def test_readMemoryByFrame(): #Req 6 """ The Pac-Man AI shall read memory from the NES emulator when the game produces a new frame. """ evolver = Evolver.Evolver(api, populationSize=2, mutationRate=0.15, maxGenerations=2, \ showResults=True, keepBestProportion=0.5, keepRandomProportion=0.0) def frameCounter(): """ Counts the number of frames and stops after 25,000 frames """ global frameCount frameCount += 1 #If the evolver failed to read memory, the frame counts wont match! assert frameCount == evolver.frameCount #Test 25,000 frames of gameplay, making sure the tester's frame counter never falls #out of sync with the evolver. if frameCount > 25000: api.removeFrameListener(frameCounter) api.removeFrameListener(evolver.playGame) api.stop() api.addFrameListener(frameCounter) api.addFrameListener(evolver.playGame) api.addAccessPointListener(evolver.onLifeCountChanged, nintaco.PostWrite, 0x0067)
def test_geneticAlgorithmParameters(): #Req 2 """ The Pac-Man AI shall accept parameters for the genetic algorithm's settings when the user enters them. """ evolver = Evolver.Evolver(api=api, populationSize=100, \ mutationRate=0.15, maxGenerations=2, showResults=False) assert evolver.populationSize == 100 and \ evolver.mutationRate == pytest.approx(0.15) and \ evolver.maxGenerations == 2 and evolver.showResults == False
def test_cullPoorNetworks(): #Req 4 """ The Pac-Man AI shall cull poor-performing neural networks when it evaluates its neural network's performance """ evolver = Evolver.Evolver(api, populationSize=10) #We will go through and assign a fake fitness to each network, #because we have already determined our fitness checking #function works. Then we will have the evolver make a new network #and check that the poorest one was in fact removed. for network in evolver.population: = 1000 evolver.population[0].fitness = 0 #Worst one. evolver.population[0]._poorPerformerFlag = True #Set a flag to show that this one is bad. evolver.generateNewPopulation(keepBestProportion=0.1, keepRandomProportion=0.0) for network in evolver.population: assert not hasattr(network, "_poorPerformerFlag")
def test_getFitness(): #Req 3 """ The Pac-Man AI shall evaluate its neural network's performance against the fitness function when it dies. """ evolver = Evolver.Evolver(api) def testFitness(): """ Gets the current fitness """ global fitness fitness = evolver.getCurrentFitness() api.removeActivateListener(testFitness) api.stop() api.addActivateListener(testFitness) assert fitness >= 0 #Pac-man cannot have a negative score.
def test_sendControllerInput(): #Req 1 """ The Pac-Man AI shall begin sending output to the NES controller when it is enabled. """ evolver = Evolver.Evolver(api) def writeAndRead(): """ Checks to make sure the enter button is pressed and then released. """ evolver.writeGamepad(Evolver.GAMEPAD_START, True) assert api.readGamepad(0, Evolver.GAMEPAD_START) evolver.writeGamepad(Evolver.GAMEPAD_START, False) assert not api.readGamepad(0, Evolver.GAMEPAD_START) api.removeActivateListener(writeAndRead) api.stop() api.addActivateListener(writeAndRead)
def main(): """The main routine.""" with evolver.Evolver() as E: n = 1000 init_bo = 0 params = np.empty([3, n]) for i in range(n): print '-----------------\nTime Around ' + str(i) bo = init_bo + 0.05 * i define_values(bo) E.open_file('dropSinusoidal.fe') for j in range(1): #E.refine(1) vals = E.evolve(1) E.run_command('car_app') E.run_command('car') E.run_command('') E.run_command('dump') E.run_command('') E.close_file() params[0, i] = bo params[1, i] = find_values('dropSinusoidal.fe.dmp', 'contact_angle_right')[0] params[2, i] = find_values('dropSinusoidal.fe.dmp', 'contact_angle_right_app')[0] print 'To Plot' plt.plot(params[0, :], params[1, :], label="Contact Angle") plt.plot(params[0, :], params[2, :], label="Apparent Contact Angle") plt.ylabel('Contact Angle') plt.xlabel('Bond Number (Bo)') plt.legend()
def test_constantOutput(): #Req 5 """ The Pac-Man AI shall display results to the user constantly. """ evolver = Evolver.Evolver(api) assert evolver.printGenerationResults(60)
drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(painting, 'RGBA') drawer.rectangle([0, 0, w, h], (255, 255, 255, 255)) for f in dude: drawer.ellipse([f[0], f[1], f[0] + f[2], f[1] + f[3]], (int(f[4]), int(f[5]), int(f[6]), opacity)) # calculate error err = 0 for i in range(img.size[0]): for j in range(img.size[1]): r, g, b = img.getpixel((i, j)) rp, gp, bp = painting.getpixel((i, j)) err = err + math.sqrt((r - rp)**2 + (g - gp)**2 + (b - bp)**2) return err def makepic(dude): drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(painting, 'RGBA') drawer.rectangle([0, 0, w, h], (255, 255, 255)) for f in dude: drawer.ellipse([f[0], f[1], f[0] + f[2], f[1] + f[3]], (int(f[4]), int(f[5]), int(f[6]), opacity)) filename = "my_drawing.jpg" ev = evolver.Evolver(population, parents, mrate, controls, figures) for i in range(10000): ev.evolve(fitfunc) makepic(ev.fittest[-1])
import ising1d import nqs import sampler import evolver import observables nsteps = 400 ### INITIALIZATION wf = nqs.NqsLocal(10, 2, 1) # Set up a translation-invariant neural network wf.load_parameters( '../Outputs/10_Ising05_2loc_200.npz') # Load this pre-trained ANNQS ## TIME EVOLVE h = ising1d.Ising1d(10, 1.0) evo = evolver.Evolver(h) wf = evo.evolve(wf, .01, nsteps + 1, symmetry="local", file='../Outputs/10SpinEvolve/evolution_2loc_', print_freq=25, out_freq=1, batch_size=1000) ### INITIALIZATION wf = nqs.NqsLocal(10, 1, 1) # Set up a translation-invariant neural network wf.load_parameters( '../Outputs/10_Ising05_1loc_200.npz') # Load this pre-trained ANNQS ## TIME EVOLVE
import nintaco import evolver as Evolver populationSize = input("Enter the population size: ") mutationRate = input("Enter the mutation rate (0-1): ") maxGenerations = input("How many generations should be ran before \ urning the AI off (0 for infinite): ") showResults = str( raw_input("Show results report after the AI is toggled off (y/n): ")) showResults = showResults == "y" or showResults == "Y" nintaco.initRemoteAPI("localhost", 9999) api = nintaco.getAPI() evolver = Evolver.Evolver(api, populationSize=populationSize, \ mutationRate = mutationRate, maxGenerations=maxGenerations, showResults=showResults) api.addFrameListener(evolver.playGame) api.addAccessPointListener(evolver.onLifeCountChanged, nintaco.PostWrite, 0x0067)
def main(): """The main method.""" with evolver.Evolver() as E: print E.run_command('foo := 3') print E.run_command('print foo')