Beispiel #1
class EditorPane(object):
    The EditorPane is responsible for creating new idevice
    def __init__(self, webServer, parent):
        JR: anado parente para poder acceder a algunos atributos de editorpag, en concreto a showHide
        self.ideviceStore     = webServer.application.ideviceStore
        self.webDir           = webServer.application.config.webDir
        self.styles           = webServer.application.config.styleStore.getStyles()
        self.elements         = []
        self.idevice          = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")       = self.ideviceStore.getNewIdeviceId()
        self.originalIdevice  = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")
        self.purpose          = ""
        self.tip              = ""
        self.message          = ""
        self.parent           = parent
        self._nameInstruc     = \
           x_(u"Your new iDevice will appear in the iDevice "
              u"pane with this title. This is a compulsory field "
              u"and you will be prompted to enter a label if you try "
              u"to submit your iDevice without one.")
        self._authorInstruc   = x_(u"This is an optional field.")
        self._purposeInstruc  = x_(u"The purpose dialogue allows you to describe"
                                 u" your intended purpose of the iDevice to other"
                                 u" potential users.")
        self._emphasisInstruc = x_(u"Use this pulldown to select whether or not "
                                 u" the iDevice should have any formatting "
                                 u" applied to it to distinguish "
                                 u"it; ie. a border and an icon.")
        self._tipInstruc      = x_(u"Use this field to describe "
                                 u"your intended use and the pedagogy behind "
                                 u"the device's development. This can be useful "
                                 u"if your iDevice is to be exported for others "
                                 u"to use.")
        self._lineInstruc     = x_(u"Add a single text line to an iDevice. "
                                 u"Useful if you want the ability to place a "
                                 u"label within the iDevice.")
        self._textBoxInstruc  = x_(u"Add a text entry box to an iDevice. "
                                 u"Used for entering larger amounts of textual "
        self._feedbackInstruc = x_(u"Add an interactive feedback field to your iDevice.")
        self._flashInstruc    = x_(u"Add a flash video to your iDevice.")
        self._mp3Instruc      = x_(u"Add an mp3 file to your iDevice.")
        self._attachInstruc   = x_(u"Add an attachment file to your iDevice.")            = self.styles[0]
    # Properties
    nameInstruc     = lateTranslate('nameInstruc')    
    authorInstruc   = lateTranslate('authorInstruc')
    purposeInstruc  = lateTranslate('purposeInstruc')
    emphasisInstruc = lateTranslate('emphasisInstruc')
    tipInstruc      = lateTranslate('tipInstruc')
    lineInstruc     = lateTranslate('lineInstruc')
    textBoxInstruc  = lateTranslate('textBoxInstruc')
    feedbackInstruc = lateTranslate('feedbackInstruc')
    flashInstruc    = lateTranslate('flashInstruc')
    mp3Instruc      = lateTranslate('mp3Instruc')
    attachInstruc   = lateTranslate('attachInstruc')
    def setIdevice(self, idevice):
        Sets the iDevice to edit
        self.idevice         = idevice.clone()      =
        self.originalIdevice = idevice
    def process(self, request, status):
        log.debug("process " + repr(request.args))
        self.message = ""
        if status == "old":
            for element in self.elements:
            if "title" in request.args:
                self.idevice.title = unicode(request.args["title"][0], 'utf8')
            if "tip" in request.args:
                self.idevice.tip = unicode(request.args["tip"][0], 'utf8')
            if "emphasis" in request.args:
                self.idevice.emphasis = int(request.args["emphasis"][0])
                if self.idevice.emphasis == 0:
                    self.idevice.icon = ""
        if "addText" in request.args:
            field = TextField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
                 _(u"Enter instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "addTextArea" in request.args:
            field = TextAreaField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "addFeedback" in request.args:
            field = FeedbackField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"""Feedback button will not appear if no 
data is entered into this field."""))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #if "addFlash" in request.args:
            #print "add a flash"
            #field = FlashField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 #_(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
        if "addMP3" in request.args:

            field = MultimediaField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            if not 'xspf_player.swf' in self.idevice.systemResources:
                self.idevice.systemResources += ['xspf_player.swf']
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "addAttachment" in request.args:

            field = AttachmentField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if ("action" in request.args and 
            request.args["action"][0] == "selectIcon"):
            self.idevice.icon = request.args["object"][0]

        if "preview" in request.args:
            if self.idevice.title == "":
                self.message = _("Please enter<br />an idevice name.")
                self.idevice.edit = False

        if "edit" in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "cancel" in request.args:
            ideviceId       =
            self.idevice    = self.originalIdevice.clone()
   = ideviceId 
            self.parent.showHide = False
        if ("action" in request.args and 
            request.args["action"][0] == "changeStyle"):
   = self.styles[int(request.args["object"][0])]
    def __buildElements(self):
        Building up element array
        self.elements  = []
        elementTypeMap = {TextField:       TextEditorElement,
                          TextAreaField:   TextAreaEditorElement,
                          ImageField:      ImageEditorElement,
                          FeedbackField:   FeedbackEditorElement,
                          MultimediaField: MultimediaEditorElement,
                          FlashField:      FlashEditorElement,
                          AttachmentField: AttachmentEditorElement}
        for field in self.idevice.fields:
            elementType = elementTypeMap.get(field.__class__)

            if elementType:
                # Create an instance of the appropriate element class
                log.debug(u"createElement "+elementType.__class__.__name__+
                          u" for "+field.__class__.__name__)
                log.error(u"No element type registered for " +
    def renderButtons(self, request):
        Render the idevice being edited
        html = "<font color=\"red\"><b>"+self.message+"</b></font>"
        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Add Field")+ "</b></legend>"
        html += common.submitButton("addText", _("Text Line"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.lineInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addTextArea", _("Text Box"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.textBoxInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addFeedback", _("Feedback"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.feedbackInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  Attachments are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addAttachment", _("Attachment"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.attachInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  MP3 fields are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addMP3", _("MP3"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.mp3Instruc) + "<br/>"
        html += "</fieldset>\n"

        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Actions") + "</b></legend>"

        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += common.submitButton("preview", _("Preview"), not self.parent.isGeneric)
            html += common.submitButton("edit", _("Edit"))

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("cancel", _("Cancel"))
        #html += "</fieldset>"

        return html

    def renderIdevice(self, request):
        Returns an XHTML string for rendering the new idevice
        html  = "<div id=\"editorWorkspace\">\n"
        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
        html += "<!--\n"
        html += """
            function selectStyleIcon(icon,e) {
                var div = document.getElementById("styleIcons");
                var imgs = div.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
                for (var i=0;i<imgs.length;i++) {
                    imgs[i].style.border = "1px solid #E8E8E8";
       = "1px solid #333333";            
            function submitLink(action, object, changed) 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = action;
                form.object.value = object;
                form.isChanged.value = changed;
        html += """
            function submitIdevice() 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                if (form.ideviceSelect.value == "newIdevice")
                    form.action.value = "newIdevice"
                    form.action.value = "changeIdevice"
                form.object.value = form.ideviceSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 1;
        html += """
            function submitStyle()
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = "changeStyle";
                form.object.value = form.styleSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 0;
        html += "//-->\n"
        html += "</script>\n"
        self.purpose = self.idevice.purpose.replace("\r", "")
        self.purpose = self.purpose.replace("\n","\\n")
        self.tip     = self.idevice.tip.replace("\r", "")
        self.tip     = self.tip.replace("\n","\\n")
        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += "<b>" + _("Name") + ": </b>\n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.nameInstruc) + "<br/>"
            html += '<input type="text" name= "title" id="title" value="%s"/>' % self.idevice.title
            this_package = None
            html += common.formField('richTextArea', this_package,
                                     _(u"Pedagogical Tip"),'tip',
                                     '', self.tipInstruc, self.tip)
            html += "<b>" + _("Emphasis") + ":</b> "
            html += "<select onchange=\"submit();\" name=\"emphasis\">\n"

