Beispiel #1
    Macro to illustrate how input lines can be read in,
    processed, and reprinted. E.g. for use in map reduce application.
    Use in combination with: esk108_reduce

    KPMG Advanced Analytics & Big Data team, Amstelveen, The Netherlands

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in the file

from eskapade import ConfigObject
from eskapade import process_manager, resources

# --- Analysis values, settings, helper functions, configuration flags.

# turning on this flag, the datastore and configuration are not written out to disk
# at the end of the program.

settings = process_manager.service(ConfigObject)
settings['do_map'] = True
settings['doNotStoreResults'] = True

# --- now parse the follow-up macro

# the flag doNotStoreResults is picked up when parsing the following macro
# --- Analysis values, settings, helper functions, configuration flags.

# turning on this flag, the datastore and configuration are not written out to disk
# at the end of the program.

settings = process_manager.service(ConfigObject)
settings['storeResultsEachChain'] = True

msg = r"""

The global flag settings['storeResultsEachChain'] (default = False)
controls persistence of the run-process services after the execution of
a chain.  By default, these objects are only stored after the last

From the command line, this flag is set with option --store-all.
Alternatively, the option --store-one="chain_name" can be used to store
the results of a single chain.  The with the option --store-none, no
results are stored.

# --- now parse the follow-up macro

# the flag doNotStoreResults is picked up when parsing the following macro