Beispiel #1
    def test_pages_to_show(self):
        paginator = Paginator(range(300), 10)
        # range of pages at the beginning
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 1)
        self.assertEqual(7, len(pages),
                         "show pages returns 7 items for first page")
        self.assert_(1 in pages, "show pages includes 1 for first page")
        self.assert_(6 in pages, "show pages includes 6 for first page")
        # default labels
        self.assertEqual('1', pages[1])
        self.assertEqual('6', pages[6])
        # custom labels
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 1, {1: 'one', 2: 'two'})
        self.assertEqual('one', pages[1])
        self.assertEqual('two', pages[2])
        self.assertEqual('6', pages[6])  # default because not specified

        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 2)
        self.assert_(1 in pages, "show pages for page 2 includes 1")
        self.assert_(2 in pages, "show pages for page 2 includes 2")
        self.assert_(3 in pages, "show pages for page 2 includes 3")

        # range of pages in the middle
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 15)
            7, len(pages),
            "show pages returns 7 items for middle of page result")
            15 in pages,
            "show pages includes current page for middle of page result")
            12 in pages,
            "show pages includes third page before current page for middle of page result"
            18 in pages,
            "show pages includes third page after current page for middle of page result"

        # range of pages at the end
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 30)
        self.assertEqual(7, len(pages),
                         "show pages returns 7 items for last page")
        self.assert_(30 in pages,
                     "show pages includes last page for last page of results")
            24 in pages,
            "show pages includes 6 pages before last page for last page of results"
    def test_pages_to_show(self):
        paginator = Paginator(range(300), 10)
        # range of pages at the beginning
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 1)
        self.assertEqual(7, len(pages), "show pages returns 7 items for first page")
        self.assert_(1 in pages, "show pages includes 1 for first page")
        self.assert_(6 in pages, "show pages includes 6 for first page")
        # default labels
        self.assertEqual('1', pages[1])
        self.assertEqual('6', pages[6])
        # custom labels
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 1, {1: 'one', 2: 'two'})
        self.assertEqual('one', pages[1])
        self.assertEqual('two', pages[2])
        self.assertEqual('6', pages[6])  # default because not specified

        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 2)
        self.assert_(1 in pages, "show pages for page 2 includes 1")
        self.assert_(2 in pages, "show pages for page 2 includes 2")
        self.assert_(3 in pages, "show pages for page 2 includes 3")

        # range of pages in the middle
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 15)
        self.assertEqual(7, len(pages),
                         "show pages returns 7 items for middle of page result")
        self.assert_(15 in pages,
                     "show pages includes current page for middle of page result")
        self.assert_(12 in pages,
            "show pages includes third page before current page for middle of page result")
        self.assert_(18 in pages,
            "show pages includes third page after current page for middle of page result")

        # range of pages at the end
        pages = pages_to_show(paginator, 30)
        self.assertEqual(7, len(pages),
                         "show pages returns 7 items for last page")
        self.assert_(30 in pages,
                     "show pages includes last page for last page of results")
        self.assert_(24 in pages,
                     "show pages includes 6 pages before last page for last page of results")
Beispiel #3
def view_item(request, pid):
    Display information about a single object.  Currently
    only supports :class:`eulcm.models.boda.EmailMessage`
    and :class:`eulcm.models.boda.Mailbox` objects.

    :param pid: The pid of the object to be displayed.

    repo = TypeInferringRepository(request=request)
    obj = repo.get_object(pid)
    context = {'obj': obj}
    if isinstance(obj, boda.EmailMessage):
        template_name = 'arrangement/email_view.html'
    elif isinstance(obj, boda.Mailbox):
        template_name = 'arrangement/mailbox_view.html'

        # use Solr to find paginated messages in this mailbox
        solr = solr_interface()
        q = solr.query(isPartOf=obj.uri)
        paginator = Paginator(q, 30)
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
        except ValueError:
            page = 1
            results =
        except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
            results =
        # calculate page links to show
        show_pages = pages_to_show(paginator, page)
        # add paginated messages to context
            'page': results,
            'show_pages': show_pages,
            'search_opts': request.GET.urlencode()
        raise Http404

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)
Beispiel #4
def view_item(request, pid):
    Display information about a single object.  Currently
    only supports :class:`eulcm.models.boda.EmailMessage`
    and :class:`eulcm.models.boda.Mailbox` objects.

