Beispiel #1
    def create_file(self, results: typing.Iterable,
                    engine: Engine) -> HttpResponse:
        column_headers: (typing.List[str],
                         typing.List[str]) = self.get_column_headers(
                             engine, False)
        column_header_names = column_headers[0]

        first_row, results = peek(self.preprocess_rows(results, False))

        response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv")
        filename = f'{self.slug}-report-{today_date().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}.csv'
        response["Content-Disposition"] = f'attachment; filename="{filename}"'
        writer = csv.writer(response,

        for row in results:

        if not results:
            return no_results_to_show()

        if len(column_header_names) != len(first_row):
            raise ValueError("Results do not match expected column headers")
        return response
    def tabulate(self, results: typing.Iterable, engine: Engine) -> SafeString:
        column_headers: (typing.List[str],
                         typing.List[str]) = self.get_column_headers(engine)
        column_header_names, column_alignment = column_headers
        column_headers_with_alignment = zip(*column_headers)

        first_row, results = peek(self.preprocess_rows(results))

        if not results:
            return no_results_to_show()

        if len(column_header_names) != len(first_row):
            raise ValueError("Results do not match expected column headers")
        results_with_alignment = (zip(row, column_alignment)
                                  for row in results)

        return mark_safe(
                    "results_with_alignment": results_with_alignment,
    def tabulate(self, results: typing.Iterable, engine: Engine) -> SafeString:
        column_headers: (typing.List[str], typing.List[str]) = self.get_column_headers(engine)
        column_header_names, column_alignment = column_headers
        column_headers_with_alignment = list(zip(*column_headers))

        if not results:
            return no_results_to_show()

        main_groups = {(row[0], row[1]) for row in results}
        vendor_groups = {row[0] for row in main_groups}
        product_groups = {row[1] for row in main_groups}

        partition_product = self.settings.get(self.options[0][2], False)
        partition_vendor = self.settings.get(self.options[0][3], False)

        if partition_vendor and partition_product and len(vendor_groups) > 1 and len(product_groups) > 1:
            group_title = _("{1} — {0}")
        elif partition_vendor and len(vendor_groups) > 1:
            group_title = _("{0}")
        elif partition_product and len(product_groups) > 1:
            group_title = _("{1}")
            group_title = ""

        if partition_vendor and partition_product:
            grouper = lambda row: (row[0], row[1])
        elif partition_vendor:
            grouper = lambda row: row[0]
        elif partition_product:
            grouper = lambda row: row[1]
            grouper = lambda row: True

        first_row, results = peek(results)
        if len(column_header_names) != len(first_row):
            raise ValueError("Results do not match expected column headers")

        current_group = None
        results_grouped = []

        for row in results:
            group = grouper(row)
            row = list(row)
            if group != current_group:
                results_grouped.append({"title": group_title.format(*row), "rows": []})
                current_group = group

            results_grouped[-1]["rows"].append({k: v for k, v in zip(self.column_names, row)})

        return mark_safe(
                    "results_grouped": results_grouped,
                    "column_headers_with_alignment": column_headers_with_alignment,
                    "show_group_title": bool(group_title),