings['external-urls'][k] = v
					if not self.original_settings['external-urls'][k]:
						print "Configuration WARNING at /extrnal-urls/%s: is empty" % k

		# github
		if self.is_web():
			if not self.original_settings['github'].get('access-token', None):
				print "Configuration WARNING at /github/access-token: GitHub access token is not set."
				print "  access tokens can be created on the GitHub page in settings -> My Personal Access Tokens"
				print "  The token needs the scope 'repo' or 'public_repo'"
				self.original_settings['github']['access-token'] = ""
				for s in ("repository-owner", "repository-name"):
					if not self.original_settings['github'].get(s, None):
						print "Configuration WARNING at /github/%s: %s not configured" % (s,s)
						print " disabling GitHub."
						del self.original_settings['github']

		# rpc-timeout
		if not self.original_settings.get('rpc-timeout', None):
			print "Configuration WARNING at /rpc-timeout: not set"
			print " using default RPC timeout."
			self.original_settings['rpc-timeout'] = default_settings['rpc-timeout']

		# e-mail
		if not self.original_settings.get('email', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /email: is missing."
			print " this is fatal."
			error_found = True
			if not self.original_settings['email'].get('smtp-server', None):
				print "Configuration ERROR at /email/smtp-server: is missing."
				print " this is fatal."
				error_found = True
			if not self.original_settings['email'].get('from', None):
				print "Configuration ERROR at /email/smtp-server/from: is missing."
				print " using default E-Mail sender"
				self.original_settings['email']['from'] = default_settings['email']['from']
			if not self.original_settings['email'].get('messages', None):
				print "Configuration ERROR at /email/messages: is missing."
				print " using default messages"
				self.original_settings['email']['messages'] = default_settings['email']['messages']
			for m, message in default_settings['email']['messages'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['email']['messages'].get(m, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /email/messages/%s: is missing." % m
					print " using default message"
					self.original_settings['email']['messages'][m] = message
					for k in ('subject', 'body'):
						if not self.original_settings['email']['messages'][m].get(k, None):
							print "Configuration ERROR at /email/messages/%s/%s: is missing." % (m,k)
							print " using default %s" % k
							self.original_settings['email']['messages'][m][k] = message[k]

		# topologies
		if not self.original_settings.get('topologies', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /topologies: is missing."
			print " using default topology settings."
			self.original_settings['topologies'] = default_settings['topologies']
			for k, v in default_settings['topologies'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['topologies'].get(k, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /topologies/%s: not set." % k
					print " using default."
					self.original_settings['topologies'][k] = v

		# user-quota
		if not self.original_settings.get('user-quota', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /user-quota: is missing."
			print " using default user quota settings."
			self.original_settings['user-quota'] = default_settings['user-quota']
			for q, quota in default_settings['user-quota'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['user-quota'].get(q, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /user-quota/%s: is missing." % q
					print " using default settings for %s" % q
					self.original_settings['user-quota'][q] = quota
					for k, v in quota.iteritems():
						if not self.original_settings['user-quota'][q].get(k, None):
							print "Configuration ERROR at /user-quota/%s/%s: is missing." % (q, k)
							print " using default %s for %s" % (k, q)
							self.original_settings['user-quota'][q][k] = v

		# dumpmanager
		if not self.original_settings.get('dumpmanager', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /dumpmanager: is missing."
			print " using default dumpmanager settings."
			self.original_settings['dumpmanager'] = default_settings['dumpmanager']
		for k, v in default_settings['dumpmanager'].iteritems():
			if not self.original_settings['dumpmanager'].get(k, None):
				print "Configuration ERROR at /dumpmanager/%s: is missing." % k
				print " using default setting for %s" % k
				self.original_settings['dumpmanager'][k] = v
			if k == "api_store_secret_key" and v == default_settings["dumpmanager"]["api_store_secret_key"]:
					print "Configuration WARNING at /dumpmanager/api_store_secret_key: is default"
					print "This is a secret key that should be changed."

		# debugging
		if not self.original_settings.get('debugging', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /debugging: is missing."
			print " using default debugging settings."
			self.original_settings['debugging'] = default_settings['debugging']
			for k, v in default_settings['debugging'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['debugging'].get(k, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /debugging/%s: is missing." % k
					print " using default setting for %s" % k
					self.original_settings['debugging'][k] = v