            emphasisValues = {Idevice.NoEmphasis:     _(u"No emphasis"),
                              Idevice.SomeEmphasis:   _(u"Some emphasis")}
            for value, description in emphasisValues.items():
                html += "<option value=\""+unicode(value)+"\" "
                if self.idevice.emphasis == value:
                    html += "selected "
                html += ">" + description + "</option>\n"

            html += "</select> \n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.emphasisInstruc)
            html += "<br/><br/>\n"
            if self.idevice.emphasis > 0:
                html += self.__renderStyles() + " "
                html += u'<a style="margin-right:.5em" href="javascript:void(0)" '
                html += u'onclick="showMessageBox(\'iconpanel\');">'
                html += u'%s</a>' % _('Select an icon')
                icon = self.idevice.icon
                if icon != "":
                    iconExists = False
                    myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/"icon_" + self.idevice.icon + ".gif")
                    if myIcon.exists():
                        iconExists = True
                        myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/"icon_" + self.idevice.icon + ".png")
                        if myIcon.exists():
                            iconExists = True
                    if iconExists:
                        html += '<img style="vertical-align:middle;max-width:60px;height:auto" '
                        html += 'src="/style/%s/icon_%s' % (, icon)
                        html += '%s"/><br />' % myIcon.ext
                html += u'<div style="display:none;z-index:99;">'
                html += u'<div id="iconpaneltitle">'+_("Icons")+'</div>'
                html += u'<div id="iconpanelcontent">'
                html += self.__renderIcons()
                html += u'</div>'
                html += u'</div>\n'
                html += u'<br style="clear:both;margin-bottom:10px" />'
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderEdit()       
            html += "<b>" + self.idevice.title + "</b><br/><br/>"
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderPreview()               
            if self.idevice.purpose != "" or self.idevice.tip != "":
                html += "<a title=\""+_("Pedagogical Help")+"\" "
                html += "onclick=\"showMessageBox('phelp');\" " 
                html += "href=\"javascript:void(0)\" style=\"cursor:help;\">\n " 
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/info.png" border="0" ' % _('Info')
                html += "align=\"middle\" /></a>\n"
                html += "<div style='display:none;'>"
                if self.idevice.purpose != "":
                    html += "<div id='phelptitle'>"+_('Purpose')+"</div>"
                    html += "<div id='phelpcontent'>"+self.purpose+"</div>"
                if self.idevice.tip != "":
                    html += "<div id='phelptitle'>"+_('Tip:')+"</div>"
                    html += "<div id='phelpcontent'>"+self.idevice.tip+"</div>"
                html += "</div>"  
                html += "</div>\n"
        html += "</div>\n"
        self.message = ""

        return html
    def __renderStyles(self):
        Return xhtml string for rendering styles select
        html  = '<select onchange="submitStyle();" style="display:none" name="styleSelect" id="styleSelect">\n'
        idx = 0
        isSelected = False
        for style in self.styles:
            html += "<option value='%d' " % idx
            if == style.get_name():
                html += "selected "
                isSelected = True
            html += ">" + style.get_name() + "~" + style.get_dirname() + "</option>\n"
            idx = idx + 1
        html += "</select> \n"
        # Auto-select the current style
        # This should be done with Python, not JavaScript
        # It's just a provisional solution so the user does not have to choose the right Style
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>\
            function autoSelectStyle(){\
                var autoSelectStyle = document.getElementById('styleSelect');\
                if (autoSelectStyle.options[autoSelectStyle.value].innerHTML.split('~')[1]==top.exe_style_dirname) return false;\
                var currentStyleFolder;\
                for (var i=0; i<autoSelectStyle.options.length; i++) {\
                    currentStyleFolder = autoSelectStyle.options[i].innerHTML.split('~')[1];\
                    if (top.exe_style_dirname==currentStyleFolder) {\
            if (typeof(top.exe_style_dirname)!='undefined') {\
        return html
    def __renderIcons(self):
        Return xhtml string for dispay all icons
        iconpath  =
        iconfiles = iconpath.files("icon_*")
        html = '<div id="styleIcons"><div style="height:300px;overflow:auto">'
        for iconfile in iconfiles:
            iconname = iconfile.namebase
            icon     = iconname.split("_", 1)[1]
            iconExists = False
            iconExtension = "gif"
            myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/ + ".gif")
            if myIcon.exists():
                iconExists = True
                myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/ + ".png")
                if myIcon.exists():
                    iconExists = True 
                    iconExtension = "png"
            if iconExists:
                filename = "/style/%s/%s.%s" % (, iconname, iconExtension)
                html += u'<div style="float:left; text-align:center; width:105px;\n'
                html += u'margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:15px" > '
                html += u'<img src="%s" \n' % filename
                # html += u' alt="%s" ' % _("Submit")
                # window[1] because we use Ext.MessageBox instead of libot_drag.js
                html += u"style=\"border:1px solid #E8E8E8;padding:5px;cursor:pointer;max-width:60px;height:auto\" onclick=\"window[1].selectStyleIcon('%s',this)\" title=\"%s.%s\">\n" % (icon, icon, iconExtension)
                # html += u"style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"window[1].submitLink('selectIcon','%s',1)\">\n" % icon
                html += u'<br /><span style="display:inline-block;width:100px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis">%s.%s</span></div>\n' % (icon, iconExtension)
        html += '</div></div>'
        return html
class EditorPane(object):
    The EditorPane is responsible for creating new idevice
    def __init__(self, webServer, parent):
        JR: anado parente para poder acceder a algunos atributos de editorpag, en concreto a showHide
        self.ideviceStore = webServer.application.ideviceStore
        self.webDir = webServer.application.config.webDir
        self.styles = webServer.application.config.styleStore.getStyles()
        self.elements = []
        self.idevice = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "") = self.ideviceStore.getNewIdeviceId()
        self.originalIdevice = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")
        self.purpose = ""
        self.tip = ""
        self.message = ""
        self.parent = parent
        self._nameInstruc     = \
           x_(u"Your new iDevice will appear in the iDevice "
              u"pane with this title. This is a compulsory field "
              u"and you will be prompted to enter a label if you try "
              u"to submit your iDevice without one.")
        self._authorInstruc = x_(u"This is an optional field.")
        self._purposeInstruc = x_(
            u"The purpose dialogue allows you to describe"
            u" your intended purpose of the iDevice to other"
            u" potential users.")
        self._emphasisInstruc = x_(
            u"Use this pulldown to select whether or not "
            u" the iDevice should have any formatting "
            u" applied to it to distinguish "
            u"it; ie. a border and an icon.")
        self._tipInstruc = x_(u"Use this field to describe "
                              u"your intended use and the pedagogy behind "
                              u"the device's development. This can be useful "
                              u"if your iDevice is to be exported for others "
                              u"to use.")
        self._lineInstruc = x_(u"Add a single text line to an iDevice. "
                               u"Useful if you want the ability to place a "
                               u"label within the iDevice.")
        self._textBoxInstruc = x_(
            u"Add a text entry box to an iDevice. "
            u"Used for entering larger amounts of textual "
        self._feedbackInstruc = x_(
            u"Add an interactive feedback field to your iDevice.")
        self._flashInstruc = x_(u"Add a flash video to your iDevice.")
        self._mp3Instruc = x_(u"Add an mp3 file to your iDevice.")
        self._attachInstruc = x_(u"Add an attachment file to your iDevice.") = self.styles[0]

