def minG(m):
    p = phi(m)
    mp = factor(p)
    checkLst = [p // i for i in mp]
    i = 2
    while 1:
        if all((i**n - 1) % m != 0 for n in checkLst): return i
        i += 1
Beispiel #2
def gs(m, num=100):
    '''return list of  m's  primary roots below num'''
    p = phi(m)
    mp = factor(p)
    checkLst = [p // i for i in mp]
    return [
        i for i in range(2, num) if all((i**n - 1) % m != 0 for n in checkLst)
def solC():

    counter = 0
    phi = [-1] * (n)
    psqrd = [-1] * (n)
    phi[2] = 1
    psqrda = []
    for i in primes:
    for p in primes:
        pk = p
        k = 1
        while pk < n:

    print(counter/n*100,"% done")
    for i in range(1,n):
        if psqrd[i] == -1: 
        for coprime in range(i+1,n):
            if phi[coprime] == -1 or psqrd[coprime] == -1:
            if psqrd[i] == psqrd[coprime]:
            if i * coprime >= n:
            if phi[i] != -1 and phi[i*coprime] == -1 and coprime % i != 0:
                phi[i*coprime] = phi[i]*phi[coprime]
    print(counter/n*100,"% done")
    # for i in psqrda[0]:
    #    while psqrd

    print(counter/n*100,"% done")
    missed = 0
    for i in range(2,n):
        if phi[i] == -1:
            phi[i] = euler.phi(i,primes)
        if i%10000 == 0:
            print(counter/n*100,"% done")
    print("Amount missed",missed)
    return phi
 def solveHigh(self, a, n, b, m):
     ''' ax^n -- b (mod m)  ind_mp is a dict of  m's {n: indg n}'''
     ind_mp = ind(m, minG(m))
     tmp = ind_mp[b] - ind_mp[a]
     if tmp < 0: tmp += m
     sol = self.solveLinear(n, tmp, phi(m))
     re_mp = {j: i for i, j in ind_mp.items()}
     sols = [re_mp[i] for i in sol[0]]
     print('{}x^{}--{}(mod {}),  solution: {} mod {}'.format(
         a, n, b, m, sols, m))
     return sols, m
def slow_solve():
    min_ratio = 999999999
    for x in primes[200:LOWER_BOUND]:
        for y in primes:
            n = x*y
            if n > UPPER_BOUND:
            p = phi(n)
            if is_permutation(n, p):
                ratio = n/p
                if ratio < min_ratio:
                    min_ratio = ratio
                    print("(x,y)=({},{}), n={}, phi(n)={}, ratio={}".format(x,y,n,p, n/p))
def fast_solve():
    # find out where to start
    sqrt_index = 0
    for i in range(len(primes)):
        if primes[i] > SQRT_UPPER:
            sqrt_index = i

    x_index = sqrt_index
    while x_index > 0:
        print("Trying with x at index {} with value {}".format(x_index, primes[x_index]))
        y_index = sqrt_index
        while y_index < len(primes):
            n = primes[x_index] * primes[y_index]
            if n > UPPER_BOUND:
            p = phi(n)
            if is_permutation(n, p):
                print("n={}, phi(n)={}, ratio={}".format(n,p, n/p))
            y_index += 1
        x_index -= 1
Beispiel #7
def n_over_phi(n):
    return n / phi(n)
Beispiel #8
    if sorted(str(n1)) == sorted(str(n2)):
        return True
        return False

n_max = 10**7
search_range = 1000
search_start = floor(sqrt(n_max)) - search_range
search_end = floor(sqrt(n_max)) + search_range

prime_list = []
for prime in prime_sieve(search_end):
    if prime > search_start:

candidate = 1
smallest_ratio = 10
for i in range(len(prime_list)):
    for j in range(i, len(prime_list)):
        n = prime_list[i]*prime_list[j]
        if n >= 10**7:
        phi_n = phi(n)
        ratio = n/phi_n
        if is_permutation(n, phi(n)) and ratio < smallest_ratio:
            candidate = n
            smallest_ratio = ratio

print(candidate, smallest_ratio)
print("time elapsed:", time() - T)
Beispiel #9
from euler import phi, prime_sieve
from time import time
T = time()

# brute force:
max_value = 0
max_value_num = 2
for num in range(2, 10**6+1):
    n_div_phi = num/phi(num)
    if n_div_phi > max_value:
        max_value = n_div_phi
        max_value_num = num

print("time elapsed:", time() - T)

Pen and paper method:
Notice that n/phi(n) = 1/((1-1/p1)*(1-1/p2)...)
Hence n/phi(n) is maximal when ((1-1/p1)*(1-1/p2)...) is minimal
This happens using the smallest primes, so we simply multiply the
smallest primes together and make sure we stay under 10^6
T = time()

s = 1
for i in prime_sieve(100):
    s *= i
    if s > 10**6:
        print(s // i)
# Euler 72
# Consider the fraction, n/d, where n and d are positive integers. If n<d and 
# HCF(n,d)=1, it is called a reduced proper fraction.
# If we list the set of reduced proper fractions for d ≤ 8 in ascending order 
# of size, we get:
# 1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 2/7, 1/3, 3/8, 2/5, 3/7, 1/2, 4/7, 3/5, 5/8, 2/3, 5/7, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8
# It can be seen that there are 21 elements in this set.
# How many elements would be contained in the set of reduced proper fractions for
# d ≤ 1,000,000?

# [Benoit] Looking at the fractions with 8 as denominator above, we only see 1/8, 3/8, 5/8 and 7/8.
# Others such as 2/8 are not present, because that's the same as 1/4. The numerators 1,3,5,7 persist
# because no smaller number shares a factor with them (thus they cannot be reduced).
# 1,3,5,7 are CO-PRIME with 8. How we we count those? That's the phi function!

from euler import phi
num = sum([phi(i) for i in range(2,1_000_001)])
Beispiel #11
def farey_length(n):
    res = 1
    for m in range(1, n+1):
        res += phi(m)

    return res-2  # discount the endpoints due to the exercise