Beispiel #1
 def test_test_referer_injection(self, get_request_vuln):
     xss_info = xss.test_referer_injection("<html></html>",
                                           "", {})[0]
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         '', 'Referer', '<script>alert(0)</script>',
     sqli_info = xss.test_referer_injection("<html></html>",
                                            "", {})[1]
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     assert sqli_info is None
 def test_test_query_injection(self, monkeypatch):
     monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_vuln)
     xss_info = xss.test_query_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[0]
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('\'d"ao<ac>so[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\eq=3847asd',
     sqli_info = xss.test_query_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[1]
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     assert sqli_info is None
 def test_test_end_of_url_injection(self, monkeypatch):
     monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_vuln)
     xss_info = xss.test_end_of_URL_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[0]
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('\'d"ao<ac>so[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\eq=3847asd',
                                     'End of URL',
     sqli_info = xss.test_end_of_URL_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[1]
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     assert sqli_info is None
Beispiel #4
 def test_log_XSS_data(self, logger):
     assert logger.args == []
     # self, url: str, injection_point: str, exploit: str, line: str
         xss.XSSData('', 'Location', 'String',
                     'Line of HTML'))
     assert logger.args[0] == '===== XSS Found ===='
     assert logger.args[1] == 'XSS URL:'
     assert logger.args[2] == 'Injection Point: Location'
     assert logger.args[3] == 'Suggested Exploit: String'
     assert logger.args[4] == 'Line: Line of HTML'
Beispiel #5
 def test_get_XSS_info(self):
     # First type of exploit: <script>PAYLOAD</script>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><script>%s</script><html>" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD,
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         '', "End of URL",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><script>%s</script><html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b'"', b"%22"),
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><script>%s</script><html>" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(
             b"'", b"%27").replace(b'"', b"%22").replace(b"/", b"%2F"),
         "", "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Second type of exploit: <script>t='PAYLOAD'</script>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><script>t='%s';</script></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b">", b"%3E").replace(b"\"", b"%22"), "",
         "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL", "';alert(0);g='",
                                  b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(
                                      b"\"", b"%22").decode('utf-8'))
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><script>t='%s';</script></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b"\"", b"%22").replace(b"'", b"%22"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Third type of exploit: <script>t="PAYLOAD"</script>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><script>t=\"%s\";</script></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b">", b"%3E").replace(b"'", b"%27"), "",
         "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL", '";alert(0);g="',
                                  b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(
                                      b"'", b"%27").decode('utf-8'))
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><script>t=\"%s\";</script></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b"'", b"%27").replace(b"\"", b"%22"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Fourth type of exploit: <a href='PAYLOAD'>Test</a>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href='%s'>Test</a></html>" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD,
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href='OtherStuff%s'>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Fifth type of exploit: <a href="PAYLOAD">Test</a>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=\"%s\">Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27"), "",
         "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL",
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").decode('utf-8'))
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=\"OtherStuff%s\">Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b"\"", b"%22"),
         "", "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Sixth type of exploit: <a href=PAYLOAD>Test</a>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=%s>Test</a></html>" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD,
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=OtherStuff%s>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b">", b"%3E").replace(b"=", b"%3D"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Seventh type of exploit: <html>PAYLOAD</html>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><b>%s</b></html>" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD,
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><b>%s</b></html>" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(
             b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(b"/", b"%2F"),
         "", "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Eighth type of exploit: <a href=PAYLOAD>Test</a>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=%s>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL", "Javascript:alert(0)",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=OtherStuff%s>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b">", b"%3E").replace(b"=", b"%3D"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Ninth type of exploit: <a href="STUFF PAYLOAD">Test</a>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=\"STUFF %s\">Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL",
         '" onmouseover="alert(0)" t="',
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=\"STUFF %s\">Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b">", b"%3E").replace(b'"', b"%22"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Tenth type of exploit: <a href='STUFF PAYLOAD'>Test</a>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href='STUFF %s'>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL",
         "' onmouseover='alert(0)' t='",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href='STUFF %s'>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b">", b"%3E").replace(b"'", b"%22"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
     # Eleventh type of exploit: <a href=STUFF_PAYLOAD>Test</a>
     # Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=STUFF%s>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
         "", "End of URL")
     expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData(
         "", "End of URL", " onmouseover=alert(0) t=",
     assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
     # Non-Exploitable:
     xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(
         b"<html><a href=STUFF_%s>Test</a></html>" %
         xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(
             b">", b"%3E").replace(b"=", b"%3D"), "",
         "End of URL")
     assert xss_info is None
Beispiel #6
 def test_data_equals(self):
     xssData = xss.XSSData("a", "b", "c", "d")
     sqliData = xss.SQLiData("a", "b", "c", "d")
     assert xssData == xssData
     assert sqliData == sqliData