Beispiel #1
    def key_info(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns the details of the API key being used to auth."""
        key = api_result.result.find('key')
        result = {
            if key.attrib['expires'] else None,
            'characters': {},

        rowset = key.find('rowset')
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            character = {
                'id': int(row.attrib['characterID']),
                'name': row.attrib['characterName'],
                'corp': {
                    'id': int(row.attrib['corporationID']),
                    'name': row.attrib['corporationName'],
            if 'allianceID' in row.attrib:
                character['alliance'] = {
                    'id': int(row.attrib['allianceID']),
                    'name': row.attrib['allianceName'],
                character['alliance'] = None
            result['characters'][character['id']] = character

        return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #2
    def kills_by_system(self, api_result=None):
        """Get kill counts for systems in the last hour.

        Returns a tuple of ({system:{killdata}, timestamp).

        Each {killdata} is {'faction':count, 'ship':count, 'pod':count}.

        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        results = {}
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            system = int(row.attrib['solarSystemID'])
            faction_kills = int(row.attrib['factionKills'])
            ship_kills = int(row.attrib['shipKills'])
            pod_kills = int(row.attrib['podKills'])

            results[system] = {
                'id': system,
                'faction': faction_kills,
                'ship': ship_kills,
                'pod': pod_kills,

        data_time = api.parse_ts(api_result.result.find('dataTime').text)

        return api.APIResult((results, data_time), api_result.timestamp,
Beispiel #3
    def assets(self, api_result=None):
        """Get information about corp assets.

        Each item is a dict, with keys 'id', 'item_type_id',
        'quantity', 'location_id', 'location_flag', and 'packaged'.
        'location_flag' denotes additional information about the
        item's location; see for more details.

        If the item corresponds to a container, it will have a key
        'contents', which is itself a list of items in the same format
        (potentially recursively holding containers of its own).  If
        the contents do not have 'location_id's of their own, they
        inherit the 'location_id' of their parent container, for

        At the top level, the result is a dict mapping location ID
        (typically a solar system) to a dict containing a 'contents'
        key, which maps to a list of items.  That is, you can think of
        the top-level values as "containers" with no fields except for
        "contents" and "location_id".

        return api.APIResult(parse_assets(api_result.result),
                             api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #4
    def faction_warfare_stats(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns FW stats for this character, if enrolled in FW.

        NOTE: This will return an error instead if the character
        is not enrolled in Faction Warfare.

        _str, _int, _float, _bool, _ts = api.elem_getters(api_result.result)

        result = {
            'faction': {
                'id': _int('factionID'),
                'name': _str('factionName'),
            'enlist_ts': _ts('enlisted'),
            'rank': {
                'current': _int('currentRank'),
                'highest': _int('highestRank'),
            'kills': {
                'yesterday': _int('killsYesterday'),
                'week': _int('killsLastWeek'),
                'total': _int('killsTotal'),
            'points': {
                'yesterday': _int('victoryPointsYesterday'),
                'week': _int('victoryPointsLastWeek'),
                'total': _int('victoryPointsTotal'),

        return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #5
    def standings(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns the standings towards a character from NPC entities."""
        result = {}
        rowsets = {}
        for rowset in api_result.result.find('characterNPCStandings').findall(
            rowsets[rowset.attrib['name']] = rowset

        _name_map = {
            'agents': 'agents',
            'corps': 'NPCCorporations',
            'factions': 'factions',

        for key, rowset_name in _name_map.items():
            result[key] = {}
            for row in rowsets[rowset_name].findall('row'):
                a = row.attrib
                from_id = int(a['fromID'])
                result[key][from_id] = {
                    'id': from_id,
                    'name': a['fromName'],
                    'standing': float(a['standing']),

        return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #6
    def skills(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns a specific character's skills."""
        _str, _int, _float, _bool, _ts = api.elem_getters(api_result.result)

        result = {
            'free_skillpoints': _int('freeSkillPoints'),

        rowsets = {}
        for rowset in api_result.result.findall('rowset'):
            key = rowset.attrib['name']
            rowsets[key] = rowset

