Beispiel #1
    def assignTag(self, tag, productName, version, flavors=None):
        assign a tag to a given product.

        @param tag :         the name of the tag to assign.  If the name is 
                               prepended with the "user:"******"""

        if isinstance(tag, str):
            tag = eups.tags.Tag(tag)

        vf = VersionFile(self._versionFile(productName, version))
        declaredFlavors = vf.getFlavors()
        if len(declaredFlavors) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, version)

        if flavors is None:
            flavors = list(declaredFlavors)
        elif not isinstance(flavors, list):
            flavors = [flavors]
            flavors = list(flavors)  # make a copy; we're gonna mess with it
        if len(flavors) == 0:
            flavors = list(declaredFlavors)

        # reduce the list of flavors to ones actually declared
        for i in xrange(len(flavors)):
            flavor = flavors.pop(0)
            if flavor in declaredFlavors and flavor not in flavors:
        if len(flavors) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(
                msg="Requested flavors not declared for %s %s" %
                (productName, version))

        if tag.isUser():
            if not self._getUserTagDb():
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Unable to assign user tags (user db not available)")

            pdir = self._productDir(productName, self._getUserTagDb())
            if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            pdir = self._productDir(productName)

        tfile = self._tagFileInDir(pdir,
        tagFile = ChainFile(tfile, productName,

        tagFile.setVersion(version, flavors)
Beispiel #2
    def getChainFile(self, tag, productName, searchUserDB=False):
        return the ChainFile for the version name of the product that has the given tag assigned
        to it.  None is return if the tag is not assigned to any version.
        ProductNotFound is raised if no version of the product is declared.
        @param tag          the string name for the tag.  A user tag must be
                              prepended by a "user:"******"""
        pdir = self._productDir(productName)
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, stack=self.dbpath)

        if is_string(tag):
            tag = eups.tags.Tag(tag)

        pdirs = []
        if searchUserDB and tag.isUser():
            for d in self._getUserTagDb(values=True):
                if d:
                    pdirs.append(self._productDir(productName, d))

        for pdir in pdirs:
            tfile = self._tagFileInDir(pdir,
            if os.path.exists(tfile):
                return ChainFile(tfile)

        return None
Beispiel #3
    def makeProduct(self, flavor, eupsPathDir=None, dbpath=None):
        create a Product instance for the given flavor.  If the product has
        not been declared for the flavor, a  ProductNotFound exception is

        @param flavor      : the desired flavor for the Product.
        @param eupsPathDir : the product stack path to assume that product is
                             installed under.  If the product install directory
                             is a relative path (product.dir), this eupsPathDir
                             will be prepended in the output.  If None, no
                             alterations of the product install directory will
                             be done.
        @param dbpath      : the product database directory to store into
                             the output product.db attribute.  If None, it will
                             default to eupsPathDir/ups_db; if eupsPathDir is
                             None, the product.db field will not be set.
        @return Product : a Product instance representing the product data
        if flavor not in
            raise ProductNotFound(, self.version, flavor)

        if eupsPathDir and not dbpath:
            dbpath = os.path.join(eupsPathDir, "ups_db")

        info =[flavor]
        out = Product(, self.version, flavor,
                      info.get("productDir"), info.get("table_file"),
                      db=dbpath, ups_dir=info.get("ups_dir"))

        return out
Beispiel #4
    def getProduct(self, version, dbpath=None, flavor=None):
        return the Product of the requested version or None if not found.
        This returned Product's db attribute will be set to None.

        @param version : the desired version
        @param dbpath    a database path to set on the returned product
        @param flavor    a platform flavor to set on the returned product
        @return    the product description as a Product instance
            versdata = self.versions[version]
            tags = map(lambda item: item[0],
                       filter(lambda x: x[1] == version, self.tags.items()))
            out = Product(
                versdata[0],  # the install directory
                versdata[1],  # the table file
            if versdata[2]:
                out._table = versdata[2]
            return out

        except KeyError:
            raise ProductNotFound(, version)
Beispiel #5
    def createTaggedRelease(self, tag, product, version=None, flavor=None,

        create and release a named collection of products based on the
        known dependencies of a given product.
        @param serverRoot   the root directory of a local server distribution
        @param tag          the name to give to this tagged release.
        @param product      the name of the product to create
        @param version      the version of the product to create.  (Default:
                               the version marked current in the EUPS db)
        @param flavor       the flavor to associate with this release (Default:
        @param distrib      a Distrib instance to use to determine which
                              products to include.  If not provided, a default
                              will be used.
        if distrib is not None and not isinstance(distrib, Distrib):
            raise TypeError("distrib parameter not a Distrib instance")
        validTags = self.getSupportedTags()
        if tag in validTags:
            if not self.eups.force:
                raise EupsException("Can't over-write existing tagged release "+
                                    "without --force")
            elif self.verbose > 0:
                print("Over-writing existing tagged release for", tag, file=self.log)
        elif self.verbose > 0:
            print("Creating new tagged release for", tag, file=self.log)