    # Properties

    nameInstruc = lateTranslate('nameInstruc')
    authorInstruc = lateTranslate('authorInstruc')
    purposeInstruc = lateTranslate('purposeInstruc')
    emphasisInstruc = lateTranslate('emphasisInstruc')
    tipInstruc = lateTranslate('tipInstruc')
    lineInstruc = lateTranslate('lineInstruc')
    textBoxInstruc = lateTranslate('textBoxInstruc')
    feedbackInstruc = lateTranslate('feedbackInstruc')
    flashInstruc = lateTranslate('flashInstruc')
    mp3Instruc = lateTranslate('mp3Instruc')
    attachInstruc = lateTranslate('attachInstruc')

    def setIdevice(self, idevice):
        Sets the iDevice to edit
        self.idevice = idevice.clone() =
        self.originalIdevice = idevice

    def process(self, request, status):

        log.debug("process " + repr(request.args))
        self.message = ""

        if status == "old":
            for element in self.elements:

            if "title" in request.args:
                self.idevice.title = unicode(request.args["title"][0], 'utf8')

            if "tip" in request.args:
                self.idevice.tip = unicode(request.args["tip"][0], 'utf8')

            if "emphasis" in request.args:
                self.idevice.emphasis = int(request.args["emphasis"][0])
                if self.idevice.emphasis == 0:
                    self.idevice.icon = ""

        if "addText" in request.args:
            field = TextField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
                              _(u"Enter instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "addTextArea" in request.args:
            field = TextAreaField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "addFeedback" in request.args:
            field = FeedbackField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"""Feedback button will not appear if no 
data is entered into this field."""))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        #if "addFlash" in request.args:
        #print "add a flash"
        #field = FlashField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
        #_(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))

        if "addMP3" in request.args:

            field = MultimediaField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            if not 'xspf_player.swf' in self.idevice.systemResources:
                self.idevice.systemResources += ['xspf_player.swf']
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "addAttachment" in request.args:

            field = AttachmentField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if ("action" in request.args
                and request.args["action"][0] == "selectIcon"):
            self.idevice.icon = request.args["object"][0]

        if "preview" in request.args:
            if self.idevice.title == "":
                self.message = _("Please enter<br />an idevice name.")
                self.idevice.edit = False

        if "edit" in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "cancel" in request.args:
            ideviceId =
            self.idevice = self.originalIdevice.clone()
   = ideviceId
            self.parent.showHide = False

        if ("action" in request.args
                and request.args["action"][0] == "changeStyle"):
   = self.styles[int(request.args["object"][0])]


    def __buildElements(self):
        Building up element array
        self.elements = []
        elementTypeMap = {
            TextField: TextEditorElement,
            TextAreaField: TextAreaEditorElement,
            ImageField: ImageEditorElement,
            FeedbackField: FeedbackEditorElement,
            MultimediaField: MultimediaEditorElement,
            FlashField: FlashEditorElement,
            AttachmentField: AttachmentEditorElement

        for field in self.idevice.fields:
            elementType = elementTypeMap.get(field.__class__)

            if elementType:
                # Create an instance of the appropriate element class
                log.debug(u"createElement " + elementType.__class__.__name__ +
                          u" for " + field.__class__.__name__)
                log.error(u"No element type registered for " +

    def renderButtons(self, request):
        Render the idevice being edited
        html = "<font color=\"red\"><b>" + self.message + "</b></font>"

        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Add Field") + "</b></legend>"
        html += common.submitButton("addText", _("Text Line"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.lineInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addTextArea", _("Text Box"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.textBoxInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addFeedback", _("Feedback"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.feedbackInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  Attachments are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addAttachment", _("Attachment"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.attachInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  MP3 fields are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addMP3", _("MP3"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.mp3Instruc) + "<br/>"
        html += "</fieldset>\n"

        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Actions") + "</b></legend>"

        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += common.submitButton("preview", _("Preview"),
                                        not self.parent.isGeneric)
            html += common.submitButton("edit", _("Edit"))

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("cancel", _("Cancel"))
        #html += "</fieldset>"

        return html

    def renderIdevice(self, request):
        Returns an XHTML string for rendering the new idevice
        html = "<div id=\"editorWorkspace\">\n"
        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
        html += "<!--\n"
        html += """
            function submitLink(action, object, changed) 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = action;
                form.object.value = object;
                form.isChanged.value = changed;
        html += """
            function submitIdevice() 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                if (form.ideviceSelect.value == "newIdevice")
                    form.action.value = "newIdevice"
                    form.action.value = "changeIdevice"
                form.object.value = form.ideviceSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 1;
        html += """
            function submitStyle()
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = "changeStyle";
                form.object.value = form.styleSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 0;
        html += "//-->\n"
        html += "</script>\n"

        self.purpose = self.idevice.purpose.replace("\r", "")
        self.purpose = self.purpose.replace("\n", "\\n")

        self.tip = self.idevice.tip.replace("\r", "")
        self.tip = self.tip.replace("\n", "\\n")

        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += "<b>" + _("Name") + ": </b>\n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.nameInstruc) + "<br/>"
            html += '<input type="text" name= "title" id="title" value="%s"/>' % self.idevice.title

            this_package = None
            html += common.formField('richTextArea', this_package,
                                     _(u"Pedagogical Tip"), 'tip', '',
                                     self.tipInstruc, self.tip)

            html += "<b>" + _("Emphasis") + ":</b> "
            html += "<select onchange=\"submit();\" name=\"emphasis\">\n"

            emphasisValues = {
                Idevice.NoEmphasis: _(u"No emphasis"),
                Idevice.SomeEmphasis: _(u"Some emphasis")
            for value, description in emphasisValues.items():
                html += "<option value=\"" + unicode(value) + "\" "
                if self.idevice.emphasis == value:
                    html += "selected "
                html += ">" + description + "</option>\n"

            html += "</select> \n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.emphasisInstruc)
            html += "<br/><br/>\n"

            if self.idevice.emphasis > 0:
                html += self.__renderStyles() + " "
                html += u'<a href="#" '
                html += u'onmousedown="Javascript:updateCoords(event);"\n'
                html += u'onclick="Javascript:showMe(\'iconpanel\', 350, 100);">'
                html += u'Select an icon:</a> \n'
                icon = self.idevice.icon
                if icon != "":
                    html += '<img align="middle" '
                    html += 'src="/style/%s/icon_%s' % (
              , icon)
                    html += '.gif"/><br/>'
                html += u'<div id="iconpanel" style="display:none; z-index:99;">'
                html += u'<div style="float:right;" >\n'
                html += u'<img alt="%s" ' % _("Close")
                html += u'src="/images/stock-stop.png" title="%s"\n' % _(
                html += u'onmousedown="Javascript:hideMe();"/></div><br/> \n'
                html += u'<div align="center"><b>%s:</b></div><br/>' % _(
                html += self.__renderIcons()
                html += u'</div><br/>\n'
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderEdit()
            html += "<b>" + self.idevice.title + "</b><br/><br/>"
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderPreview()
            if self.idevice.purpose != "" or self.idevice.tip != "":
                html += "<a title=\"" + _("Pedagogical Help") + "\" "
                html += "onmousedown=\"Javascript:updateCoords(event);\" \n"
                html += "onclick=\"Javascript:showMe('phelp', 380, 240);\" \n"
                html += "href=\"Javascript:void(0)\" style=\"cursor:help;\">\n "
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/info.png" border="0" \n' % _(
                html += "align=\"middle\" /></a>\n"
                html += "<div id=\"phelp\" style=\"display:none;\">\n"
                html += "<div style=\"float:right;\" "
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/stock-stop.png" \n' % _(
                html += " title='" + _(
                    "Close") + "' border='0' align='middle' \n"
                html += "onmousedown=\"Javascript:hideMe();\"/></div>\n"
                if self.idevice.purpose != "":
                    html += "<b>Purpose:</b><br/>%s<br/>" % self.purpose

