def __init__(self, params): from_ = params.get('from') or body() to = params.get('to', None) aggregate = params.get('aggregate', None) assert to is not None, 'split processor requires to argument.' assert aggregate is None or callable( aggregate ), 'split processor requires aggregate argument as function.' consumer = to.get_consumer() async def split_processor(exchange): import copy to_split = evaluate_expression(from_, exchange) import collections if isinstance(to_split, str): to_split = to_split.split() assert isinstance( to_split, collections.Iterable), 'split target is not iterable.' gatherd = await asyncio.gather(*[ consumer.produce(exchange.create_child(Exchange(sp))) for sp in to_split ]) if aggregate: exchange.set_body(aggregate(gatherd)) return exchange self.split_processor = split_processor
def markdown(params=None): import markdown as markdown_module expression = body() if params is not None and params.get('expression'): expression = params.get('expression') async def processor(exchange): value = evaluate_expression(expression, exchange) exchange.set_body(markdown_module.markdown(value)) return exchange return processor
def file(params): mode = params.get('mode') or 'read' file_name_expression = params.get('file_name') or body() #TBD: other mode #TBD: file cache async def processor(exchange): if mode == 'read': file_name = evaluate_expression(file_name_expression, exchange) f = open(file_name, 'r') exchange.set_body( f.close() return exchange return processor
def aiohttp_request(params={}): url_expression = params.get('url') or body() response_type = params.get('response_type', 'text') isValid = params.get('isValid', False) async def processor(exchange): url = evaluate_expression(url_expression, exchange) import aiohttp async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as resp: if isValid: exchange.set_header('validate', resp.status == 200) else: if response_type == 'text': exchange.set_body(await resp.text()) elif response_type == 'data': exchange.set_body(await exchange.set_header('request_url', url) #buggy return exchange return processor
# channel_2: get image url from entry page and put queue to channel_3 'channel_2': To(aiohttp_request()) .to(soup(lambda soup:[element.get('src') for element in soup.find_all("img", src=re.compile("^http.*user_images.*?/o"))])) .put_queue('channel_3', queue_name='myqueue'), # channel_3: get image from image url and write to zip 'channel_3':To(aiohttp_request({'response_type':'data'})) .to(zipper({ 'mode': 'write', 'file_name': lambda ex:'{}_{}' .format(*(ex.get_header('request_url').split('?')[0].split('/')[i] for i in [-7, -1])) })) }, 'init_queue': { 'channel_1':body() }, 'queue_name': 'myqueue', 'maxsize': 30 }) .to(zipper({'mode':'close'})) .process(set_body(get_header('zip_file_name'))) .to(log({'name':'ameblo_images_main_end'})) ) Aiohttp().application().router.add_static( prefix='/public/tmp', path='../public/tmp')
from consumer import Aiohttp from components import file, markdown, jinja2 from evaluator import body, set_header (Aiohttp('/markdown') .to(file({'file_name': lambda ex: '../public/static/' + ex.get_header('file')})) .to(markdown()) .to(jinja2({ 'template': 'markdown.html', 'data': { 'markdown_body': body() } })) ) #yapf: disable Aiohttp().application().router.add_static(prefix='/public/static', path='../public/static')
async def simple_update_success_count_to_none(exchange): id_ = int(exchange.get_header('id')) for item in exchange.get_body(): if item['id'] == id_: if 'cnt_sc' in item: del item['cnt_sc'] if 'prev_sc' in item: del item['prev_sc'] return exchange (Aiohttp('/antenna') .to(cache_get_processor) .to(jinja2_({ 'template': 'antenna.html', 'data': { 'items': body(), 'span_list': span_option }, 'util': create_util })) ) #yapf: disable async def merge_item(exchange): id_ = int(exchange.get_header('id', '-1')) for index, item in enumerate(exchange.get_body()): if item['id'] == id_: exchange.get_headers().update(item) exchange.set_header('index', index) break exchange.set_body('success') return exchange