Beispiel #1
def layout(node):
    node.img_style["size"] = 5
    node.img_style["hz_line_width"] = 0
    node.img_style["vt_line_width"] = 0
    if node.is_leaf():
        f = faces.AttrFace("name", fgcolor="steelblue", fsize=20)
        faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 0, position="aligned")

        f = faces.AttrFace("name", fsize=15)
        faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 0, position="branch-right")
        f = faces.TextFace("uno", fsize=8)
        for x in xrange(random.randint(1, 5)):
            faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 0, position="branch-top")

        f = faces.TextFace("otromassssssssssss", fsize=8)
        for x in xrange(random.randint(1, 5)):
            faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 0, position="branch-bottom")

    f = faces.CircleFace(20, "red")
    f.opacity = 0.3
    faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 0, position="float")
    f = faces.CircleFace(23, "blue")
    f.opacity = 0.3
    faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 0, position="float-behind")
Beispiel #2
def npr_layout(node):
    if node.is_leaf():
        name = faces.AttrFace("name", fsize=12)
        faces.add_face_to_node(name, node, 0, position="branch-right")
        if hasattr(node, "sequence"):
            seq_face = faces.SeqFace(node.sequence, [])
            faces.add_face_to_node(seq_face, node, 0, position="aligned")

    if "alg_type" in node.features:
        faces.add_face_to_node(faces.AttrFace("alg_type", fsize=8),
        ttype = faces.AttrFace("tree_type", fsize=8, fgcolor="DarkBlue")
        faces.add_face_to_node(ttype, node, 0, position="branch-top")
        #ttype.background.color = "DarkOliveGreen"
        node.img_style["size"] = 20
        node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "red"

    if "treemerger_rf" in node.features:
        faces.add_face_to_node(faces.AttrFace("treemerger_rf", fsize=8),

    support_radius = (1.0 - * 50
    if not node.is_leaf() and support_radius > 1:
        support_face = faces.CircleFace(support_radius, "red")
        faces.add_face_to_node(support_face, node, 0, position="float-behind")
        support_face.opacity = 0.25
        faces.add_face_to_node(faces.AttrFace("support", fsize=8),

    if "clean_alg_mean_identn" in node.features:
        identity = node.clean_alg_mean_identn
    elif "alg_mean_identn" in node.features:
        identity = node.alg_mean_identn

    if "highlighted" in node.features:
        node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "LightCyan"

    if "npr_iter" in node.features:
        node.img_style["size"] = 50

    if "improve" in node.features:
        color = "orange" if float(node.improve) < 0 else "green"
        if float(node.improve) == 0:
            color = "blue"

        support_face = faces.CircleFace(200, color)
        faces.add_face_to_node(support_face, node, 0, position="float-behind")
Beispiel #3
def ncbi_layout(node):
    global name2color
    if node.is_leaf():
        tax_pos = 10
        if hasattr(node, "lineage"):
            for tax, k in zip(node.lineage, node.named_lineage):
                f = faces.TextFace("%10s" % k, fsize=15)
                    color = name2color[k]
                except KeyError:
                    name2color[k] = color = treeview.main.random_color()

                #if hasattr(node, "broken_groups") and tax in node.broken_groups:
                f.background.color = color
                faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, tax_pos, position="aligned")
                tax_pos += 1

            f = faces.AttrFace("spname", fsize=15)
            faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 10, position="branch-right")
        if getattr(node, "broken_groups", None):
            for broken in node.broken_groups:
                f = faces.TextFace(broken, fsize=10, fgcolor="red")
                faces.add_face_to_node(f, node, 1, position="branch-bottom")

    if hasattr(node, "changed"):
        if node.changed == "yes":
            node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "indianred"
            node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "white"
Beispiel #4
# Creates a random tree with 8 leaves using a given set of names
# t.populate(8, ["Dme", "Dre", "Hsa", "Ptr", "Cfa", "Mms"])

# Set the path in which images are located
img_path = "./"
# Create faces based on external images
humanFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path + "human.png")
mouseFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path + "mouse.png")
dogFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path + "dog.png")
chimpFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path + "chimp.png")
fishFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path + "fish.png")
flyFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path + "fly.png")