        if not flavor:  flavor = "generic"

        if not version:
            version = self.eups.findPreferredProduct(product)
            if version:
                version = version.version
        if not version:
            msg = "No local version of %s found" % product
            raise ProductNotFound(product, msg)

        if distribTypeName:
            distrib = \
            distrib = DefaultDistrib(self.eups, self.distServer, self.flavor,

        release = distrib.createTaggedRelease(serverRoot, tag, product, version,
        distrib.writeTaggedRelease(self.pkgroot, tag, products, flavor,
Beispiel #6
    def assignTag(self, tag, version, file=None):
        assign the given tag to a version of the product.

        @param tag :     the tag name being assigned
        @param version : the name of the version being assigned the tag
        @param file :    the file to record the tagging information to.  
        If None, it will not get recorded.  
        if not self.hasVersion(version):
            raise ProductNotFound(, version)

        tag = str(tag)
        self.tags[tag] = version
Beispiel #7
    def getProduct(self, name, version, flavor):
        lookup and return a Product description given the product name,
        flavor, and version.  All parameters must be provided.

        @param name :     the product name
        @param version :  the desired version name
        @param flavor :   the desired platform flavor
        @return Product : the requested product
            out = self.lookup[flavor][name].getProduct(version)
            out.flavor = flavor
            out.db = self.dbpath
            out._prodStack = self
            return out
        except KeyError:
            raise ProductNotFound(name, version, flavor)
Beispiel #8
    def findTags(self, productName, version, flavor):
        return a list of tags for a given product.  An empty list is
        returned if no tags are assigned.  ProductNotFound is raised if
        no version of the product is declared.
        @param productName : the name of the desired product
        @param version :     the desired version of the product
        @param flavor :      the desired platform flavor
        pdir = self._productDir(productName)
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, version, flavor, self.dbpath)

        tags = self._findTagsInDir(pdir, productName, version, flavor)
        if self._getUserTagDb():
            udir = self._productDir(productName, self._getUserTagDb())
            if os.path.isdir(udir):
                tags.extend("user:" + t for t in self._findTagsInDir(
                    udir, productName, version, flavor))

        return tags
Beispiel #9
    def assignTag(self, tag, product, version, flavors=None):
        assign a tag to a given version of a product.  If tag does not
        start with "user:"******"user:"******"""
        if flavors is None:
            return self.assignTag(tag, product, version,

        notfound = True
        if not isinstance(flavors, list):
            flavors = [flavors]
        for flavor in flavors:
                self.lookup[flavor][product].assignTag(tag, version)
                #                if tag.startswith(userPrefix):
                #                    self._setUserTag(flavor, tag, product, version)
                notfound = False
            except KeyError:
        if notfound:
            raise ProductNotFound(product, version, flavors, self.dbpath)

        if self.autosave:
Beispiel #10
    def loadTableFor(self, version, table=None):
        cache the parsed contents of the table file.  If table is not None,
        it will be taken as the Table instance representing the already 
        parsed contents; otherwise, the table will be loaded from the 
        table file path.  

        @param version   the version of the product to load
        @param table     an instance of Table to accept as the loaded
            verdata = self.versions[version]
            if not table:
                if not utils.isRealFilename(verdata[1]):
                if not os.path.exists(verdata[1]):
                    raise TableFileNotFound(verdata[1],, version)
                prod = self.getProduct(version)
                table = Table(verdata[1]).expandEupsVariables(prod)
            self.versions[version] = (verdata[0], verdata[1], table)
        except KeyError:
            raise ProductNotFound(, version)
Beispiel #11
    def loadTableFor(self, productName, version, flavor, table=None):
        cache the parsed contents of the table file for a given product.
        If table is not None,
        it will be taken as the Table instance representing the already
        parsed contents; otherwise, the table will be loaded from the
        table file path.

        @param productName  the name of the desired product
        @param version      the version of the product to load
        @param flavor       the product's flavor.  If none, load all tables.
        @param table        an instance of Table to accept as the loaded
            if not table:
                # get a fully parsed, resolved table
                prod = self.getProduct(productName, version, flavor)
                table = prod.getTable()

            self.lookup[flavor][productName].loadTableFor(version, table)
        except KeyError:
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, version, flavor)