def address_from_private_key(private_key):
    point = int.from_bytes(private_key,
                           byteorder='big') * BIP32_CURVE.generator
    x = point.x()
    y = point.y()
    s = x.to_bytes(32, 'big') + y.to_bytes(32, 'big')
    return to_checksum_address(eth_utils_keccak(s)[12:])
Beispiel #2
    def signTransaction(self, transaction_dict, private_key):
        if not isinstance(transaction_dict, Mapping):
            raise TypeError("transaction_dict must be dict-like, got %r" %

        # check and set default
        if 'useLocal' not in transaction_dict:
            transaction_dict.setdefault('useLocal', False)
        if 'extra' not in transaction_dict:
            transaction_dict.setdefault('extra', "")

        user_local = "0"
        if transaction_dict["useLocal"]:
            user_local = "1"

        sign_str = transaction_dict["chainId"] + '-' + remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["from"].lower()) + '-' + \
                   remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["to"].lower()) + '-' + transaction_dict["nonce"] + '-' + \
                   user_local + '-' + transaction_dict["value"] + '-' + \

        sign_str = sign_str + '-'
        if transaction_dict["extra"] != '':
            sign_str = sign_str + transaction_dict["extra"]
        sign_bytes = to_bytes(text=sign_str)

        res = eth_utils_keccak(sign_bytes)
        sign_hash = self.account.signHash(to_hex(res), private_key=private_key)

        transaction_dict["sig"] = to_hex(sign_hash.signature)
        pk = keys.PrivateKey(private_key)
        transaction_dict["pub"] = "0x04" + pk.public_key.to_hex()[2:]
        return transaction_dict
Beispiel #3
    def keccak(primitive: Optional[Primitives] = None,
               text: Optional[str] = None,
               hexstr: Optional[HexStr] = None) -> bytes:
        if isinstance(primitive, (bytes, int, type(None))):
            input_bytes = to_bytes(primitive, hexstr=hexstr, text=text)
            return eth_utils_keccak(input_bytes)

        raise TypeError(
            f"You called keccak with first arg {primitive!r} and keywords {{'text': {text!r}, "
            f"'hexstr': {hexstr!r}}}. You must call it with one of these approaches: "
            "keccak(text='txt'), keccak(hexstr='0x747874'), keccak(b'\\x74\\x78\\x74'), "
            "or keccak(0x747874).")
Beispiel #4
def keccak(primitive=None, text=None, hexstr=None):
    if isinstance(primitive, (bytes, int, type(None))):
        input_bytes = to_bytes(primitive, hexstr=hexstr, text=text)
        return eth_utils_keccak(input_bytes)

    raise TypeError(
        "You called keccak with first arg %r and keywords %r. You must call it with one of "
        "these approaches: keccak(text='txt'), keccak(hexstr='0x747874'), "
        "keccak(b'\\x74\\x78\\x74'), or keccak(0x747874)." % (primitive, {
            'text': text,
            'hexstr': hexstr
Beispiel #5
 def signTransaction(self, transaction_dict, private_key):
     if not isinstance(transaction_dict, Mapping):
         raise TypeError("transaction_dict must be dict-like, got %r" %
     sign_str = transaction_dict["chainId"] + remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["from"].lower()) + \
                remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["to"].lower()) + transaction_dict["nonce"] + \
                transaction_dict["value"] + remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["input"].lower())
     sign_bytes = to_bytes(text=sign_str)
     res = eth_utils_keccak(sign_bytes)
     sign_hash = self.account.signHash(to_hex(res), private_key=private_key)
     print("sign_hash=", sign_hash)
     transaction_dict["sig"] = to_hex(sign_hash.signature)
     pk = keys.PrivateKey(private_key)
     transaction_dict["pub"] = "0x04" + pk.public_key.to_hex()[2:]
     return transaction_dict
Beispiel #6
def signTransaction(transaction_dict, private_key):
    provider = HTTPProvider (FULL_NODE_HOSTS)
    web3 = Web3 (provider)
    if not isinstance(transaction_dict, Mapping):
        raise TypeError("transaction_dict must be dict-like, got %r" % transaction_dict)
    sign_str = transaction_dict["chainId"] + remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["from"].lower()) + \
               remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["to"].lower()) + transaction_dict["nonce"] + \
               transaction_dict["value"] + remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["input"].lower())
    sign_bytes = to_bytes(text=sign_str)
    res = eth_utils_keccak(sign_bytes)
    sign_hash = web3.eth.account.signHash(to_hex(res), private_key=private_key)