# Create a faces ready to read the name attribute of nodes
#nameFace = faces.TextFace(open("text").readline().strip(), fsize=20, fgcolor="#009000")
nameFace = faces.AttrFace("name", fsize=20, fgcolor="#009000")

# Create a conversion between leaf names and real names
code2name = {
    "Dre": "Drosophila melanogaster",
    "Dme": "Danio rerio",
    "Hsa": "H**o sapiens",
    "Ptr": "Pan troglodytes",
    "Mms": "Mus musculus",
    "Cfa": "Canis familiaris"

# Creates a dictionary with the descriptions of each leaf name
code2desc = {
Beispiel #5
def get_example_tree():
    t = Tree()

    # Margins, alignment, border, background and opacity can now be set for any face
    rs1 = faces.TextFace("branch-right\nmargins&borders",
    rs1.margin_top = 10
    rs1.margin_bottom = 50
    rs1.margin_left = 40
    rs1.margin_right = 40
    rs1.border.width = 1
    rs1.background.color = "lightgreen"
    rs1.inner_border.width = 0
    rs1.inner_border.line_style = 1
    rs1.inner_border.color = "red"
    rs1.opacity = 0.6
    rs1.hz_align = 2  # 0 left, 1 center, 2 right
    rs1.vt_align = 1  # 0 left, 1 center, 2 right

    br1 = faces.TextFace("branch-right1", fsize=12, fgcolor="#009000")
    br2 = faces.TextFace("branch-right3", fsize=12, fgcolor="#009000")

    # New face positions (branch-top and branch-bottom)
    bb = faces.TextFace("branch-bottom 1", fsize=8, fgcolor="#909000")
    bb2 = faces.TextFace("branch-bottom 2", fsize=8, fgcolor="#909000")
    bt = faces.TextFace("branch-top 1", fsize=6, fgcolor="#099000")

    # And faces can also be used as headers or foot notes of aligned
    # columns
    t1 = faces.TextFace("Header Face", fsize=12, fgcolor="#aa0000")
    t2 = faces.TextFace("Footer Face", fsize=12, fgcolor="#0000aa")

    # Attribute faces can now contain prefix and suffix fixed text
    aligned = faces.AttrFace("name",
                             text_prefix="Aligned (",
    # horizontal and vertical alignment per face
    aligned.hz_align = 1  # 0 left, 1 center, 2 right
    aligned.vt_align = 1

    # Node style handling is no longer limited to layout functions. You
    # can now create fixed node styles and use them many times, save them
    # or even add them to nodes before drawing (this allows to save and
    # reproduce an tree image design)
    style = NodeStyle()
    style["fgcolor"] = "Gold"
    style["shape"] = "square"
    style["size"] = 15
    style["vt_line_color"] = "#ff0000"
    # add a face to the style. This face will be render in any node
    # associated to the style.
    fixed = faces.TextFace("FIXED branch-right", fsize=11, fgcolor="blue")
    t.add_face(fixed, column=1, position="branch-right")
    # Bind the precomputed style to the root node

    # ETE 2.1 has now support for general image properties
    ts = TreeStyle()

    # You can add faces to the tree image (without any node
    # associated). They will be used as headers and foot notes of the
    # aligned columns (aligned faces)
    ts.aligned_header.add_face(t1, column=0)
    ts.aligned_header.add_face(t1, 1)
    ts.aligned_header.add_face(t1, 2)
    ts.aligned_header.add_face(t1, 3)
    t1.hz_align = 1  # 0 left, 1 center, 2 right
    t1.border.width = 1

    ts.aligned_foot.add_face(t2, column=0)
    ts.aligned_foot.add_face(t2, 1)
    ts.aligned_foot.add_face(t2, 2)
    ts.aligned_foot.add_face(t2, 3)
    t2.hz_align = 1