                if self.idevice.tip != "":
                    html += "<b>Tip:</b><br/>%s<br/>" % self.idevice.tip

                html += "</div>\n"
        html += "</div>\n"
        self.message = ""

        return html

    def __renderStyles(self):
        Return xhtml string for rendering styles select
        html = '<select onchange="submitStyle();" name="styleSelect">\n'
        idx = 0
        for style in self.styles:
            html += "<option value='%d' " % idx
            if == style.get_name():
                html += "selected "
            html += ">" + style.get_name() + "</option>\n"
            idx = idx + 1
        html += "</select> \n"

        return html

    def __renderIcons(self):
        Return xhtml string for dispay all icons
        iconpath =
        iconfiles = iconpath.files("icon_*")
        html = ""
        for iconfile in iconfiles:
            iconname = iconfile.namebase
            icon = iconname.split("_", 1)[1]
            filename = "/style/%s/%s.gif" % (,
            html += u'<div style="float:left; text-align:center; width:80px;\n'
            html += u'margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px" > '
            html += u'<img src="%s" \n' % filename
            html += u' alt="%s" ' % _("Submit")
            html += u"onclick=\"submitLink('selectIcon','%s',1)\">\n" % icon
            html += u'<br/>%s.gif</div>\n' % icon
        return html
Beispiel #3
class EditorPane(object):
    The EditorPane is responsible for creating new idevice
    def __init__(self, webServer, parent):
        JR: anado parente para poder acceder a algunos atributos de editorpag, en concreto a showHide
        self.ideviceStore = webServer.application.ideviceStore
        self.webDir = webServer.application.config.webDir
        self.styles = webServer.application.config.styleStore.getStyles()
        self.elements = []
        self.idevice = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "") = self.ideviceStore.getNewIdeviceId()
        self.originalIdevice = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")
        self.purpose = ""
        self.tip = ""
        self.message = ""
        self.parent = parent
        self._nameInstruc     = \
           x_(u"Your new iDevice will appear in the iDevice "
              u"pane with this title. This is a compulsory field "
              u"and you will be prompted to enter a label if you try "
              u"to submit your iDevice without one.")
        self._authorInstruc = x_(u"This is an optional field.")
        self._purposeInstruc = x_(
            u"The purpose dialogue allows you to describe"
            u" your intended purpose of the iDevice to other"
            u" potential users.")
        self._emphasisInstruc = x_(
            u"Use this pulldown to select whether or not "
            u" the iDevice should have any formatting "
            u" applied to it to distinguish "
            u"it; ie. a border and an icon.")
        self._tipInstruc = x_(u"Use this field to describe "
                              u"your intended use and the pedagogy behind "
                              u"the device's development. This can be useful "
                              u"if your iDevice is to be exported for others "
                              u"to use.")
        self._lineInstruc = x_(u"Add a single text line to an iDevice. "
                               u"Useful if you want the ability to place a "
                               u"label within the iDevice.")
        self._textBoxInstruc = x_(
            u"Add a text entry box to an iDevice. "
            u"Used for entering larger amounts of textual "
        self._feedbackInstruc = x_(
            u"Add an interactive feedback field to your iDevice.")
        self._flashInstruc = x_(u"Add a flash video to your iDevice.")
        self._mp3Instruc = x_(u"Add an mp3 file to your iDevice.")
        self._attachInstruc = x_(u"Add an attachment file to your iDevice.") = self.styles[0]

    # Properties

    nameInstruc = lateTranslate('nameInstruc')
    authorInstruc = lateTranslate('authorInstruc')
    purposeInstruc = lateTranslate('purposeInstruc')
    emphasisInstruc = lateTranslate('emphasisInstruc')
    tipInstruc = lateTranslate('tipInstruc')
    lineInstruc = lateTranslate('lineInstruc')
    textBoxInstruc = lateTranslate('textBoxInstruc')
    feedbackInstruc = lateTranslate('feedbackInstruc')
    flashInstruc = lateTranslate('flashInstruc')
    mp3Instruc = lateTranslate('mp3Instruc')
    attachInstruc = lateTranslate('attachInstruc')

    def setIdevice(self, idevice):
        Sets the iDevice to edit
        self.idevice = idevice.clone() =
        self.originalIdevice = idevice

    def process(self, request, status):

        log.debug("process " + repr(request.args))
        self.message = ""

        if status == "old":
            for element in self.elements:

            if "title" in request.args:
                self.idevice.title = unicode(request.args["title"][0], 'utf8')

            if "tip" in request.args:
                self.idevice.tip = unicode(request.args["tip"][0], 'utf8')

            if "emphasis" in request.args:
                self.idevice.emphasis = int(request.args["emphasis"][0])
                if self.idevice.emphasis == 0:
                    self.idevice.icon = ""

        if "addText" in request.args:
            field = TextField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
                              _(u"Enter instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "addTextArea" in request.args:
            field = TextAreaField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "addFeedback" in request.args:
            field = FeedbackField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"""Feedback button will not appear if no 
data is entered into this field."""))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        #if "addFlash" in request.args:
        #print "add a flash"
        #field = FlashField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
        #_(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))

        if "addMP3" in request.args:

            field = MultimediaField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            if not 'xspf_player.swf' in self.idevice.systemResources:
                self.idevice.systemResources += ['xspf_player.swf']
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "addAttachment" in request.args:

            field = AttachmentField(
                _(u"Enter the label here"),
                _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if ("action" in request.args
                and request.args["action"][0] == "selectIcon"):
            self.idevice.icon = request.args["object"][0]

        if "preview" in request.args:
            if self.idevice.title == "":
                self.message = _("Please enter<br />an idevice name.")
                self.idevice.edit = False

        if "edit" in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True

        if "cancel" in request.args:
            ideviceId =
            self.idevice = self.originalIdevice.clone()
   = ideviceId
            self.parent.showHide = False

        if ("action" in request.args
                and request.args["action"][0] == "changeStyle"):
   = self.styles[int(request.args["object"][0])]


    def __buildElements(self):
        Building up element array
        self.elements = []
        elementTypeMap = {
            TextField: TextEditorElement,
            TextAreaField: TextAreaEditorElement,
            ImageField: ImageEditorElement,
            FeedbackField: FeedbackEditorElement,
            MultimediaField: MultimediaEditorElement,
            FlashField: FlashEditorElement,
            AttachmentField: AttachmentEditorElement

        for field in self.idevice.fields:
            elementType = elementTypeMap.get(field.__class__)

            if elementType:
                # Create an instance of the appropriate element class
                log.debug(u"createElement " + elementType.__class__.__name__ +
                          u" for " + field.__class__.__name__)
                log.error(u"No element type registered for " +

    def renderButtons(self, request):
        Render the idevice being edited
        html = "<font color=\"red\"><b>" + self.message + "</b></font>"

        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Add Field") + "</b></legend>"
        html += common.submitButton("addText", _("Text Line"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.lineInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addTextArea", _("Text Box"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.textBoxInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addFeedback", _("Feedback"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.feedbackInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  Attachments are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addAttachment", _("Attachment"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.attachInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  MP3 fields are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addMP3", _("MP3"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.mp3Instruc) + "<br/>"
        html += "</fieldset>\n"

        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Actions") + "</b></legend>"

        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += common.submitButton("preview", _("Preview"),
                                        not self.parent.isGeneric)
            html += common.submitButton("edit", _("Edit"))

