Beispiel #1
    def render_GET(self, request):
        """Render the preferences"""

        # Rendering
        html = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="">\n'
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u'<style type="text/css">\n'
        html += u"@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(/style/base.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
        html += u"""<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function doImportPDF(path, pages) {
                opener.nevow_clientToServerEvent('importPDF', this, '', path,
        html += '<script src="scripts/common.js" language="JavaScript">'
        html += "</script>\n"
        html += u"<title>" + _("Import PDF") + "</title>\n"
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8"></meta>\n'
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u'<div id="main"> \n'
        html += u'<form method="post" action="" '
        html += u'id="contentForm" >'

        # package not needed for the preferences, only for rich-text fields:
        this_package = None
        html += common.formField(
            "textInput", this_package, _("Path to PDF"), "path", instruction=_("Enter path to pdf you want to import")
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addPdf(\'\')"'
        html += u'value="%s"/>\n' % _(u"Add file")
        html += common.formField(
            _("Pages to import"),
            instruction=_("Comma-separated list of pages to import"),
        html += u'<div id="editorButtons"> \n'
        html += u"<br/>"
        html += common.button(
            onClick="doImportPDF(document.forms.contentForm.path.value," + "document.forms.contentForm.pages.value)",
        html += common.button("cancel", _("Cancel"), enabled=True, _class="button", onClick="window.close()")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"<br/></form>\n"
        html += u"</body>\n"
        html += u"</html>\n"
        return html.encode("utf8")
Beispiel #2
    def __renderHeader(self):
		#TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = self.webServer.preferences
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="'+myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage()+'">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe.css\" />"
        # Use the Style's base.css file if it exists
        themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/
        themeBaseCSS = themePath.joinpath("base.css")
        if themeBaseCSS.exists():
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/base.css\" />" %
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/base.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe_wikipedia.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/content.css\" />" %
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: 
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"
        #JR: anado una variable con el estilo
        estilo = u'/style/%s/content.css' %
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings()
        # The games require additional strings
        html += common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings()
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
        html += u"var exe_style = '%s';top.exe_style = exe_style;" % estilo
        # uses exe_style_dirname to auto-select the current style (just a provisional solution)
        html += u"var exe_style_dirname = '%s'; top.exe_style_dirname = exe_style_dirname;" %
        html += u"var exe_package_name='""';"
        html += 'var exe_export_format="'+common.getExportDocType()+'".toLowerCase();'
        html += 'var exe_editor_mode="'+myPreferencesPage.getEditorMode()+'";'
        html += 'var exe_editor_version="'+myPreferencesPage.getEditorVersion()+'";'
        html += '</script>\n'        
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="../jsui/native.history.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_jquery.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_lightbox/exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js"></script>\n'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_edition_extra_head()        
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #3
    def __renderHeader(self):
		#TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = preferencespage.PreferencesPage(self)
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="'+myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage()+'">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u'<style type="text/css">\n'
        html += u'@import url(/css/exe.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/%s/content.css);\n' %
        html += u'</style>\n'
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: 
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"			
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" '
        html += u'src="/scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/tiny_mce_settings.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #4
    def render_POST(self, request):
        function replaced by nevow_clientToServerEvent to avoid POST message
        log.debug("render_POST " + repr(request.args))

        # invoked if enter is pressed in text field
        path = ""
        if "path" in request.args:
            path = request.args["path"][0]
        if "pages" in request.args:
            pages = request.args["pages"][0]
        html = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="">\n'
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"""<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function doImportPDF(path, pages) {
                opener.nevow_clientToServerEvent('importPDF', this, '', path);
        html += u"</head>"
        html += u"<body onload=\"doImportPDF('%s', '%s')\";\n" % (path, pages)
        html += u"</body>\n"
        html += u"</html>\n"
        return html.encode("utf8")
Beispiel #5
    def __renderHeader(self):
		#TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = self.webServer.preferences
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="'+myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage()+'">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/base.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/content.css\" />" %
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: 
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"
        #JR: anado una variable con el estilo
        estilo = u'/style/%s/content.css' %
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_style = '%s';</script>\n" % estilo
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_package_name='""';</script>\n"			
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #6
    def __renderHeader(self):
        #TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = preferencespage.PreferencesPage(self)
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html = common.docType()

        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="' + myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage(
        ) + '">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u'<style type="text/css">\n'
        html += u'@import url(/css/exe.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/%s/content.css);\n' %
        html += u'</style>\n'
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins:
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_package_name='" + + "';</script>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #7
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<title>" + _("eXe") + "</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n"
        html += u"<!-- Created using eXe: -->\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(base.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(content.css);\n"
        html += u"</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
        html += u"</head>\n"
        if self.scormType == 'commoncartridge':
            html += u"<body>"
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"APIWrapper.js\"></script>\n"
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"SCOFunctions.js\"></script>\n"
            html += u'<body onload="loadPage()" '
            html += u'onunload="unloadPage()">'
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u"<p id=\"nodeTitle\">\n"
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</p></div>\n'

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForScorm()
            html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'  # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        if self.node.package.scolinks:
            html += u'<div class="previousnext">'
            html += u'<a class="previouslink" '
            html += u'href="javascript: goBack();">%s</a> | <a class="nextlink" ' % _(
            html += u'href="javascript: goForward();">%s</a>' % _('Next')
            html += u'</div>'
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        return html
Beispiel #8
 def render_GET(self, request):
     """Render the preferences"""
     html  = common.docType()
     html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += u"<head>\n"
     html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     html += u"@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
     html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
     html += u"@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
     html += u"<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
     html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
     html += u" charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
     html += u"</head>\n"
     html += u"<body>\n"
     html += u"<div id=\"main\"> \n"     
     html += u"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" "
     html += u"id=\"contentForm\" >"  
     html += common.formField('select', _(u"Select Language"),
                              options = self.localeNames,
                              selection = self.config.locale)
     html += u"<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"     
     html += u"<br/>" 
     html += common.submitButton("ok", _("OK"))
     html += common.submitButton("cancel", _("Cancel"))
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u"<br/></form>\n"
     html += u"</body>\n"
     html += u"</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #9
 def render_GET(self, request):
     """Called for all requests to this object"""
     html = common.docType()
     html += '<html xmlns="">\n'
     html += "<head>\n"
     html += '<style type="text/css">\n'
     html += "@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
     html += "@import url(/style/base.css);\n"
     html += "@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
     html += "</script>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
     html += "</script>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/editor.js">'
     html += "</script>\n"
     html += "<title>" + _("eXe : elearning XHTML editor") + "</title>\n"
     html += '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
     html += ' charset=UTF-8"></meta>\n'
     html += "</head>\n"
     html += "<body>\n"
     html += '<div id="main"> \n'
     html += '<form method="post" action="' + self.url + '" '
     html += 'id="contentForm" >'
     html += common.hiddenField("action")
     html += common.hiddenField("object")
     html += common.hiddenField("isChanged", "1")
     html += '<font color="red"><b>' + self.message + "</b></font>"
     html += '<div id="editorButtons"> \n'
     html += self.renderList()
     html += self.editorPane.renderButtons(request)
     if self.isNewIdevice:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"), False)
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"))
     html += '<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="save" '
     title = "none"
     if self.editorPane.idevice.edit == False:
         title = self.editorPane.idevice.title
         title = title.replace(" ", "+")
     html += 'onclick=saveIdevice("%s") value="%s"/>' % (escape(title), _("Save"))
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="import" onclick="importPackage(\'package\')"'
     html += u' value="%s" />' % _("Import iDevice")
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="export" '
     html += u"onclick=\"exportPackage('package','%d')\"" % self.isNewIdevice
     html += u' value="%s" />' % _("Export iDevice")
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="quit" '
     html += u"onclick=JavaScript:window.close()"
     html += u' value="%s" />\n' % _("Quit")
     html += common.hiddenField("pathpackage")
     html += "</fieldset>"
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += self.editorPane.renderIdevice(request)
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += "<br/></form>\n"
     html += "</body>\n"
     html += "</html>\n"
     return html.encode("utf8")
Beispiel #10
    def __renderHeader(self):
        #TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = self.webServer.preferences
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html = common.docType()

        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="' + myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage(
        ) + '">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe.css\" />"

        # Use the Style's base.css file if it exists
        themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir /
        themeBaseCSS = themePath.joinpath("base.css")
        if themeBaseCSS.exists():
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/base.css\" />" %
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/base.css\" />"

