Beispiel #1
def ingest_form(request):
    """Display or process the file ingest form. On GET, display the form. On
    valid POST, reposit the submitted file in a new digital object.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = IngestForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            # TODO: set label/dc:title based on filename;
            # set file mimetype in dc:format
            # TODO: file checksum?
            repo = Repository(request=request)
            fobj = repo.get_object(type=FileObject)
            st = (fobj.uriref, relsext.isMemberOfCollection,
            fobj.master.content = request.FILES['file']
            # pre-populate the object label and dc:title with the uploaded filename
            fobj.label = fobj.dc.content.title = request.FILES['file'].name
  'ingesting user content')

            messages.success(request, 'Successfully ingested <a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>' % \
                             (reverse('file:view', args=[]),
            return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('site-index'))
        initial_data = {}
        # if collection is specified in url parameters, pre-select the
        # requested collection on the form via initial data
        if 'collection' in request.GET:
            initial_data['collection'] = request.GET['collection']
        form = IngestForm(initial=initial_data)
    return render_to_response('file/ingest.html', {'form': form},
    def _load_postcard(self, label, description, subjects, filename):
        '''Create a postcard object and load to fedora.

        :param label: object label and dc:title
        :param description: object dc:description
        :param subjects: list of subjects to be set in dc:subject
        :param filename: filename for image content, assumed relative to current directory
        # NOTE: image object init here somewhat redundant with current postcard ingest logic
        repo = Repository()
        obj = repo.get_object(type=ImageObject)
        obj.label = label
        obj.owner = settings.FEDORA_OBJECT_OWNERID
        obj.dc.content.title = obj.label
        # common DC for all postcards
        obj.dc.content.type = 'image'
        # FIXME: configure this somewhere?
        # set file as content of image datastream
        obj.image.content = open(path.join(fixture_path, filename))
        # add relation to postcard collection
Beispiel #3
def view_metadata(request, pid):
    repo = Repository(request=request)
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=FileObject)
    # if the object doesn't exist or user doesn't have sufficient
    # permissions to know that it exists, 404
    if not obj.exists:
        raise Http404
    return render_to_response('file/view.html', {'obj': obj}, request=request)
Beispiel #4
def edit_metadata(request, pid):
    """View to edit the metadata for an existing
    :class:`~genrepo.file.models.FileObject` .

    On GET, display the form.  When valid form data is POSTed, updates
    thes object.
    status_code = None
    repo = Repository(request=request)
    # get the object (if pid is not None), or create a new instance
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=FileObject)

    # on GET, instantiate the form with existing object data (if any)
    if request.method == 'GET':
        form = DublinCoreEditForm(instance=obj.dc.content)

    # on POST, create a new collection object, update DC from form
    # data (if valid), and save
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        form = DublinCoreEditForm(request.POST, instance=obj.dc.content)
        if form.is_valid():
            # also use dc:title as object label
            obj.label = obj.dc.content.title
                result ='updated metadata')
                'Successfully updated <a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>' % \
                         (reverse('file:view', args=[]),

                # maybe redirect to file view page when we have one
                return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('site-index'))
            except (DigitalObjectSaveFailure, RequestFailed) as rf:
                # do we need a different error message for DigitalObjectSaveFailure?
                if isinstance(rf, PermissionDenied):
                    msg = 'You don\'t have permission to modify this object in the repository.'
                    msg = 'There was an error communicating with the repository.'
                               msg + ' Please contact a site administrator.')

                # pass the fedora error code back in the http response
                status_code = getattr(rf, 'code', None)

    # if form is not valid, fall through and re-render the form with errors
    response = render_to_response('file/edit.html', {
        'form': form,
        'obj': obj
    # if a non-standard status code is set, set it in the response before returning
    if status_code is not None:
        response.status_code = status_code
    return response
def view_postcard_large(request, pid):
    '''View a large image of postcard with title only.'''
    repo = Repository()
        obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=ImageObject)
        obj.label   # access object label to trigger 404 before we get to the template