        result['skills'] = {}
        result['skillpoints'] = 0
        for skill in rowsets['skills']:
            a = skill.attrib
            skill_id = int(a['typeID'])
            sp = int(a['skillpoints'])
            result['skills'][skill_id] = {
                'id': skill_id,
                'skillpoints': sp,
                'level': int(a['level']),
                'published': a['published'] == '1',
            result['skillpoints'] += sp

        return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #7
    def permissions(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns information about corporation member permissions."""
        results = {}
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            member = {
                'id': int(a['characterID']),
                'name': a['name'],
                'titles': {},

            rowsets = dict((r.attrib['name'], r) for r in row.findall('rowset'))

            for title_row in rowsets['titles'].findall('row'):
                a = title_row.attrib
                member['titles'][int(a['titleID'])] = a['titleName']

            def get_roleset(roles_dict):
                roles_group = {}
                for key, rowset_name in roles_dict.items():
                    roles = {}
                    roles_rowset = rowsets[rowset_name]
                    for role_row in roles_rowset.findall('row'):
                        a = role_row.attrib
                        roles[int(a['roleID'])] = a['roleName']
                    roles_group[key] = roles
                return roles_group

            member['roles'] = get_roleset(constants.Corp.role_types)
            member['can_grant'] = get_roleset(constants.Corp.grantable_types)

            results[member['id']] = member

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #8
    def faction_warfare_stats(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns stats from faction warfare if this corp is enrolled.

        NOTE: This will raise an APIError if the corp is not enrolled in
        Faction Warfare.

        _str, _int, _float, _bool, _ts = api.elem_getters(api_result.result)

        result = {
            'faction': {
                'id': _int('factionID'),
                'name': _str('factionName'),
            'start_ts': _ts('enlisted'),
            'pilots': _int('pilots'),
            'kills': {
                'yesterday': _int('killsYesterday'),
                'week': _int('killsLastWeek'),
                'total': _int('killsTotal'),
            'points': {
                'yesterday': _int('victoryPointsYesterday'),
                'week': _int('victoryPointsLastWeek'),
                'total': _int('victoryPointsTotal'),

        return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #9
    def character_names_from_ids(self, id_list, api_result=None):
        """Retrieve a dict mapping character IDs to names.

            A list of ids to retrieve names.

        NOTE: *ALL* character IDs passed to this function
        must be valid - an invalid character ID will cause
        the entire call to fail.

        if api_result is None:
            # The API doesn't actually tell us which character IDs are invalid
            msg = "One or more of these character IDs are invalid: %r"
            raise ValueError(msg % id_list)

        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        rows = rowset.findall('row')

        results = {}
        for row in rows:
            name = row.attrib['name']
            char_id = int(row.attrib['characterID'])
            results[char_id] = name

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #10
    def stations(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns information about the corporation's (non-POS) stations."""
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        results = {}
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            station = {
                'id': int(a['stationID']),
                'owner_id': int(a['ownerID']),
                'name': a['stationName'],
                'system_id': int(a['solarSystemID']),
                'docking_fee_per_volume': float(a['dockingCostPerShipVolume']),
                'office_fee': int(a['officeRentalCost']),
                'type_id': int(a['stationTypeID']),
                'reprocessing': {
                    'efficiency': float(a['reprocessingEfficiency']),
                    'cut': float(a['reprocessingStationTake']),
                'standing_owner_id': int(a['standingOwnerID']),
                'x': float(a['x']),
                'y': float(a['y']),
                'z': float(a['z']),
            results[station['id']] = station