        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe_wikipedia.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/content.css\" />" %
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins:
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"
        #JR: anado una variable con el estilo
        estilo = u'/style/%s/content.css' %
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings()
        # The games require additional strings
        html += common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings()
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
        html += u"var exe_style = '%s';" % estilo
        html += u"var exe_package_name='" + + "';"
        html += 'var exe_export_format="' + common.getExportDocType(
        ) + '".toLowerCase();'
        html += 'var exe_editor_mode="' + myPreferencesPage.getEditorMode(
        ) + '";'
        html += '</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="../jsui/native.history.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_jquery.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_lightbox/exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js"></script>\n'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>'
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_edition_extra_head()
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #11
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<title>"+_("eXe")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n";
        html += u"<!-- Created using eXe: -->\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(base.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(content.css);\n"
        html += u"</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
        html += u"</head>\n"
        if self.scormType == 'commoncartridge':
            html += u"<body>"
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"APIWrapper.js\"></script>\n" 
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"SCOFunctions.js\"></script>\n"             
            html += u'<body onload="loadPage()" '
            html += u'onunload="unloadPage()">'
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u"<p id=\"nodeTitle\">\n"
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</p></div>\n'

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForScorm()
            html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'     # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        if self.node.package.scolinks:
            html += u'<div class="previousnext">'
            html += u'<a class="previouslink" '
            html += u'href="javascript: goBack();">%s</a> | <a class="nextlink" ' % _('Previous')
            html += u'href="javascript: goForward();">%s</a>' % _('Next')
            html += u'</div>'
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        return html
Beispiel #12
    def render_GET(self, request):
        """Render the preferences"""
        # Rendering
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u"@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
        html += u'''<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function setLocaleAndAnchors(l,anchors) {
                parent.nevow_clientToServerEvent('setLocale', this, '', l)
                parent.nevow_clientToServerEvent('setInternalAnchors', this, '', anchors)
        html += u"<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\"> \n"     
        html += u"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" "
        html += u"id=\"contentForm\" >"  

        # package not needed for the preferences, only for rich-text fields:
        this_package = None
        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _(u"Select Language"),
                                 options = self.localeNames,
                                 selection = self.config.locale)

        internal_anchor_options = [(_(u"Enable All Internal Linking"), "enable_all"),
                                   (_(u"Disable Auto-Top Internal Linking"), "disable_autotop"),
                                   (_(u"Disable All Internal Linking"), "disable_all")]
        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _(u"Internal Linking (for Web Site Exports only)"),
                                 '', # TODO: Instructions
                                 options = internal_anchor_options,
                                 selection = self.config.internalAnchors)

        html += u"<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"     
        html += u"<br/>" 
        html += common.button("ok", _("OK"), enabled=True,
        html += common.button("cancel", _("Cancel"), enabled=True,
                _class="button", onClick="parent.Ext.getCmp('preferenceswin').close()")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"<br/></form>\n"
        html += u"</body>\n"
        html += u"</html>\n"
        return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #13
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html  = common.docType()
        #html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n";
        html += u"<title>"+_("eXe")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(base.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(content.css);\n"
        html += u"</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u'<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">\n'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>\n'
        html += u"</div>\n"

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForWeb()
            if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'     # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
	html = aux.sub("", html)
	aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
	html = aux.sub("", html)
	#JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
	html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        #JR: Cambiamos las anclas por enlaces a archivos
        html = html.replace('href="#', 'href="')
        return html
Beispiel #14
 def render_GET(self, request):
     """Called for all requests to this object"""
     html  = common.docType()
     html += "<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += "<head>\n"
     html += "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     html += "@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
     html += '@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
     html += "@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/editor.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += "<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
     html += "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
     html += " charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
     html += "</head>\n"
     html += "<body>\n"
     html += "<div id=\"main\"> \n"     
     html += "<form method=\"post\" action=\""+self.url+"\" "
     html += "id=\"contentForm\" >"  
     html += common.hiddenField("action")
     html += common.hiddenField("object")
     html += common.hiddenField("isChanged", "1") 
     html += "<font color=\"red\"<b>"+self.message+"</b></font>"
     html += "<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"     
     html += self.renderList()
     html += self.editorPane.renderButtons(request)
     if self.isNewIdevice:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"), 
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"))
     html += '<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="save" '
     title = "none"
     if self.editorPane.idevice.edit == False:
         title = self.editorPane.idevice.title
     html += 'onclick=saveIdevice("%s") value="%s"/>' % (title, _("Save"))
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="import" onclick="importPackage(\'package\')"' 
     html += u' value="%s" />'  % _("Import iDevice")
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="export" '
     html += u'onclick="exportPackage(\'package\',\'%d\')"' % self.isNewIdevice
     html += u' value="%s" />'  % _("Export iDevice")
     html += common.hiddenField("pathpackage")
     html += "</fieldset>"
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += self.editorPane.renderIdevice(request)
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += "<br/></form>\n"
     html += "</body>\n"
     html += "</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #15
    def render_GET(self, request):
        """Render the preferences"""
        # Rendering
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u"@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'''<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function importXliff(from_source) {
                parent.nevow_clientToServerEvent('mergeXliffPackage', this, '', '%s', from_source);
        </script>''' % quote(request.args['path'][0])
        html += u"<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\"> \n"
        html += u"<p>&nbsp;</p>\n"
        html += u"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" "
        html += u"id=\"contentForm\" >"

        # package not needed for the preferences, only for rich-text fields:
        this_package = None
        html += common.formField('checkbox', this_package, _(u"Import from source language"),
                                 name = 'from_source',
                                 checked = False,
                                 title = None,
                                 instruction = _(u"If you choose this option, \
the import process will take the texts from source language instead of target \

        html += u"<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"
        html += u"<br/>" 
        html += common.button("ok", _("OK"), enabled=True,
                onClick="importXliff(document.forms.contentForm.from_source.checked \
        html += common.button("cancel", _("Cancel"), enabled=True,
                _class="button", onClick="parent.Ext.getCmp('xliffimportwin').close()")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"<br/></form>\n"
        html += u"</body>\n"
        html += u"</html>\n"
        return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #16
 def __renderHeader(self):
     """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
     html  = common.docType()
     html += u'<html xmlns="">\n'
     html += u'<head>\n'
     html += u'<style type="text/css">\n'
     html += u'@import url(/css/exe.css);\n'
     html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
     html += u'@import url(/style/%s/content.css);\n' %
     html += u'</style>\n'
     html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
     html += u'</script>\n'
     html += u'<script type="text/javascript" '
     html += u'src="/scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js">'
     html += u'</script>\n'
     html += u'<script type="text/javascript">\n'
     html += u'<!--\n'
     html += u"tinyMCE.init({   " 
     html += u"content_css : \"/css/extra.css\", \n"
     html += u"valid_elements : \"*[*]\",\n"
     html += u"verify_html : false, \n"
     html += u"apply_source_formatting : true, \n"
     html += u"gecko_spellcheck : true, \n"
     html += u" mode : \"textareas\",\n"
     html += u" editor_selector : \"mceEditor\",\n"
     html += u" plugins : \"table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,media,"
     html += u" contextmenu,paste,directionality\","
     html += u" theme : \"advanced\",\n"
     html += u" theme_advanced_layout_manager : \"SimpleLayout\",\n"
     html += u"theme_advanced_toolbar_location : \"top\",\n"  
     html += u" theme_advanced_buttons1 : \"newdocument,separator,"
     html += u"bold,italic,underline,fontsizeselect,forecolor,separator,sub,sup,separator,"
     html += u"justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,"
     html += u"separator,bullist,numlist,indent,outdent,separator,"
     html += u"cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword\",\n"
     html += u" theme_advanced_buttons2 : \"image,tablecontrols,separator,"
     html += u"link,unlink,separator,undo,redo,separator,"
     html += u" charmap,removeformat,cleanup,code,help\",\n"
     html += u"file_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
     html += u" theme_advanced_buttons3 : \"\",\n"
     html += u"theme_advanced_statusbar_location : \"bottom\",\n"
     html += u"    theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false,\n"
     html += u"    theme_advanced_resizing : true\n"
     html += u" });\n"
     html += u"//-->\n"
     html += u"</script>\n"
     html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
     html += u'</script>\n'
     html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
     html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
     html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
     html += u'</head>\n'
     return html
Beispiel #17
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n";
        html += u"<title>"+_("eXe")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(base.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(content.css);\n"
        html += u"</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
#modification by		
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="lernmodule_net.js"></script>\n'
#end modification		
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u'<p id=\"nodeTitle\">\n'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</p>\n'
        html += u"</div>\n"