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("cancel", _("Cancel"))
        #html += "</fieldset>"

        return html

    def renderIdevice(self, request):
        Returns an XHTML string for rendering the new idevice
        html = "<div id=\"editorWorkspace\">\n"
        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
        html += "<!--\n"
        html += """
            function selectStyleIcon(icon,e) {
                var div = document.getElementById("styleIcons");
                var imgs = div.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
                for (var i=0;i<imgs.length;i++) {
                    imgs[i].style.border = "1px solid #E8E8E8";
       = "1px solid #333333";            
            function submitLink(action, object, changed) 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = action;
                form.object.value = object;
                form.isChanged.value = changed;
        html += """
            function submitIdevice() 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                if (form.ideviceSelect.value == "newIdevice")
                    form.action.value = "newIdevice"
                    form.action.value = "changeIdevice"
                form.object.value = form.ideviceSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 1;
        html += """
            function submitStyle()
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = "changeStyle";
                form.object.value = form.styleSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 0;
        html += "//-->\n"
        html += "</script>\n"

        self.purpose = self.idevice.purpose.replace("\r", "")
        self.purpose = self.purpose.replace("\n", "\\n")

        self.tip = self.idevice.tip.replace("\r", "")
        self.tip = self.tip.replace("\n", "\\n")

        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += "<b>" + _("Name") + ": </b>\n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.nameInstruc) + "<br/>"
            html += '<input type="text" name= "title" id="title" value="%s"/>' % self.idevice.title

            this_package = None
            html += common.formField('richTextArea', this_package,
                                     _(u"Pedagogical Tip"), 'tip', '',
                                     self.tipInstruc, self.tip)

            html += "<b>" + _("Emphasis") + ":</b> "
            html += "<select onchange=\"submit();\" name=\"emphasis\">\n"

            emphasisValues = {
                Idevice.NoEmphasis: _(u"No emphasis"),
                Idevice.SomeEmphasis: _(u"Some emphasis")
            for value, description in emphasisValues.items():
                html += "<option value=\"" + unicode(value) + "\" "
                if self.idevice.emphasis == value:
                    html += "selected "
                html += ">" + description + "</option>\n"

            html += "</select> \n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.emphasisInstruc)
            html += "<br/><br/>\n"

            if self.idevice.emphasis > 0:
                html += self.__renderStyles() + " "
                html += u'<a style="margin-right:.5em" href="javascript:void(0)" '
                html += u'onclick="showMessageBox(\'iconpanel\');">'
                html += u'%s</a>' % _('Select an icon')
                icon = self.idevice.icon
                if icon != "":

                    iconExists = False
                    myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir /
                         / "icon_" +
                                  self.idevice.icon + ".gif")
                    if myIcon.exists():
                        iconExists = True
                        myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir /
                             / "icon_" +
                                      self.idevice.icon + ".png")
                        if myIcon.exists():
                            iconExists = True
                    if iconExists:
                        html += '<img style="vertical-align:middle;max-width:60px;height:auto" '
                        html += 'src="/style/%s/icon_%s' % (
                  , icon)
                        html += '%s"/><br />' % myIcon.ext

                html += u'<div style="display:none;z-index:99;">'
                html += u'<div id="iconpaneltitle">' + _("Icons") + '</div>'
                html += u'<div id="iconpanelcontent">'
                html += self.__renderIcons()
                html += u'</div>'
                html += u'</div>\n'
                html += u'<br style="clear:both;margin-bottom:10px" />'
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderEdit()
            html += "<b>" + self.idevice.title + "</b><br/><br/>"
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderPreview()
            if self.idevice.purpose != "" or self.idevice.tip != "":
                html += "<a title=\"" + _("Pedagogical Help") + "\" "
                html += "onclick=\"showMessageBox('phelp');\" "
                html += "href=\"javascript:void(0)\" style=\"cursor:help;\">\n "
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/info.png" border="0" ' % _(
                html += "align=\"middle\" /></a>\n"
                html += "<div style='display:none;'>"
                if self.idevice.purpose != "":
                    html += "<div id='phelptitle'>" + _('Purpose') + "</div>"
                    html += "<div id='phelpcontent'>" + self.purpose + "</div>"
                if self.idevice.tip != "":
                    html += "<div id='phelptitle'>" + _('Tip:') + "</div>"
                    html += "<div id='phelpcontent'>" + self.idevice.tip + "</div>"
                html += "</div>"
                html += "</div>\n"
        html += "</div>\n"
        self.message = ""

        return html

    def __renderStyles(self):
        Return xhtml string for rendering styles select
        html = '<select onchange="submitStyle();" style="display:none" name="styleSelect" id="styleSelect">\n'
        idx = 0
        isSelected = False
        for style in self.styles:
            html += "<option value='%d' " % idx
            if == style.get_name():
                html += "selected "
                isSelected = True
            html += ">" + style.get_name() + "~" + style.get_dirname(
            ) + "</option>\n"
            idx = idx + 1
        html += "</select> \n"
        # Auto-select the current style
        # This should be done with Python, not JavaScript
        # It's just a provisional solution so the user does not have to choose the right Style
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>\
            function autoSelectStyle(){\
                var autoSelectStyle = document.getElementById('styleSelect');\
                if (autoSelectStyle.options[autoSelectStyle.value].innerHTML.split('~')[1]==top.exe_style_dirname) return false;\
                var currentStyleFolder;\
                for (var i=0; i<autoSelectStyle.options.length; i++) {\
                    currentStyleFolder = autoSelectStyle.options[i].innerHTML.split('~')[1];\
                    if (top.exe_style_dirname==currentStyleFolder) {\
            if (typeof(top.exe_style_dirname)!='undefined') {\

        return html

    def __renderIcons(self):
        Return xhtml string for dispay all icons
        iconpath =
        iconfiles = iconpath.files("icon_*")
        html = '<div id="styleIcons"><div style="height:300px;overflow:auto">'

        for iconfile in iconfiles:
            iconname = iconfile.namebase
            icon = iconname.split("_", 1)[1]

            iconExists = False
            iconExtension = "gif"
            myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir /
                 / iconname + ".gif")
            if myIcon.exists():
                iconExists = True
                myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir /
                     / iconname + ".png")
                if myIcon.exists():
                    iconExists = True
                    iconExtension = "png"

            if iconExists:
                filename = "/style/%s/%s.%s" % (,
                                                iconname, iconExtension)
                html += u'<div style="float:left; text-align:center; width:105px;\n'
                html += u'margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:15px" > '
                html += u'<img src="%s" \n' % filename
                # html += u' alt="%s" ' % _("Submit")
                # window[1] because we use Ext.MessageBox instead of libot_drag.js
                html += u"style=\"border:1px solid #E8E8E8;padding:5px;cursor:pointer;max-width:60px;height:auto\" onclick=\"window[1].selectStyleIcon('%s',this)\" title=\"%s.%s\">\n" % (
                    icon, icon, iconExtension)
                # html += u"style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"window[1].submitLink('selectIcon','%s',1)\">\n" % icon
                html += u'<br /><span style="display:inline-block;width:100px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis">%s.%s</span></div>\n' % (
                    icon, iconExtension)

        html += '</div></div>'