        return render_to_response('postcards/view_postcard_large.html',
                              {'card' : obj },
    except RequestFailed:
        raise Http404
 def setUp(self):
     # load test object to test views with
     repo = Repository()
     self.obj = repo.get_object(type=SimpleDigitalObject)
     self.obj.dc.content.title = 'test object for generic views'
     self.obj.text.content = 'sample plain-text content'
     img_file = path.join(settings.FEDORA_FIXTURES_DIR, 'test.png')
     self.obj.image.content = open(img_file)
     # force datastream checksums so we can test response headers
     for ds in [self.obj.dc, self.obj.rels_ext, self.obj.text, self.obj.image]:
         ds.checksum_type = 'MD5'
Beispiel #7
def view_collection(request, pid):
    '''view an existing
    :class:`~genrepo.collection.models.CollectionObject` identified by
    repo = Repository(request=request)
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=CollectionObject)
    # if the object does not exist or the current user doesn't have
    # permission to see that it exists, 404
    if not obj.exists:
        raise Http404
    return render_to_response('collection/view.html', {'obj': obj},
def postcard_image(request, pid, size):
    '''Serve out postcard image in requested size.

    :param pid: postcard object pid
    :param size: size to return, one of thumbnail, medium, or large
        repo = Repository()
        obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=ImageObject)
        if size == 'thumbnail':
            image = obj.thumbnail()
        elif size == 'medium':
            image = obj.medium_image()
        elif size == 'large':
            image = obj.large_image()
        return HttpResponse(image, mimetype='image/jpeg')
    except RequestFailed as fail:
        raise Http404
def view_postcard(request, pid):
    '''View a single postcard at actual postcard size, with description.'''
    repo = Repository()
        obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=ImageObject)
        obj.label   # access object label to trigger 404 before we get to the template

        #get ark from object
        ark = filter(lambda ident: 'ark' in ident, obj.dc.content.identifier_list)
        if len(ark) > 0:
            ark =  ark[0]
            ark = ''
#        #get description from description elements
        description = filter(lambda desc: desc.startswith(settings.POSTCARD_DESCRIPTION_LABEL), obj.dc.content.description_list)
        if len(description) > 0:
            description =  description[0]
            description = description[len(settings.POSTCARD_DESCRIPTION_LABEL):] #trim off label used to identify description
            description = ''

        #get postcard text from description elements
        postcard_text = filter(lambda desc:  desc.startswith(settings.POSTCARD_FLOATINGTEXT_LABEL), obj.dc.content.description_list)
        if len(postcard_text) > 0:
            postcard_text =  postcard_text[0]
            postcard_text =  postcard_text[len(settings.POSTCARD_FLOATINGTEXT_LABEL):] #trim off label used to identify postcard text

            postcard_text = ''

        return render_to_response('postcards/view_postcard.html',
                              {'card' : obj, 'ark' : ark, 'description' : description, 'postcard_text' : postcard_text },
    except RequestFailed:
        raise Http404
    def handle(self, cards_fname, image_dir, dry_run=False, **options):
        verbosity = int(options['verbosity'])    # 1 = normal, 0 = minimal, 2 = all
        v_normal = 1

        #populate usr and pass
        repo_args = {}
        if  options.get('username') is not None:
            repo_args['username'] = options.get('username')
        if options.get('password') is not None:
            repo_args['password'] = options.get('password')

        repo = Repository(**repo_args)
        collection = PostcardCollection.get()
        if not collection.exists:
            raise Exception( + " is not in the repository. Do you need to syncrepo?")

        def anas_simple(my_dict,a):
            for ana in my_dict:
                if ana in a:
                    return my_dict[ana]

#        def anas_complex(a,b):
#            for ana in ana_lcc:
#                if ana not in a:
#                   return FALSE
#                if ana in b:
#                   return ana_lcc[ana] 