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForWeb()
            if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'     # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
#modification by		
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">doStart();</script></body></html>\n"
#end modification
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        return html
Beispiel #18
 def render_POST(self, request):
     function replaced by nevow_clientToServerEvent to avoid POST message
     log.debug("render_POST " + repr(request.args))
     # should not be invoked, but if it is... refresh
     html  = common.docType()
     html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += u"<head></head>\n"
     html += u"<body onload=\"opener.location.reload(); "
     html += u"self.close();\"></body>\n"
     html += u"</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #19
 def render_POST(self, request):
     function replaced by nevow_clientToServerEvent to avoid POST message
     log.debug("render_POST " + repr(request.args))
     # should not be invoked, but if it is... refresh
     html  = common.docType()
     html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += u"<head></head>\n"
     html += u"<body onload=\"opener.location.reload(); "
     html += u"self.close();\"></body>\n"
     html += u"</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #20
 def render_POST(self, request):
     Process the preferences selection
     log.debug("render_POST " + repr(request.args))
     if "ok" in request.args:
         self.config.locale = request.args["locale"][0]
         self.config.configParser.set('user', 'locale', self.config.locale)
     html  = common.docType()
     html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += u"<head></head>\n"
     html += u"<body onload=\"opener.location.reload(); "
     html += u"self.close();\"></body>\n"
     html += u"</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #21
 def render_GET(self, request):
     """Called for all requests to this object"""
     html = common.docType()
     html += '<html xmlns="">\n'
     html += "<head>\n"
     html += '<style type="text/css">\n'
     html += "@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
     html += "@import url(/style/base.css);\n"
     html += "@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
     html += "</script>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
     html += "</script>\n"
     html += "<title>" + _("eXe : elearning XHTML editor") + "</title>\n"
     html += '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
     html += ' charset=UTF-8"></meta>\n'
     html += "</head>\n"
     html += "<body>\n"
     html += '<div id="main"> \n'
     html += '<form method="post" action="' + self.url + '" '
     html += 'id="contentForm" >'
     html += common.hiddenField("action")
     html += common.hiddenField("object")
     html += common.hiddenField("isChanged", "1")
     html += '<font color="red"<b>' + self.message + "</b></font>"
     html += '<div id="editorButtons"> \n'
     html += self.renderList()
     html += self.editorPane.renderButtons(request)
     if self.isNewIdevice:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"), False)
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("save", _("Save"), False)
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"))
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("save", _("Save"))
     html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("add", _("Save as"))
     html += "</fieldset>"
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += self.editorPane.renderIdevice(request)
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += "<br/></form>\n"
     html += "</body>\n"
     html += "</html>\n"
     return html.encode("utf8")
Beispiel #22
 def render(self):
     Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
     html  = common.docType()
     html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += u"<head>\n"
     html += u"<title>"+_("eXe")+"</title>\n"
     html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
     html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n";
     html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     html += u"@import url(base.css);\n"
     html += u"@import url(content.css);\n"
     html += u"</style>\n"
     html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
     html += u"src=\"APIWrapper.js\"></script>\n" 
     html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
     html += u"src=\"SCOFunctions.js\"></script>\n"             
     html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
     html += u"</head>\n"
     html += u'<body onload="loadPage()" onbeforeunload="unloadPage()" '
     html += u'onunload="unloadPage()">'
     html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
     html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
     html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
     html += u"<p id=\"nodeTitle\">\n"
     html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
     html += u'</p></div>\n'
     for idevice in self.node.idevices:
         block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
         if not block:
             log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
             raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
         if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
             html += block.renderJavascriptForScorm()
         html += block.renderView(
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u"</body></html>\n"
     html = html.encode('utf8')
     return html
    def __renderHeader(self):
		#TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = preferencespage.PreferencesPage(self)
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="'+myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage()+'">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/base.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/content.css\" />" %
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: 
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"
        #JR: anado una variable con el estilo
        estilo = u'/style/%s/content.css' %	
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_style = '%s';</script>\n" % estilo
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_package_name='""';</script>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
#modification by
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/lernmodule_net.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
#end modification
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js"></script>\n'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #24
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        dT = common.getExportDocType()
        lb = "\n" #Line breaks
        sectionTag = "div"
        articleTag = "div"
        headerTag = "div"
        if dT == "HTML5":
            sectionTag = "section"
            articleTag = "article"
            headerTag = "header"
        html  = common.docType()
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(
        if self.node.package.dublinCore.language!="":
            lenguaje = self.node.package.dublinCore.language
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">"+lb
        html += u"<head>"+lb
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"+lb
        html += u"<title>"
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)+" | "+escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>"+lb
        if dT != "HTML5" and self.node.package.dublinCore.language!="":
            html += '<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="'+lenguaje+'" />'+lb
            html += '<meta name="author" content="''" />'+lb
        html += '<meta name="generator" content="eXeLearning '+release+' -" />'+lb
            if self.node.package.description!="":
                html += '<meta name="description" content="'+self.node.package.description+'" />'+lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasWikipediaIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_wikipedia.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />"+lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />"+lb
        if dT == "HTML5" or common.nodeHasMediaelement(self.node):
            html += u'<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="exe_html5.js"></script><![endif]-->'+lb
        # jQuery
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            if style.get_jquery() == True:
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>'+lb
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="'+style.get_jquery()+'"></script>'+lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>'+lb
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings()+lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasMagnifier(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="mojomagnify.js"></script>'+lb
        if self.scormType == 'commoncartridge':
            if style.hasValidConfig:
                html += style.get_extra_head()        
            html += u"</head>"+lb
            html += u"<body class=\"exe-scorm\">"
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"SCORM_API_wrapper.js\"></script>"+lb
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"SCOFunctions.js\"></script>"+lb
            if style.hasValidConfig:
                html += style.get_extra_head()
            html += u"</head>"+lb            
            html += u'<body class=\"exe-scorm\" onload="loadPage()" '
            html += u'onunload="unloadPage()">'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript">document.body.className+=" js"</script>'+lb
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">"+lb
        html += u"<"+sectionTag+" id=\"main\">"+lb
        html += u"<"+headerTag+" id=\"nodeDecoration\">"
        html += u"<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">"
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1></'+headerTag+'>'+lb

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            if idevice.klass != 'NotaIdevice':
                e=" em_iDevice"
                if unicode(idevice.emphasis)=='0':
                html += u'<'+articleTag+' class="iDevice_wrapper %s%s" id="id%s">%s' % (idevice.klass, e,, lb)
                block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
                if not block:
                    log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                    raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
                if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                    html += block.renderJavascriptForScorm()
                html += self.processInternalLinks(
                html += u'</'+articleTag+'>'+lb # iDevice div

        html += u"</"+sectionTag+">"+lb # /#main
        themeHasXML = common.themeHasConfigXML(
        if themeHasXML:
        #if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += self.renderLicense()
            html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</div>"+lb # /#outer
        if self.node.package.scolinks:
            html += u'<'+sectionTag+' class="previousnext">'+lb
            html += u'<a class="previouslink" '
            html += u'href="javascript:goBack();">%s</a> | <a class="nextlink" ' % c_('Previous')
            html += u'href="javascript:goForward();">%s</a>' % c_('Next')
            html += u'</'+sectionTag+'>'+lb
        if not themeHasXML:
        #if not style.hasValidConfig:
            html += self.renderLicense()
            html += self.renderFooter()
            html += style.get_extra_body()
        html += u'</body></html>'
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        #JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/", "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/", "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/", "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/", "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")
        return html
Beispiel #25
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        dT = common.getExportDocType()
        lb = "\n"  #Line breaks
        sectionTag = "div"
        articleTag = "div"
        headerTag = "div"
        if dT == "HTML5":
            sectionTag = "section"
            articleTag = "article"
            headerTag = "header"
        html = common.docType()
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        if self.node.package.dublinCore.language != "":
            lenguaje = self.node.package.dublinCore.language
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">" + lb
        html += u"<head>" + lb
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />" + lb
        html += u"<title>"
        if == '0':
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong) + " | " + escape(
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>" + lb
        if dT != "HTML5" and self.node.package.dublinCore.language != "":
            html += '<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="' + lenguaje + '" />' + lb
        if != "":
            html += '<meta name="author" content="' + + '" />' + lb
        html += '<meta name="generator" content="eXeLearning ' + release + ' -" />' + lb
        if == '0':
            if self.node.package.description != "":
                html += '<meta name="description" content="' + self.node.package.description + '" />' + lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasWikipediaIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_wikipedia.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />" + lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />" + lb
        if dT == "HTML5" or common.nodeHasMediaelement(self.node):
            html += u'<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="exe_html5.js"></script><![endif]-->' + lb
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(

        # jQuery
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            if style.get_jquery() == True:
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="' + style.get_jquery(
                ) + '"></script>' + lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb

        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>' + lb
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings() + lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>' + lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="lernmodule_net.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasMagnifier(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="mojomagnify.js"></script>' + lb
        # Some styles might have their own JavaScript files (see their config.xml file)
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_head()
        html += u"</head>" + lb
        html += u'<body class="exe-ims"><script type="text/javascript">document.body.className+=" js"</script>' + lb
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">" + lb
        html += u"<" + sectionTag + " id=\"main\">" + lb
        html += u"<" + headerTag + " id=\"nodeDecoration\">"
        html += u'<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>'
        html += u"</" + headerTag + ">" + lb