		# tomato modules' settings
		for tomato_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES:
			module_settings = self.original_settings.get(tomato_module, None)
			this_mosule_defaults = default_settings[tomato_module]
			if module_settings is None:
				print "Configuration ERROR at /%s: is missing." % tomato_module
				print " this is fatal."
				error_found = True
				bad_paths.append('/%s' % tomato_module)
			for sec, default_sec_val in this_mosule_defaults.iteritems():
				if not module_settings.get(sec, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /%s/%s: is missing." % (tomato_module, sec)
					if sec in ('paths', 'ssl', 'database'):
						print " this is fatal."
						error_found = True
						bad_paths.append('/%s/%s' % (tomato_module, sec))
						print " using default %s" % sec
						module_settings[sec] = default_sec_val
					if isinstance(default_sec_val, dict):
						for k, v in default_sec_val.iteritems():
							if module_settings[sec].get(k, None) is None:
								print "Configuration ERROR at /%s/%s/%s: is missing." % (tomato_module, sec, k)
								if (sec == "database" and k == "server") or (sec in ('paths', 'ssl')) or (sec == 'duration-log' and k == 'location'):
									print " this is fatal."
									error_found = True
									bad_paths.append('/%s/%s/%s' % (tomato_module, sec, k))
									print " using default."
									module_settings[sec][k] = v
								if sec == "database" and k == 'server':
									if not module_settings[sec][k].get('host', None):
										print "Configuration ERROR at %s/%s/%s/host" % (tomato_module, sec, k)
										print " this is fatal."
										error_found = True
										bad_paths.append('%s/%s/%s/host' % (tomato_module, sec, k))
									if not module_settings[sec][k].get('port', None):
										print "Configuration ERROR at %s/%s/%s/port" % (tomato_module, sec, k)
										print " using default port."
										module_settings[sec][k]['port'] = v['port']

		InternalError.check(not error_found, code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="fatal configuration error", todump=False, data={'bad_paths': bad_paths})
Beispiel #33
	def _check_settings(self):
		Check settings for completeness.
		When an error is found, either fill it in, or raise an exception.
		:return: None

		error_found = False  # set to true if tomato cannot be started
		bad_paths = []

		# services

		if 'services' not in self.original_settings:
			print "Configuration ERROR at /services: section is missing."
			print " this is fatal."
			error_found = True
			for service in default_settings['services']:
				service_settings = self.original_settings['services'].get(service, None)
				if service_settings is None:
					print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s: is missing." % service
					print " this is fatal."
					error_found = True
					bad_paths.append('/services/%s' % service)
					if not self.original_settings['services'][service].get('host', None):
						print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s/host: %s hostname not found" % (service, service)
						print " this is fatal."
						error_found = True
					if 'interfaces' in service_settings:
						interface_config_error_found = False
						for interface in service_settings['interfaces']:
							for s in ("port", "ssl", "protocol"):
								if interface.get(s, None) is None:
									print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s/interfaces: %s not specified" % (service, s)
									interface_config_error_found = True
						if interface_config_error_found:
							print " Using default interface config for %s" % service
							if 'interface' in default_settings['services'][service]:
								service_settings['interface'] = default_settings['services'][service]['interface']
								del service_settings['interface']
								service_settings['port'] = default_settings['services'][service]['port']
								service_settings['protocol'] = default_settings['services'][service]['protocol']
						for s in ('port', 'protocol'):
							if not service_settings.get(s, None):
								print "Configuration ERROR at /services/%s/%s: %s not specified" % (service, s, s)
								if s in default_settings['services'][service]:
									print " using default %s." % s
									service_settings[s] = default_settings['services'][service][s]
									print " this is fatal."
									error_found = True
									bad_paths.append('/services/%s/%s' % (service, s))

		# external urls
		if 'external-urls' not in self.original_settings:
			print "Configuration WARNING at /external-urls: section is missing."
			print " using defeault external urls."
			self.original_settings['external-urls'] = default_settings['external-urls']
			for k, v in default_settings['external-urls'].iteritems():
				if k not in self.original_settings['external-urls']:
					print "Configuration ERROR at /external-urls: %s missing" % k
					print " using default URL"
					self.original_settings['external-urls'][k] = v
					if not self.original_settings['external-urls'][k]:
						print "Configuration WARNING at /extrnal-urls/%s: is empty" % k

		# github
		if self.is_web():
			if not self.original_settings['github'].get('access-token', None):
				print "Configuration WARNING at /github/access-token: GitHub access token is not set."
				print "  access tokens can be created on the GitHub page in settings -> My Personal Access Tokens"
				print "  The token needs the scope 'repo' or 'public_repo'"
				self.original_settings['github']['access-token'] = ""
				for s in ("repository-owner", "repository-name"):
					if not self.original_settings['github'].get(s, None):
						print "Configuration WARNING at /github/%s: %s not configured" % (s,s)
						print " disabling GitHub."
						del self.original_settings['github']

		# rpc-timeout
		if not self.original_settings.get('rpc-timeout', None):
			print "Configuration WARNING at /rpc-timeout: not set"
			print " using default RPC timeout."
			self.original_settings['rpc-timeout'] = default_settings['rpc-timeout']

