Beispiel #1
def generate_altitude_extremes(nodes, max_height=10000.0, min_height=-10000.0, max_distance=32000.0):
    # your everests, mariana trenches

    current_lowest_point = min(nodes, key=lambda n: n.altitude)
    points_to_adjust = [current_lowest_point]
    while len(points_to_adjust) > 0:
        point_to_adjust = points_to_adjust.pop()
        distance_from_origin = (geographic_utils.great_circle_distance(current_lowest_point.location, point_to_adjust.location) * 1000.0)
        if distance_from_origin > max_distance:
        inverted_height = -1.0 * min_height
        adjusted_altitude = -1.0 * (((inverted_height/100.0) * (1.0/(((max_distance/(-1.0*min_height))*distance_from_origin+(inverted_height/10.0))/(inverted_height*10.0)))) - (inverted_height/10.0))
        if point_to_adjust.altitude < adjusted_altitude:
            point_to_adjust.altitude = adjusted_altitude

    current_highest_point = max(nodes, key=lambda n: n.altitude)
    points_to_adjust = [current_highest_point]
    while len(points_to_adjust) > 0:
        point_to_adjust = points_to_adjust.pop()
        distance_from_origin = (geographic_utils.great_circle_distance(current_highest_point.location, point_to_adjust.location) * 1000.0)
        if distance_from_origin > max_distance:
        adjusted_altitude = ((max_height/100.0) * (1.0/(((max_distance/max_height)*distance_from_origin+(max_height/10.0))/(max_height*10.0)))) - (max_height/10.0)
        if point_to_adjust.altitude < adjusted_altitude:
            point_to_adjust.altitude = adjusted_altitude
Beispiel #2
def generate_altitude_spikes(nodes, num_altitude_spikes, random_seed=117, altitude_feature=["terrain", "altitude"]):
    """ Random high points of altitude which grow outwards to affect nearby nodes """
    for i in range(num_altitude_spikes):
        spike_height = 0.0 + random.uniform(0,0.8)
        # continent_radius = random.uniform(math.pi/8.0, math.pi/4.0)
        # print("Using spike_height {} and continient radius {}".format(spike_height, continent_radius))
        epicentre = random.choice(nodes)
        # falloff_angle_distance = random.randint(10, 60)
        falloff_great_circle_vertical = random.uniform(0.125 * math.pi/3.0, math.pi/3.0)  # make sure no continent gets bigger than a third of the height or a third of the width
        falloff_great_circle_horizontal = random.uniform(0.1 * 2.0 * math.pi/3.0, 2.0 * math.pi/3.0)  # make sure no continent gets bigger than a third of the height or a third of the width
        # search outwards from epicentre settings altitude
        leaves = [epicentre]
        for leaf in leaves:
            # Set altitude here
            # great_circle_distance = spherepoints.great_circle_distance((epicentre.lon,, (leaf.lon,
            # print("Leaf is {} units from epicentre {}".format(great_circle_distance, epicentre))
            # if great_circle_distance > continent_radius:
            #     continue
            # else:
            #     leaf.set_feature(altitude_feature, (1.0 - (great_circle_distance / continent_radius)) * spike_height)
            vertical_distance = geographic_utils.great_circle_distance((0.0,, (0.0,
            horizontal_distance = geographic_utils.great_circle_distance((epicentre.lon, 0.0), (leaf.lon, 0.0))
            # avg_angle_diff = (abs(epicentre.lon - leaf.lon) + abs( -
            # if avg_angle_diff > falloff_angle_distance:
            #     # Out of range. No alteration to altitude.
            #     continue
            if vertical_distance > falloff_great_circle_vertical or horizontal_distance > falloff_great_circle_horizontal:
            # falloff_factor = (vertical_distance/falloff_great_circle_vertical + horizontal_distance/falloff_great_circle_horizontal) / 2.0
            # leaf.set_feature(altitude_feature, spike_height * (1 - falloff_factor) + random.uniform(0.01, 0.05))
            leaf.set_feature(altitude_feature, (spike_height - (geographic_utils.great_circle_distance((epicentre.lon,, (leaf.lon,*spike_height)) * random.uniform(0.9, 1.1))
            # print("Setting leaf altitude to {}".format(leaf.features["terrain"]["altitude"]))
            # Continue on to neighbours
            for neighbour in leaf.neighbours:
                if random.random() < 0.2:
                    # Early termination of this search path
                    # Set altitude to beach level as this will be coastal
                    neighbour.get_feature(altitude_feature[:-1])["altitude"] *= 0.5
                    # continue
                if neighbour not in leaves:
Beispiel #3
def find_nearest_cell(candidate_cells, p_lon, p_lat):
    Currently an exhaustive search of all cells
    :param candidate_cells: list of Cell objects to be searched
    :param p_lon: longitude
    :param p_lat: latitude
    shortest_dist = None
    nearest_cell = None
    for c in candidate_cells:
        dist = geographic_utils.great_circle_distance(c.centre.loc, (p_lon, p_lat))
        if nearest_cell is None or dist < shortest_dist:
            nearest_cell = c
            shortest_dist = dist
    return nearest_cell
Beispiel #4
def find_nearest_node_using_cells(candidate_cells, p_lon, p_lat):
    Finds the cell boundary SpatialNode, belonging to Cell within candidate
    cells, that is nearest to provided lon, lat location
    :param candidate_cells: list of Cell objects to be searched
    :param p_lon: longitude of point
    :param p_lat: latitude of point
    :return: SpatialNode (in a cell boundary) which is nearest to p_lon, p_lat
    nearest_cell = find_nearest_cell(candidate_cells, p_lon, p_lat)
    shortest_dist = None
    nearest_node = None
    for n in nearest_cell.nodes:
        dist = geographic_utils.great_circle_distance(n.loc, (p_lon, p_lat))
        if nearest_node == None or dist < shortest_dist:
            nearest_node = n
            shortest_dist = dist
    return nearest_node
Beispiel #5
def generate_rainfall(nodes, max_distance=5000.0):
    from everett.spherepoints import geographic_utils
    for node in nodes:
        if node.get_feature(['surface', 'type']) == 0:
            # evaporate some seawater
            evaporation = node.sea_temperature
            cloud_life = evaporation * 50.0
            cloud_height = 1000.0
            cloud_distance = 0.0
            current_node = node
            while cloud_life > 0 and cloud_distance < max_distance:
                dwn = node.downwind_neighbour
                if dwn is None:
                    cloud_life = 0.0
                cloud_distance += geographic_utils.great_circle_distance(dwn.location, current_node.location)*1000.0
                # dwn_rf = dwn.get_feature(['precipitation', 'mm'])
                # if dwn_rf is None:
                #     dwn_rf = 0.0
                # dwn.set_feature(['precipitation', 'mm'], dwn_rf + cloud_life)
                cloud_life -= 1.0
                current_node = dwn
            current_rainfall = current_node.get_feature(['precipitation', 'mm'], default=0.0)
            current_node.set_feature(['precipitation', 'mm'], current_rainfall + evaporation)