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            if idevice.klass != 'NotaIdevice':
                e = " em_iDevice"
                if unicode(idevice.emphasis) == '0':
                    e = ""
                html += u'<' + articleTag + ' class="iDevice_wrapper %s%s" id="id%s">%s' % (
                    idevice.klass, e,, lb)
                block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
                if not block:
                    log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                    raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
                if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                    html += block.renderJavascriptForWeb()
                if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                    html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</' + articleTag + '>' + lb  # iDevice div

        html += u"<div id=\"lmsubmit\"></div><script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">doStart();</script>" + lb
        html += u"</" + sectionTag + ">" + lb  # /#main
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</div>" + lb  # /#outer
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_body()
        html += u'</body>'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="lernmodule_net_custom.js"></script>' + lb
        html += u'</html>'
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JRJ: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        # Let's elliminate the attibutes of the equations
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        #JRJ: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        # Then let's change the & of the glossary links
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/",
                            "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/",
                            "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/",
                            "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/",
                            "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")
        return html
Beispiel #26
 def render_GET(self, request):
     """Called for all requests to this object"""
     # Processing 
     # Rendering
     html  = common.docType()
     html += "<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += "<head>\n"
     html += "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     html += "@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
     html += '@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
     html += "@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/editor.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += "<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
     html += "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
     html += " charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
     html += "</head>\n"
     html += "<body>\n"
     html += "<div id=\"main\"> \n"     
     html += "<form method=\"post\" action=\""+self.url+"\" "
     html += "id=\"contentForm\" >"  
     html += common.hiddenField("action")
     html += common.hiddenField("object")
     html += common.hiddenField("isChanged", "1") 
     if self.message != '':
         html += "<script>Ext.Msg.alert('"+_('Info')+"', '"+self.message+"');</script>"
     html += "<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"     
     html += self.renderList()
     html += self.editorPane.renderButtons(request)
     if self.isNewIdevice:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"), 
         html += '<br /><input type="button" class="button" onclick="deleteIdevice()" value="'+_("Delete")+'" />'
     html += '<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="save" '
     title = "none"
     if self.editorPane.idevice.edit == False:
         title = self.editorPane.idevice.title
         title = title.replace(" ", "+")
     html += 'onclick=saveIdevice("%s") value="%s"/>' % (escape(title), _("Save"))
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="import" ' 
     html += u' onclick="importPackage(\'package\')" value="%s" />'  % _("Import iDevice")
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="export" '
     html += u'onclick="exportPackage(\'package\',\'%d\')"' % self.isNewIdevice
     html += u' value="%s" />'  % _("Export iDevice")
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="quit" '
     #html += u'onclick="parent.Ext.getCmp(\'ideviceeditorwin\').close()"'        
     html += u'onclick="quitDialog()"'  
     html += u' value="%s" />\n'  % _("Quit")
     html += common.hiddenField("pathpackage")
     html += "</fieldset>"
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += self.editorPane.renderIdevice(request)
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += "<br/></form>\n"
     html += "</body>\n"
     html += "</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #27
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html = common.docType()
        #html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<title>" + _("eXe") + "</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n"
        html += u"<!-- Created using eXe: -->\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(base.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(content.css);\n"
        html += u"</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
        #html += u"</head>\n"
        if self.scormType == 'commoncartridge':
            html += u"</head>\n"
            html += u"<body>"
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"APIWrapper.js\"></script>\n"
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"SCOFunctions.js\"></script>\n"
            html += u"</head>\n"
            html += u'<body onload="loadPage()" '
            html += u'onunload="unloadPage()">'
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u"<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">\n"
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1></div>\n'

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForScorm()
            html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'  # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        if self.node.package.scolinks:
            html += u'<div class="previousnext">'
            html += u'<a class="previouslink" '
            html += u'href="javascript: goBack();">%s</a> | <a class="nextlink" ' % _(
            html += u'href="javascript: goForward();">%s</a>' % _('Next')
            html += u'</div>'
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        #JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        return html
Beispiel #28
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html = common.docType()
        #html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n"
        # html += u"<title>"+_("eXe")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<title>"
        if == '0':
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong) + " | " + escape(
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>\n"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />"
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
        #modification by
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="lernmodule_net.js"></script>\n'
        #end modification
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body class=\"exe-ims\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u'<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">\n'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>\n'
        html += u"</div>\n"

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForWeb()
            if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'  # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        #modification by
        html += u"<div id=\"lmsubmit\"></div><script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">doStart();</script></body></html>\n"
        #end modification
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        #JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/",
                            "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/",
                            "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/",
                            "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/",
                            "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")
        return html
Beispiel #29
 def render_GET(self, request):
     """Called for all requests to this object"""
     # Processing 
     # Rendering
     html  = common.docType()
     html += "<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += "<head>\n"
     html += "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     html += "@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
     html += '@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
     html += "@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/editor.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += "<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
     html += "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
     html += " charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
     html += "</head>\n"
     html += "<body>\n"
     html += "<div id=\"main\"> \n"     
     html += "<form method=\"post\" action=\""+self.url+"\" "
     html += "id=\"contentForm\" >"  
     html += common.hiddenField("action")
     html += common.hiddenField("object")
     html += common.hiddenField("isChanged", "1") 
     html += "<font color=\"red\"><b>"+self.message+"</b></font>"
     html += "<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"     
     html += self.renderList()
     html += self.editorPane.renderButtons(request, self.showHide)
     if self.isNewIdevice:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"), 
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"))
     html += '<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="save" '
     title = "none"
     if self.editorPane.idevice.edit == False:
         title = self.editorPane.idevice.title
         title = title.replace(" ", "+")
     html += 'onclick=saveIdevice("%s") value="%s"/>' % (escape(title), _("Save"))
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="import" ' 
     if self.showHide:
         html += ' disabled="disabled" '
     html += u' onclick="importPackage(\'package\')" value="%s" />'  % _("Import iDevice")
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="export" '
     if self.showHide:
         html += ' disabled="disabled" '
     html += u'onclick="exportPackage(\'package\',\'%d\')"' % self.isNewIdevice
     html += u' value="%s" />'  % _("Export iDevice")
     #JR: anado un boton que permite mostrar u ocultar iDevices
     if self.showHide:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("showHide", _("Show/Hide"), False)
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("showHide", _("Show/Hide"))
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="quit" '
     html += u'onclick=JavaScript:window.close()'         
     html += u' value="%s" />\n'  % _("Quit")
     html += common.hiddenField("pathpackage")
     html += "</fieldset>"
     html += "</div>\n"
     #if ("showHide" in request.args):
     if self.showHide:  
         html += self.editorPane.renderShowHideiDevices(self.ideviceStore.getFactoryIdevices())
         html += self.editorPane.renderIdevice(request)
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += "<br/></form>\n"
     html += "</body>\n"
     html += "</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #30
    def __renderHeader(self):
        #TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = self.webServer.preferences
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html = common.docType()

        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="' + myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage(
        ) + '">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe.css\" />"

        # Use the Style's base.css file if it exists
        themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir /
        themeBaseCSS = themePath.joinpath("base.css")
        if themeBaseCSS.exists():
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/base.css\" />" %
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/base.css\" />"

        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe_wikipedia.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export/exe_abcmusic.css\" />"  #93 (to do)
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/content.css\" />" %
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins:
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"
        #JR: anado una variable con el estilo
        estilo = u'/style/%s/content.css' %
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings()
        # The games require additional strings
        html += common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings()
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
        html += u"var exe_style = '%s';top.exe_style = exe_style;" % estilo
        # uses exe_style_dirname to auto-select the current style (just a provisional solution)
        html += u"var exe_style_dirname = '%s'; top.exe_style_dirname = exe_style_dirname;" %
        html += u"var exe_package_name='" + + "';"
        html += 'var exe_export_format="' + common.getExportDocType(
        ) + '".toLowerCase();'
        html += 'var exe_editor_mode="' + myPreferencesPage.getEditorMode(
        ) + '";'
        html += 'var exe_editor_version="' + myPreferencesPage.getEditorVersion(
        ) + '";'
        html += '</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="../jsui/native.history.js"></script>\n'
        htmlLang = G.application.config.locale
        if self.package.dublinCore.language != "":
            htmlLang = self.package.dublinCore.language
        for subDir in G.application.config.localeDir.dirs():
            if (subDir / 'LC_MESSAGES' / '').exists():
                if str(
                ) == htmlLang and htmlLang != myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage(
                    html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="../jsui/i18n/' + htmlLang + '.js"></script>\n'
                    html += u'<script type="text/javascript">var exe_elp_lang="' + htmlLang + '";</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_jquery.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_lightbox/exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export/exe_abcmusic.js"></script>\n'  #93 (to do)
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js"></script>\n'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>'
        html += common.printJavaScriptIdevicesScripts('edition', self)
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(
        if style.hasValidConfig():
            html += style.get_edition_extra_head()
        html += common.getExtraHeadContent(self.package)
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
    def render_GET(self, request):
        """Render the preferences"""

        if self.localeNames_lang != self.config.locale:

        # Rendering
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u"@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'''<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function exportXliff(source, target, copy, cdata) {
                opener.nevow_clientToServerEvent('exportXliffPackage', this, '', '%s', source, target, copy, cdata);
        </script>''' % quote(request.args['path'][0])
        html += u"<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\"> \n"     
        html += u"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" "
        html += u"id=\"contentForm\" >"  

