Beispiel #1
from __future__ import division
from eulermath import primesieve

# Get all the diagonal values for a given (odd) side length
def getdiags(side):
    offset = (side-2)**2 + (side-1)
    diag = range(offset, side**2+1, side-1)
    return diag

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ntotalprime = 0  # Starting on side length 1 we have zero primes
    ndiag = 1        # with only 1
    pside = 26507
    side = 3
    fracprime = 1.00
    # Only increment this if we have to
    print "Pre-computing prime list, please hold on..."
    primes = set(primesieve(pside**2+1))
    while side < 50 or fracprime > 0.1:
        diag = getdiags(side)
        nprime = len(primes.intersection(diag))
        ntotalprime += nprime
        ndiag += 4
        fracprime = ntotalprime/ndiag
        print side, fracprime
        side += 2

    print ("Side length for which the ratio of primes is < 10% is: " +
Beispiel #2
    return isperm
#for n in primes:
#    pn = n-1
# Euler's totient can be approximated by
#  phi(n) ~= n-1
# So n/phi(n) ~= n/(n-1) ~= 1 for large n
#  We want this to be a minimum, so if phi(n) > n would be okay.
#  But this doesn't happen. So the best we can get is; phi(n) = n
#  Also note phi(p) = p-1 for prime values
#  So we only have to test the primes to 10**7
# Unfortunately, none of the primes are permutations of each other...
# So start with large n...
maxn = 10**7
primes = primesieve(maxn + 1)
nprimes = len(primes)
#cratio = (10,1,1)
ratios = []
for n in primes:
    pn = n - 1
    if checkperm(n,pn):
        print "permutation found %d %d" % (n,pn)
        #if n/pn < cratio[0]:
        #    cratio = (n/pn,n,pn)
            #print "New low value! (ratio,prime,phi(n)) = (%f,%d,%d)" % cratio
        cratio = (n/pn,n,pn)
        print "Appending: (ratio,prime,phi(n)) = (%f,%d,%d)" % cratio
        #print "%f%% complete" % (n/maxn*100)
    #print "%f%% complete" % (n/nprimes*100)
Beispiel #3
                newprime[ind] = cint
            # Check that the length is the same
            if len(newprime) == len(int2array(array2int(newprime))):
    return pgroup

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fam_test_size = 6
    # We have the solutions for a 6 and 7 family size,
    # make sure we get these back
    print "Printing primes, family size, and minimum prime in family"
    print "Also printing full familly for check"
    for ndig in range(2, 9):
        # We want these two to be discrete
        primes = list(primesieve(10**ndig))
        primescheck = set(primesieve(10**ndig))
        # print "Primes"
        # print primescheck
        for prime in primes:
            testlists = replaceprime(prime)
            # print "After replacement:"
            # print testlists
            for test in testlists:
                primes_in_test = primescheck.intersection(test)
                # print primes_in_test
                famsize = len(primes_in_test)
                # print "Prime and family size:"
                if famsize >= fam_test_size:
                    fam_test_size += 1