Beispiel #1
def create_15km_scheme():
    Frankenstein script by Devin Huyghebaert for 15 km range gates with
    a special ICEBEAR collab mode

    Built off of the default scheme used for 45 km with minor changes.

    :return DecimationScheme: a decimation scheme for use in experiment.

    rates = [5.0e6, 500.0e3, 100.0e3, 50.0e3]  # last stage 50.0e3/3->50.0e3
    dm_rates = [10, 5, 2, 5]  # third stage 6->2
    transition_widths = [150.0e3, 40.0e3, 15.0e3, 1.0e3]  # did not change
    # bandwidth is double cutoffs.  Did not change
    cutoffs = [20.0e3, 10.0e3, 10.0e3, 5.0e3]
    ripple_dbs = [150.0, 80.0, 35.0, 8.0]  # changed last stage 9->8
    scaling_factors = [10.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0]  # did not change
    all_stages = []

    for stage in range(0, len(rates)):
        filter_taps = list(
            scaling_factors[stage] * create_firwin_filter_by_attenuation(
                rates[stage], transition_widths[stage], cutoffs[stage],
            DecimationStage(stage, rates[stage], dm_rates[stage], filter_taps))

    # changed from 10e3/3->10e3
    return (DecimationScheme(rates[0],
                             rates[-1] / dm_rates[-1],
    def __init__(self):
        cpid = 1
        #  Number of decimation stages is greater than options.max_number_of_filtering_stages
        rates = [5.0e6, 1.0e6, 500.0e3, 250.0e3, 125.0e3, 62.5e3,
                 31.25e3]  # 7 stages, greater than max of 6
        dm_rates = [5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        transition_widths = [
            150.0e3, 80.0e3, 40.0e3, 20.0e3, 10.0e3, 5.0e3, 1.0e3
        cutoffs = [20.0e3, 20.0e3, 10.0e3, 10.0e3, 5.0e3, 5.0e3, 5.0e3]
        ripple_dbs = [150.0, 80.0, 70.0, 35.0, 20.0, 15.0, 10.0]
        scaling_factors = [10.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0]
        all_stages = []
        for stage in range(0, len(rates)):
            filter_taps = list(
                scaling_factors[stage] * create_firwin_filter_by_attenuation(
                    rates[stage], transition_widths[stage], cutoffs[stage],
                DecimationStage(stage, rates[stage], dm_rates[stage],

        # changed from 10e3/3->10e3
        decimation_scheme = (DecimationScheme(rates[0],
                                              rates[-1] / dm_rates[-1],
        super(TestExperiment, self).__init__(

        if scf.IS_FORWARD_RADAR:
            beams_to_use = scf.STD_16_FORWARD_BEAM_ORDER
            beams_to_use = scf.STD_16_REVERSE_BEAM_ORDER

        if scf.opts.site_id in ["cly", "rkn", "inv"]:
            num_ranges = scf.POLARDARN_NUM_RANGES
        if scf.opts.site_id in ["sas", "pgr"]:
            num_ranges = scf.STD_NUM_RANGES

        slice_1 = {  # slice_id = 0, there is only one slice.
            "pulse_sequence": scf.SEQUENCE_7P,
            "tau_spacing": scf.TAU_SPACING_7P,
            "pulse_len": scf.PULSE_LEN_45KM,
            "num_ranges": num_ranges,
            "first_range": scf.STD_FIRST_RANGE,
            "intt": 3500,  # duration of an integration, in ms
            "beam_angle": scf.STD_16_BEAM_ANGLE,
            "beam_order": beams_to_use,
            [i * 3.5 for i in range(len(beams_to_use))],  #1 min scan
            "txfreq": scf.COMMON_MODE_FREQ_1,  #kHz
            "acf": True,
            "xcf": True,  # cross-correlation processing
            "acfint": True,  # interferometer acfs

def create_test_scheme_8(): 
    Create four stages of FIR filters and a decimation scheme. Returns a decimation scheme of type DecimationScheme. 
    :return DecimationScheme: a decimation scheme for use in experiment.

