Beispiel #1
 def render(self, prevPage, nextPage, pages):
     Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
     html  = u"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
     html += u"<title>" 
     html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
     html += u"</title>\n" 
     body = ""
     for idevice in self.node.idevices:
         block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
         if not block:
             log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
             raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
         if hasattr(idevice, "isCloze"):
             body += block.renderText()
         if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
             body += block.renderView('default')
     converter = HtmlToText(body)
     text = converter.convertToText()
     text = text.replace('&', '&amp;')
     text = text.replace('>', '&gt;')
     text = text.replace('<', '&lt;')
     text = text.replace('\r\n', ' ')
     text = re.sub(r'^\n+', '', text)
     text = re.sub(r'\n{3,}', '\n\n', text)
     foot = self.getNavigationLink(prevPage, nextPage)
     bodylen = 4050 - len(html) - len(foot)
     if len(text) > bodylen:
         text = text[:text.rfind(' ', 1, bodylen)] + '...\n'
     html = html + text + foot
     html = html.encode('utf8')
     return html
Beispiel #2
 def render(self, prevPage, nextPage, pages):
     Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
     html = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
     html += u"<title>"
     html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
     html += u"</title>\n"
     body = ""
     for idevice in self.node.idevices:
         block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
         if not block:
             log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
             raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
         if hasattr(idevice, "isCloze"):
             body += block.renderText()
         if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
             body += block.renderView("default")
     converter = HtmlToText(body)
     text = converter.convertToText()
     text = text.replace("&", "&amp;")
     text = text.replace(">", "&gt;")
     text = text.replace("<", "&lt;")
     text = text.replace("\r\n", " ")
     text = re.sub(r"^\n+", "", text)
     text = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n\n", text)
     foot = self.getNavigationLink(prevPage, nextPage)
     bodylen = 4050 - len(html) - len(foot)
     if len(text) > bodylen:
         text = text[: text.rfind(" ", 1, bodylen)] + "...\n"
     html = html + text + foot
     html = html.encode("utf8")
     return html
Beispiel #3
 def save(self, filename):
     Save page to a file.  
     converter = HtmlToText(self.html)
     text = converter.convertToText()
     outfile = open(filename, "w")
Beispiel #4
    def render(self, prevPage, nextPage, pages):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.

        html = u"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
        html += u"<title>"
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u"</title>\n"

        body = ""
        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isCloze"):
                body += block.renderText()
            if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                body += block.renderView('default')

        converter = HtmlToText(body)
        text = converter.convertToText()
        text = text.replace('&', '&amp;')
        text = text.replace('>', '&gt;')
        text = text.replace('<', '&lt;')
        text = text.replace('\r\n', ' ')
        # eliminate blank lines at the beginning of the body
        text = re.sub(r'^\n+', '', text)
        # collapse multiple blank lines
        text = re.sub(r'\n{3,}', '\n\n', text)

        foot = self.getNavigationLink(prevPage, nextPage)

        # trim near the max length
        bodylen = 4050 - len(html) - len(foot)
        if len(text) > bodylen:
            text = text[:text.rfind(' ', 1, bodylen)] + '...\n'

        html = html + text + foot
        # writes the footer for each page
        #html += self.renderLicense()
        #html += self.renderFooter()
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        return html
Beispiel #5
    def process_previewed_images(self, content, page_id, idevice_id):
        to build up the corresponding resources from any images (etc.) added
        in by the tinyMCE image-browser plug-in,
        which will have put them into src="../previews/"

        Now updated to include special math images as well, as generated
        by our custom exemath plugin to TinyMCE.  These are to follow the
        naming convention of "eXe_LaTeX_math_#.gif" (where the # is only
        guaranteed to be unique per Preview session, and can therefore end
        up being resource-ified into "eXe_LaTeX_math_#.#.gif"). Furthermore,
        they are to be paired with a source LateX file which is to be of
        the same name, followed by .tex, e.g., "eXe_LaTeX_math_#.gif.tex"
        (and to maintain this pairing, as a resource will need to be named
        "eXe_LaTeX_math_#.#.gif.tex" if applicable, where this does differ
        slightly from what could be its automatic unique-ified 
        resource-ification of: "eXe_LaTeX_math_#.gif.#.tex"!!!)
        new_content = content

        # first, clear out any empty images.
        # Image and the new Math are unfortunately capable
        # of submitting an empty image, which will show as:
        #   <img src="/" />
        # (note that at least the media plugin still embeds a full 
        #  and valid empty-media tag, so no worries about them.)
        # These should be stopped in the plugin itself, but until then:
        empty_image_str = "<img src=\"/\" />"
        if new_content.find(empty_image_str) >= 0: 
            new_content = new_content.replace(empty_image_str, "");
            log.warn("Empty image tag(s) removed from content");

        # By this point, tinyMCE's javascript file browser handler:
        #         common.js's: chooseImage_viaTinyMCE() 
        # has already copied the file into the web-server's relative 
        # directory "/previews", BUT, something in tinyMCE's handler 
        # switches "/previews" to "../previews", so beware.....
        # At least it does NOT quote anything, and shows it as, for example: 
        #   <img src="../previews/%Users%r3m0w%Pictures%Remos_MiscPix% \
        #        SampleImage.JPG" height="161" width="215" /> 
        # old quoting-handling is still included in the following parsing,
        # which HAD allowed users to manually enter src= "file://..." URLs, 
        # but with the image now copied into previews, such URLS are no more.