        #dictionary of lc subjects, simple (using 1 ana id) and complex (using 2 ana ids).
        ana_lcs = {"nat-it":"World War, 1914-1918--Italy",
                   "nat-fr":"World War, 1914-1918--France",
                   "nat-us":"World War, 1914-1918--United States",
                   "nat-de":"World War, 1914-1918--Germany",
                   "nat-brit":"World War, 1914-1918--Great Britain",
                   "nat-bel":"World War, 1914-1918--Belgium",
                   "nat-au":"World War, 1914-1918--Austria",
                   "nat-nl":"World War, 1914-1918--Netherlands",
                   "nat-rus":"World War, 1914-1918--Russia",
                   "nat-jp":" World War, 1914-1918--Japan",
                   "nat-ee":"World War, 1914-1918--Eastern Europe",
                   "nat-ca":"World War, 1914-1918--Canada",
                   "nat-hu":"World War, 1914-1918--Hungary",
                   "mil-nur":"Military Nursing",
                   "con-h":"World War, 1914-1918--Humor", 
                   "con-v":"World War, 1914-1918--Poetry", 
                   "con-p":"World War, 1914-1918--Persons", 
                   "con-m":"World War, 1914-1918--Memorials", 
                   "con-r":"World War, 1914-1918--Destruction  and pillage",
                   "con-f":"Flags in art",
                   "con-el":"Uncle Elmer",
                   "hf-p":"World War, 1914-1918--Propaganda", 
                   "hf-c":"World War, 1914-1918--Children", 
                   "hf-w":"World War, 1914-1918--Women", 
                   "hf-re":"World War, 1914-1918--Religious aspects", 
                   "hf-ro":"World War, 1914-1918--Man-Woman relationships",

        ana_lcc_army = {"nat-fr":u"France. Arm\xe9e", 
                           "nat-brit":"Great Britain. Army", 
                           "nat-bel":u"Belgium. Arm\xe9e", 
                           "nat-de":"Germany. Heer", 
                           "nat-us":"United States. Army", 
                           "nat-ca":"Canada. Canadian Army", 
                           "nat-jp":"Japan. Rikugun", 
                           "nat-au":u"Austria. Arm\xe9e",
        ana_lcc_navy = {"nat-brit":"Royal Navy. Great Britain", 
                           "nat-us":"United States. Navy", 
                           "nat-fr":"France. Marine", 
                           "nat-de":"Germany. Kriegsmarine", 
                           "nat-ca":"Canada. Royal Canadian Navy",       
        #images use dc:type
        ana_lcimage  = {"im-ph":"photograph",
                        "im-s":"silk postcard", 
        #use dc:coverage
        ana_lccoverage = {"t-wwi":"1914-1918",
                          "t-pre":"Before 1914",
                          "t-post":"After 1918",
                          "t-post2":"After 1945",
        # make a dictionary of subjects so type and value is easily accessible by id
        interps = collection.interp.content.interp_groups
        subjects = {}
        for group in interps:
            for interp in group.interp:
                subjects[] = (group.type, interp.value)

        cards_tei = load_xmlobject_from_file(cards_fname, xmlclass=Tei)
        cards = cards_tei.body.all_figures
        files = 0
        ingested = 0
        for c in cards:
            file = os.path.join(image_dir, '%s.tif' % c.entity)
            if os.access(file, os.F_OK):
                if verbosity >= v_normal:
                    print "Found master file %s for %s" % (file, c.entity)
                file = os.path.join(image_dir, 'wwi_%s.tif' % c.entity)
                if os.access(file, os.F_OK):
                    if verbosity >= v_normal:
                        print "Found master file %s for %s" % (file, c.entity)
                    if verbosity >= v_normal:
                        print "File not found for %s" % c.entity

            files += 1
            obj = repo.get_object(type=ImageObject)
            obj.dc.content.identifier_list.append(c.entity) # Store local identifiers in DC
            obj.label = c.head
            obj.owner = settings.FEDORA_OBJECT_OWNERID
            obj.dc.content.title = obj.label

            #append label so postcard description can be identified in the description elements
            obj.dc.content.description_list.append('%s%s' % (settings.POSTCARD_DESCRIPTION_LABEL, c.description))

            #Add floating text from postcards (text written on the card)
            float_lines = [] # list of lines of text from the postcard
            f_text = c.floatingText
            if len(f_text) > 0:
                f_text = f_text[0]
		if f_text.head:
                if len(f_text.line_group) > 0:
                    for group in f_text.line_group:
                        if group.head is not None: #treat head as normal line
                        for line in group.line: #add the rest of the lines
                        float_lines.append('\n') #each linegroup needs an extra \n at the end to make a paragraph
                elif len(f_text.line) > 0:
                    for line in f_text.line:
                float_lines = map(unicode, float_lines) #convert all lines to unicode
                float_lines = str.join("\n", float_lines) #Add \n for each line break and convert to a str