    # Set tree image style. Note that aligned header and foot is only
    # visible in "rect" mode.

    ts.mode = "r"
    ts.scale = 10
    for node in t.traverse():
        # If node is a leaf, add the nodes name and a its scientific
        # name
        if node.is_leaf():
            node.add_face(aligned, column=0, position="aligned")
            node.add_face(aligned, column=1, position="aligned")
            node.add_face(aligned, column=3, position="aligned")
            node.add_face(bt, column=0, position="branch-top")
            node.add_face(bb, column=0, position="branch-bottom")
            node.add_face(bb2, column=0, position="branch-bottom")
            node.add_face(br1, column=0, position="branch-right")
            node.add_face(rs1, column=0, position="branch-right")
            node.add_face(br2, column=0, position="branch-right")

    return t, ts
Beispiel #6
def tree_renderer(tree, treeid, application):
    # The following part controls the features that are attched to
    # leaf nodes and that will be shown in the tree image. Node styles
    # are set it here, and faces are also created. The idea is the
    # following: user can pass feature names using the URL argument
    # "tree_features". If the feature is handled by our function and
    # it is available in nodes, a face will be created and added to
    # the global variable LEAVE_FACES. Remember that our layout
    # function uses such variable to add faces to nodes during
    # rendering.

    # Extracts from URL query the features that must be drawn in the tree
    asked_features = application.queries.get("show_features",
    print >> sys.stderr, asked_features

    def update_features_avail(feature_key, name, col, fsize, fcolor, prefix,
            feature_key, [name, 0, col, fsize, fcolor, prefix, suffix])
        text_features_avail[feature_key][1] += 1

    tree.add_feature("fgcolor", "#833DB4")
    tree.add_feature("shape", "sphere")
    tree.add_feature("bsize", "8")
    tree.dist = 0

    # This are the features that I wanto to convert into image
    # faces. I use an automatic function to do this. Each element in
    # the dictionary is a list that contains the information about how
    # to create a textFace with the feature.
    leaves = tree.get_leaves()
    formated_features = {
        # feature_name: ["Description", face column position, text_size, color, text_prefix, text_suffix ]
        "name": ["Leaf name",
                 len(leaves), 0, 12, "#000000", "", ""],
        ["Species name",
         len(leaves), 1, 12, "#f00000", " Species:", ""],

    # populates the global LEAVE_FACES variable
    global LEAVE_FACES
    LEAVE_FACES = []
    unknown_faces_pos = 2
    for fkey in asked_features:
        if fkey in formated_features:
            name, total, pos, size, color, prefix, suffix = formated_features[
            f = faces.AttrFace(fkey,
            LEAVE_FACES.append([f, fkey, pos])
            # If the feature has no associated format, let's add something standard
            prefix = " %s: " % fkey
            f = faces.AttrFace(fkey,
            LEAVE_FACES.append([f, fkey, unknown_faces_pos])
            unknown_faces_pos += 1

    text_features_avail = {}
    for l in leaves:
        for f in l.features:
            if not f.startswith("_"):
                text_features_avail.setdefault(f, 0)
                text_features_avail[f] = text_features_avail[f] + 1

    html_features = """
      <div id="tree_features_box">
      <div class="tree_box_header">Available tree features
      <img src="/webplugin/close.png" onclick='$(this).closest("#tree_features_box").hide();'>
      <form action='javascript: set_tree_features("", "", "");'>


    for fkey, counter in text_features_avail.iteritems():
        if fkey in asked_features:
            tag = "CHECKED"
            tag = ""

        fname = formated_features.get(fkey, [fkey])[0]

        #html_features = "<tr>"
        html_features += '<INPUT NAME="tree_feature_selector" TYPE=CHECKBOX %s VALUE="%s">%s (%s/%s leaves)</input><br> ' %\
            (tag, fkey, fname, counter, len(leaves))
#       html_features += '<td><INPUT size=7 type="text"></td> <td><input size=7 type="text"></td> <td><input size=7 type="text"></td>  <td><input size=1 type="text"></td><br>'
#html_features += "</tr>"

    html_features += """<input type="submit" value="Refresh" 
                                // This piece of js code extracts the checked features from menu and redraw the tree sending such information
                                var allVals = [];
                                if ($(this).is(":checked")){
                                draw_tree("%s", "", "#img1", {"show_features": allVals.join(",")} );'
                       </form></div>""" % (treeid)

    features_button = """
     <li><a href="#" onclick='show_box(event, $(this).closest("#tree_panel").children("#tree_features_box"));'>
     <img width=16 height=16 src="/webplugin/icon_tools.png" alt="Select Tree features">