        # DESIGN NOTE: eventually the following processing should be
        # enhanced to look at the HTML tags passed in, and ensure that
        # what is being found as 'src="../previews/.."' is really within
        # an IMG tag, etc.
        # For now, though, this easy parsing is working well:
        # JR        search_str = "src=\"../previews/" 
        search_str = "src=\"/previews/"
        # BEWARE OF THE ABOVE in regards to ProcessPreviewedMedia(),
        # which takes advantage of the fact that the embedded media
        # actually gets stored as src="previews/".
        # If this little weirdness of Images being stored as src="../previews/"
        # even changes to src="previews/", so more processing will be needed!

        found_pos = new_content.find(search_str) 
        while found_pos >= 0: 
            end_pos = new_content.find('\"', found_pos + len(search_str)) 
            if end_pos == -1: 
                # now unlikely that this has already been quoted out, 
                # since the search_str INCLUDES a \", but check anyway:
                end_pos = new_content.find('&quot', found_pos + 1) 
                # okay, the end position \" was found, BUT beware of this 
                # strange case, where the image file:/// URLs 
                # were entered manually in one part of it 
                # (and therefore escaped to &quot), AND another quote occurs 
                # further below (perhaps even in a non-quoted file:/// via 
                # a tinyMCE browser, but really from anything!) 
                # So..... see if a &quot; is found in the file-name, and 
                # if so, back the end_pos up to there.  
                # NOTE: until actually looking at the HTML tags, and/or
                # we might be able to do this more programmatically by 
                # first seeing HOW the file:// is initially quoted, 
                # whether by a \" or by &quot;, but for now, 
                # just check this one.
                end_pos2 = new_content.find('&quot', found_pos + 1) 
                if end_pos2 > 0 and end_pos2 < end_pos:
                    end_pos = end_pos2
            if end_pos >= found_pos:
                # next, extract the actual file url, to be replaced later 
                # by the local resource file:
                file_url_str = new_content[found_pos:end_pos] 
                # and to get the actual file path, 
                # rather than the complete URL:

                # first compensate for how TinyMCE HTML-escapes accents:
                pre_input_file_name_str = file_url_str[len(search_str):]
                log.debug("ProcessPreviewedImages: found escaped file = " \
                           + pre_input_file_name_str)
                converter = HtmlToText(pre_input_file_name_str)
                input_file_name_str = converter.convertToText()

                log.debug("ProcessPreviewedImages: unescaped filename = " \
                           + input_file_name_str)

                webDir = Path(G.application.tempWebDir)
                previewDir = webDir.joinpath('previews')
                server_filename = previewDir.joinpath(input_file_name_str);

                # and now, extract just the filename string back out of that:
                file_name_str = server_filename.abspath().encode('utf-8');

                # Be sure to check that this file even exists before even 
                # attempting to create a corresponding GalleryImage resource:
                if os.path.exists(file_name_str) \
                and os.path.isfile(file_name_str): 
                    # Although full filenames (including flatted representations
                    # of their source directory tree) were used to help keep the
                    # filenames here in previewDir unique, this does cause
                    # problems with the filenames being too long, if they
                    # are kept that way.
                    # So.... if an optional .exe_info file is coupled to
                    # this one, go ahead and read in its original basename,
                    # in order to rename the file back to something shorter.
                    # After all, the resource process has its own uniqueifier.

                    # test for the optional .exe_info:
                    basename_value = os.path.basename(file_name_str)
                    descrip_file_path = Path(server_filename + ".exe_info")
                    if os.path.exists(descrip_file_path) \
                    and os.path.isfile(descrip_file_path): 
                        descrip_file = open(descrip_file_path, 'rb')
                        basename_info ='utf-8')
                        log.debug("ProcessPreviewedImages: decoded basename = " \
                            + basename_info)
                        # split out the value of this "basename=file" key 
                        basename_key_str = "basename="
                        basename_found_pos = basename_info.find(basename_key_str) 
                        # should be right there at the very beginning:
                        if basename_found_pos == 0: 
                            basename_value = \
                    #now we add the file to the package...
                    new_entry = self.add_user_file_to_idevice(idevice_id, file_name_str, 
                                                              new_basename = basename_value)
                    new_content = new_content.replace(file_url_str, "src=\"%s" % new_entry[1])
            found_pos = new_content.find(search_str, found_pos + 1) 
        return new_content