        # package not needed for the preferences, only for rich-text fields:
        this_package = None
        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _(u"Select source language"),
                                 options = self.localeNames,
                                 selection = self.config.locale)

        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _(u"Select target language"),
                                 options = self.localeNames,
                                 selection = 'eu')

        html += common.formField('checkbox', this_package, _(u"Copy source also in target"),
                                 name = 'copy',
                                 checked = True,
                                 title = None,
                                 instruction = _(u"If you don't choose this \
option, target field will be empty. Some Computer Aided Translation tools \
(i.g. OmegaT ) just translate the content of the target field. If you are \
using this kind of tools, you will need to pre-fill target field with a copy \
of the source field."))

        html += common.formField('checkbox', this_package, _(u"Wrap fields in CDATA"),
                                 name = 'cdata',
                                 checked = False,
                                 title = None,
                                 instruction = _(u"This option will wrap all \
the exported fields in CDATA sections. This kind of sections are not \
recommended by XLIFF standard but it could be a good option if you want to \
use a pre-process tool (i.g.: Rainbow) before using the Computer Aided \
Translation software."))

        html += u"<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"
        html += u"<br/>" 
        html += common.button("ok", _("OK"), enabled=True,
                onClick="exportXliff(document.forms.contentForm.source.value, \
      , \
                document.forms.contentForm.copy.checked, \
                document.forms.contentForm.cdata.checked \
        html += common.button("cancel", _("Cancel"), enabled=True,
                _class="button", onClick="window.close()")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"<br/></form>\n"
        html += u"</body>\n"
        html += u"</html>\n"
        return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #32
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        dT = common.getExportDocType()
        lb = "\n" #Line breaks
        sectionTag = "div"
        articleTag = "div"
        headerTag = "div"
        if dT == "HTML5":
            sectionTag = "section"
            articleTag = "article"
            headerTag = "header"
        html  = common.docType()
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(
        if self.node.package.dublinCore.language!="":
            lenguaje = self.node.package.dublinCore.language
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">"+lb
        html += u"<head>"+lb
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"+lb
        html += u"<title>"
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)+" | "+escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>"+lb
        if dT != "HTML5" and self.node.package.dublinCore.language!="":
            html += '<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="'+lenguaje+'" />'+lb
            html += '<meta name="author" content="''" />'+lb
        html += common.getLicenseMetadata(self.node.package.license)
        html += '<meta name="generator" content="eXeLearning '+release+' -" />'+lb
            if self.node.package.description!="":
                desc = self.node.package.description
                desc = desc.replace('"', '&quot;')            
                html += '<meta name="description" content="'+desc+'" />'+lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasWikipediaIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_wikipedia.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_effects.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_highlighter.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_games.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasABCMusic(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_abcmusic.css\" />"+lb            
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />"+lb
        if dT == "HTML5" or common.nodeHasMediaelement(self.node):
            html += u'<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="exe_html5.js"></script><![endif]-->'+lb
        # jQuery
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            if style.get_jquery() == True:
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>'+lb
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="'+style.get_jquery()+'"></script>'+lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_effects.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_highlighter.js"></script>'+lb
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings()+lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            # The games require additional strings
            html += common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings() + lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_games.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasABCMusic(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_abcmusic.js"></script>'+lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasMagnifier(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="mojomagnify.js"></script>'+lb
        if self.scormType == 'commoncartridge':
            if style.hasValidConfig:
                html += style.get_extra_head()        
            html += u"</head>"+lb
            html += u"<body id=\"""\" class=\"exe-scorm\" "
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"SCORM_API_wrapper.js\"></script>"+lb
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"SCOFunctions.js\"></script>"+lb
            if style.hasValidConfig:
                html += style.get_extra_head()
            html += u"</head>"+lb            
            html += u'<body id="exe-node-''" class=\"exe-scorm\" '
        if common.hasQuizTest(self.node):
            html += u'onunload="unloadPage(true)">'
            html += u'onunload="unloadPage()">'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript">document.body.className+=" js";jQuery(function(){loadPage()})</script>'+lb
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">"+lb
        html += u"<"+sectionTag+" id=\"main\">"+lb
        html += u"<"+headerTag+" id=\"nodeDecoration\">"
        html += u"<div id=\"headerContent\">"
        html += u"<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">"
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>'
        html += u'</div>'
        html += u'</'+headerTag+'>'+lb

        self.node.exportType = 'scorm'
        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            if idevice.klass != 'NotaIdevice':
                e=" em_iDevice"
                if unicode(idevice.emphasis)=='0':
                html += u'<'+articleTag+' class="iDevice_wrapper %s%s" id="id%s">%s' % (idevice.klass, e,, lb)
                block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
                if not block:
                    log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                    raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
                if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                    html += block.renderJavascriptForScorm()
                html += self.processInternalLinks(
                html += u'</'+articleTag+'>'+lb # iDevice div

        html += u"</"+sectionTag+">"+lb # /#main
        themeHasXML = common.themeHasConfigXML(
        if themeHasXML:
        #if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += self.renderLicense()
            html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</div>"+lb # /#outer
        if self.node.package.scolinks:
            html += u'<'+sectionTag+' class="previousnext">'+lb
            html += u'<a class="previouslink" '
            html += u'href="javascript:goBack();">%s</a> | <a class="nextlink" ' % c_('Previous')
            html += u'href="javascript:goForward();">%s</a>' % c_('Next')
            html += u'</'+sectionTag+'>'+lb
        if not themeHasXML:
        #if not style.hasValidConfig:
            html += self.renderLicense()
            html += self.renderFooter()
            html += style.get_extra_body()
        html += u'</body></html>'
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        #JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/", "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/", "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/", "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/", "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")
        return html
Beispiel #33
    def __renderHeader(self):
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u'<style type="text/css">\n'
        html += u'@import url(/css/exe.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/%s/content.css);\n' %
        html += u'</style>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" '
        html += u'src="/scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript">\n'
        html += u'<!--\n'
        html += u"tinyMCE.init({   " 
        html += u"content_css : \"/css/extra.css\", \n"
        html += u"valid_elements : \"*[*]\",\n"
        html += u"verify_html : false, \n"
        html += u"apply_source_formatting : true, \n"
        # testing TinyMCE's escaping/quoting of HTML:
        html += u"cleanup_on_startup : false, \n"
        #html += u"cleanup : false, \n"
        html += u"entity_encoding : \"raw\", \n"
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        html += u" theme_advanced_buttons3 : \"\",\n"
        # the image-handling callback function for tinyMCE's image button:
        html += u"advimage_image_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # and manually entered filenames as well, via image2insert w/o file browser:
        html += u"advimage_image2insert_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # the media-handling callback function for tinyMCE's media button:
        html += u"media_media_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # and manually entered filenames as well, via media2insert w/o file browser:
        html += u"media_media2insert_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"

        # the link-handling callback function for tinyMCE's media button:
        html += u"advlink_file_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # and manually entered filenames as well, via media2insert w/o file browser:
        html += u"advlink_file2insert_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"

        # and the callback to generate exemath's LaTeX images via mimetex:
        html += u"exemath_image_browser_callback : \"makeMathImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"

        # to override any browser plugin checks, and allow media to be added:
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: 
            html += u"exe_assume_media_plugins : true,\n"

        html += u"theme_advanced_statusbar_location : \"bottom\",\n"
        html += u"    theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : true,\n"
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        #set width according to settings
        html += u"    width : \"%s\"\n" % (G.application.editorsWidth or "100%")
        html += u" });\n"
        html += u"//-->\n"
        html += u"</script>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #34
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        dT = common.getExportDocType()
        lb = "\n" #Line breaks
        sectionTag = "div"
        articleTag = "div"
        headerTag = "div"
        if dT == "HTML5":
            sectionTag = "section"  
            articleTag = "article"
            headerTag = "header"
        html  = common.docType()
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        if self.node.package.dublinCore.language!="":
            lenguaje = self.node.package.dublinCore.language
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">"+lb
        html += u"<head>"+lb
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"+lb
        html += u"<title>"
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)+" | "+escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>"+lb   
        if dT != "HTML5" and self.node.package.dublinCore.language!="":
            html += '<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="'+lenguaje+'" />'+lb
            html += '<meta name="author" content="''" />'+lb
        html += common.getLicenseMetadata(self.node.package.license)      
        html += '<meta name="generator" content="eXeLearning '+release+' -" />'+lb
            if self.node.package.description!="":
                desc = self.node.package.description
                desc = desc.replace('"', '&quot;')            
                html += '<meta name="description" content="'+desc+'" />'+lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasWikipediaIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_wikipedia.css\" />"+lb    
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_effects.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_highlighter.css\" />"+lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_games.css\" />"+lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />"+lb
        if dT == "HTML5" or common.nodeHasMediaelement(self.node):
            html += u'<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="exe_html5.js"></script><![endif]-->'+lb
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(
        # jQuery
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            if style.get_jquery() == True:
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>'+lb
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="'+style.get_jquery()+'"></script>'+lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_effects.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_highlighter.js"></script>'+lb
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings()+lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            # The games require additional strings
            html += common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings() + lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_games.js"></script>'+lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>'+lb
        if common.hasMagnifier(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="mojomagnify.js"></script>'+lb
        # Some styles might have their own JavaScript files (see their config.xml file)
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_head()
        html += u"</head>"+lb
        html += u'<body class="exe-ims"><script type="text/javascript">document.body.className+=" js"</script>'+lb
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        html += u"<div id=\"headerContent\">"
        html += u'<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>'
        html += u'</div>'
        html += u"</"+headerTag+">"+lb

