Beispiel #1
	def __init__(self,afi,safi,packed,mask,nexthop,action):
		self.labels = Labels.NOLABEL
		self.rd = RouteDistinguisher.NORD
		self.nexthop = IP.unpack(nexthop) if nexthop else NoIP
		self.action = action
Beispiel #2
	def __init__ (self, afi, safi, packed, mask, nexthop, action,path=None):
		self.path_info = PathInfo.NOPATH if path is None else path
		self.labels = Labels.NOLABEL
		self.rd = RouteDistinguisher.NORD
		self.nexthop = IP.unpack(nexthop) if nexthop else NoNextHop
		self.action = action
Beispiel #3
	def pack (self, addpath=None):
		if not self.has_label():
			if addpath:
				return self.path_info.pack() + CIDR.pack(self)
			return CIDR.pack(self)

		length = len(self.labels)*8 + len(self.rd)*8 + self.mask
		if addpath:
			return self.path_info.pack() + chr(length) + self.labels.pack() + self.rd.pack() + CIDR.packed_ip(self)
		return chr(length) + self.labels.pack() + self.rd.pack() + CIDR.packed_ip(self)
Beispiel #4
	def __eq__ (self, other):
		return \
			NLRI.__eq__(self, other) and \
			CIDR.__eq__(self, other) and \
			self.path_info == other.path_info and \
			self.labels == other.labels and \
			self.rd == other.rd and \
			self.nexthop == other.nexthop and \
			self.action == other.action
Beispiel #5
	def __eq__(self, other):
		# Note: BaGPipe needs an advertise and a withdraw for the same
		# RD:prefix to result in objects that are equal for Python,
		# this is why the test below does not look at self.labels nor
		# self.nexthop or self.action
		return \
			NLRI.__eq__(self, other) and \
			CIDR.__eq__(self, other) and \
			self.path_info == other.path_info and \
			self.rd == other.rd
Beispiel #6
	def unpack_nlri (cls, afi, safi, bgp, action, addpath):
		nlri = cls(afi,safi,action)

		if addpath:
			nlri.path_info = PathInfo(bgp[:4])
			bgp = bgp[4:]

		mask = ordinal(bgp[0])
		bgp = bgp[1:]

		_, rd_size = Family.size.get((afi, safi), (0, 0))
		rd_mask = rd_size * 8

		if safi.has_label():
			labels = []
			while mask - rd_mask >= 24:
				label = int(unpack('!L',character(0) + bgp[:3])[0])
				bgp = bgp[3:]
				mask -= 24  	# 3 bytes
				# The last 4 bits are the bottom of Stack
				# The last bit is set for the last label
				labels.append(label >> 4)
				# This is a route withdrawal
				if label == 0x800000 and action == IN.WITHDRAWN:
				# This is a next-hop
				if label == 0x000000:
				if label & 1:
			nlri.labels = Labels(labels)

		if rd_size:
			mask -= rd_mask  # the route distinguisher
			rd = bgp[:rd_size]
			bgp = bgp[rd_size:]
			nlri.rd = RouteDistinguisher(rd)

		if mask < 0:
			raise Notify(3,10,'invalid length in NLRI prefix')

		if not bgp and mask:
			raise Notify(3,10,'not enough data for the mask provided to decode the NLRI')

		size = CIDR.size(mask)

		if len(bgp) < size:
			raise Notify(3,10,'could not decode route with AFI %d and SAFI %d' % (afi,safi))

		network,bgp = bgp[:size],bgp[size:]

		nlri.cidr = CIDR(network + padding(IP.length(afi)-size),mask)

		return nlri,bgp
Beispiel #7
	def _nlri (afi, safi, bgp, action, addpath):
		labels = []
		rd = ''

		if addpath:
			path_identifier = bgp[:4]
			bgp = bgp[4:]
			path_identifier = None

		mask = ord(bgp[0])
		bgp = bgp[1:]

		if SAFI(safi).has_label():
			while bgp and mask >= 8:
				label = int(unpack('!L',chr(0) + bgp[:3])[0])
				bgp = bgp[3:]
				mask -= 24  	# 3 bytes
				# The last 4 bits are the bottom of Stack
				# The last bit is set for the last label
				labels.append(label >> 4)
				# This is a route withdrawal
				if label == 0x800000 and action == IN.WITHDRAWN:
				# This is a next-hop
				if label == 0x000000:
				if label & 1:

		if SAFI(safi).has_rd():
			mask -= 8*8  # the 8 bytes of the route distinguisher
			rd = bgp[:8]
			bgp = bgp[8:]