    :param pid: The pid of the object to be displayed.

    repo = TypeInferringRepository(request=request)
    obj = repo.get_object(pid)
    context = {'obj': obj}
    if isinstance(obj, boda.EmailMessage):
        template_name = 'arrangement/email_view.html'
    elif isinstance(obj, boda.Mailbox):
        template_name = 'arrangement/mailbox_view.html'

        # use Solr to find paginated messages in this mailbox
        solr = solr_interface()
        q = solr.query(isPartOf=obj.uri)
        paginator = Paginator(q, 30)
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
        except ValueError:
            page = 1
            results =
        except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
            results =
        # calculate page links to show
        show_pages = pages_to_show(paginator, page)
        # add paginated messages to context
            'page': results,
            'show_pages': show_pages,
            'search_opts': request.GET.urlencode()
        raise Http404

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)
Beispiel #5
def paginate(request, query):
    '''Common pagination logic, straight out of django docs.  Takes a
    :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` and a result set that can be
    paginated; returns a tuple of the current
    :class:`django.core.paginator.Page` (based on the request) and the
    page numbers that should be displayed (generated by
    paginator = Paginator(query, 10)
    # get current page number
        page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
    except ValueError:
        page = 1
    # return last page if an invalid page is requested
        results =
    except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
        results =

    # calculate page links to be shown
    show_pages = pages_to_show(paginator, page)
    return results, show_pages
Beispiel #6
def paginate(request, query):
    '''Common pagination logic, straight out of django docs.  Takes a
    :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` and a result set that can be
    paginated; returns a tuple of the current
    :class:`django.core.paginator.Page` (based on the request) and the
    page numbers that should be displayed (generated by
    paginator = Paginator(query, 10)
    # get current page number
        page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
    except ValueError:
        page = 1
    # return last page if an invalid page is requested
        results =
    except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
        results =

    # calculate page links to be shown
    show_pages = pages_to_show(paginator, page)
    return results, show_pages
Beispiel #7
def search(request):
    '''Search for :class:`` or
    :class:`~keep.arrangement.models.ArrangementObject`by pid, title,
    description, collection, date, rights, etc.'''

    # if NO search terms are specified, return an advanced search page
    if not request.GET:
        return TemplateResponse(request, 'common/advanced-search.html',
                      {'searchform': commonforms.ItemSearch(prefix='audio')})

    form = commonforms.ItemSearch(request.GET, prefix='audio')

    ctx_dict = {'searchform': form}
    if form.is_valid():
        solr = solr_interface()
        # solr search options from posted data
        search_opts = form.search_options()
        # search term/value display info for user based on posted data
        ctx_dict['search_info'] = form.search_info()

        # solr query to restrict this search to appropriate content models
        cm_query = solr.Q(solr.Q(content_model=ArrangementObject.ARRANGEMENT_CONTENT_MODEL) \
                          | solr.Q(content_model=AudioObject.AUDIO_CONTENT_MODEL)\
                          | solr.Q(content_model=Video.VIDEO_CONTENT_MODEL))
        # for now, sort by most recently created
        solrquery = solr.query(**search_opts).filter(cm_query).sort_by('-created')

        # if user requested specific display fields, handle output display and formatting
        if form.cleaned_data['display_fields']:
            fields = form.cleaned_data['display_fields']
            # pid and content model are always needed to construct html search results
            solr_fields = fields + ['pid', 'content_model']
            solrquery = solrquery.field_limit(solr_fields)

            class FieldList(list):
                # extended list  object with pid and content model attributes
                def __init__(self, pid=None, content_model=None, values=[]):
                    super(FieldList, self).__init__(values)
                    if pid:
               = pid
                    if content_model:
                        self.content_model = content_model
                        self.content_model = []

            def field_list(**kwargs):
                # method to construct a custom solr result based on the requested field list
                l = FieldList(pid=kwargs.get('pid', None),
                              content_model=kwargs.get('content_model', None))
                for f in fields:
                    val = kwargs.get(f, '')
                    if solr.schema.fields[f].multi_valued:
                        val = '; '.join(val)
                return l

            solrquery = solrquery.results_as(field_list)