        self.node.exportType = 'ims'
        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            if idevice.klass != 'NotaIdevice':
                e=" em_iDevice"
                if unicode(idevice.emphasis)=='0':
                html += u'<'+articleTag+' class="iDevice_wrapper %s%s" id="id%s">%s' % (idevice.klass, e,, lb)
                block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
                if not block:
                    log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                    raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
                if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                    html += block.renderJavascriptForWeb()
                if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                    html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</'+articleTag+'>'+lb # iDevice div

        html += u"</"+sectionTag+">"+lb # /#main
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</div>"+lb # /#outer
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_body() 
        html += u'</body></html>'
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JRJ: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        # Let's elliminate the attibutes of the equations
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        #JRJ: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        # Then let's change the & of the glossary links
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/", "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/", "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/", "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/", "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")
        return html
Beispiel #35
    def render_GET(self, request):
        """Render the preferences"""

        if self.localeNames_lang != self.config.locale:

        # Rendering
        html = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u"@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'''<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function exportXliff(source, target, copy, cdata) {
                parent.nevow_clientToServerEvent('exportXliffPackage', this, '', '%s', source, target, copy, cdata);
        </script>''' % quote(request.args['path'][0])
        html += u"<title>" + _("eXe : elearning XHTML editor") + "</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n"
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\"> \n"
        html += u"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" "
        html += u"id=\"contentForm\" >"

        # package not needed for the preferences, only for rich-text fields:
        this_package = None
        html += common.formField('select',
                                 _(u"Select source language"),

        html += common.formField('select',
                                 _(u"Select target language"),

        html += common.formField('checkbox',
                                 _(u"Copy source also in target"),
                                 instruction=_(u"If you don't choose this \
option, target field will be empty. Some Computer Aided Translation tools \
(i.g. OmegaT ) just translate the content of the target field. If you are \
using this kind of tools, you will need to pre-fill target field with a copy \
of the source field."))

        html += common.formField('checkbox',
                                 _(u"Wrap fields in CDATA"),
                                 instruction=_(u"This option will wrap all \
the exported fields in CDATA sections. This kind of sections are not \
recommended by XLIFF standard but it could be a good option if you want to \
use a pre-process tool (i.g.: Rainbow) before using the Computer Aided \
Translation software."))

        html += u"<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"
        html += u"<br/>"
        html += common.button(
            onClick="exportXliff(document.forms.contentForm.source.value, \
      , \
                document.forms.contentForm.copy.checked, \
                document.forms.contentForm.cdata.checked \
        html += common.button(
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"<br/></form>\n"
        html += u"</body>\n"
        html += u"</html>\n"
        return html.encode('utf8')
    def __renderHeader(self):
		#TinyMCE lang (user preference)
        myPreferencesPage = self.webServer.preferences
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="'+myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage()+'">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe.css\" />"
        # Use the Style's base.css file if it exists
        themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/
        themeBaseCSS = themePath.joinpath("base.css")
        if themeBaseCSS.exists():
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/base.css\" />" %
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/base.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe_wikipedia.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/imgAreaSelect/imgareaselect-default.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/content.css\" />" %
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.css\" />"
        if G.application.config.tinyMCEVersion != "4":
            html += u"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/scripts/tinymce_3.5.7/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/ui.css' />"
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: 
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n"
        #JR: anado una variable con el estilo
        estilo = u'/style/%s/content.css' %
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings()
        html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
        html += u"var exe_style = '%s';" % estilo
        html += u"var exe_package_name='""';"
        html += 'var exe_export_format="'+common.getExportDocType()+'".toLowerCase();'
        html += 'var exe_editor_mode="'+myPreferencesPage.getEditorMode()+'";'
        #MD Set the correct tinymce version to use
        tinymce_src = None
        if G.application.config.tinyMCEVersion == "3":
            tinymce_src = {"wysiwyg_path" : 
                           "wysiwyg_settings_path" :
            tinymce_src = {"wysiwyg_path" :
                           "wysiwyg_settings_path" :
        html += 'var eXeLearning_settings = '
        html += json.dumps(tinymce_src) + ";\n"
        html += '</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="../jsui/native.history.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_jquery.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery.imgareaselect.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_imgmaparea.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring_defaultprompts.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring_feedback_checkboxes.js"></script>\n'
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>';
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #37
    def render(self, pages):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        old_dT = common.getExportDocType()
        dT = common.getExportDocType()
        lb = "\n"  # Line breaks
        sectionTag = "div"
        articleTag = "div"
        headerTag = "div"
        if dT == "HTML5":
            sectionTag = "section"
            articleTag = "article"
            headerTag = "header"
        html = common.docType()
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        if self.node.package.lang != "":
            lenguaje = self.node.package.lang
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">" + lb
        html += u"<head>" + lb
        html += u"<title>"
        if == '0':
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong) + " | " + escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>" + lb
        html += u'<meta charset="utf-8" />' + lb
        if dT != "HTML5" and self.node.package.lang != "":
            html += '<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="' + lenguaje + '" />' + lb
        if != "":
            html += '<meta name="author" content="' + escape(, True) + '" />' + lb
        html += common.getLicenseMetadata(self.node.package.license)
        html += '<meta name="generator" content="eXeLearning ' + release + ' -" />' + lb
        if == '0':
            if self.node.package.description != "":
                html += '<meta name="description" content="' + escape(self.node.package.description, True) + '" />' + lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasWikipediaIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_wikipedia.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_effects.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_highlighter.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_games.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasABCMusic(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_abcmusic.css\" />" + lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />" + lb
        if dT == "HTML5" or common.nodeHasMediaelement(self.node):
            html += u'<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="exe_html5.js"></script><![endif]-->' + lb
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(

        # jQuery
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            if style.get_jquery() == True:
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="' + style.get_jquery() + '"></script>' + lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb

        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_effects.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_highlighter.js"></script>' + lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common_i18n.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_games.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasABCMusic(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_abcmusic.js"></script>' + lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>' + lb

        html += common.printJavaScriptIdevicesScripts('export', self)

        if common.hasMagnifier(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="mojomagnify.js"></script>' + lb
        # Some styles might have their own JavaScript files (see their config.xml file)
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_head()
        html += common.getExtraHeadContent(self.node.package)
        html += u"</head>" + lb
        html += u'<body class="exe-epub3" id="exe-node-''">' + lb
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">" + lb
        html += u"<" + sectionTag + " id=\"main\">" + lb
        html += u"<" + headerTag + " id=\"nodeDecoration\">"
        html += u"<div id=\"headerContent\">"
        html += u'<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>'
        html += u'</div>'
        html += u"</" + headerTag + ">" + lb

        self.node.exportType = 'epub'

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            if idevice.klass != 'NotaIdevice':
                e = " em_iDevice"
                if unicode(idevice.emphasis) == '0':
                    e = ""
                html += u'<' + articleTag + ' class="iDevice_wrapper %s%s" id="id%s">%s' % (idevice.klass, e,, lb)
                block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
                if not block:
                    log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                    raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
                if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                    html += htmlentitydecode(block.renderJavascriptForWeb())
                if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                    html += htmlentitydecode(self.processInternalLinks(
                html += u'</' + articleTag + '>' + lb  # iDevice div

            html = re.sub("(<iframe[^>]*)(src=\"//)", "\g<1>src=\"https://", html)

        html += u"</" + sectionTag + ">" + lb  # /#main

        if self.node.package.get_addPagination():
            html += "<p class='pagination page-counter'>" + c_('Page %s of %s') % ('<strong>'+str(pages.index(self))+'</strong>','<strong>'+str((len(pages) -1))+'</strong>')+ "</p>"+lb

        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += unicode(BeautifulSoup(self.renderFooter()))
        html += u"</div>" + lb  # /#outer
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_body()
        html += u'</body></html>'
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        # JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/", "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/", "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/", "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/", "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")

        return html
Beispiel #38
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html  = common.docType()
        #html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<title>"+_("eXe")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n";
        html += u"<!-- Created using eXe: -->\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(base.css);\n"
        html += u"@import url(content.css);\n"
        html += u"</style>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
        #html += u"</head>\n"
        if self.scormType == 'commoncartridge':
            html += u"</head>\n"
            html += u"<body>"
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"APIWrapper.js\"></script>\n" 
            html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
            html += u"src=\"SCOFunctions.js\"></script>\n" 
            html += u"</head>\n"            
            html += u'<body onload="loadPage()" '
            html += u'onunload="unloadPage()">'
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u"<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">\n"
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1></div>\n'