    transaction_dict["sig"] = to_hex(sign_hash.signature)
    pk = keys.PrivateKey(private_key)
    transaction_dict["pub"] = "0x04" + pk.public_key.to_hex()[2:]
    return transaction_dict
Beispiel #7
def signTransaction(transaction_dict, private_key):

    provider = HTTPProvider(FULL_NODE_HOSTS)
    web3 = Web3(provider)
    if not isinstance(transaction_dict, Mapping):
        raise TypeError("transaction_dict must be dict-like, got %r" %
    sign_str = transaction_dict["chainId"] + remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["from"].lower()) + \
               remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["to"].lower()) + transaction_dict["nonce"] + \
               transaction_dict["value"] + remove_0x_prefix(transaction_dict["input"].lower())
    sign_bytes = to_bytes(text=sign_str)
    res = eth_utils_keccak(sign_bytes)
    sign_hash = web3.eth.account.signHash(to_hex(res), private_key=private_key)

    transaction_dict["sig"] = to_hex(sign_hash.signature)
    # pk = keys.PrivateKey(private_key)
    # transaction_dict["pub"] = "0x04" + pk.public_key.to_hex()[2:]
        "pub"] = "0x043d85aa2a649fa5fd421988cebff58d7173f7b563b8a9594e92bcf3e9f5e43037c3463121af51aacc8a8cf2d8cfcc6fa717b774fc0aceec04d7185c87e279c1f6"
    return transaction_dict
Beispiel #8
def v1_crawl_exchange():
    # get the exchange address parameter
    exchange_address_param = request.args.get("exchange");

    next_crawl_in_seconds = request.args.get("recrawlTime");

    # this allows us to have different update speeds for different exchanges if we like
    if (next_crawl_in_seconds is None):
        next_crawl_in_seconds = 60 * 5; # default if not specified is 5 minutes
    if (exchange_address_param is None):
        return jsonify(error='missing parameter: exchange'), 400

    exchange_address = None;

        exchange_address = to_checksum_address(exchange_address_param)
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify(error='invalid exchange address'), 400

    # query the exchange info to pull the last updated block number
    exchange_info = None;

    ds_client = datastore.Client();

    # create the exchange info query
    query = ds_client.query(kind='exchange');

    query.add_filter("address", "=", exchange_address);

    # run the query
    query_iterator = query.fetch();
    for entity in query_iterator:
        exchange_info = entity;

    if (exchange_info == None):
        return jsonify(error='no exchange found for this address'), 404

    last_updated_block_number = exchange_info["last_updated_block"];
    # if the last updated block number hasn't been set, then initialize it to the uniswap genesis block number (so we don't )
    # try pulling from very first block which is slow
    if (last_updated_block_number == 0):
        last_updated_block_number = GENSIS_BLOCK_NUMBER;

    bq_dataset_id = "exchanges_v1";

    bq_table_prefix = "exchange_history_";

    # load the exchange contract ABI
    EXCHANGE_ABI = open("static/exchangeABI.json", "r").read();
    exchange_contract = web3.eth.contract(address=exchange_address, abi=EXCHANGE_ABI);

    topic_hashes = {}

    # collect up event topics
    for event in
        # the event name
        event_name = event["name"];
        # the list of inputs and their types
        event_inputs = event["inputs"];

        # build up the string that we'll Keccak-256 hash to find the topic hash for this event (ie "RemoveLiquidity(address,uint256,uint256)")
        event_input_to_hash = [];


        # store the data needed to decode log data
        event_data = {          
            "event" : event_name,
            "input_types" : [],
            "input_names" : []

        # for all the inputs
        for input_data in event_inputs:
            # get the type of the input (address, uint256)
            event_input_type = input_data["type"];
            # append to the event data's input type list

            # get the name of the input parameter
            event_input_name = input_data["name"];
            # append to the event data's input name list

            # append to the string that we'll be hashing (see above)
            # append a comma

        #delete last comma
        del event_input_to_hash[-1]

