Beispiel #1
 def _validate(data):
     "Helper function to convert data to AMP-safe (picketable) values"
     if isinstance(data, dict):
         newdict = {}
         for key, part in data.items():
             newdict[key] = _validate(part)
         return newdict
     elif hasattr(data, "__iter__"):
         return [_validate(part) for part in data]
     elif isinstance(data, str):
         # make sure strings are in a valid encoding
             data = data and to_str(to_unicode(data), encoding=session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"])
         except LookupError:
             # wrong encoding set on the session. Set it to a safe one
             session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"] = "utf-8"
             data = to_str(to_unicode(data), encoding=session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"])
         if _INLINEFUNC_ENABLED and not raw and isinstance(self, ServerSessionHandler):
             # only parse inlinefuncs on the outgoing path (sessionhandler->)
             data = parse_inlinefunc(data, strip=strip_inlinefunc, session=session)
         # At this point the object is certainly the right encoding, but may still be a unicode object--
         # to_str does not actually force objects to become bytestrings.
         # If the unicode object is a subclass of unicode, such as ANSIString, this can cause a problem,
         # as special behavior for that class will still be in play. Since we're now transferring raw data,
         # we must now force this to be a proper bytestring.
         return str(data)
     elif hasattr(data, "id") and hasattr(data, "db_date_created") \
             and hasattr(data, '__dbclass__'):
         # convert database-object to their string representation.
         return _validate(unicode(data))
         return data
Beispiel #2
 def _validate(data):
     "Helper function to convert data to AMP-safe (picketable) values"
     if isinstance(data, dict):
         newdict = {}
         for key, part in data.items():
             newdict[key] = _validate(part)
         return newdict
     elif hasattr(data, "__iter__"):
         return [_validate(part) for part in data]
     elif isinstance(data, basestring):
         # make sure strings are in a valid encoding
             data = data and to_str(to_unicode(data), encoding=session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"])
         except LookupError:
             # wrong encoding set on the session. Set it to a safe one
             session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"] = "utf-8"
             data = to_str(to_unicode(data), encoding=session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"])
         if _INLINEFUNC_ENABLED and not raw and isinstance(self, ServerSessionHandler):
             # only parse inlinefuncs on the outgoing path (sessionhandler->)
             data = parse_inlinefunc(data, strip=strip_inlinefunc, session=session)
         return data
     elif hasattr(data, "id") and hasattr(data, "db_date_created") \
             and hasattr(data, '__dbclass__'):
         # convert database-object to their string representation.
         return _validate(unicode(data))
         return data
Beispiel #3
        def _validate(data):
            "Helper function to convert data to AMP-safe (picketable) values"
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                newdict = {}
                for key, part in data.items():
                    newdict[key] = _validate(part)
                return newdict
            elif is_iter(data):
                return [_validate(part) for part in data]
            elif isinstance(data, (str, bytes)):
                data = _utf8(data)

                if _INLINEFUNC_ENABLED and not raw and isinstance(
                        self, ServerSessionHandler):
                    # only parse inlinefuncs on the outgoing path (sessionhandler->)
                    data = parse_inlinefunc(data,