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForScorm()
            html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'     # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        if self.node.package.scolinks:
            html += u'<div class="previousnext">'
            html += u'<a class="previouslink" '
            html += u'href="javascript: goBack();">%s</a> | <a class="nextlink" ' % _('Previous')
            html += u'href="javascript: goForward();">%s</a>' % _('Next')
            html += u'</div>'
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
	html = aux.sub("", html)
	aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
	html = aux.sub("", html)
	#JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
	html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        #JR: Cambiamos las anclas por enlaces a archivos
        html = html.replace('href="#', 'href="')
        return html
Beispiel #39
 def render_GET(self, request):
     """Called for all requests to this object"""
     # Processing 
     # Rendering
     html  = common.docType()
     html += "<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
     html += "<head>\n"
     html += "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     html += "@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
     html += '@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
     html += "@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/editor.js">'
     html += '</script>\n'
     html += "<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n"
     html += "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
     html += " charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n";
     html += "</head>\n"
     html += "<body>\n"
     html += "<div id=\"main\"> \n"     
     html += "<form method=\"post\" action=\""+self.url+"\" "
     html += "id=\"contentForm\" >"  
     html += common.hiddenField("action")
     html += common.hiddenField("object")
     html += common.hiddenField("isChanged", "1") 
     html += "<font color=\"red\"><b>"+self.message+"</b></font>"
     html += "<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"     
     html += self.renderList()
     html += self.editorPane.renderButtons(request, self.showHide)
     if self.isNewIdevice:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"), 
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("delete", _("Delete"))
     html += '<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="save" '
     title = "none"
     if self.editorPane.idevice.edit == False:
         title = self.editorPane.idevice.title
         title = title.replace(" ", "+")
     html += 'onclick=saveIdevice("%s") value="%s"/>' % (escape(title), _("Save"))
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="import" ' 
     if self.showHide:
         html += ' disabled="disabled" '
     html += u' onclick="importPackage(\'package\')" value="%s" />'  % _("Import iDevice")
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="export" '
     if self.showHide:
         html += ' disabled="disabled" '
     html += u'onclick="exportPackage(\'package\',\'%d\')"' % self.isNewIdevice
     html += u' value="%s" />'  % _("Export iDevice")
     #JR: anado un boton que permite mostrar u ocultar iDevices
     if self.showHide:
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("showHide", _("Show/Hide"), False)
         html += "<br/>" + common.submitButton("showHide", _("Show/Hide"))
     html += u'<br/><input class="button" type="button" name="quit" '
     #html += u'onclick="parent.Ext.getCmp(\'ideviceeditorwin\').close()"'        
     html += u'onclick="quitDialog()"'  
     html += u' value="%s" />\n'  % _("Quit")
     html += common.hiddenField("pathpackage")
     html += "</fieldset>"
     html += "</div>\n"
     #if ("showHide" in request.args):
     if self.showHide:  
         html += self.editorPane.renderShowHideiDevices(self.ideviceStore.getFactoryIdevices())
         html += self.editorPane.renderIdevice(request)
     html += "</div>\n"
     html += "<br/></form>\n"
     html += "</body>\n"
     html += "</html>\n"
     return html.encode('utf8')
Beispiel #40
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        html  = common.docType()
        #html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=utf-8\" />\n";
        # html += u"<title>"+_("eXe")+"</title>\n"
        html += u"<title>"
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title!='':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)+" | "+escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>\n" 
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />"
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />"
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />"
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>\n'
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body class=\"exe-ims\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\">\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"nodeDecoration\">\n"
        html += u'<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">\n'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>\n'
        html += u"</div>\n"

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            html += u'<div class="%s" id="id%s">\n' % (idevice.klass,
            block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
            if not block:
                log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
            if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                html += block.renderJavascriptForWeb()
            if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                html += self.processInternalLinks(
            html += u'</div>\n'     # iDevice div

        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += self.renderFooter()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</body></html>\n"
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
	html = aux.sub("", html)
	aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
	html = aux.sub("", html)
	#JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
	html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
    # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
	html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/", "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
	html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/", "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
	html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/", "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
	html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/", "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")
        return html
Beispiel #41
    def render(self):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        old_dT = common.getExportDocType()
        dT = common.getExportDocType()
        lb = "\n"  # Line breaks
        sectionTag = "div"
        articleTag = "div"
        headerTag = "div"
        if dT == "HTML5":
            sectionTag = "section"
            articleTag = "article"
            headerTag = "header"
        html = common.docType()
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        if self.node.package.lang != "":
            lenguaje = self.node.package.lang
        html += u'<html lang="' + lenguaje + '" xml:lang="' + lenguaje + '" xmlns="">' + lb
        html += u"<head>" + lb
        html += u"<title>"
        if == "0":
            if self.node.package.title != "":
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title != "":
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong) + " | " + escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>" + lb
        html += u'<meta charset="utf-8" />' + lb
        if dT != "HTML5" and self.node.package.lang != "":
            html += '<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="' + lenguaje + '" />' + lb
        if != "":
            html += '<meta name="author" content="' + escape(, True) + '" />' + lb
        html += common.getLicenseMetadata(self.node.package.license)
        html += '<meta name="generator" content="eXeLearning ' + release + ' -" />' + lb
        if == "0":
            if self.node.package.description != "":
                html += '<meta name="description" content="' + escape(self.node.package.description, True) + '" />' + lb
        html += u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css" />' + lb
        if common.hasWikipediaIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="exe_wikipedia.css" />' + lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="exe_lightbox.css" />' + lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="exe_effects.css" />' + lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="exe_highlighter.css" />' + lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            html += u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="exe_games.css" />' + lb
        html += u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="content.css" />' + lb
        if dT == "HTML5" or common.nodeHasMediaelement(self.node):
            html += u'<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="exe_html5.js"></script><![endif]-->' + lb
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(

        # jQuery
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            if style.get_jquery() == True:
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="' + style.get_jquery() + '"></script>' + lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb

        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_effects.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_highlighter.js"></script>' + lb
        html += common.getJavaScriptStrings() + lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            # The games require additional strings
            html += common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings() + lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_games.js"></script>' + lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasMagnifier(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="mojomagnify.js"></script>' + lb
        # Some styles might have their own JavaScript files (see their config.xml file)
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_head()
        html += u"</head>" + lb
        html += u'<body class="exe-epub3"><script type="text/javascript">document.body.className+=" js"</script>' + lb
        html += u'<div id="outer">' + lb
        html += u"<" + sectionTag + ' id="main">' + lb
        html += u"<" + headerTag + ' id="nodeDecoration">'
        html += u'<div id="headerContent">'
        html += u'<h1 id="nodeTitle">'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u"</h1>"
        html += u"</div>"
        html += u"</" + headerTag + ">" + lb

        self.node.exportType = "epub"

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            if idevice.klass != "NotaIdevice":
                e = " em_iDevice"
                if unicode(idevice.emphasis) == "0":
                    e = ""
                html += (
                    + articleTag
                    + ' class="iDevice_wrapper %s%s" id="id%s">%s' % (idevice.klass, e,, lb)
                block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
                if not block:
                    log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                    raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
                if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                    html += htmlentitydecode(block.renderJavascriptForWeb())
                if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                    html += htmlentitydecode(self.processInternalLinks(block.renderView(
                html += u"</" + articleTag + ">" + lb  # iDevice div

        html += u"</" + sectionTag + ">" + lb  # /#main
        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += unicode(BeautifulSoup(self.renderFooter(), convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.XHTML_ENTITIES))
        html += u"</div>" + lb  # /#outer
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_body()
        html += u"</body></html>"
        html = html.encode("utf8")
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile('exe_math_latex="[^"]*"')
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile('exe_math_size="[^"]*"')
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        # JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace('video/quicktime" data="resources/', 'video/quicktime" data="')
        html = html.replace('application/x-mplayer2" data="resources/', 'application/x-mplayer2" data="')
        html = html.replace('audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" data="resources/', 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" data="')
        html = html.replace('<param name="url" value="resources/', '<param name="url" value="')

        return html
Beispiel #42
    def __renderHeader(self):
        """Generates the header for AuthoringPage"""
        html  = common.docType()
        html += u'<html xmlns="">\n'
        html += u'<head>\n'
        html += u'<style type="text/css">\n'
        html += u'@import url(/css/exe.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u'@import url(/style/%s/content.css);\n' %
        html += u'</style>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" '
        html += u'src="/scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript">\n'
        html += u'<!--\n'
        html += u"tinyMCE.init({   " 
        html += u"content_css : \"/css/extra.css\", \n"
        html += u"valid_elements : \"*[*]\",\n"
        html += u"verify_html : false, \n"
        html += u"apply_source_formatting : true, \n"
        # testing TinyMCE's escaping/quoting of HTML:
        html += u"cleanup_on_startup : false, \n"
        #html += u"cleanup : false, \n"
        html += u"entity_encoding : \"raw\", \n"
        html += u"gecko_spellcheck : true, \n"
        html += u" mode : \"textareas\",\n"
        html += u" editor_selector : \"mceEditor\",\n"
        html += u" plugins : \"table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,media,"
        html += u" contextmenu,paste,directionality,exemath\",\n"
        html += u" theme : \"advanced\",\n"
        html += u" theme_advanced_layout_manager : \"SimpleLayout\",\n"
        html += u"theme_advanced_toolbar_location : \"top\",\n"  
        html += u" theme_advanced_buttons1 : \"newdocument,separator,"
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        html += u"separator,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,separator,"
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        html += u" theme_advanced_buttons2 : \"image,media,exemath,advhr,"
        html += u"fontselect,tablecontrols,separator,link,unlink,separator,"
        html += u" undo,redo,separator,charmap,code,removeformat\",\n"
        html += u" theme_advanced_buttons3 : \"\",\n"
        # the image-handling callback function for tinyMCE's image button:
        html += u"advimage_image_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # and manually entered filenames as well, via image2insert w/o file browser:
        html += u"advimage_image2insert_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # the media-handling callback function for tinyMCE's media button:
        html += u"media_media_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # and manually entered filenames as well, via media2insert w/o file browser:
        html += u"media_media2insert_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"

