Beispiel #1
def expand(n):
    #expanding (9 + 4sqrt(5))^n into rational and irrational part
    #rational part
    rat_res = 0
    irrat_res = 0
    for k in range(0, n + 1, 2):
        rat_res += nChoosek(n, k) * 9**(n-k) * 4**k * 5**(k//2)
    for k in range(1, n + 1, 2):
        irrat_res += nChoosek(n, k) * 9**(n-k) * 4**k * 5**((k-1)//2)
    return rat_res, irrat_res
Beispiel #2
def expand(n):
    #expanding (a + bsqrt(c))^n into rational and irrational part
    #rational part
    a = 9
    b = 4
    c = 5
    rat_res = 0
    irrat_res = 0
    for k in range(0, n + 1, 2):
        rat_res += nChoosek(n, k) * a**(n - k) * b**k * c**(k // 2)
    for k in range(1, n + 1, 2):
        irrat_res += nChoosek(n, k) * a**(n - k) * b**k * c**((k - 1) // 2)
    return rat_res, irrat_res
Beispiel #3
def count_incr(exp_10):
    return nChoosek(10 + exp_10 - 1, exp_10)
Beispiel #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""For any subset pairs of size i there are n choose 2i ways to choose the 2i
members, and (2i-1) choose (i-2) ways to distribute the members of 
from eulerTools import nChoosek
from datetime import datetime
startTime =

n = 12
resSum = 0

for i in range(2, n // 2 + 1):
    resSum += nChoosek(n, 2 * i) * nChoosek(2 * i - 1, i - 2)

print("result = " + str(resSum))
print( - startTime)
Beispiel #5
def square_calc(l, w):
    if l == 0 or w == 0:
        return 0
    return nChoosek(l + 1, 2) * nChoosek(w + 1, 2)
Beispiel #6
        return 0
    return nChoosek(l + 1, 2) * nChoosek(w + 1, 2)

startTime =
start = timer()

square_arr = [0 for i in range(44)]
hard_square_arr = [0 for i in range(44)]

for idx in range(2, 44):
    count = 0
    length = 2 * (idx - 1)
    width = 2
    while length > width:
        count += 2 * nChoosek(length + 1, 2) * nChoosek(width + 1, 2)
        length -= 2
        width += 2
    if length == width:
        count += nChoosek(length + 1, 2)**2
    hard_square_arr[idx] = count
    count -= hard_square_arr[idx - 1]
    square_arr[idx] = count

res = 0

for a in range(43 + 1):
    res += square_arr[a]
    res += square_calc(a, a)
    base_count = 0
    for x in range(1, 2 * a):