def get(self, info):
         """ Returns weapon properties """
         if info == 'name':
            return self.info_name

         elif info == 'basename':
            return self.info_basename

         elif info == 'prop':
            return self.info_ammoprop

         elif info == 'tags':
            return self.info_tags

         elif info == 'slot':
            return self.info_slot

         elif info == 'clip':
            return self.info_clip

         elif info == 'maxammo':
            return int(self.info_maxammo)

         elif info == 'indexlist':
            return list(es.getEntityIndexes(self))

         elif info == 'indexiter':
            return iter(es.getEntityIndexes(self))

         raise ValueError(f"No weapon info '{info}'")
Beispiel #2
        def get(self, info):
            """ Returns weapon properties """
            if info == 'name':
                return self.info_name

            elif info == 'basename':
                return self.info_basename

            elif info == 'prop':
                return self.info_ammoprop

            elif info == 'tags':
                return self.info_tags

            elif info == 'slot':
                return self.info_slot

            elif info == 'clip':
                return self.info_clip

            elif info == 'maxammo':
                return int(self.info_maxammo)

            elif info == 'indexlist':
                return list(es.getEntityIndexes(self))

            elif info == 'indexiter':
                return iter(es.getEntityIndexes(self))

            raise ValueError(f"No weapon info '{info}'")
Beispiel #3
def remove_multi_level(userid):
    # Check validity
    if es.exists('userid', userid):

        # Reset player speed and gravity
        getPlayer(userid).speed = 1.0

        # Get the Player() object
        ggPlayer = Player(userid)

        # Remove the ent indexes
        while ggPlayer.multiLevelEntities:
            ind = ggPlayer.multiLevelEntities.pop()

            # Create entitylists for the sparks
            validIndexes = es.getEntityIndexes('env_spark')

            # If the saved index of the index given to the player still exists
            #   remove it.
            if ind in validIndexes:

        # Stop the sound
        es.stopsound(userid, currentMultiLevel[userid])

        # Remove the player from the current multi level list
        del currentMultiLevel[userid]
Beispiel #4
def remove_multi_level(userid):
    # Check validity
    if es.exists('userid', userid):

        # Reset player speed and gravity
        getPlayer(userid).speed = 1.0

        # Get the Player() object
        ggPlayer = Player(userid)

        # Remove the ent indexes
        while ggPlayer.multiLevelEntities:
            ind = ggPlayer.multiLevelEntities.pop()

            # Create entitylists for the sparks
            validIndexes = es.getEntityIndexes('env_spark')

            # If the saved index of the index given to the player still exists
            #   remove it.
            if ind in validIndexes:

        # Stop the sound
        es.stopsound(userid, currentMultiLevel[userid])

        # Remove the player from the current multi level list
        del currentMultiLevel[userid]
def player_death(event_var):
    # Find the number of hostages following the victim
    handle = es.getplayerhandle(event_var['userid'])
    hostages = len(filter(lambda index: es.getindexprop(index,
        'CHostage.m_leader') == handle, es.getEntityIndexes('hostage_entity')))

    # Were any hostages following?
    if not hostages:

    # Was suicide?
    attacker = int(event_var['attacker'])
    if not attacker:

    # Was a team kill?
    if event_var['es_userteam'] == event_var['es_attackerteam']:

    # Get the attacker instance
    ggPlayer = Player(attacker)

    # Increment player hostage stops
    ggPlayer.hostage_stopped += hostages

    # Enough hostages stopped to level player up?
    if ggPlayer.hostage_stopped >= int(gg_hostage_stopped_stops):

        # Decrease the hostage stopped counter
        ggPlayer.hostage_stopped -= int(gg_hostage_stopped_stops)

        # The number of levels we will level up the player
        levels = 1

        # If they shouldn't be skipping their current level, stop here
        if (not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_nade)
          and ggPlayer.weapon == 'hegrenade') or (
          not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_knife)
          and ggPlayer.weapon == 'knife'):
            msg(ggPlayer.userid, 'CannotSkipLevel_ByStopping',
                {'level': ggPlayer.weapon})