        # the link-handling callback function for tinyMCE's media button:
        html += u"advlink_file_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"
        # and manually entered filenames as well, via media2insert w/o file browser:
        html += u"advlink_file2insert_browser_callback : \"chooseImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"

        # and the callback to generate exemath's LaTeX images via mimetex:
        html += u"exemath_image_browser_callback : \"makeMathImage_viaTinyMCE\",\n"

        # to override any browser plugin checks, and allow media to be added:
        if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: 
            html += u"exe_assume_media_plugins : true,\n"

        html += u"theme_advanced_statusbar_location : \"bottom\",\n"
        html += u"    theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false,\n"
        html += u"    theme_advanced_resizing : true\n"
        html += u" });\n"
        html += u"//-->\n"
        html += u"</script>\n"
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/libot_drag.js">'
        html += u'</script>\n'
        html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n'
        html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '
        html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        html += u'</head>\n'
        return html
Beispiel #43
    def render(self, pages):
        Returns an XHTML string rendering this page.
        old_dT = common.getExportDocType()
        dT = common.getExportDocType()
        lb = "\n"  # Line breaks
        sectionTag = "div"
        articleTag = "div"
        headerTag = "div"
        if dT == "HTML5":
            sectionTag = "section"
            articleTag = "article"
            headerTag = "header"
        html = common.docType()
        lenguaje = G.application.config.locale
        if self.node.package.lang != "":
            lenguaje = self.node.package.lang
        html += u"<html lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xml:lang=\"" + lenguaje + "\" xmlns=\"\">" + lb
        html += u"<head>" + lb
        html += u"<title>"
        if == '0':
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.package.title)
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
            if self.node.package.title != '':
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong) + " | " + escape(
                html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u" </title>" + lb
        html += u'<meta charset="utf-8" />' + lb
        if dT != "HTML5" and self.node.package.lang != "":
            html += '<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="' + lenguaje + '" />' + lb
        if != "":
            html += '<meta name="author" content="' + escape(
      , True) + '" />' + lb
        html += common.getLicenseMetadata(self.node.package.license)
        html += '<meta name="generator" content="eXeLearning ' + release + ' -" />' + lb
        if == '0':
            if self.node.package.description != "":
                html += '<meta name="description" content="' + escape(
                    self.node.package.description, True) + '" />' + lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"base.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasWikipediaIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_wikipedia.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_lightbox.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_effects.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_highlighter.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_games.css\" />" + lb
        if common.hasABCMusic(self.node):
            html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"exe_abcmusic.css\" />" + lb
        html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"content.css\" />" + lb
        if dT == "HTML5" or common.nodeHasMediaelement(self.node):
            html += u'<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="exe_html5.js"></script><![endif]-->' + lb
        style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle(

        # jQuery
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            if style.get_jquery() == True:
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb
                html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="' + style.get_jquery(
                ) + '"></script>' + lb
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_jquery.js"></script>' + lb

        if common.hasGalleryIdevice(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_lightbox.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasFX(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_effects.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasSH(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_highlighter.js"></script>' + lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common_i18n.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasGames(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_games.js"></script>' + lb
        if common.hasABCMusic(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="exe_abcmusic.js"></script>' + lb
        html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>' + lb

        html += common.printJavaScriptIdevicesScripts('export', self)

        if common.hasMagnifier(self.node):
            html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="mojomagnify.js"></script>' + lb
        # Some styles might have their own JavaScript files (see their config.xml file)
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_head()
        html += common.getExtraHeadContent(self.node.package)
        html += u"</head>" + lb
        html += u'<body class="exe-epub3" id="exe-node-' + + '">' + lb
        html += u"<div id=\"outer\">" + lb
        html += u"<" + sectionTag + " id=\"main\">" + lb
        html += u"<" + headerTag + " id=\"nodeDecoration\">"
        html += u"<div id=\"headerContent\">"
        html += u'<h1 id=\"nodeTitle\">'
        html += escape(self.node.titleLong)
        html += u'</h1>'
        html += u'</div>'
        html += u"</" + headerTag + ">" + lb

        self.node.exportType = 'epub'

        for idevice in self.node.idevices:
            if idevice.klass != 'NotaIdevice':
                e = " em_iDevice"
                if unicode(idevice.emphasis) == '0':
                    e = ""
                html += u'<' + articleTag + ' class="iDevice_wrapper %s%s" id="id%s">%s' % (
                    idevice.klass, e,, lb)
                block = g_blockFactory.createBlock(None, idevice)
                if not block:
                    log.critical("Unable to render iDevice.")
                    raise Error("Unable to render iDevice.")
                if hasattr(idevice, "isQuiz"):
                    html += htmlentitydecode(block.renderJavascriptForWeb())
                if idevice.title != "Forum Discussion":
                    html += htmlentitydecode(
                html += u'</' + articleTag + '>' + lb  # iDevice div

        html += u"</" + sectionTag + ">" + lb  # /#main

        if self.node.package.get_addPagination():
            html += "<p class='pagination page-counter'>" + c_(
                'Page %s of %s') % ('<strong>' + str(
                    pages.index(self)) + '</strong>', '<strong>' + str(
                        (len(pages) - 1)) + '</strong>') + "</p>" + lb

        html += self.renderLicense()
        html += unicode(
        html += u"</div>" + lb  # /#outer
        if style.hasValidConfig:
            html += style.get_extra_body()
        html += u'</body></html>'
        html = html.encode('utf8')
        # JR: Eliminamos los atributos de las ecuaciones
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_latex=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        aux = re.compile("exe_math_size=\"[^\"]*\"")
        html = aux.sub("", html)
        # JR: Cambio el & en los enlaces del glosario
        html = html.replace("&concept", "&amp;concept")
        # Remove "resources/" from data="resources/ and the url param
        html = html.replace("video/quicktime\" data=\"resources/",
                            "video/quicktime\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"resources/",
                            "application/x-mplayer2\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"resources/",
                            "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin\" data=\"")
        html = html.replace("<param name=\"url\" value=\"resources/",
                            "<param name=\"url\" value=\"")

        return html
Beispiel #44
    def render_GET(self, request):
        """Render the preferences"""

        # Rendering
        html = common.docType()
        html += u"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
        html += u"<head>\n"
        html += u"<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
        html += u"@import url(/css/exe.css);\n"
        html += u'@import url(/style/base.css);\n'
        html += u"@import url(/style/standardwhite/content.css);</style>\n"
        html += u'''<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function setLocaleAndAnchors(l,anchors) {
                opener.nevow_clientToServerEvent('setLocale', this, '', l)
                opener.nevow_clientToServerEvent('setInternalAnchors', this, '', anchors)
        html += u"<title>" + _("eXe : elearning XHTML editor") + "</title>\n"
        html += u"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
        html += u" charset=UTF-8\"></meta>\n"
        html += u"</head>\n"
        html += u"<body>\n"
        html += u"<div id=\"main\"> \n"
        html += u"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" "
        html += u"id=\"contentForm\" >"

        # package not needed for the preferences, only for rich-text fields:
        this_package = None
        html += common.formField('select',
                                 _(u"Select Language"),

        internal_anchor_options = [
            (_(u"Enable All Internal Linking"), "enable_all"),
            (_(u"Disable Auto-Top Internal Linking"), "disable_autotop"),
            (_(u"Disable All Internal Linking"), "disable_all")
        html += common.formField(
            _(u"Internal Linking (for Web Site Exports only)"),
            '',  # TODO: Instructions

        html += u"<div id=\"editorButtons\"> \n"
        html += u"<br/>"
        html += common.button(
        html += common.button("cancel",
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"</div>\n"
        html += u"<br/></form>\n"
        html += u"</body>\n"
        html += u"</html>\n"
        return html.encode('utf8')