        # append trailing parentheses

        # join all the strings to make the final string for hashing
        event_input_txt = "".join(event_input_to_hash);
        # determine the topic hash 
        topic_hash = eth_utils_keccak(text=event_input_txt).hex();

        # associate the event data with its topic hash
        topic_hashes[topic_hash] = event_data;

    fetch_to_block_number = last_updated_block_number + MAX_BLOCKS_TO_CRAWL;

        # fetch the current block to cap the request at
        current_block_data = web3.eth.getBlock('latest');

        current_block_number = int(current_block_data["number"]);

        # don't pull up to the very latest block as we're seeing log inconsistencies (possible that 'latest' block changes down the line?)
        fetch_to_block_number = min(fetch_to_block_number, current_block_number - 5);

        print("fetching exchange logs from block " + str(last_updated_block_number) + " to " + str(fetch_to_block_number));
        # grab all the contract logs for this exchange (since the last updated crawled block)
        logs = web3.eth.getLogs(
                "fromBlock": last_updated_block_number,
                "toBlock": fetch_to_block_number,
                "address": [
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify(error=str(e)), 500

    print("received " + str(len(logs)) + " exchange logs");

    error = None;

    # only proceed with bg look up and log parsing if we have any logs to deal with
    if (len(logs) > 0):     
        # pull the timestamps from bigquery for the blocks that we fetched
        # get the bigquery client
        bq_client = bigquery.Client()

        block_table = get_block_info_table(bq_client);

        # only pull blocks for the exact logs that we have to
        earliest_block_data_to_load = sys.maxsize
        latest_block_data_to_load = -1;

        for log in logs:
            log_block_num = log["blockNumber"];
            if (log_block_num < earliest_block_data_to_load):
                earliest_block_data_to_load = log_block_num
            if (log_block_num > latest_block_data_to_load):
                latest_block_data_to_load = log_block_num;
        block_table_name = "`" + PROJECT_ID + "." + BLOCKS_DATASET_ID + "." + BLOCKS_TABLE_ID + "`"

        # query all the blocks and their associated timestamps
        block_query = bq_client.query("""
              CAST(block as STRING) as block, CAST(timestamp as INT64) as timestamp
            FROM """ + block_table_name + """
            WHERE block >= """ + str(earliest_block_data_to_load) + """ and block <= """ + str(latest_block_data_to_load) + """ order by block asc""")

        block_results = block_query.result();

        block_to_timestamps = {}

        # fill the block -> timestamps map
        for row in block_results:
            block_to_timestamps[row.get("block")] = row.get("timestamp");

        print("Pulled " + str(len(block_to_timestamps.keys())) + " block-to-timestamps from BQ");

        # holds the rows that we'll insert into bigquery for this exchange
        rows_to_insert = []

        # track the latest block that we encounter
        latest_block_encountered = 0;

        # used to track the current eth total in the exchange pool
        cur_eth_total = int(exchange_info["cur_eth_total"]);
        # used to track the current token total in the exchange pool
        cur_tokens_total = int(exchange_info["cur_tokens_total"]);

        print("cur_eth_total = " + str(cur_eth_total));

            # for every log we pulled
            for log in logs:
                # get the topic list
                log_topics = log["topics"];

                # parse out the first topic hash to determine what event this was
                topic_hash = remove_0x_prefix(log_topics[0].hex());

                # grab the event data that we generated above for this topic
                event = topic_hashes[topic_hash];

                # skip transfer events
                if (event["event"] == "Transfer"):
                elif (event["event"] == "Approval"):

                block_number = log["blockNumber"];                

                # if we don't have a timestamp for this block then skip this log item
                if ((str(block_number) in block_to_timestamps) == False):
                    print("No timestamp found for block " + str(block_number));

                transaction_index = log["transactionIndex"];

                block_timestamp = block_to_timestamps[str(block_number)];

                block_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(block_timestamp);

                # track the maximum block number that we encounter
                if (block_number > latest_block_encountered):
                    latest_block_encountered = block_number;

                event_type = event["event"];

                # prepare the object that we'll be putting into bigquery
                event_clean = {
                    # "exchange" : exchange_address,
                    "event" : event_type,

                    "tx_hash" : log["transactionHash"].hex(),
                    "tx_index" : transaction_index,
                    "tx_order" : (block_number * 10000) + transaction_index, # tx_order is a single number for determining distinct transactions and order
                    "eth" : None,
                    "tokens" : None,