		if mask < 0:
			raise Notify(3,10,'invalid length in NLRI prefix')

		if not bgp and mask:
			raise Notify(3,10,'not enough data for the mask provided to decode the NLRI')

		size = CIDR.size(mask)

		if len(bgp) < size:
			raise Notify(3,10,'could not decode route with AFI %d sand SAFI %d' % (afi,safi))

		network,bgp = bgp[:size],bgp[size:]
		padding = '\0'*(IP.length(afi)-size)
		prefix = network + padding

		return labels,rd,path_identifier,mask,size,prefix,bgp
Beispiel #8
class IPrefix4 (IPrefix,IComponent,IPv4):
	# not used, just present for simplying the nlri generation
	operations = 0x0

	def __init__ (self,raw,netmask):
		self.nlri = CIDR(raw,netmask)

	def pack (self):
		raw = self.nlri.pack()
		return "%s%s" % (chr(self.ID),raw)

	def __str__ (self):
		return str(self.nlri)
Beispiel #9
class IPrefix6 (IPrefix,IComponent,IPv6):
	# not used, just present for simplying the nlri generation
	operations = 0x0

	def __init__ (self,raw,netmask,offset):
		self.nlri = CIDR(raw,netmask)
		self.offset = offset

	def pack (self):
		raw = self.nlri.packed_ip()
		return "%s%s%s%s" % (chr(self.ID),chr(self.nlri.mask),chr(self.offset),raw)

	def __str__ (self):
		return "%s/%s" % (self.nlri,self.offset)
Beispiel #10
    def _nlri(afi, safi, bgp, action):
        labels = []
        rd = ""

        mask = ord(bgp[0])
        bgp = bgp[1:]

        if SAFI(safi).has_label():
            while bgp and mask >= 8:
                label = int(unpack("!L", chr(0) + bgp[:3])[0])
                bgp = bgp[3:]
                mask -= 24  # 3 bytes
                # The last 4 bits are the bottom of Stack
                # The last bit is set for the last label
                labels.append(label >> 4)
                # This is a route withdrawal
                if label == 0x800000 and action == IN.withdrawn:
                    # This is a next-hop
                if label == 0x000000:
                if label & 1:

        if SAFI(safi).has_rd():
            mask -= 8 * 8  # the 8 bytes of the route distinguisher
            rd = bgp[:8]
            bgp = bgp[8:]

        if mask < 0:
            raise Notify(3, 10, "invalid length in NLRI prefix")

        if not bgp and mask:
            raise Notify(3, 10, "not enough data for the mask provided to decode the NLRI")

        size = CIDR.size(mask)

        if len(bgp) < size:
            raise Notify(3, 10, "could not decode route with AFI %d sand SAFI %d" % (afi, safi))

        network, bgp = bgp[:size], bgp[size:]
        padding = "\0" * (IP.length(afi) - size)
        prefix = network + padding

        return labels, rd, mask, size, prefix, bgp
Beispiel #11
class IPrefix4 (IPrefix,IComponent,IPv4):
	# Must be defined in subclasses
	CODE = -1
	NAME = ''

	# not used, just present for simplying the nlri generation
	operations = 0x0

	def __init__ (self, raw, netmask):
		self.nlri = CIDR(raw,netmask)

	def pack (self):
		raw = self.nlri.pack()
		# ID is defined in subclasses
		return "%s%s" % (chr(self.ID),raw)  # pylint: disable=E1101

	def __str__ (self):
		return str(self.nlri)
Beispiel #12
class IPrefix6 (IPrefix,IComponent,IPv6):
	# Must be defined in subclasses
	CODE = -1
	NAME = ''

	# not used, just present for simplying the nlri generation
	operations = 0x0

	def __init__ (self, raw, netmask, offset):
		self.nlri = CIDR(raw,netmask)
		self.offset = offset

	def pack (self):
		# ID is defined in subclasses
		return "%s%s%s%s" % (chr(self.ID),chr(self.nlri.mask),chr(self.offset),self.nlri.classless())  # pylint: disable=E1101

	def __str__ (self):
		return "%s/%s" % (self.nlri,self.offset)
Beispiel #13
class IPrefix4 (IPrefix,IComponent,IPv4):
	# Must be defined in subclasses
	CODE = -1
	NAME = ''