		# e-mail
		if not self.original_settings.get('email', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /email: is missing."
			print " this is fatal."
			error_found = True
			if not self.original_settings['email'].get('smtp-server', None):
				print "Configuration ERROR at /email/smtp-server: is missing."
				print " this is fatal."
				error_found = True
			if not self.original_settings['email'].get('from', None):
				print "Configuration ERROR at /email/smtp-server/from: is missing."
				print " using default E-Mail sender"
				self.original_settings['email']['from'] = default_settings['email']['from']
			if not self.original_settings['email'].get('messages', None):
				print "Configuration ERROR at /email/messages: is missing."
				print " using default messages"
				self.original_settings['email']['messages'] = default_settings['email']['messages']
			for m, message in default_settings['email']['messages'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['email']['messages'].get(m, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /email/messages/%s: is missing." % m
					print " using default message"
					self.original_settings['email']['messages'][m] = message
					for k in ('subject', 'body'):
						if not self.original_settings['email']['messages'][m].get(k, None):
							print "Configuration ERROR at /email/messages/%s/%s: is missing." % (m,k)
							print " using default %s" % k
							self.original_settings['email']['messages'][m][k] = message[k]

		# topologies
		if not self.original_settings.get('topologies', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /topologies: is missing."
			print " using default topology settings."
			self.original_settings['topologies'] = default_settings['topologies']
			for k, v in default_settings['topologies'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['topologies'].get(k, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /topologies/%s: not set." % k
					print " using default."
					self.original_settings['topologies'][k] = v

		# user-quota
		if not self.original_settings.get('user-quota', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /user-quota: is missing."
			print " using default user quota settings."
			self.original_settings['user-quota'] = default_settings['user-quota']
			for q, quota in default_settings['user-quota'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['user-quota'].get(q, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /user-quota/%s: is missing." % q
					print " using default settings for %s" % q
					self.original_settings['user-quota'][q] = quota
					for k, v in quota.iteritems():
						if not self.original_settings['user-quota'][q].get(k, None):
							print "Configuration ERROR at /user-quota/%s/%s: is missing." % (q, k)
							print " using default %s for %s" % (k, q)
							self.original_settings['user-quota'][q][k] = v

		# dumpmanager
		if not self.original_settings.get('dumpmanager', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /dumpmanager: is missing."
			print " using default dumpmanager settings."
			self.original_settings['dumpmanager'] = default_settings['dumpmanager']
			for k, v in default_settings['dumpmanager'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['dumpmanager'].get(k, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /dumpmanager/%s: is missing." % k
					print " using default setting for %s" % k
					self.original_settings['dumpmanager'][k] = v

		# dumpmanager
		if not self.original_settings.get('debugging', None):
			print "Configuration ERROR at /debugging: is missing."
			print " using default debugging settings."
			self.original_settings['debugging'] = default_settings['debugging']
			for k, v in default_settings['debugging'].iteritems():
				if not self.original_settings['debugging'].get(k, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /debugging/%s: is missing." % k
					print " using default setting for %s" % k
					self.original_settings['debugging'][k] = v

		# tomato modules' settings
		for tomato_module in Config.TOMATO_MODULES:
			module_settings = self.original_settings.get(tomato_module, None)
			this_mosule_defaults = default_settings[tomato_module]
			if module_settings is None:
				print "Configuration ERROR at /%s: is missing." % tomato_module
				print " this is fatal."
				error_found = True
				bad_paths.append('/%s' % tomato_module)
			for sec, default_sec_val in this_mosule_defaults.iteritems():
				if not module_settings.get(sec, None):
					print "Configuration ERROR at /%s/%s: is missing." % (tomato_module, sec)
					if sec in ('paths', 'ssl', 'database'):
						print " this is fatal."
						error_found = True
						bad_paths.append('/%s/%s' % (tomato_module, sec))
						print " using default %s" % sec
						module_settings[sec] = default_sec_val
					if isinstance(default_sec_val, dict):
						for k, v in default_sec_val.iteritems():
							if module_settings[sec].get(k, None) is None:
								print "Configuration ERROR at /%s/%s/%s: is missing." % (tomato_module, sec, k)
								if (sec == "database" and k == "server") or (sec in ('paths', 'ssl')) or (sec == 'duration-log' and k == 'location'):
									print " this is fatal."
									error_found = True
									bad_paths.append('/%s/%s/%s' % (tomato_module, sec, k))
									print " using default."
									module_settings[sec][k] = v
								if sec == "database" and k == 'server':
									if not module_settings[sec][k].get('host', None):
										print "Configuration ERROR at %s/%s/%s/host" % (tomato_module, sec, k)
										print " this is fatal."
										error_found = True
										bad_paths.append('%s/%s/%s/host' % (tomato_module, sec, k))
									if not module_settings[sec][k].get('port', None):
										print "Configuration ERROR at %s/%s/%s/port" % (tomato_module, sec, k)
										print " using default port."
										module_settings[sec][k]['port'] = v['port']

		InternalError.check(not error_found, code=InternalError.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, message="fatal configuration error", todump=False, data={'bad_paths': bad_paths})
Beispiel #34
def get_parents(class_name, id_):
	InternalError.check(class_name in _translations, code=InternalError.ASSERTION,
	                    message="tried to access a not-managed class in hierarchy", data={"class_name": class_name})
	return _translations[class_name]['parents'](id_)