Beispiel #1
def p50(n=1000000):
    '''Solution to problem 50

    This solution can be executed within a second

    # first generate a set of primes below n for testing primality in O(1)
    primes = set([p for p in sieve(n)])

    # create a list of consective primes that add up just below n
    cps, s = [], 0
    for p in sieve(n):
        if s <= n: 
            s += p

    # let's search the answer!
    ans, b, e, found = 0, 0, 0, False
    for l in xrange(len(cps), 0, -1):
        for i in xrange(0, len(cps)-l+1):
            s = sum(cps[i:i+l])

            # the first sum found is actually the answer! 
            # no needs to continue searching anymore!
            if s in primes: 
                ans, b, e, found = s, i, i+l, True

        if found: break

    print ans, 'with', len(cps[b:e]), 'terms'
Beispiel #2
def p21(limit=10000):
    '''Solution to problem 21 

    def d(n):
	Calculate the sum of proper divisors of n.
	s = 1
	facs = euler11_20.factorize(n)
	for k in facs: s *= (k**(facs[k]+1) - 1)/(k-1)
	return s - n
    amicables = [True for x in xrange(limit)]

    # prime numbers cannot be amicable numbers
    # so we eliminate checking those numbers
    for x in euler1_10.sieve(limit):
	amicables[x] = False
    # cross out non-amicable numbers
    for x in xrange(220, limit):
	if amicables[x]:
	    y = d(x)
	    amicables[x] = False if (d(y) != x or x == y) else True

    # calculate the sum of amicable pairs and output
    s = 0
    for i in xrange(220, limit): 
	if amicables[i]: s += i
    print s
Beispiel #3
def p47():
    '''Solution to problem 47

    This brute-force solution takes about 17 seconds to run
    on my laptop.

    Some thoughts for improvement:
    1. Maybe you don't need to factorize to test distinct number of factors
    2. There are some redundant computations, like testing the same number more than once

    # store a list of primes below 1000000
    primes = set([p for p in sieve(1000000)])

    b = 2*3*5*7 # storing the first 4 distinct prime factors number
    e = b+3     # storing the next number to be computed
    # i, wl = 2*3*5*7, 0
    # while True:
    #     if not (i+3) in primes and len(factorize(i+3)) == 4:
    #         if not (i+2) in primes and len(factorize(i+2)) == 4:
    #             if not (i+1) in primes and len(factorize(i+1)) == 4:
    #                 if not i in primes and len(factorize(i)) == 4:
    #                     # anwer found!
    #                     break
    #                 else:
    #                     i += 1
    #             else:
    #                 i += 2
    #         else:
    #             i += 3
    #     else:
    #         i += 4
    while b != e:
        if not e in primes and len(factorize(e)) == 4:
            e -= 1
            if not e in primes and len(factorize(e)) == 4:
                e -= 1
                if not e in primes and len(factorize(e)) == 4:
                    e -= 1
                    if not e in primes and len(factorize(e)) == 4:
                        # anwer found!
                        b, e = e+1, e+4
                    b, e = e+1, e+3
                b, e = e+1, e+2
            b, e = e+1, e+4
    print b
Beispiel #4
def p35(limit=1000000):
    '''Solution to problem 35 
    # Building a dictionary of primes below 1 million
    primes = {}
    for p in sieve(1000000):
    	primes[p] = False	# Initialize to NOT a circular prime
    n_of_cprimes = 0    # number of circular primes
    for p in primes.keys():
	n = str(p)
	l = len(n)	# number of iterations to rotate the string
	while l != 0:
	    n = n[1:] + n[0]	# string rotation
	    if int(n) not in primes: break
	    l -= 1
	if l == 0: 
	    n_of_cprimes += 1
	    primes[p] = True
    print n_of_cprimes
Beispiel #5
def p37():
    '''Solution to problem 37
    def is_truncatable_prime(p=0, d=None):
	"Return True if p is a truncatable prime from left to right, otherwise False"

	rel, p_from_right, p_from_left = True, str(p), str(p)
	l = len(p_from_left)

	while l > 0:
	    if int(p_from_left) in d and int(p_from_right) in d: 
	    	p_from_left = p_from_left[1:]
		p_from_right = p_from_right[:-1]
		l -= 1
	    	rel = False
	return rel

    s, primes = 0, set([p for p in sieve(800000)])
    for p in xrange(23, 800000, 2): 
    	if is_truncatable_prime(p, primes): s += p
    print s