import sys import random from ete2 import Tree, faces, TreeStyle, COLOR_SCHEMES schema_names = COLOR_SCHEMES.keys() def layout(node): if node.is_leaf(): F= faces.PieChartFace([10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,4,6], colors=COLOR_SCHEMES["set3"], width=50, height=50) F.border.width = None F.opacity = 0.8 faces.add_face_to_node(F,node, 0, position="branch-right") F= faces.PieChartFace([10,20,5,5,60], colors=COLOR_SCHEMES[random.sample(schema_names, 1)[0]], width=100, height=40) F.border.width = None F.opacity = 0.8 faces.add_face_to_node(F,node, 0, position="branch-right") else: F= faces.BarChartFace([40,20,70,100,30,40,50,40,70,-12], min_value=-12, colors=COLOR_SCHEMES["spectral"], labels = "aaa,bbb,cccccc,dd,eeee,ffff,gg,HHH,II,JJJ,KK".split(","), label_fsize=10, scale_fsize=10) faces.add_face_to_node(F,node, 0, position="branch-top") F.background.color = "#eee" def get_example_tree(): t = Tree()
def main(argv): input_file='' title='Title' label_internal_nodes = False label_leaves = False out_file='' width=750 out_file_xml='' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"h:i:t:lno:w:x:",["Help=","InputFile=","Title=","LabelLeaves=", "LabelInternalNodes=","OutFile=","Width=","OutFileXML="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Unknown option, call using: ./ -i <InputCAMIFile> -t <Title> -l <LabelLeavesFlag> -n <LabelInternalNodesFlag> -o <OutFile.png> -x <Outfile.xml> -w <Width>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print './ -i <InputCAMIFile> -t <Title> -l <LabelLeavesFlag> -n <LabelInternalNodesFlag> -o <OutFile> -x <OutFile.xml> -w <Width>' sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-i", "--InputFile"): input_file = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--Title"): title = arg elif opt in ("-l", "--LabelLeaves"): label_leaves = True elif opt in ("-n","--LabelInternalNodes"): label_internal_nodes = True elif opt in ("-o", "--OutFile"): out_file = arg elif opt in ("-w", "--Width"): width = int(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--OutFileXML"): out_file_xml = arg schema_names = COLOR_SCHEMES.keys() #Read the common kmer profile ckm_tax_paths = [] ckm_name_to_perc = dict() fid = open(input_file,'r') file = fid.readlines() fid.close() #Put placeholders in for missing names like: "||" -> "|NA1|" file_noblank = list() i=0 for line in file: while "||" in line: line = line.replace("||","|NONAME|",1) i = i+1 file_noblank.append(line) #Get the names and weights for line in file_noblank: if line[0]!='#' and line[0]!='@' and line[0]!='\n': #Don't parse comments or blank lines temp = line.split()[3] #Get the names ckm_tax_paths.append(temp) ckm_name_to_perc[temp.split("|")[-1]] = line.split()[-1] #Get the weights #Create the tree t=Tree() names_to_nodes = dict() for i in range(0,len(ckm_tax_paths)): split_tax_path = ckm_tax_paths[i].split("|") if len(split_tax_path)==1: #If len==1, then it's a superkingdom names_to_nodes[split_tax_path[0]] = t.add_child(name=split_tax_path[0]) #connect directly to tree else: if split_tax_path[-2] in names_to_nodes: #If the parent is already in the tree, add to tree names_to_nodes[split_tax_path[-1]] = names_to_nodes[split_tax_path[-2]].add_child(name=split_tax_path[-1]) else: #Otherwise iterate up until we have something that is in the tree j=2 while split_tax_path[-j]=="NONAME": j = j + 1 #This skips over the NONAMES names_to_nodes[split_tax_path[-1]] = names_to_nodes[split_tax_path[-j]].add_child(name=split_tax_path[-1]) #Show the tree #print t.get_ascii(show_internal=True) #scheme = random.sample(schema_names, 1)[0] #'set2' is nice, scheme = 'set2' def layout(node): if in ckm_name_to_perc: ckm_perc = float(ckm_name_to_perc[]) else: ckm_perc = 0 F = CircleFace(radius=3.14*math.sqrt(ckm_perc), color="RoyalBlue", style="sphere") F.border.width = None F.opacity = 0.6 faces.add_face_to_node(F,node, 0, position="branch-right") if label_internal_nodes: faces.add_face_to_node(TextFace(, fsize=7),node, 0, position="branch-top") ts = TreeStyle() ts.layout_fn = layout ts.mode = "r" ts.show_leaf_name = label_leaves ts.min_leaf_separation = 50 ts.title.add_face(TextFace(title, fsize=20), column=0) #Export the tree to a png image t.render(out_file, w=width, units="mm", tree_style=ts) #Export the xml file project = Phyloxml() phylo = phyloxml.PhyloxmlTree(newick=t.write(format=0, features=[])) phylo.phyloxml_phylogeny.set_name(title) project.add_phylogeny(phylo) project.export(open(out_file_xml,'w'))