                return str(data)
            elif (hasattr(data, "id") and hasattr(data, "db_date_created")
                  and hasattr(data, "__dbclass__")):
                # convert database-object to their string representation.
                return _validate(str(data))
                return data
Beispiel #4
 def test_escaped2(self):
             'this should be $pad("""escaped,""" and """instead,""" cropped $crop(with a long,5) text., 80)'
         "this should be                    escaped, and instead, cropped with  text.                    "
Beispiel #5
 def _validate(data):
     "Helper function to convert data to AMP-safe (picketable) values"
     if isinstance(data, dict):
         newdict = {}
         for key, part in data.items():
             newdict[key] = _validate(part)
         return newdict
     elif hasattr(data, "__iter__"):
         return [_validate(part) for part in data]
     elif isinstance(data, basestring):
         # make sure strings are in a valid encoding
             data = data and to_str(to_unicode(data), encoding=session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"])
         except LookupError:
             # wrong encoding set on the session. Set it to a safe one
             session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"] = "utf-8"
             data = to_str(to_unicode(data), encoding=session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"])
         if _INLINEFUNC_ENABLED and not raw and isinstance(self, ServerSessionHandler):
             # only parse inlinefuncs on the outgoing path (sessionhandler->)
             data = parse_inlinefunc(data, strip=strip_inlinefunc, session=session)
         # At this point the object is certainly the right encoding, but may still be a unicode object--
         # to_str does not actually force objects to become bytestrings.
         # If the unicode object is a subclass of unicode, such as ANSIString, this can cause a problem,
         # as special behavior for that class will still be in play. Since we're now transferring raw data,
         # we must now force this to be a proper bytestring.
         return str(data)
     elif hasattr(data, "id") and hasattr(data, "db_date_created") \
             and hasattr(data, '__dbclass__'):
         # convert database-object to their string representation.
         return _validate(unicode(data))
         return data
Beispiel #6
 def test_nested(self):
             "this $crop(is a test with $pad(padded, 20) text in $pad(pad2, 10) a crop, 80)"
         "this is a test with        padded        text in    pad2    a crop"
Beispiel #7
 def test_escaped(self):
             "this should be $pad('''escaped,''' and '''instead,''' cropped $crop(with a long,5) text., 80)"
         "this should be                    escaped, and instead, cropped with  text.                    "
Beispiel #8
 def _validate(data):
     "Helper function to convert data to AMP-safe (picketable) values"
     if isinstance(data, dict):
         newdict = {}
         for key, part in data.items():
             newdict[key] = _validate(part)
         return newdict
     elif hasattr(data, "__iter__"):
         return [_validate(part) for part in data]
     elif isinstance(data, basestring):
         # make sure strings are in a valid encoding
             data = data and to_str(
         except LookupError:
             # wrong encoding set on the session. Set it to a safe one
             session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"] = "utf-8"
             data = to_str(to_unicode(data),
         if _INLINEFUNC_ENABLED and not raw and isinstance(
                 self, ServerSessionHandler):
             # only parse inlinefuncs on the outgoing path (sessionhandler->)
             data = parse_inlinefunc(data,
         return data
     elif hasattr(data, "id") and hasattr(data, "db_date_created") \
             and hasattr(data, '__dbclass__'):
         # convert database-object to their string representation.
         return _validate(unicode(data))
         return data
Beispiel #9
def protfunc_parser(value, available_functions=None, testing=False, stacktrace=False, **kwargs):
    Parse a prototype value string for a protfunc and process it.

    Available protfuncs are specified as callables in one of the modules of
    `settings.PROTFUNC_MODULES`, or specified on the command line.

        value (any): The value to test for a parseable protfunc. Only strings will be parsed for
            protfuncs, all other types are returned as-is.
        available_functions (dict, optional): Mapping of name:protfunction to use for this parsing.
            If not set, use default sources.
        testing (bool, optional): Passed to protfunc. If in a testing mode, some protfuncs may
            behave differently.
        stacktrace (bool, optional): If set, print the stack parsing process of the protfunc-parser.

        session (Session): Passed to protfunc. Session of the entity spawning the prototype.
        protototype (dict): Passed to protfunc. The dict this protfunc is a part of.
        current_key(str): Passed to protfunc. The key in the prototype that will hold this value.
        any (any): Passed on to the protfunc.

        testresult (tuple): If `testing` is set, returns a tuple (error, result) where error is
            either None or a string detailing the error from protfunc_parser or seen when trying to
            run `literal_eval` on the parsed string.
        any (any): A structure to replace the string on the prototype level. If this is a
            callable or a (callable, (args,)) structure, it will be executed as if one had supplied
            it to the prototype directly. This structure is also passed through literal_eval so one
            can get actual Python primitives out of it (not just strings). It will also identify
            eventual object #dbrefs in the output from the protfunc.

    if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            value = value.dbref
        except AttributeError:
        value = to_str(value, force_string=True)

    available_functions = PROT_FUNCS if available_functions is None else available_functions