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #11
    def shareholders(self, api_result=None):
        """Get information about a corp's shareholders."""
        results = {
            'char': {},
            'corp': {},
        rowsets = dict(
            (r.attrib['name'], r) for r in api_result.result.findall('rowset'))

        for row in rowsets['characters'].findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            holder = {
                'id': int(a['shareholderID']),
                'name': a['shareholderName'],
                'corp': {
                    'id': int(a['shareholderCorporationID']),
                    'name': a['shareholderCorporationName'],
                'shares': int(a['shares']),
            results['char'][holder['id']] = holder

        for row in rowsets['corporations'].findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            holder = {
                'id': int(a['shareholderID']),
                'name': a['shareholderName'],
                'shares': int(a['shares']),
            results['corp'][holder['id']] = holder

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #12
 def test_event_attendees(self, mock_calendar):
     mock_calendar.return_value = evelink_api.APIResult(
         {42: mock.sentinel.attendees}, 12345, 67890)
     result, current, expires = self.char.event_attendees(42)
     self.assertEqual(result, mock.sentinel.attendees)
     self.assertEqual(current, 12345)
     self.assertEqual(expires, 67890)
Beispiel #13
    def alliances(self, api_result=None):
        """Return a dict of all alliances in EVE."""
        results = {}
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            alliance = {
                'name': row.attrib['name'],
                'ticker': row.attrib['shortName'],
                'id': int(row.attrib['allianceID']),
                'executor_id': int(row.attrib['executorCorpID']),
                'member_count': int(row.attrib['memberCount']),
                'timestamp': api.parse_ts(row.attrib['startDate']),
                'member_corps': {},

            corp_rowset = row.find('rowset')
            for corp_row in corp_rowset.findall('row'):
                corp_id = int(corp_row.attrib['corporationID'])
                corp_ts = api.parse_ts(corp_row.attrib['startDate'])
                alliance['member_corps'][corp_id] = {
                    'id': corp_id,
                    'timestamp': corp_ts,

            results[alliance['id']] = alliance

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #14
    def npc_standings(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns information about the corporation's standings towards NPCs.

        NOTE: This is *only* NPC standings. Player standings are accessed
        via the 'contacts' method.

        container = api_result.result.find('corporationNPCStandings')

        rowsets = dict(
            (r.attrib['name'], r) for r in container.findall('rowset'))
        results = {
            'agents': {},
            'corps': {},
            'factions': {},

        _standing_types = {
            'agents': 'agents',
            'corps': 'NPCCorporations',
            'factions': 'factions',

        for key, rowset_name in _standing_types.items():
            for row in rowsets[rowset_name].findall('row'):
                a = row.attrib
                standing = {
                    'id': int(a['fromID']),
                    'name': a['fromName'],
                    'standing': float(a['standing']),
                results[key][standing['id']] = standing

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #15
    def messages(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns a list of headers for a character's mail."""
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        results = []
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            message = {
                'id': int(a['messageID']),
                'sender_id': int(a['senderID']),
                'timestamp': api.parse_ts(a['sentDate']),
                'title': a['title'],
                'to': {},

            org_id = a['toCorpOrAllianceID']
            message['to']['org_id'] = int(org_id) if org_id else None

            char_ids = a['toCharacterIDs']
            message['to']['char_ids'] = [int(i) for i in char_ids.split(',')
                                         ] if char_ids else None

            list_ids = a['toListID']
            message['to']['list_ids'] = [int(i) for i in list_ids.split(',')
                                         ] if list_ids else None


        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #16
    def customs_offices(self, api_result=None):
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        rows = rowset.findall('row')

        results = {}
        for row in rows:
            a = row.attrib
            results[int(a['itemID'])] = {
                'system': {
                    'id': int(a['solarSystemID']),
                    'name': a['solarSystemName'],
                'permissions': {
                    'alliance': a['allowAlliance'] == 'True',
                    'standings': a['allowStandings'] == 'True',
                    'minimum_standing': float(a['standingLevel']),
                'reinforce_hour': int(a['reinforceHour']),
                'tax_rate': {
                    'alliance': float(a['taxRateAlliance']),
                    'corp': float(a['taxRateCorp']),
                    'standings': {
                        'high': float(a['taxRateStandingHigh']),
                        'good': float(a['taxRateStandingGood']),
                        'neutral': float(a['taxRateStandingNeutral']),
                        'bad': float(a['taxRateStandingBad']),
                        'horrible': float(a['taxRateStandingHorrible']),
        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #17
    def type_name_from_id(self, type_id):
        """Retrieve a type name based on ID.