        return html
Beispiel #4
class EditorPane(object):
    The EditorPane is responsible for creating new idevice
    def __init__(self, webServer, parent):
        JR: anado parente para poder acceder a algunos atributos de editorpag, en concreto a showHide
        self.ideviceStore     = webServer.application.ideviceStore
        self.webDir           = webServer.application.config.webDir
        self.styles           = webServer.application.config.styles
        self.elements         = []
        self.idevice          = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")       = self.ideviceStore.getNewIdeviceId()
        self.originalIdevice  = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")
        self.purpose          = ""
        self.tip              = ""
        self.message          = ""
        self.parent           = parent
        self._nameInstruc     = \
           x_(u"Your new iDevice will appear in the iDevice "
              u"pane with this title. This is a compulsory field "
              u"and you will be prompted to enter a label if you try "
              u"to submit your iDevice without one.")
        self._authorInstruc   = x_(u"This is an optional field.")
        self._purposeInstruc  = x_(u"The purpose dialogue allows you to describe"
                                 u" your intended purpose of the iDevice to other"
                                 u" potential users.")
        self._emphasisInstruc = x_(u"Use this pulldown to select whether or not "
                                 u" the iDevice should have any formatting "
                                 u" applied to it to distinguish "
                                 u"it; ie. a border and an icon.")
        self._tipInstruc      = x_(u"Use this field to describe "
                                 u"your intended use and the pedagogy behind "
                                 u"the device's development. This can be useful "
                                 u"if your iDevice is to be exported for others "
                                 u"to use.")
        self._lineInstruc     = x_(u"Add a single text line to an iDevice. "
                                 u"Useful if you want the ability to place a "
                                 u"label within the iDevice.")
        self._textBoxInstruc  = x_(u"Add a text entry box to an iDevice. "
                                 u"Used for entering larger amounts of textual "
        self._feedbackInstruc = x_(u"Add an interactive feedback field to your iDevice.")
        self._flashInstruc    = x_(u"Add a flash video to your iDevice.")
        self._mp3Instruc      = x_(u"Add an mp3 file to your iDevice.")
        self._attachInstruc   = x_(u"Add an attachment file to your iDevice.")            = "default"
    # Properties
    nameInstruc     = lateTranslate('nameInstruc')    
    authorInstruc   = lateTranslate('authorInstruc')
    purposeInstruc  = lateTranslate('purposeInstruc')
    emphasisInstruc = lateTranslate('emphasisInstruc')
    tipInstruc      = lateTranslate('tipInstruc')
    lineInstruc     = lateTranslate('lineInstruc')
    textBoxInstruc  = lateTranslate('textBoxInstruc')
    feedbackInstruc = lateTranslate('feedbackInstruc')
    flashInstruc    = lateTranslate('flashInstruc')
    mp3Instruc      = lateTranslate('mp3Instruc')
    attachInstruc   = lateTranslate('attachInstruc')
    def setIdevice(self, idevice):
        Sets the iDevice to edit
        self.idevice         = idevice.clone()      =
        self.originalIdevice = idevice
    def process(self, request, status):
        log.debug("process " + repr(request.args))
        self.message = ""
        if status == "old":
            for element in self.elements:
            if "title" in request.args:
                self.idevice.title = unicode(request.args["title"][0], 'utf8')
            if "tip" in request.args:
                self.idevice.tip = unicode(request.args["tip"][0], 'utf8')
            if "emphasis" in request.args:
                self.idevice.emphasis = int(request.args["emphasis"][0])
                if self.idevice.emphasis == 0:
                    self.idevice.icon = ""
        if "addText" in request.args:
            field = TextField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
                 _(u"Enter instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "addTextArea" in request.args:
            field = TextAreaField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "addFeedback" in request.args:
            field = FeedbackField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"""Feedback button will not appear if no 
data is entered into this field."""))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #if "addFlash" in request.args:
            #print "add a flash"
            #field = FlashField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 #_(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
        if "addMP3" in request.args:

            field = MultimediaField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            if not 'xspf_player.swf' in self.idevice.systemResources:
                self.idevice.systemResources += ['xspf_player.swf']
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "addAttachment" in request.args:

            field = AttachmentField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if ("action" in request.args and 
            request.args["action"][0] == "selectIcon"):
            self.idevice.icon = request.args["object"][0]

        if "preview" in request.args:
            if self.idevice.title == "":
                self.message = _("Please enter<br />an idevice name.")
                self.idevice.edit = False

        if "edit" in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "cancel" in request.args:
            ideviceId       =
            self.idevice    = self.originalIdevice.clone()
   = ideviceId 
            self.parent.showHide = False
        if ("action" in request.args and 
            request.args["action"][0] == "changeStyle"):
   = request.args["object"][0]
    def __buildElements(self):
        Building up element array
        self.elements  = []
        elementTypeMap = {TextField:       TextEditorElement,
                          TextAreaField:   TextAreaEditorElement,
                          ImageField:      ImageEditorElement,
                          FeedbackField:   FeedbackEditorElement,
                          MultimediaField: MultimediaEditorElement,
                          FlashField:      FlashEditorElement,
                          AttachmentField: AttachmentEditorElement}
        for field in self.idevice.fields:
            elementType = elementTypeMap.get(field.__class__)

            if elementType:
                # Create an instance of the appropriate element class
                log.debug(u"createElement "+elementType.__class__.__name__+
                          u" for "+field.__class__.__name__)
                log.error(u"No element type registered for " +
    def renderButtons(self, request, showHide):
        Render the idevice being edited
        html = "<font color=\"red\"><b>"+self.message+"</b></font>"
        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Add Field")+ "</b></legend>"
        html += common.submitButton("addText", _("Text Line"), not showHide)
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.lineInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addTextArea", _("Text Box"), not showHide)
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.textBoxInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addFeedback", _("Feedback"), not showHide)
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.feedbackInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  Attachments are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addAttachment", _("Attachment"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.attachInstruc) + "<br/>"
        #  MP3 fields are now embeddable:
        #html += common.submitButton("addMP3", _("MP3"))
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.mp3Instruc) + "<br/>"
        html += "</fieldset>\n"

        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Actions") + "</b></legend>"

        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += common.submitButton("preview", _("Preview"), not (showHide or self.parent.isGeneric))
            html += common.submitButton("edit", _("Edit"), not showHide)

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("cancel", _("Cancel"))
        #html += "</fieldset>"

        return html

    def renderIdevice(self, request):
        Returns an XHTML string for rendering the new idevice
        html  = "<div id=\"editorWorkspace\">\n"
        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
        html += "<!--\n"
        html += """
            function submitLink(action, object, changed) 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = action;
                form.object.value = object;
                form.isChanged.value = changed;
        html += """
            function submitIdevice() 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                if (form.ideviceSelect.value == "newIdevice")
                    form.action.value = "newIdevice"
                    form.action.value = "changeIdevice"
                form.object.value = form.ideviceSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 1;
        html += """
            function submitStyle()
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = "changeStyle";
                form.object.value = form.styleSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 0;
        html += "//-->\n"
        html += "</script>\n"
        self.purpose = self.idevice.purpose.replace("\r", "")
        self.purpose = self.purpose.replace("\n","\\n")
        self.tip     = self.idevice.tip.replace("\r", "")
        self.tip     = self.tip.replace("\n","\\n")
        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += "<b>" + _("Name") + ": </b>\n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.nameInstruc) + "<br/>"
            html += '<input type="text" name= "title" id="title" value="%s"/>' % self.idevice.title
            this_package = None
            html += common.formField('richTextArea', this_package,
                                     _(u"Pedagogical Tip"),'tip',
                                     '', self.tipInstruc, self.tip)
            html += "<b>" + _("Emphasis") + ":</b> "
            html += "<select onchange=\"submit();\" name=\"emphasis\">\n"

            emphasisValues = {Idevice.NoEmphasis:     _(u"No emphasis"),
                              Idevice.SomeEmphasis:   _(u"Some emphasis")}
            for value, description in emphasisValues.items():
                html += "<option value=\""+unicode(value)+"\" "
                if self.idevice.emphasis == value:
                    html += "selected "
                html += ">" + description + "</option>\n"