        # Loop through weapons of the levels we plan to level the player past
        for weapon in getLevelupList(ggPlayer.level,
          ggPlayer.level + int(gg_hostage_stopped_levels)):
            # If gg_hostage_stopped_skip_knife or gg_hostage_stopped_skip_nade
            # are disabled, make sure the player will not skip that level
            if (not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_knife)
              and weapon == 'knife') or (
              not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_nade)
              and weapon == 'hegrenade'):
                msg(ggPlayer.userid, 'CannotSkipLevel_ByStopping',
                    {'level': weapon})

            # Add to the number of levels they will gain
            levels += 1

        ggPlayer.levelup(levels, 0, 'hostage_stopped')
Beispiel #6
def disable_objectives():
    '''Disables Objectives on the map'''

    # Get a userid
    userid = es.getuserid()

    # Is there a userid on the server?
    if not userid:

        # If not, es_xfire cannot be ran, so simply return

    # Get map info
    map_objectives = int(gg_map_obj)

    # Set up the command to format
    cmd = ''

    # Do Bombing Objectives need removed?
    if map_objectives in (1, 2):

        # Are there any func_bomb_target indexes
        if len(es.getEntityIndexes('func_bomb_target')):

            # Disable all func_bomb_target entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d func_bomb_target Disable;' % userid

            # Kill all weapon_c4 entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d weapon_c4 Kill;' % userid

    # Do Hostage Objectives need removed?
    if map_objectives in (1, 3):

        # Are there any func_hostage_rescue indexes?
        if len(es.getEntityIndexes('func_hostage_rescue')):

            # Disable all func_hostage_rescue entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d func_hostage_rescue Disable;' % userid

            # Kill all hostage_entity entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d hostage_entity Kill;' % userid

    # Is there a command string?
    if cmd:

        # Execute the command string to disable objectives
Beispiel #7
def disable_objectives():
    '''Disables Objectives on the map'''

    # Get a userid
    userid = es.getuserid()

    # Is there a userid on the server?
    if not userid:

        # If not, es_xfire cannot be ran, so simply return

    # Get map info
    map_objectives = int(gg_map_obj)

    # Set up the command to format
    cmd = ''

    # Do Bombing Objectives need removed?
    if map_objectives in (1, 2):

        # Are there any func_bomb_target indexes
        if len(es.getEntityIndexes('func_bomb_target')):

            # Disable all func_bomb_target entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d func_bomb_target Disable;' % userid

            # Kill all weapon_c4 entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d weapon_c4 Kill;' % userid

    # Do Hostage Objectives need removed?
    if map_objectives in (1, 3):

        # Are there any func_hostage_rescue indexes?
        if len(es.getEntityIndexes('func_hostage_rescue')):

            # Disable all func_hostage_rescue entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d func_hostage_rescue Disable;' % userid

            # Kill all hostage_entity entities
            cmd += 'es_xfire %d hostage_entity Kill;' % userid

    # Is there a command string?
    if cmd:

        # Execute the command string to disable objectives
Beispiel #8
def loadRandomPoints(userid):
    # Remove existing spawnpoints
    for tSpawn in es.getEntityIndexes('info_player_terrorist'):
        es.server.cmd('es_xremove %s' % tSpawn)
    for ctSpawn in es.getEntityIndexes('info_player_counterterrorist'):
        es.server.cmd('es_xremove %s' % ctSpawn)

    # Loop through the spawnpoints
    for spawn in spawnPoints:
        for team in ('info_player_terrorist', 'info_player_counterterrorist'):
            # Create the spawnpoint and get the index
            index = spe.getIndexOfEntity(spe.giveNamedItem(userid, team))