                    "cur_eth_total" : None,
                    "cur_tokens_total" : None,

                    "user" : None,

                    "timestamp" : block_timestamp,
                    "day" : block_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
                    "month" : block_date.strftime("%Y-%m"),
                    "year" : block_date.strftime("%Y"),

                    "block" : block_number

                # for each of the rest of the topics (ie inputs)
                for i in range(1, len(log_topics)):
                    # get the topic hash
                    topic = log_topics[i];

                    # remove any padding
                    topic = topic.hex().replace("0x000000000000000000000000", "0x");
                    # get the type for this input
                    input_type = event["input_types"][i - 1];

                    # get the name for this input
                    input_name = event["input_names"][i - 1];
                    # clean the amount of columns into just eth and token amounts
                    if ("eth_" in input_name):
                        input_name = "eth";
                    elif ("token" in input_name):
                        input_name = "tokens";
                    elif (("buyer" in input_name) or ("provider" in input_name)):
                        input_name = "user";

                    # if the type is address, just put into clean
                    if (input_type == 'address'):
                        event_clean[input_name] = topic;
                    elif (input_type == 'uint256'):
                        # else if it's an integer, parse it first
                        value = web3.toInt(hexstr=topic);

                        # modify value per event type
                        if (input_name == "eth"):
                            if ((event_type == "EthPurchase") or (event_type == "RemoveLiquidity")):
                                value = -value; # negative eth since the user is withdrawing eth from the pool
                        elif (input_name == "tokens"):
                            if ((event_type == "TokenPurchase") or (event_type == "RemoveLiquidity")):
                                value = -value; # negative tokens since the user is withdrawing tokens from the pool

                        # then put into clean
                        event_clean[input_name] = str(value);

                cur_eth_total += int(event_clean["eth"]);

                print("cur_eth_total after " + str(event_clean["tx_hash"]) + " = " + str(cur_eth_total));

                cur_tokens_total += int(event_clean["tokens"]);

                # track the current eth and token totals as of this transaction
                event_clean["cur_eth_total"] = str(cur_eth_total);
                event_clean["cur_tokens_total"] = str(cur_tokens_total);

        except Exception as e:
            # bail if we encounter any type of exception while parsing logs
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            return jsonify(error=str(e)), 500

        # get the dataset reference
        exchange_dataset_ref = bq_client.dataset(bq_dataset_id)
        # get the table reference for this exchange's history
        exchange_table_ref = exchange_dataset_ref.table(bq_table_prefix + exchange_address);

        # get the table
        exchange_table = bq_client.get_table(exchange_table_ref);

            # only try to insert into BQ if we have any rows
            if (len(rows_to_insert) > 0):
                insert_errors = [];
                # now push the new rows to the table
                insert_errors = bq_client.insert_rows(exchange_table, rows_to_insert);
                if (insert_errors == []):
                    latest_block_encountered += 1;

                    # success
                    print("Successfully inserted " + str(len(rows_to_insert)) + " (" + exchange_address + ") history rows. Updated last fetched block to " 
                        + str(latest_block_encountered) + ". cur_eth_total to " + str(cur_eth_total) + ", cur_tokens_total to " + str(cur_tokens_total));

                    # update most recent block we crawled
                    # update the datastore exchange info object for the next crawl call
                        "last_updated_block" : latest_block_encountered,
                        "cur_eth_total" : str(cur_eth_total),
                        "cur_tokens_total" : str(cur_tokens_total)

                print("0 rows to insert, skipping...");
        except Exception as e:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            error = e;
        print("Updated last fetched block to " + str(fetch_to_block_number + 1));

        # update most recent block we crawled
        # update the datastore exchange info object for the next crawl call
            "last_updated_block" : (fetch_to_block_number + 1)


    # if we didn't encounter any error then schedule a new fetch block task
    if (error == None):
        scheduleTask(int(next_crawl_in_seconds), "/tasks/crawl?exchange=" + exchange_address + "&recrawlTime=" + str(next_crawl_in_seconds));
        return jsonify(error=str(error)), 200
    	return jsonify(error=str(error)), 500
 def address(self):
     x = self.point.x()
     y = self.point.y()
     s = x.to_bytes(32, 'big') + y.to_bytes(32, 'big')
     return to_checksum_address(eth_utils_keccak(s)[12:])