    download_button = """
     <li><a href="/webplugin/tmp/%s.png" target="_blank">
     <img width=16 height=16 src="/webplugin/icon_attachment.png" alt="Download tree image">
     </a></li>""" % (treeid)

    search_button = """
      <li><a href="#" onclick='javascript:
          var box = $(this).closest("#tree_panel").children("#search_in_tree_box");
          show_box(event, box); '>
      <img width=16 height=16 src="/webplugin/icon_search.png" alt="Search in tree">

    clean_search_button = """
      <li><a href="#" onclick='run_action("%s", "", %s, "clean::clean");'>
      <img width=16 height=16 src="/webplugin/icon_cancel_search.png" alt="Clear search results">
      </a></li>""" %\
        (treeid, 0)

    buttons = '<div id="ete_tree_buttons">' +\
        features_button + search_button + clean_search_button + download_button +\

    search_select = '<select id="ete_search_target">'
    for fkey in text_features_avail:
        search_select += '<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (fkey, fkey)
    search_select += '</select>'

    search_form = """
     <div id="search_in_tree_box">
     <div class="tree_box_header"> Search in Tree
     <img src="/webplugin/close.png" onclick='$(this).closest("#search_in_tree_box").hide();'>
     <form onsubmit='javascript:
                     search_in_tree("%s", "%s",
     <input id="ete_search_term" type="text" value=""'></input>
     <br><i>(Searches are not case sensitive and accept Perl regular expressions)</i>
     <i> (Press ENTER to initiate the search)</i>
     """ %\
        (treeid, 0, search_select) # 0 is the action index associated
    # to the search functionality. This
    # means that this action is the
    # first to be registered in WebApplication.

    tree_panel_html = '<div id="tree_panel">' + search_form + html_features + buttons + '</div>'

    # Now we render the tree into image and get the HTML that handles it
    tree_html = application._get_tree_img(treeid=treeid)

    # Let's return enriched HTML
    return tree_panel_html + tree_html
Beispiel #7
def tree_renderer(tree, treeid, alignment, application, img_prop=None):
    # The following part controls the features that are attched to
    # leaf nodes and that will be shown in the tree image. Node styles
    # are set it here, and faces are also created. The idea is the
    # following: user can pass feature names using the URL argument
    # "tree_features". If the feature is handled by our function and
    # it is available in nodes, a face will be created and added to
    # the global variable LEAVE_FACES. Remember that our layout
    # function uses such variable to add faces to nodes during
    # rendering.

    # Extracts from URL query the features that must be drawn in the tree
    asked_features = application.queries.get("show_features",

    def update_features_avail(feature_key, name, col, fsize, fcolor, prefix,
            feature_key, [name, 0, col, fsize, fcolor, prefix, suffix])
        text_features_avail[feature_key][1] += 1

    tree.add_feature("fgcolor", "#833DB4")
    tree.add_feature("shape", "sphere")
    tree.add_feature("bsize", "8")
    tree.dist = 0
    if not hasattr(tree.get_leaves()[0], 'nt_sequence'):
    tree.workdir = '/var/www/webplugin/tmp/' + treeid
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + tree.workdir)

    # This are the features that I wanto to convert into image
    # faces. I use an automatic function to do this. Each element in
    # the dictionary is a list that contains the information about how
    # to create a textFace with the feature.
    leaves = tree.get_leaves()
    formated_features = {
        # feature_name: ["Description", face column position, text_size, color, text_prefix, text_suffix ]
        "name": ["Leaf name",
                 len(leaves), 0, 12, "#000000", "", ""],
        ["Species name",
         len(leaves), 1, 12, "#f00000", " Species:", ""],

    # MODELS available
    model_avail = {'--None--': 'None'}
    for model in AVAIL:
        if model.startswith('fb'):
            model_avail  ['%s (%s)' % \
                          (model, AVAIL[model]['typ'])] = model
            model_avail  ['%s (%s%s)' % \
                          (model, AVAIL[model]['typ'],
                           ', need marks' * AVAIL[model]['allow_mark'])] = model