            # Set the spawnpoint position and rotation
            es.setindexprop(index, 'CBaseEntity.m_vecOrigin',
                '%s,%s,%s' % (spawn[0], spawn[1], spawn[2]))
            es.setindexprop(index, 'CBaseEntity.m_angRotation',
                '0,%s,0' % spawn[4])
Beispiel #9
def loadRandomPoints(userid):
    # Remove existing spawnpoints
    for tSpawn in es.getEntityIndexes('info_player_terrorist'):
        es.server.cmd('es_xremove %s' % tSpawn)
    for ctSpawn in es.getEntityIndexes('info_player_counterterrorist'):
        es.server.cmd('es_xremove %s' % ctSpawn)

    # Loop through the spawnpoints
    for spawn in spawnPoints:
        for team in ('info_player_terrorist', 'info_player_counterterrorist'):
            # Create the spawnpoint and get the index
            index = spe.getIndexOfEntity(spe.giveNamedItem(userid, team))

            # Set the spawnpoint position and rotation
            es.setindexprop(index, 'CBaseEntity.m_vecOrigin',
                            '%s,%s,%s' % (spawn[0], spawn[1], spawn[2]))
            es.setindexprop(index, 'CBaseEntity.m_angRotation',
                            '0,%s,0' % spawn[4])
Beispiel #10
def player_spawn(event_var):
    '''Called any time a player spawns'''

    userid = int(event_var['userid'])

    # Is a spectator?
    if int(event_var['es_userteam']) < 2:

    # Is player dead?
    if getPlayer(userid).isdead:

    ggPlayer = Player(userid)

    # Do we need to give the player a defuser?
    if int(gg_player_defuser):

        # Is the player a CT?
        if int(event_var['es_userteam']) == 3:

            # Are we removing bomb objectives from map?
            if not int(gg_map_obj) in (1, 2):

                # Does the map have a bombsite?
                if len(es.getEntityIndexes('func_bomb_target')):

                    # Does the player already have a defuser?
                    if not getPlayer(userid).defuser:

                        # Give the player a defuser:
                        getPlayer(userid).defuser = 1

    # Strip bots (sometimes they keep previous weapons)
    if es.isbot(userid):
        delayed(0.25, give_weapon_check, (userid))
        delayed(0.35, ggPlayer.strip)

    # Player is human
        # Reset AFK
        delayed(0.60, ggPlayer.afk.reset)

        # Give the player their weapon
        delayed(0.05, give_weapon_check, (userid))
def HG_Trail(uid):
    handle = es.getplayerhandle(uid)
    index = 0
    for index in es.getEntityIndexes('hegrenade_projectile'):
        if handle == es.getindexprop(index, 'CBaseEntity.m_hOwnerEntity'):
                '#all', # users
                0., # fDelay
                index, # iEntityIndex
                'sprites/laser.vmt', # szModelPath
                1, # iHaloIndex
                0.5, # fLife
                16, # fWidth
                4, # fEndWidth
                0, # fFadeLength
                0, # iRed
                255, # iGreen
                0, # iBlue
                255, # iAlpha
def HG_Trail(uid):
    handle = es.getplayerhandle(uid)
    index = 0
    for index in es.getEntityIndexes('hegrenade_projectile'):
        if handle == es.getindexprop(index, 'CBaseEntity.m_hOwnerEntity'):
                '#all',  # users
                0.,  # fDelay
                index,  # iEntityIndex
                'sprites/laser.vmt',  # szModelPath
                1,  # iHaloIndex
                0.5,  # fLife
                16,  # fWidth
                4,  # fEndWidth
                0,  # fFadeLength
                0,  # iRed
                255,  # iGreen
                0,  # iBlue
                255,  # iAlpha
Beispiel #13
def cmd_spawn_show(args=None):
    userid = es.getuserid()

    # If there are no players on the map, stop here
    if not userid:

    # If spawnpoints are currently being shown, toggle them off and stop here
    if len(propIndexes):
        entityIndexes = es.getEntityIndexes("prop_dynamic")

        for index in propIndexes:
            if propIndexes[index] in entityIndexes:
                es.server.cmd("es_xremove gg_sp_prop%i" % int(index))