                'display_fields': fields,
                'display_labels': [commonforms.ItemSearch.display_field_opts[f] for f in fields]

            # if CSV is requested with display_fields, return as csv before paginating

            if form.cleaned_data['output'] == 'csv':
                response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
                response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Keep-report_%s.csv' \
                writer = unicodecsv.writer(response)
                # write out list of field labels
                # then append all matching values
                # FIXME: csv output for very large results is VERY slow
                # TODO: append rows in chunks of 50-100, to handle
                # large result sets better - maybe use paginator?
                return response

        paginator = Paginator(solrquery, 30)
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
        except ValueError:
            page = 1
            results =
        except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
            results =

        # calculate page links to show
        show_pages = pages_to_show(paginator, page)

            'results': results.object_list,
            'page': results,
            'show_pages': show_pages,
            # pass search term query opts to view for pagination links
            'search_opts': request.GET.urlencode(),

    return TemplateResponse(request, 'common/search.html', ctx_dict)
Beispiel #8
def keyword_search(request):
    '''Combined keyword search across all :mod:`keep` repository
    searchform = KeywordSearch(request.GET)
    missing_label = '[null]'

    ctx = {'form': searchform}
    if searchform.is_valid():
        search_terms = searchform.cleaned_data['keyword']

        solr = solr_interface()
        # start with a default query to add filters & search terms
        # *first* filter to restrict to content models user has permission to view
        # q = filter_by_perms(solr.query(), request.user)
        q = solr.query()

        # optional date filter for fixity check
        fixity_check_mindate = searchform.cleaned_data.get('fixity_check_mindate', None)
        if fixity_check_mindate:
            today =
            q = q.query(last_fixity_check__range=(fixity_check_mindate, today))

        # use solr grouping queries to cluster original and migrated objects
        # if they appear in the same search result set
        q = q.group_by('original_pid', limit=5, sort='created desc', format='simple')

        # separate out normal and fielded search terms in keyword search string
        # TODO: should this logic be shifted to form validation/cleaning?
        search_info = MultiValueDict()
        terms = []
        # add field-based search terms to query and search info for display
        for t in search_terms:
            field, val = t
            # add non-field terms to list of terms
            # - no field name
            if field is None:
            # - unrecognized field name or incomplete term
            elif val is None or field not in searchform.allowed_fields:
                # just search on the text we were given
                if val is None:
                    term = '%s:' % field
                    if ' ' in val:  # assume exact phrase if quoted
                        val = "%s" % val
                    term = '%s:%s' % (field, val)

            # field/value pair
                solr_field = searchform.allowed_fields[field]
                search_val = val
                # special case for searching for collection source id
                if field == 'coll' and search_val and search_val.isdigit():
                    solr_field = 'collection_source_id'
                # add wildcard to end of search dates
                # (indexed by YYYY-MM-DD; allow match on YYYY or YYYY-MM)
                if field == 'created':
                    search_val += '*'
                # add field/value search to the solr query
                q = q.query(**{solr_field: search_val})
                # add to search info for display to user
                field = 'collection' if field == 'coll' else field
                search_info.update({field: val})

        # search on all collected search terms
        q = q.query(*terms)
        # FIXME: there should be a way to exclude these by type
        # Exclude archival collection (Top-level library)
        for p in settings.PID_ALIASES.values():
            q = q.exclude(pid=p)

        # get a copy of current url options for pagination
        # and to generate links to remove active filters
        urlopts = request.GET.copy()

        # handle facets
        display_filters = []
        # - list of tuples: display name, link to remove the filter
        active_filters = dict((field, []) for field in
        # - dictionary of filters in use, for exclusion from displayed
        # facets