    # populates the global LEAVE_FACES variable
    global LEAVE_FACES
    LEAVE_FACES = []
    unknown_faces_pos = 2
    for fkey in asked_features:
        if fkey in formated_features:
            _, _, pos, size, color, prefix, suffix = formated_features[fkey]
            f = faces.AttrFace(fkey,
            LEAVE_FACES.append([f, fkey, pos])
            # If the feature has no associated format, let's add something standard
            prefix = " %s: " % fkey
            f = faces.AttrFace(fkey,
            LEAVE_FACES.append([f, fkey, unknown_faces_pos])
            unknown_faces_pos += 1

    text_features_avail = {}
    for l in leaves:
        for f in l.features:
            if not f.startswith("_"):
                text_features_avail.setdefault(f, 0)
                text_features_avail[f] = text_features_avail[f] + 1

    html_features = '''
      <div id="tree_features_box">
      <div class="tree_box_header">Available tree features
      <img src="/webplugin/close.png" onclick='$(this).closest("#tree_features_box").hide();'>
      <form action='javascript: set_tree_features("", "", "");'>

    for fkey, counter in text_features_avail.iteritems():
        if fkey in asked_features:
            tag = "CHECKED"
            tag = ""

        fname = formated_features.get(fkey, [fkey])[0]

        html_features += '<INPUT NAME="tree_feature_selector" TYPE=CHECKBOX %s VALUE="%s">%s (%s/%s leaves)</input><br> ' %\
            (tag, fkey, fname, counter, len(leaves))

    html_features += '''<input type="submit" value="Refresh" 
                                // This piece of js code extracts the checked features from menu and redraw the tree sending such information
                                var allVals = [];
                                if ($(this).is(":checked")){
                                draw_tree("%s", "", "", "#img1", {"show_features": allVals.join(",")} );'
                       </form></div>''' % (treeid)

    features_button = '''
     <li><pre>        </pre><a href="#" title="Select features to display" onclick='show_box(event, $(this).closest("#tree_panel").children("#tree_features_box"));'>
     <img width=24 height=24 BORDER=0 src="/webplugin/icon_tools.png" alt="Select Tree features">

    download_button = '''
     <li><pre>      </pre><a href="/webplugin/tmp/%s.png" title="Download tree image" target="_blank">
     <img width=24 height=24 BORDER=0 src="/webplugin/icon_attachment.png" alt="Download tree image">
     </a></li>''' % (treeid)

    search_button = '''
      <li><pre>      </pre><a href="#" title="Search in tree" onclick='javascript:
          var box = $(this).closest("#tree_panel").children("#search_in_tree_box");
          show_box(event, box); '>
      <img width=24 height=24 BORDER=0 src="/webplugin/icon_search.png" alt="Search in tree">

    evol_button = '''
      <li><pre>      </pre><a href="#" title="Compute evolutionary model" onclick='javascript:
          var box = $(this).closest("#tree_panel").children("#evol_box");
          show_box(event, box); '>
      <img width=24 height=24 BORDER=0 src="/webplugin/icon_calc_gray.gif" alt="Compute Evol Model">

    load_model_button = '''
      <li><pre>      </pre><a href="#" title="Load computed evolutionary model" onclick='javascript:
          var box = $(this).closest("#tree_panel").children("#load_model_box");
          show_box(event, box); '>
      <img width=24 height=24 BORDER=0 src="/webplugin/evolution.gif" alt="Clear search results">

    compare_model_button = '''
      <li><pre>      </pre><a href="#" title="Compare (LRT) computed evolutionary model" onclick='javascript:
          var box = $(this).closest("#tree_panel").children("#compare_model_box");
          show_box(event, box); '>
      <img width=24 height=24 BORDER=0 src="/webplugin/balance_icon.png" alt="Compare models">

    clean_search_button = '''
      <li><pre>       </pre><a href="#" title="Clean tree" onclick='run_action("%s", "", %s, "clean::clean");'>
      <img width=24 height=24 BORDER=0 src="/webplugin/icon_cancel_search.png" alt="Clear search results">
      </a></li>''' % \
        (treeid, 0)