                #append label so floating text (postcard text) can be identified in the description elements
                obj.dc.content.description_list.append('%s%s' % (settings.POSTCARD_FLOATINGTEXT_LABEL, float_lines))

            # convert interp text into dc: subjects
            local_subjects = []
            for ana_id in c.ana.split():
                #            ana_id = c.ana.split()
                if ana_id in subjects:
                    local_subjects.append('%s: %s' % subjects[ana_id])
                    print 'ana id %s not recognized for %s' % (ana_id, c.entity)

            lc_subjects = []
            ana_ids = []
            ana_ids = c.ana.split()
            if verbosity > v_normal:
                print 'DEBUG: %s are the ana ids for %s' % (ana_ids, c.entity) 
            for ana_id in ana_ids:
                if ana_id in ana_lcc_army:
                    for ana_id2 in ana_ids:
                        if  ana_id2 == "mil-a":
                            ana_lc = ana_lcc_army[ana_id]
                            lc_subjects.append('%s' % ana_lc)
                            print '%s added to LC subjects list-army or navy' % ana_lc
                if ana_id in ana_lcc_navy:
                    for ana_id2 in ana_ids:
                        if ana_id2 == "mil-na":
                            ana_lc = ana_lcc_navy[ana_id]
                            lc_subjects.append('%s' % ana_lc)
                            print '%s added to LC subjects list-army or navy' % ana_lc
                if ana_id in ana_lcs:
                    ana_lc = anas_simple(ana_lcs, ana_id)
                    lc_subjects.append('%s' % ana_lc)
                    print '%s added to LC subjects list-nat, mil-nur, con, hf' % (ana_lc)
#                else:         
#                    print 'ana id %s not recognized for %s' % (ana_id, c.entity)

            for ana_id in ana_ids:
                my_dict = ana_lcimage
                if ana_id in my_dict:
#                    print 'DEBUG %s found in image list' % ana_id
                    ana_image = anas_simple(my_dict, ana_id)
#                    print 'DEBUG %s is the value for %s' % (ana_image, ana_id)
                    lc_subjects.append('%s' % ana_image)
                    print '%s added to LC subjects list-image type' % (ana_image)
#                else:
#                    print 'ana id %s not recognized for %s' % (ana_id, c.entity)

            for ana_id in ana_ids:
                my_dict = ana_lccoverage
                if ana_id in my_dict:
                    ana_cover = anas_simple(my_dict,ana_id)
                    lc_subjects.append('%s' % ana_cover)
                    print '%s added to LC subjects list-coverage' % ana_cover
#                else:
#                    print 'ana id %s not recognized for %s' % (ana_id, c.entity)
            # common DC for all postcards
            obj.dc.content.type = 'image'
            obj.dc.content.type = 'postcard'

            # set file as content of image datastream
            obj.image.content = open(file)

            # add relation to postcard collection
            # TODO: OAI identifier ?

            if verbosity > v_normal:
                print "Dublin Core\t\n", obj.dc.content.serialize(pretty=True)
                print "RELS-EXT \t\n", obj.rels_ext.content.serialize(pretty=True)
            if not dry_run:
            print "ingested %s as %s" % (unicode(c.head).encode('latin-1'),
            ingested += 1

        # summarize what was done
        print "Found %d postcards " % len(cards)
        print "Found %d postcard files " % files
        print "Ingested %d postcards " % ingested
def raw_datastream(request, pid, dsid, type=None, repo=None, headers={}):
    '''View to display a raw datastream that belongs to a Fedora Object.
    Returns an :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` with the response content
    populated with the content of the datastream.  The following HTTP headers
    may be included in all the responses:

    - Content-Type: mimetype of the datastream in Fedora
    - ETag: datastream checksum, as long as the checksum type is not 'DISABLED'

    The following HTTP headers may be included `only` for non-xml and non-RDF
    datastreams (excluded there since they may be inaccurate depending on the
    serialization of the content):

    - Content-MD5: MD5 checksum of the datastream in Fedora, if available
    - Content-Length: size of the datastream in Fedora

