Beispiel #1
def pddlstream_from_belief(initial_belief):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}
    stream_pddl = None
    stream_map = {}

    init = [
        Equal(('RegisterCost', ), scale_cost(1)),
        Equal(('PickCost', ),
              scale_cost(1)),  # TODO: imperfect transition model
        Equal(('PlaceCost', ), scale_cost(1)),

    for item, dist in initial_belief.items():
        support =
        if len(support) == 1:
            init += [('On', item, support[0]), ('Localized', item)]
            init += [('Unknown', item)]
            for i2 in support:
                p_obs = dist.prob(i2)
                cost = revisit_mdp_cost(
                    1, 1, p_obs)  # TODO: imperfect observation model
                if cost == INF:
                if i2 in initial_belief:
                    init += [('FiniteScanCost', i2, item),
                             Equal(('ScanCost', i2, item), scale_cost(cost))]

    graspable_classes = [SOUP, GREEN]
    for item in initial_belief:
        for cl in filter(lambda c: is_class(item, c), CLASSES):
            init += [('Class', item, cl)]
            if cl in graspable_classes:
                init += [('Graspable', item)]  # TODO: include hand?

    stackable_classes = [(TABLE, ROOM), (SOUP, TABLE), (GREEN, TABLE)]
    for cl1, cl2 in stackable_classes:
        for i1 in filter(lambda i: is_class(i, cl1), initial_belief):
            for i2 in filter(lambda i: is_class(i, cl2), initial_belief):
                init += [('Stackable', i1, i2)]

    arms = ['left', 'right']
    for arm in arms:
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('HandEmpty', arm)]

    goal_literals = [('On', 'soup0', 'table1'), ('Registered', 'soup0'),
                     ('HoldingClass', 'green')]
    #goal_literals = [('Holding', 'left', 'soup0')]
    #goal_literals = [('HoldingClass', soup)]
    #goal_literals = [Nearby('table1')]
    #goal_literals = [('HoldingClass', 'green'), ('HoldingClass', 'soup')]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
Beispiel #2
def pddlstream_from_state(state, teleport=False):
    task = state.task
    robot = task.robot
    # TODO: infer open world from task

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {
        'base': 'base',
        'left': 'left',
        'right': 'right',
        'head': 'head',

    #base_conf = state.poses[robot]
    base_conf = Conf(robot, get_group_joints(robot, 'base'),
                     get_group_conf(robot, 'base'))
    scan_cost = 1
    init = [
        ('BConf', base_conf),
        ('AtBConf', base_conf),
        Equal(('MoveCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('PickCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('PlaceCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('ScanCost', ), scan_cost),
        Equal(('RegisterCost', ), 1),
    holding_arms = set()
    holding_bodies = set()
    for attach in state.attachments.values():
        init += [('Grasp', attach.body, attach.grasp),
                 ('AtGrasp', attach.arm, attach.body, attach.grasp)]
    for arm in ARM_NAMES:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf), ('AtAConf', arm, conf)]
        if arm in task.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
        if arm not in holding_arms:
            init += [('HandEmpty', arm)]
    for body in task.get_bodies():
        if body in holding_bodies:
        # TODO: no notion whether observable actually corresponds to the correct thing
        pose = state.poses[body]
        init += [
            ('Pose', body, pose),
            ('AtPose', body, pose),
            ('Observable', pose),

    init += [('Scannable', body) for body in task.rooms + task.surfaces]
    init += [('Registerable', body) for body in task.movable]
    init += [('Graspable', body) for body in task.movable]
    for body in task.get_bodies():
        supports = task.get_supports(body)
        if supports is None:
        for surface in supports:
            p_obs = state.b_on[body].prob(surface)
            cost = revisit_mdp_cost(0, scan_cost,
                                    p_obs)  # TODO: imperfect observation model
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface),
                     Equal(('LocalizeCost', surface, body), clip_cost(cost))]
            #if is_placement(body, surface):
            if is_center_stable(body, surface):
                if body in holding_bodies:
                pose = state.poses[body]
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    for body in task.get_bodies():
        if state.is_localized(body):
            init.append(('Localized', body))
            init.append(('Uncertain', body))
        if body in state.registered:
            init.append(('Registered', body))

    goal = And(*[('Holding', a, b) for a, b in task.goal_holding] + \
           [('On', b, s) for b, s in task.goal_on] + \
           [('Localized', b) for b in task.goal_localized] + \
           [('Registered', b) for b in task.goal_registered])

    stream_map = {
        from_gen_fn(get_ik_ir_gen(task, teleport=teleport)),
        from_fn(get_motion_gen(task, teleport=teleport)),
        from_test(get_in_range_test(task, VIS_RANGE)),
        from_test(get_in_range_test(task, REG_RANGE)),
        accelerate_list_gen_fn(from_gen_fn(get_vis_base_gen(task, VIS_RANGE)),
        accelerate_list_gen_fn(from_gen_fn(get_vis_base_gen(task, REG_RANGE)),

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
Beispiel #3
def compute_detect_cost(prob):
    success_cost = DETECT_COST
    failure_cost = success_cost
    cost = revisit_mdp_cost(success_cost, failure_cost, prob)
    return cost