    # insert $obj(#dbref) for #dbref
    value = _RE_DBREF.sub("$obj(\\1)", value)

    result = inlinefuncs.parse_inlinefunc(
        value, available_funcs=available_functions,
        stacktrace=stacktrace, testing=testing, **kwargs)

    err = None
        result = literal_eval(result)
    except ValueError:
    except Exception as err:
        err = str(err)
    if testing:
        return err, result
    return result
Beispiel #10
def protfunc_parser(value, available_functions=None, testing=False, stacktrace=False, **kwargs):
    Parse a prototype value string for a protfunc and process it.

    Available protfuncs are specified as callables in one of the modules of
    `settings.PROTFUNC_MODULES`, or specified on the command line.

        value (any): The value to test for a parseable protfunc. Only strings will be parsed for
            protfuncs, all other types are returned as-is.
        available_functions (dict, optional): Mapping of name:protfunction to use for this parsing.
            If not set, use default sources.
        testing (bool, optional): Passed to protfunc. If in a testing mode, some protfuncs may
            behave differently.
        stacktrace (bool, optional): If set, print the stack parsing process of the protfunc-parser.

        session (Session): Passed to protfunc. Session of the entity spawning the prototype.
        protototype (dict): Passed to protfunc. The dict this protfunc is a part of.
        current_key(str): Passed to protfunc. The key in the prototype that will hold this value.
        any (any): Passed on to the protfunc.

        testresult (tuple): If `testing` is set, returns a tuple (error, result) where error is
            either None or a string detailing the error from protfunc_parser or seen when trying to
            run `literal_eval` on the parsed string.
        any (any): A structure to replace the string on the prototype level. If this is a
            callable or a (callable, (args,)) structure, it will be executed as if one had supplied
            it to the prototype directly. This structure is also passed through literal_eval so one
            can get actual Python primitives out of it (not just strings). It will also identify
            eventual object #dbrefs in the output from the protfunc.

    if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            value = value.dbref
        except AttributeError:
        value = to_str(value, force_string=True)

    available_functions = PROT_FUNCS if available_functions is None else available_functions

    result = inlinefuncs.parse_inlinefunc(
        value, available_funcs=available_functions,
        stacktrace=stacktrace, testing=testing, **kwargs)

    err = None
        result = literal_eval(result)
    except ValueError:
    except Exception as err:
        err = str(err)
    if testing:
        return err, result
    return result
Beispiel #11
 def test_nofunc(self):
         inlinefuncs.parse_inlinefunc("as$382ewrw w we w werw,|44943}"),
         "as$382ewrw w we w werw,|44943}")
Beispiel #12
 def test_single_func(self):
             "this is a test with $pad(centered, 20) text in it."),
         "this is a test with       centered       text in it.")
Beispiel #13
 def test_incomplete(self):
         "testing $blah{without an ending."),
         "testing $blah{without an ending.")
Beispiel #14
 def test_escaped2(self):
         'this should be $pad("""escaped,""" and """instead,""" cropped $crop(with a long,5) text., 80)'),
         "this should be                    escaped, and instead, cropped with  text.                    ")
Beispiel #15
 def test_escaped(self):
         "this should be $pad('''escaped,''' and '''instead,''' cropped $crop(with a long,5) text., 80)"),
         "this should be                    escaped, and instead, cropped with  text.                    ")
Beispiel #16
 def test_nested(self):
         "this $crop(is a test with $pad(padded, 20) text in $pad(pad2, 10) a crop, 80)"),
         "this is a test with        padded        text in    pad2    a crop")
Beispiel #17
 def test_single_func(self):
         "this is a test with $pad(centered, 20) text in it."),
         "this is a test with       centered       text in it.")
Beispiel #18
 def test_incomplete(self):
         inlinefuncs.parse_inlinefunc("testing $blah{without an ending."),
         "testing $blah{without an ending.")
Beispiel #19
 def test_nofunc(self):
         "as$382ewrw w we w werw,|44943}"),
         "as$382ewrw w we w werw,|44943}")