    buttons = '<div id="ete_tree_buttons"><table border="0">' +\
        '<tr align="center" halign="bottom"><td>' + features_button + \
        '</td><td>' + search_button + \
        '</td><td>' + clean_search_button + \
        '</td><td>' + evol_button + \
        '</td><td>' + load_model_button + \
        '</td><td>' + compare_model_button + \
        '</td><td>' + download_button + '</td></tr></table></div>'

    search_select = '<select id="ete_search_target">'
    for fkey in text_features_avail:
        search_select += '<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (fkey, fkey)
    search_select += '</select>'

    search_form = '''
     <div id="search_in_tree_box">
     <div class="tree_box_header"> Search in Tree
     <img src="/webplugin/close.png" onclick='$(this).closest("#search_in_tree_box").hide();'>
     <form onsubmit='javascript:
                     search_in_tree("%s", "%s",
     <input id="ete_search_term" type="text" value=""></input>
     <br><i>(Searches are not case sensitive and accept Perl regular expressions)</i>
     <i> (Press ENTER to initiate the search)</i>
     ''' % \
        (treeid, 0, search_select) # 0 is the action index associated
    # to the search functionality. This
    # means that this action is the
    # first to be registered in WebApplication.

    load_model_select = '''<select id="model_to_load" onchange="javascript:
    var objContent = document.getElementById('summary_model');
    objContent.innerHTML = models_sum[$(this).val()];
    ''' % (get_summary_models(tree))

    runned_models = ['--None--'] + get_computed_models(tree)
    for fkey in sorted(runned_models):
        if fkey == '--None--':
            load_model_select += \
                              '<option selected value="None" >--None--</option>\n'
        load_model_select += '<option value="%s">%s</option>\n' % \
                             (fkey, fkey)
    load_model_select += '</select>'

    load_model_form = '''
     <div id="load_model_box">
         <div class="tree_box_header"> Load Evolutionary Model
           <img src="/webplugin/close.png" onclick='$(this).closest("#load_model_box").hide();' onload='$(this).closest("#load_model_box").hide();'>
         <form action="javascript:void(0);">
         <font size=2> Computed model:</font>
         <font size="1">
         <div class="contentBox" style="text-align:left" id="summary_model"></div>
         <div style="text-align:left">
         <br><i>If your model does not appear here, try refreshing, <br> -> first icon "Available tree features"</i><br>
         <input type="submit" value="Load" onclick="javascript:
         var model = document.getElementById ('model_to_load').value;
         load_model ('%s', model);
         var allVals = [%s];
         if (model.match(/fb_anc.*/)) {
         draw_tree('%s', '', '', '#img1', {'show_features': allVals.join(',')} );
     ''' % (load_model_select, treeid, "'" + "','".join(asked_features) + "'",
            treeid)  #"

    # first model
    load_first_model_select = '''<select id="first_model_to_load" onchange="javascript:
    ''' % (get_model_values(tree))
    runned_models = ['--None--'] + get_computed_models(tree)
    for fkey in sorted(runned_models):
        if fkey == '--None--':
            load_first_model_select += \
                              '<option selected value="None" >--None--</option>\n'
        load_first_model_select += '<option value="%s">%s</option>\n' % \
                             (fkey, fkey)
    load_first_model_select += '</select>'

    # second model
    load_second_model_select = '''<select id="second_model_to_load" onchange="javascript:
    ''' % (get_model_values(tree))
    runned_models = ['--None--'] + get_computed_models(tree)
    for fkey in sorted(runned_models):
        if fkey == '--None--':
            load_second_model_select += \
                              '<option selected value="None" >--None--</option>\n'
        load_second_model_select += '<option value="%s">%s</option>\n' % \
                             (fkey, fkey)
    load_second_model_select += '</select>'

    doc = '<table border=1><tr><th colspan=2>Usual comparisons (Alternative vs Null)</tr><tr><td>'
    doc += '</td></tr><tr><td>'.join(
        re.findall('([A-Za-z0-9_]+ +vs +[A-Za-z0-9_]+ +-> +[A-Za-z0-9 =!()]+)',
    doc = re.sub('->', '</td><td>', doc)
    doc += '</tr></table>'