    # Loop through the spawnpoints
    count = 0
    for spawnPoint in read_spawn_points():
        spawnPoint = spawnPoint.strip("\n")
        location = []
        angle = []
        location.extend(spawnPoint.split(" ")[0:3])
        angle.extend(spawnPoint.split(" ")[3:6])

        # Create prop and name it
        playerView = getPlayer(userid).get("viewangle")
        es.server.cmd("es_xprop_dynamic_create %s %s" % (userid, propModel))
        es.server.cmd("es_xentsetname %s gg_sp_prop%i" % (userid, count))
        es.server.cmd("es_xsetang %i %f %f" % (userid, playerView[0],

        # Get index
        propIndex = int(es.ServerVar("eventscripts_lastgive"))

        # Set position and collision group
        es.setindexprop(propIndex, "CBaseEntity.m_CollisionGroup", 2)
        es.setindexprop(propIndex, "CBaseEntity.m_vecOrigin",
                                                "%s, %s, %s" % (location[0],
        es.setindexprop(propIndex, "CBaseEntity.m_angRotation",
                                                "0, %s, 0" % angle[1])

        # Set aestetics
        es.server.cmd('es_xfire %s ' % userid +
            'prop_dynamic SetAnimation "walk_lower"')
        es.server.cmd('es_xfire %s ' % userid +
            'prop_dynamic SetDefaultAnimation  "walk_lower"')
        es.server.cmd('es_xfire %s ' % userid +
            'prop_dynamic AddOutput "rendermode 1"')
        es.server.cmd('es_xfire %s prop_dynamic alpha "160"' % userid)

        # Add to prop index points
        propIndexes[count] = propIndex
        count += 1

    # If there were no spawnpoitns to be shown, tell them
    if count == 0:
        es.dbgmsg(0, langstring("OperationFailed:NoSpawnpoints"))
Beispiel #14
def player_death(event_var):
    # Find the number of hostages following the victim
    handle = es.getplayerhandle(event_var['userid'])
    hostages = len(
            lambda index: es.getindexprop(index, 'CHostage.m_leader') ==
            handle, es.getEntityIndexes('hostage_entity')))

    # Were any hostages following?
    if not hostages:

    # Was suicide?
    attacker = int(event_var['attacker'])
    if not attacker:

    # Was a team kill?
    if event_var['es_userteam'] == event_var['es_attackerteam']:

    # Get the attacker instance
    ggPlayer = Player(attacker)

    # Increment player hostage stops
    ggPlayer.hostage_stopped += hostages

    # Enough hostages stopped to level player up?
    if ggPlayer.hostage_stopped >= int(gg_hostage_stopped_stops):

        # Decrease the hostage stopped counter
        ggPlayer.hostage_stopped -= int(gg_hostage_stopped_stops)

        # The number of levels we will level up the player
        levels = 1

        # If they shouldn't be skipping their current level, stop here
        if (not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_nade) and ggPlayer.weapon
                == 'hegrenade') or (not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_knife)
                                    and ggPlayer.weapon == 'knife'):
            msg(ggPlayer.userid, 'CannotSkipLevel_ByStopping',
                {'level': ggPlayer.weapon})

        # Loop through weapons of the levels we plan to level the player past
        for weapon in getLevelupList(
                ggPlayer.level + int(gg_hostage_stopped_levels)):
            # If gg_hostage_stopped_skip_knife or gg_hostage_stopped_skip_nade
            # are disabled, make sure the player will not skip that level
            if (not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_knife) and weapon
                    == 'knife') or (not int(gg_hostage_stopped_skip_nade)
                                    and weapon == 'hegrenade'):
                msg(ggPlayer.userid, 'CannotSkipLevel_ByStopping',
                    {'level': weapon})

            # Add to the number of levels they will gain
            levels += 1

        ggPlayer.levelup(levels, 0, 'hostage_stopped')