	# not used, just present for simplying the nlri generation
	operations = 0x0

	def __init__ (self, raw, netmask):
		self.cidr = CIDR(raw,netmask)

	def pack (self):
		raw = self.cidr.pack_nlri()
		# ID is defined in subclasses
		return "%s%s" % (chr(self.ID),raw)  # pylint: disable=E1101

	def __str__ (self):
		return str(self.cidr)

	def make (cls, bgp):
		prefix,mask = CIDR.decode(AFI.ipv4,bgp)
		return cls(prefix,mask), bgp[CIDR.size(mask)+1:]
Beispiel #14
class IPrefix6 (IPrefix,IComponent,IPv6):
	# Must be defined in subclasses
	CODE = -1
	NAME = ''

	# not used, just present for simplying the nlri generation
	operations = 0x0

	def __init__ (self, raw, netmask, offset):
		self.cidr = CIDR(raw,netmask)
		self.offset = offset

	def pack (self):
		# ID is defined in subclasses
		return "%s%s%s%s" % (chr(self.ID),chr(self.cidr.mask),chr(self.offset),self.cidr.pack_ip())  # pylint: disable=E1101

	def __str__ (self):
		return "%s/%s" % (self.cidr,self.offset)

	def make (cls, bgp):
		offset = ord(bgp[1])
		prefix,mask = CIDR.decode(AFI.ipv6,bgp[0]+bgp[2:])
		return cls(prefix,mask,offset), bgp[CIDR.size(mask)+2:]
Beispiel #15
	def __init__ (self, afi, safi, packed, mask, nexthop, action,path=None):
		self.path_info = PathInfo.NOPATH if path is None else path
		self.nexthop = IP.unpack(nexthop) if nexthop else NoIP
		self.action = action
Beispiel #16
	def __init__ (self, raw, netmask):
		self.cidr = CIDR(raw,netmask)
Beispiel #17
	def make (cls, bgp):
		prefix,mask = CIDR.decode(AFI.ipv4,bgp)
		return cls(prefix,mask), bgp[CIDR.size(mask)+1:]
Beispiel #18
 def make(cls, bgp):
     offset = ordinal(bgp[1])
     prefix, mask = CIDR.decode(AFI.ipv6, bgp[0:1] + bgp[2:])
     return cls(prefix, mask, offset), bgp[CIDR.size(mask) + 2:]
Beispiel #19
	def __init__ (self, afi, safi, packed, mask, nexthop, action):
		self.path_info = PathInfo.NOPATH
		self.nexthop = IP.unpack(nexthop) if nexthop else NoNextHop
		self.action = action
Beispiel #20
 def __init__(self, raw, netmask, offset):
     self.cidr = CIDR(raw, netmask)
     self.offset = offset
Beispiel #21
	def pack (self, addpath):
		return self.path_info.pack() + CIDR.pack(self) if addpath else CIDR.pack(self)
Beispiel #22
	def make (cls, bgp):
		offset = ord(bgp[1])
		prefix,mask = CIDR.decode(AFI.ipv6,bgp[0]+bgp[2:])
		return cls(prefix,mask,offset), bgp[CIDR.size(mask)+2:]
Beispiel #23
	def prefix (self):
		return "%s/%s%s" % (CIDR.getip(self),self.mask,str(self.path_info) if self.path_info is not PathInfo.NOPATH else '')
Beispiel #24
	def __len__ (self):
		return CIDR.__len__(self) + len(self.labels) + len(self.rd)
Beispiel #25
	def __init__ (self,raw,netmask):
		self.nlri = CIDR(raw,netmask)
Beispiel #26
 def make(cls, bgp):
     prefix, mask = CIDR.decode(AFI.ipv4, bgp)
     return cls(prefix, mask), bgp[CIDR.size(mask) + 1:]
Beispiel #27
	def __init__ (self,raw,netmask,offset):
		self.nlri = CIDR(raw,netmask)
		self.offset = offset
Beispiel #28
	def __len__ (self):
		return CIDR.__len__(self) + len(self.path_info)
Beispiel #29
	def pack (self, addpath):
		if addpath or True:
			return self.path_info.pack() + CIDR.pack(self) if addpath else CIDR.pack(self)
		return CIDR.pack(self) if addpath else CIDR.pack(self)
Beispiel #30
	def __eq__ (self, other):
		return \
			NLRI.__eq__(self, other) and \
			CIDR.__eq__(self, other) and \
			self.path_info == other.path_info and \
			self.nexthop == other.nexthop
Beispiel #31
	def json (self):
		return '"%s/%s": { %s }' % (CIDR.getip(self),self.mask,self.path_info.json())
Beispiel #32
 def __init__(self, raw, netmask):
     self.cidr = CIDR(raw, netmask)