    compare_model_form = '''
     <div id="compare_model_box">
         <div class="tree_box_header"> Compare Evolutionary Model
           <img src="/webplugin/close.png" onclick='$(this).closest("#compare_model_box").hide();' onload='$(this).closest("#compare_model_box").hide();'>
         <form action="javascript:void(0);">
         <font size=2> Alternative model:</font>
         <font size=2> Null model:</font>
         <font size=1>
         <div align="center">
         <font size="2">
         <div class="contentBox" style="text-align:left" id="delta_df"></div>
         p-value (that alternative model is the best):<br>
         <rep>       </rep><input typ=text id=result size=8 value=""><br>
         <input type="submit" value="Compare" onclick="javascript:
         calculate([models_sum[document.getElementById ('first_model_to_load').value], models_sum [document.getElementById ('second_model_to_load').value], document.getElementById ('result'), document.getElementById ('delta_df')]);">
     ''' % (load_first_model_select, load_second_model_select, doc,

    model_select = '''<select id="model_target" onchange="javascript:
    var objContent = document.getElementById('ctrl_table');
    objContent.innerHTML = all_models[$(this).val()];
    ''' % (get_ctrl_string())  # get control string returns a string to build
    # a hash "all_models" in javascript.
    for fkey in sorted(model_avail):
        if fkey == '--None--':
            model_select += '<option selected value="None" >--None--</option>\n'
        model_select += '<option value="%s">%s</option>\n' % \
                        (model_avail [fkey], fkey)
    model_select += '</select>'

    evol_form = '''
     <div id="evol_box">
         <div class="tree_box_header"> Compute Evolutionary Model
           <img src="/webplugin/close.png" onclick='$(this).closest("#evol_box").hide();' onload='$(this).closest("#evol_box").hide();'>
         <form action="javascript:void(0);">
         <font size=2> Model:</font>
         <font size="2">
             name extention**:
             <input id="extention" type="text" value="%s">
         <font size="1">
         <table border="0">
         <div class="contentBox" id="ctrl_table">Select a model</div> 
         </table> </font>
         <font size="2"><i>
             (*)  stars in text field figure for default parameters  <br>
             (**) optional, but usefull specially for branch analysis
         </font> <br>
         <input type="submit" value="Run" onclick="javascript:
         var allVals = {};
         var model = document.getElementById ('model_target').value;
         for (var i in all_models[model]){
               allVals[all_models[model][i]]=document.getElementById (all_models[model][i]).value;
         if (document.getElementById ('extention').value != ''){
            model += '.' + document.getElementById ('extention').value;
         run_model ('%s', model, allVals);
         draw_tree('%s', '', '', '#img1', '');
     ''' % (
        model_select,  #"
        ''.join([choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') for _ in xrange(4)]),

    tree_panel_html = '<div id="tree_panel">' + search_form + evol_form \
                      + load_model_form + compare_model_form + html_features + buttons + '</div>'

    # Now we render the tree into image and get the HTML that handles it
    tree_html = application._get_tree_img(treeid=treeid)

    # Let's return enriched HTML
    return tree_panel_html + tree_html
Beispiel #8
array = t.arraytable

# Calculates some stats on the matrix
matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))\
               for i in array.matrix[r] if numpy.isfinite(i)]
matrix_max = numpy.max(matrix_dist)
matrix_min = numpy.min(matrix_dist)
matrix_avg = matrix_min + ((matrix_max - matrix_min) / 2)

# Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a
# heatmap
profileFace  = faces.ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, \
                                         200, 14, "heatmap")
cbarsFace = faces.ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, 200, 70,
nameFace = faces.AttrFace("name", fsize=8)

# Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
def mylayout(node):
    # If node is a leaf
    if node.is_leaf():
        # And a line profile
        faces.add_face_to_node(profileFace, node, 0, aligned=True)
        node.img_style["size"] = 0
        faces.add_face_to_node(nameFace, node, 1, aligned=True)

    # If node is internal
        # If silhouette is good, creates a green bubble
        if node.silhouette > 0:
Beispiel #9
def test(node):
    if node.is_leaf():
Beispiel #10
def leaf_name(node):
    if node.is_leaf():
        nameF = faces.AttrFace("name")
        nameF.border.width = 1
        faces.add_face_to_node(nameF, node, 0, position="branch-right")