    If either the datastream or object are not found, raises an
    :class:`~django.http.Http404` .  For any other errors (e.g., permission
    denied by Fedora), the exception is re-raised and should be handled elsewhere.
    :param request: HttpRequest
    :param pid: Fedora object PID
    :param dsid: datastream ID to be returned
    :param type: custom object type (should extend
        :class:`~eulcore.fedora.models.DigitalObject`) (optional)
    :param repo: :class:`~eulcore.django.fedora.server.Repository` instance to use,
        in case your application requires custom repository initialization (optional)
    :param headers: dictionary of additional headers to include in the response
    if repo is None:
        repo = Repository()
    get_obj_opts = {}
    if type is not None:
        get_obj_opts['type'] = type
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, **get_obj_opts)
        # NOTE: we could test that pid is actually the requested
        # obj.has_requisite_content_models but that would mean
        # an extra API call for every datastream but RELS-EXT
        # Leaving out for now, for efficiency

        ds = obj.getDatastreamObject(dsid)
        if ds and ds.exists:
            # if the datastream content has a serialize option, use that
            if hasattr(ds.content, 'serialize'):
                content = ds.content.serialize(pretty=True)
            # otherwise, use content directly
                content = ds.content
            # NOTE: this will probably need some work to be able to handle large datastreams
            response = HttpResponse(content, mimetype=ds.mimetype)
            # if we have a checksum, use it as an ETag
            if ds.checksum_type != 'DISABLED':
                response['ETag'] = ds.checksum
            # TODO: set last-modified header also ? may require an extra API call
            # Where available & appropriate, pass along content length & MD5
            # checksum in response headers.
            # MD5 and size may not be accurate for XML & RDF depending on
            # serialization, so leaving off in those cases.            
            if ds.mimetype not in ['text/xml', 'application/rdf+xml']:
                if ds.checksum_type == 'MD5':
                    response['Content-MD5'] = ds.checksum
                    response['Content-Length'] =

            # set any user-specified headers that were passed in
            for header, val in headers.iteritems():
                response[header] = val
            return response
            raise Http404
    except RequestFailed as rf:
        print rf
        # if object is not the speficied type or if either the object
        # or the requested datastream doesn't exist, 404
        if rf.code == 404 or \
            (type is not None and not obj.has_requisite_content_models) or \
                not getattr(obj, dsid).exists or not obj.exists :
            raise Http404

        # for anything else, re-raise & let Django's default 500 logic handle it
Beispiel #12
def _create_or_edit_collection(request, pid=None):
    """View to create a new
    :class:`~genrepo.collection.models.CollectionObject` or update an
    existing one.

    On GET, display the form.  When valid form data is POSTed, creates
    a new collection (if pid is None) or updates an existing
    status_code = None
    repo = Repository(request=request)
    # get the object (if pid is not None), or create a new instance
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=CollectionObject)

    # on GET, instantiate the form with existing object data (if any)
    if request.method == 'GET':
        form = CollectionDCEditForm(instance=obj.dc.content)

    # on POST, create a new collection object, update DC from form
    # data (if valid), and save
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        form = CollectionDCEditForm(request.POST, instance=obj.dc.content)
        if form.is_valid():
            # also use dc:title as object label
            obj.label = obj.dc.content.title
                if obj.exists:
                    action = 'updated'
                    save_msg = 'updated via genrepo'
                    action = 'created new'
                    save_msg = 'ingested via genrepo'

                # save message must be specified in order for Fedora
                # to generate & store an ingest audit trail event
                result =
                'Successfully %s collection <a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>' % \
                         (action, reverse('collection:edit', args=[]),

                # maybe redirect to collection view page when we have one
                # - and maybe return a 201 Created status code
                return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('site-index'))
            except (DigitalObjectSaveFailure, RequestFailed) as rf:
                # do we need a different error message for DigitalObjectSaveFailure?
                if isinstance(rf, PermissionDenied):
                    msg = 'You don\'t have permission to create a collection in the repository.'
                    msg = 'There was an error communicating with the repository.'
                               msg + ' Please contact a site administrator.')

                # pass the fedora error code back in the http response
                status_code = getattr(rf, 'code', None)

    # if form is not valid, fall through and re-render the form with errors
    response = render_to_response('collection/edit.html', {
        'form': form,
        'obj': obj
    # if a non-standard status code is set, set it in the response before returning
    if status_code is not None:
        response.status_code = status_code
    return response