            html += "</select> \n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.emphasisInstruc)
            html += "<br/><br/>\n"
            if self.idevice.emphasis > 0:
                html += self.__renderStyles() + " "
                html += u'<a href="#" '
                html += u'onmousedown="Javascript:updateCoords(event);"\n'
                html += u'onclick="Javascript:showMe(\'iconpanel\', 350, 100);">'
                html += u'Select an icon:</a> \n'
                icon = self.idevice.icon
                if icon != "":
                    html += '<img align="middle" '
                    html += 'src="/style/%s/icon_%s' % (, icon)
                    html += '.gif"/><br/>'
                html += u'<div id="iconpanel" style="display:none; z-index:99;">'
                html += u'<div style="float:right;" >\n'
                html += u'<img alt="%s" ' % _("Close")
                html += u'src="/images/stock-stop.png" title="%s"\n' % _("Close")
                html += u'onmousedown="Javascript:hideMe();"/></div><br/> \n'
                html += u'<div align="center"><b>%s:</b></div><br/>' % _("Icons")
                html += self.__renderIcons()
                html += u'</div><br/>\n'
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderEdit()       
            html += "<b>" + self.idevice.title + "</b><br/><br/>"
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderPreview()               
            if self.idevice.purpose != "" or self.idevice.tip != "":
                html += "<a title=\""+_("Pedagogical Help")+"\" "
                html += "onmousedown=\"Javascript:updateCoords(event);\" \n"
                html += "onclick=\"Javascript:showMe('phelp', 380, 240);\" \n" 
                html += "href=\"Javascript:void(0)\" style=\"cursor:help;\">\n " 
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/info.png" border="0" \n' % _('Info')
                html += "align=\"middle\" /></a>\n"
                html += "<div id=\"phelp\" style=\"display:none;\">\n"
                html += "<div style=\"float:right;\" "
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/stock-stop.png" \n' % _('Close')
                html += " title='"+_("Close")+"' border='0' align='middle' \n"
                html += "onmousedown=\"Javascript:hideMe();\"/></div>\n"
                if self.idevice.purpose != "":
                    html += "<b>Purpose:</b><br/>%s<br/>" % self.purpose
                if self.idevice.tip != "":
                    html += "<b>Tip:</b><br/>%s<br/>" % self.idevice.tip
                html += "</div>\n"  
        html += "</div>\n"
        self.message = ""