        # filter the solr search based on any facets in the request
        for filter_val, facet_field in searchform.facet_field_names.iteritems():
            # For multi-valued fields (author, subject), we could have multiple
            # filters on the same field; treat all facet fields as lists.
            for val in request.GET.getlist(filter_val):

                # ignore any facet if the value is not set
                if not val:

                # special case: search for items without a field
                if val == missing_label:
                    q = q.exclude(**{'%s__any' % facet_field: True})

                    # filter the current solr query
                    q = q.filter(**{facet_field: val})

                # add to list of active filters

                # add to list for user display & removal
                # - copy the urlopts and remove only the current value
                unfacet_urlopts = urlopts.copy()
                val_list = unfacet_urlopts.getlist(filter_val)
                unfacet_urlopts.setlist(filter_val, val_list)
                # tuple of filter display value, url to remove it
                # - add details to label when the value doesn't make it obvious
                if filter_val in ['added by', 'modified by']:
                    label = '%s %s' % (filter_val, val)
                elif filter_val == 'fixity_check':
                    label = 'fixity check: %s' % 'valid' if val == 'pass' else 'invalid'
                elif val == missing_label:
                    label = '%s: null' % filter_val
                elif filter_val == 'access status':
                    # use access status abbreviation instead of numeric code
                    label = rights_access_terms_dict[val].abbreviation
                    label = val


        # Update solr query to return values & counts for the
        # configured facet fields
        q = q.facet_by(searchform.facet_field_names.values(),
                       mincount=1, limit=15, sort='count',
        # NOTE: missing true displays count for items without any value
        # for the facet field (e.g., no access code set)

        # if there are any *keyword* terms, sort by relevance and display score
        # (for fielded search terms, items will either match or not, so relevance
        # is not as useful)
        if terms:
            # NOTE: possibly a change in sunburnt?
            # including score now requires specifying *all* fields that
            # should be returned
            q = q.sort_by('-score').field_limit([
                # common item information
                "object_type", "content_model", "pid", "label", "title",
                "creator", "created", "last_modified", "added_by",
                # collection
                "archive_short_name", "hasMember",
                # item
                # audio
                "part", "collection_label", "duration", "has_access_copy",
                "access_copy_mimetype", "access_copy_size", "source_id",
                # arrangement/disk image
                "simpleCollection_label", "rights", "state",
                # migrated / original
                "original_pid", "isDerivationOf", "hasDerivation",
                # format and size, used for disk images display (at least)
                "content_size", "content_format"
            ctx['show_relevance'] = True
        # then sort by most recently created
        # (primary sort when no search terms, secondary otherwise)
        q = q.sort_by('-created')

        # list of currently known types for display in results
        # FIXME: are these used anywhere?
        known_object_types = ['audio', 'collection', 'born-digital']

        # paginate the solr result set
        paginator = Paginator(q, 30)
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
        except ValueError:
            page = 1
            results =
        except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
            results =
        # calculate page links to show
        show_pages = pages_to_show(paginator, page)

        # convert the facets from the solr result for display to user
        facets = SortedDict()
        facet_fields = results.object_list.facet_counts.facet_fields
        for display_name, field in searchform.facet_field_names.iteritems():
            #do not display coll facet because it is redundant with the collection facet
            if display_name in ['coll', 'fixity_check']:
            if field in facet_fields and facet_fields[field]:
                show_facets = []
                # skip any display facet values that are already in effect
                for val in facet_fields[field]:
                        if val[0] not in active_filters[display_name]:
                    except TypeError:
                        # when solr missing=True is turned on,
                        # last result is a count of items with no value
                        # for this field
                        if val is not 0 and field in searchform.show_missing_facets \
                          and missing_label not in active_filters[display_name]:
                            show_facets.append((missing_label, val))
                if show_facets:
                    facets[display_name] = show_facets

            'page': results,
            'show_pages': show_pages,
            # 'known_types': known_object_types,
            'search_opts': request.GET.urlencode(),
            'search_terms': terms,
            'search_info': search_info,
            'url_params': urlopts.urlencode(),
            'facets': facets,
            'active_filters': display_filters,

    return TemplateResponse(request, 'repoadmin/results.html', ctx)