        Convenience wrapper around type_names_from_ids().
        api_result = self.type_names_from_ids([type_id])
        return api.APIResult(api_result.result.get(int(type_id)),
                             api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #18
    def character_id_from_name(self, name):
        """Retrieve the named character's ID.

        Convenience wrapper around character_ids_from_names().
        api_result = self.character_ids_from_names([name])
        return api.APIResult(api_result.result.get(name), api_result.timestamp,
Beispiel #19
    def kills(self, before_kill=None, api_result=None):
        """Look up recent kills for a corporation.

            Optional. Only show kills before this kill id. (Used for paging.)

        return api.APIResult(parse_kills(api_result.result), api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #20
    def character_name_from_id(self, char_id):
        """Retrieve the character's name based on ID.

        Convenience wrapper around character_names_from_ids().
        api_result = self.character_names_from_ids([char_id])
        return api.APIResult(api_result.result.get(char_id),
                             api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #21
 def wallet_transactions(self,
     """Returns wallet transactions for a corporation."""
     return api.APIResult(parse_wallet_transactions(api_result.result),
                          api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #22
    def clones(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns jumpclones for a specific character."""
        _str, _int, _float, _bool, _ts = api.elem_getters(api_result.result)
        result = {
            'create_ts': _ts('DoB'),
            'race': _str('race'),
            'bloodline': _str('bloodLine'),
            'ancestry': _str('ancestry'),
            'remote_station_ts': _ts('remoteStationDate'),
            'last_respec_ts': _ts('lastRespecDate'),
            'last_timed_respec_ts': _ts('lastTimedRespec'),
            'free_respecs': _int('freeRespecs'),
            'gender': _str('gender'),
            'attributes': {},
            'implants': {},
            'jumpclone': {
                'jump_ts': _ts('cloneJumpDate'),

        for attr in ('intelligence', 'memory', 'charisma', 'perception',
            result['attributes'][attr] = {}
            base = int(api_result.result.findtext('attributes/%s' % attr))
            result['attributes'][attr]['base'] = base

        rowsets = {}
        for rowset in api_result.result.findall('rowset'):
            key = rowset.attrib['name']
            rowsets[key] = rowset

        for implant in rowsets['implants']:
            a = implant.attrib
            result['implants'][int(a['typeID'])] = a['typeName']

        jumpclone_implants = {}
        for implant in rowsets['jumpCloneImplants']:
            a = implant.attrib
            jumpclone_id = int(a['jumpCloneID'])
            implants = jumpclone_implants.setdefault(jumpclone_id, {})
            implants[int(a['typeID'])] = a['typeName']

        result['jumpclone']['clones'] = {}
        for jumpclone in rowsets['jumpClones']:
            a = jumpclone.attrib
            jumpclone_id = int(a['jumpCloneID'])
            location_id = int(a['locationID'])
            # This is keyed off location_id because it simplifies a
            # common lookup ("what systems do I have jumpclones in")
            result['jumpclone']['clones'][location_id] = {
                'id': jumpclone_id,
                'name': a['cloneName'],
                'type_id': int(a['typeID']),
                'location_id': location_id,
                'implants': jumpclone_implants.get(jumpclone_id, {})

        return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #23
    def server_status(self, api_result=None):
        """Check the current server status."""

        result = {
            'online': api.get_bool_value(api_result.result, 'serverOpen'),
            'players': api.get_int_value(api_result.result, 'onlinePlayers'),

        return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #24
    def affiliations_for_character(self, char_id):
        """Retrieve the affiliations of a single character

        Convenience wrapper around owner_ids_from_names().