        return html
    def __renderStyles(self):
        Return xhtml string for rendering styles select
        html  = '<select onchange="submitStyle();" name="styleSelect">\n'
        for style in self.styles:
            html += "<option value=\""+style+"\" "
            if == style:
                html += "selected "
            html += ">" + style + "</option>\n"
        html += "</select> \n"
        return html
    def __renderIcons(self):
        Return xhtml string for dispay all icons
        iconpath  = Path(self.webDir).joinpath("style",
        iconfiles = iconpath.files("icon_*")
        html = ""
        for iconfile in iconfiles:
            iconname = iconfile.namebase
            icon     = iconname.split("_", 1)[1]
            filename = "/style/%s/%s.gif" % (, iconname)
            html += u'<div style="float:left; text-align:center; width:80px;\n'
            html += u'margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px" > '
            html += u'<img src="%s" \n' % filename
            html += u' alt="%s" ' % _("Submit")
            html += u"onclick=\"submitLink('selectIcon','%s',1)\">\n" % icon
            html += u'<br/>%s.gif</div>\n' % icon
        return html
    def renderShowHideiDevices(self, idevices):
        JR: Funcion que muestra la lista de idevices para mostrarlos y ocultarlos
        html = "<div id=\"editorWorkspace\">\n"
        html += "<br/><br/><strong>%s</strong>\n" % _("Check iDevices you want to display:")
        html += "<ul style=\"list-style:none;\">\n"
        idevices_sort = sorted(idevices, key=lambda idevice: idevice.title)
        idevices_show = self.ideviceStore.generic + self.ideviceStore.extended
        for idevice in idevices_sort:
            html += "<li>\n"
            html += "<input type=checkbox name=\"%s\"" % idevice.title
            checked = False
            for i in idevices_show:
                if (i.title == idevice.title):
                    checked = True
            if checked:
                html += " checked=\"checked\" "
            html += ">%s</input>\n" % idevice.title
            html += "</li>\n" 
        html += "</ul>"
        html += "</div>"
        return html
Beispiel #5
class EditorPane(object):
    The EditorPane is responsible for creating new idevice
    def __init__(self, webServer):
        self.ideviceStore     = webServer.application.ideviceStore
        self.webDir           = webServer.application.config.webDir
        self.styles           = webServer.application.config.styles
        self.elements         = []
        self.idevice          = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")       = self.ideviceStore.getNewIdeviceId()
        self.originalIdevice  = GenericIdevice("", "", "", "", "")
        self.purpose          = ""
        self.tip              = ""
        self.message          = ""
        self._nameInstruc     = \
           x_(u"Your new iDevice will appear in the iDevice "
              u"pane with this title. This is a compulsory field "
              u"and you will be prompted to enter a label if you try "
              u"to submit your idevice without one.")
        self._authorInstruc   = x_(u"This is an optional field.")
        self._purposeInstruc  = x_(u"The purpose dialogue allows you to describe"
                                 u" your intended purpose of the device to other"
                                 u" potential users.")
        self._emphasisInstruc = x_(u"Use Emphasis to distinguish the importance "
                                 u" of the information being presented in the "
        self._tipInstruc      = x_(u"A pedagogical tip allows you to describe "
                                 u"your intended use and the pedagogy behind "
                                 u"the devices development.")
        self._lineInstruc     = x_(u"Add a single text line to an iDevice. "
                                 u"Useful if you want the ability to place a "
                                 u"label within the device.")
        self._textBoxInstruc  = x_(u"Add a text entry box to an iDevice. "
                                 u"Used for entering description textual "
        self._imageInstruc    = x_(u"Add an image to your iDevice. Enables "
                                 u"the selection of an image from your stored "
                                 u"picture files.")
        self._feedbackInstruc = x_(u"Add interactive feedback to your iDevice.")            = "default"
    nameInstruc     = lateTranslate('nameInstruc')    
    authorInstruc   = lateTranslate('authorInstruc')
    purposeInstruc  = lateTranslate('purposeInstruc')
    emphasisInstruc = lateTranslate('emphasisInstruc')
    tipInstruc      = lateTranslate('tipInstruc')
    lineInstruc     = lateTranslate('lineInstruc')
    textBoxInstruc  = lateTranslate('textBoxInstruc')
    imageInstruc    = lateTranslate('imageInstruc')
    feedbackInstruc = lateTranslate('feedbackInstruc')
    def setIdevice(self, idevice):
        Sets the iDevice to edit
        self.idevice         = idevice.clone()      =
        self.originalIdevice = idevice
    def process(self, request, status):
        log.debug("process " + repr(request.args))
        self.message = ""
        if status == "old":
            for element in self.elements:
            if "title" in request.args:
                self.idevice.title = unicode(request.args["title"][0], 'utf8')
            if "author" in request.args:
       = unicode(request.args["author"][0], 'utf8')
            if "purpose" in request.args:
                self.idevice.purpose = unicode(request.args["purpose"][0], 
            if "tip" in request.args:
                self.idevice.tip = unicode(request.args["tip"][0], 'utf8')
            if "emphasis" in request.args:
                self.idevice.emphasis = int(request.args["emphasis"][0])
                if self.idevice.emphasis == 0:
                    self.idevice.icon = ""
        if "addText" in request.args:
            self.idevice.addField(TextField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
                 _(u"Enter instructions for completion here")))
        if "addTextArea" in request.args:
            self.idevice.addField(TextAreaField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here")))
        if "addImage" in request.args:
            field = ImageField(_(u"Enter the label here"),
                               _(u"Enter the instructions for completion here"))
            imagePath = self.webDir/"images"/ImageEditorElement.DefaultImage
            field.defaultImage = unicode(imagePath.abspath())
        if "addFeedback" in request.args:
            self.idevice.addField(FeedbackField(_(u"Enter the label here"), 
                 _(u"""Feedback button will not appear if no 
data is entered into this field.""")))
        if ("action" in request.args and 
            request.args["action"][0] == "selectIcon"):
            self.idevice.icon = request.args["object"][0]
        if "preview" in request.args:
            if self.idevice.title == "":
                self.message = _("Please enter an idevice name.")
                self.idevice.edit = False
        if "edit" in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
        if "cancel" in request.args:
            ideviceId       =
            self.idevice    = self.originalIdevice.clone()
   = ideviceId 
        if ("action" in request.args and 
            request.args["action"][0] == "changeStyle"):
   = request.args["object"][0]
    def __buildElements(self):
        Building up element array
        self.elements  = []
        elementTypeMap = {TextField:      TextEditorElement,
                          TextAreaField:  TextAreaEditorElement,
                          ImageField:     ImageEditorElement,
                          FeedbackField:  FeedbackEditorElement}
        for field in self.idevice.fields:
            elementType = elementTypeMap.get(field.__class__)
            if elementType:
                log.debug(u"createElement "+elementType.__class__.__name__+
                          u" for "+field.__class__.__name__)
                log.error(u"No element type registered for " +
    def renderButtons(self, request):
        Render the idevice being edited
        html = "<font color=\"red\"<b>"+self.message+"</b></font>"
        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Add")+ "</b></legend>"
        html += common.submitButton("addText", _("Text Line"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.lineInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addTextArea", _("Text Box"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.textBoxInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addImage", _("Image"))  
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.imageInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addFeedback", _("Feedback"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.feedbackInstruc) + "<br/>"
        html += "</fieldset>\n"
        html += "<fieldset><legend><b>" + _("Actions") + "</b></legend>"
        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += common.submitButton("preview", _("Preview"))
            html += common.submitButton("edit", _("Edit"))
        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("cancel", _("Cancel"))
        return html
    def renderIdevice(self, request):
        Returns an XHTML string for rendering the new idevice
        html  = "<div id=\"editorWorkspace\">\n"
        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
        html += "<!--\n"
        html += """
            function submitLink(action, object, changed) 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = action;
                form.object.value = object;
                form.isChanged.value = changed;
        html += """
            function submitIdevice() 
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                if (form.ideviceSelect.value == "newIdevice")
                    form.action.value = "newIdevice"
                    form.action.value = "changeIdevice"
                form.object.value = form.ideviceSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 1;
        html += """
            function submitStyle()
                var form = document.getElementById("contentForm")
                form.action.value = "changeStyle";
                form.object.value = form.styleSelect.value;
                form.isChanged.value = 0;
        html += "//-->\n"
        html += "</script>\n"
        self.purpose = self.idevice.purpose.replace("\r", "")
        self.purpose = self.purpose.replace("\n","\\n")
        self.tip     = self.idevice.tip.replace("\r", "")
        self.tip     = self.tip.replace("\n","\\n")
        if self.idevice.edit:
            html += "<b>" + _("Name") + ": </b>\n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.nameInstruc) + "<br/>"
            html += common.textInput("title", self.idevice.title) + "<br/>\n"
            html += "<b>" + _("Author") + ": </b>\n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.authorInstruc) + "<br/>"
            html += common.textInput("author", + "<br/>\n"
            html += common.formField('richTextArea', _(u"Purpose"),'purpose',
                                     '', self.purposeInstruc, self.purpose)
            html += common.formField('richTextArea', _(u"Pedagogical Tip"),'tip',
                                     '', self.tipInstruc, self.tip)
            html += "<b>" + _("Emphasis") + ":</b> "
            html += "<select onchange=\"submit();\" name=\"emphasis\">\n"
            emphasisValues = {Idevice.NoEmphasis:     _(u"No emphasis"),
                              Idevice.SomeEmphasis:   _(u"Some emphasis"),
                              Idevice.StrongEmphasis: _(u"Strong emphasis")}
            for value, description in emphasisValues.items():
                html += "<option value=\""+unicode(value)+"\" "
                if self.idevice.emphasis == value:
                    html += "selected "
                html += ">" + description + "</option>\n"
            html += "</select> \n"
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.emphasisInstruc)
            html += "<br/><br/>\n"
            if self.idevice.emphasis > 0:
                html += self.__renderStyles() + " "
                html += u'<a href="#" '
                html += u'onmousedown="Javascript:updateCoords(event);"\n'
                html += u'onclick="Javascript:showMe(\'iconpanel\', 350, 100);">'
                html += u'Select an icon:</a> \n'
                icon = self.idevice.icon
                if icon != "":
                    html += '<img align="middle" '
                    html += 'src="/style/%s/icon_%s' % (, icon)
                    html += '.gif"/><br/>'
                html += u'<div id="iconpanel" style="display:none; z-index:99;">'
                html += u'<div style="float:right;" >\n'
                html += u'<img alt="%s" ' % _("Close")
                html += u'src="/images/stock-stop.png" title="%s"\n' % _("Close")
                html += u'onmousedown="Javascript:hideMe();"/></div><br/> \n'
                html += u'<div align="center"><b>%s:</b></div><br/>' % _("Icons")
                html += self.__renderIcons()
                html += u'</div><br/>\n'
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderEdit()       
            html += "<b>" + self.idevice.title + "</b><br/><br/>"
            for element in self.elements:
                html += element.renderPreview()               
            if self.idevice.purpose != "" or self.idevice.tip != "":
                html += "<a title=\""+_("Pedagogical Help")+"\" "
                html += "onmousedown=\"Javascript:updateCoords(event);\" \n"
                html += "onclick=\"Javascript:showMe('phelp', 380, 240);\" \n" 
                html += "href=\"Javascript:void(0)\" style=\"cursor:help;\">\n " 
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/info.png" border="0" \n' % _('Info')
                html += "align=\"middle\" /></a>\n"
                html += "<div id=\"phelp\" style=\"display:none;\">\n"
                html += "<div style=\"float:right;\" "
                html += '<img alt="%s" src="/images/stock-stop.png" \n' % _('Close')
                html += " title='"+_("Close")+"' border='0' align='middle' \n"
                html += "onmousedown=\"Javascript:hideMe();\"/></div>\n"
                if self.idevice.purpose != "":
                    html += "<b>Purpose:</b><br/>%s<br/>" % self.purpose
                if self.idevice.tip != "":
                    html += "<b>Tip:</b><br/>%s<br/>" % self.idevice.tip
                html += "</div>\n"  
        html += "</div>\n"
        self.message = ""
        return html
    def __renderStyles(self):
        Return xhtml string for rendering styles select
        html  = '<select onchange="submitStyle();" name="styleSelect">\n'
        for style in self.styles:
            html += "<option value=\""+style+"\" "
            if == style:
                html += "selected "
            html += ">" + style + "</option>\n"
        html += "</select> \n"
        return html
    def __renderIcons(self):
        Return xhtml string for dispay all icons
        iconpath  = Path(self.webDir).joinpath("style",
        iconfiles = iconpath.files("icon_*")
        html = ""
        for iconfile in iconfiles:
            iconname = iconfile.namebase
            icon     = iconname.split("_", 1)[1]
            filename = "/style/%s/%s.gif" % (, iconname)
            html += u'<div style="float:left; text-align:center; width:80px;\n'
            html += u'margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px" > '
            html += u'<img src="%s" \n' % filename
            html += u' alt="%s" ' % _("Submit")
            html += u"onclick=\"submitLink('selectIcon','%s',1)\">\n" % icon
            html += u'<br/>%s.gif</div>\n' % icon
        return html