        api_result = self.affiliations_for_characters([char_id])
        return api.APIResult(api_result.result[char_id], api_result.timestamp,
Beispiel #25
    def faction_warfare_stats(self, api_result=None):
        """Return various statistics from Faction Warfare."""
        totals = api_result.result.find('totals')
        rowsets = dict(
            (r.attrib['name'], r) for r in api_result.result.findall('rowset'))

        _str, _int, _float, _bool, _ts = api.elem_getters(totals)
        results = {
            'kills': {
                'yesterday': _int('killsYesterday'),
                'week': _int('killsLastWeek'),
                'total': _int('killsTotal'),
            'points': {
                'yesterday': _int('victoryPointsYesterday'),
                'week': _int('victoryPointsLastWeek'),
                'total': _int('victoryPointsTotal'),
            'factions': {},
            'wars': [],

        for row in rowsets['factions'].findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            faction = {
                'id': int(a['factionID']),
                'name': a['factionName'],
                'pilots': int(a['pilots']),
                'systems': int(a['systemsControlled']),
                'kills': {
                    'yesterday': int(a['killsYesterday']),
                    'week': int(a['killsLastWeek']),
                    'total': int(a['killsTotal']),
                'points': {
                    'yesterday': int(a['victoryPointsYesterday']),
                    'week': int(a['victoryPointsLastWeek']),
                    'total': int(a['victoryPointsTotal']),
            results['factions'][faction['id']] = faction

        for row in rowsets['factionWars'].findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            war = {
                'faction': {
                    'id': int(a['factionID']),
                    'name': a['factionName'],
                'against': {
                    'id': int(a['againstID']),
                    'name': a['againstName'],

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #26
    def mailing_lists(self, api_result=None):
        """Returns the mailing lists to which a character is subscribed."""
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        results = {}
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            results[int(a['listID'])] = a['displayName']

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #27
    def type_names_from_ids(self, id_list, api_result=None):
        """Return a dict containing id -> name mappings for the supplied type ids."""
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
        results = {}
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            results[int(a['typeID'])] = a['typeName']

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #28
    def faction_warfare_leaderboard(self, api_result=None):
        """Return top-100 lists from Faction Warfare."""
        def parse_top_100(rowset, prefix, attr, attr_name):
            top100 = []
            id_field = '%sID' % prefix
            name_field = '%sName' % prefix
            for row in rowset.findall('row'):
                a = row.attrib
                    'id': int(a[id_field]),
                    'name': a[name_field],
                    attr_name: int(a[attr]),
            return top100

        def parse_section(section, prefix):
            section_result = {}
            rowsets = dict(
                (r.attrib['name'], r) for r in section.findall('rowset'))

            section_result['kills'] = {
                parse_top_100(rowsets['KillsYesterday'], prefix, 'kills',
                parse_top_100(rowsets['KillsLastWeek'], prefix, 'kills',
                parse_top_100(rowsets['KillsTotal'], prefix, 'kills', 'kills'),

            section_result['points'] = {
                parse_top_100(rowsets['VictoryPointsYesterday'], prefix,
                              'victoryPoints', 'points'),
                parse_top_100(rowsets['VictoryPointsLastWeek'], prefix,
                              'victoryPoints', 'points'),
                parse_top_100(rowsets['VictoryPointsTotal'], prefix,
                              'victoryPoints', 'points'),

            return section_result

        results = {
            parse_section(api_result.result.find('characters'), 'character'),
            parse_section(api_result.result.find('factions'), 'faction'),

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #29
 def wallet_info(self, api_result=None):
     """Return a given character's wallet."""
     rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')
     row = rowset.find('row')
     result = {
         'balance': float(row.attrib['balance']),
         'id': int(row.attrib['accountID']),
         'key': int(row.attrib['accountKey']),
     return api.APIResult(result, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)
Beispiel #30
    def reference_types(self, api_result=None):
        """Return a dict containing id -> name reference type mappings."""
        rowset = api_result.result.find('rowset')

        results = {}
        for row in rowset.findall('row'):
            a = row.attrib
            results[int(a['refTypeID'])] = a['refTypeName']

        return api.APIResult(results, api_result.timestamp, api_result.expires)