    rates = [5.0e6, 500.0e3, 100.0e3, 50.0e3/3]
    dm_rates = [10, 5, 6, 5]
    transition_widths = [200.0e3, 49.0e3, 15.0e3, 1.0e3]
    cutoffs = [2.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3] # bandwidth is double this
    ripple_dbs = [150.0, 80.0, 35.0, 9.0]

    all_stages = []

    for stage in range(0,4):
        filter_taps = list(create_firwin_filter_by_attenuation(rates[stage], transition_widths[stage], cutoffs[stage], ripple_dbs[stage]))
        all_stages.append(DecimationStage(stage, rates[stage], dm_rates[stage], filter_taps))

    return (DecimationScheme(5.0e6, 10.0e3/3, stages=all_stages))
def create_test_scheme_6(): # tested Feb 12 1800 - looks ~ 10 dB SNR? 
    Create four stages of FIR filters and a decimation scheme. Returns a decimation scheme of type DecimationScheme. 
    :return DecimationScheme: a decimation scheme for use in experiment.

    rates = [5.0e6, 500.0e3/3, 50.0e3/3, 10.0e3/3]
    dm_rates = [30, 10, 5, 1]
    transition_widths = [130.0e3, 13.0e3, 2.0e3]
    cutoffs = [20.0e3, 2.0e3, 0.5e3] # bandwidth is double this
    ripple_dbs = [100.0, 30.0, 10.0]

    all_stages = []

    for stage in range(0,3):
        filter_taps = list(create_firwin_filter_by_attenuation(rates[stage], transition_widths[stage], cutoffs[stage], ripple_dbs[stage]))
        all_stages.append(DecimationStage(stage, rates[stage], dm_rates[stage], filter_taps))

    all_stages.append(DecimationStage(3, rates[3], dm_rates[3], [1.0]))
    return (DecimationScheme(5.0e6, 10.0e3/3, stages=all_stages))
def create_test_scheme_9(): 
    Create four stages of FIR filters and a decimation scheme. Returns a decimation scheme of type DecimationScheme. 
    This filter will have a wider receive bandwidth than the previous.
    Pasha recommends a 10kHz bandwidth for the final stage. I believe there will be aliasing caused by this but 
    perhaps the concern is not critical because of the small bandwidth overlapping. I will test this anyways.

    :return DecimationScheme: a decimation scheme for use in experiment.

    rates = [5.0e6, 500.0e3, 100.0e3, 50.0e3/3]
    dm_rates = [10, 5, 6, 5]
    transition_widths = [150.0e3, 40.0e3, 15.0e3, 1.0e3]
    cutoffs = [20.0e3, 10.0e3, 10.0e3, 5.0e3] # bandwidth is double this
    ripple_dbs = [150.0, 80.0, 35.0, 9.0]
    scaling_factors = [10.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0]
    all_stages = []

    for stage in range(0,4):
        filter_taps = list(scaling_factors[stage] * create_firwin_filter_by_attenuation(rates[stage], transition_widths[stage], cutoffs[stage], ripple_dbs[stage]))
        all_stages.append(DecimationStage(stage, rates[stage], dm_rates[stage], filter_taps))

    return (DecimationScheme(5.0e6, 10.0e3/3, stages=all_stages))
    def __init__(self):
        cpid = 1

        rates = [5.0e6, 500.0e3, 100.0e3, 50.0e3 / 3]
        dm_rates = [10, 5, 6, 5]
        transition_widths = [150.0e3, 40.0e3, 15.0e3, 1.0e3]
        cutoffs = [20.0e3, 10.0e3, 10.0e3, 5.0e3]
        ripple_dbs = [150.0, 80.0, 35.0, 9.0]
        scaling_factors = [10.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0]
        all_stages = []
        longest_filter_num_taps = 0
        for stage in range(0, len(rates)):
            filter_taps = list(
                scaling_factors[stage] * create_firwin_filter_by_attenuation(
                    rates[stage], transition_widths[stage], cutoffs[stage],
                DecimationStage(stage, rates[stage], dm_rates[stage],
            if len(filter_taps) > longest_filter_num_taps:
                longest_filter_num_taps = len(filter_taps)

        # changed from 10e3/3->10e3
        decimation_scheme = (DecimationScheme(rates[0],
                                              rates[-1] / dm_rates[-1],
        super(TestExperiment, self).__init__(

        if scf.IS_FORWARD_RADAR:
            beams_to_use = scf.STD_16_FORWARD_BEAM_ORDER
            beams_to_use = scf.STD_16_REVERSE_BEAM_ORDER

        if scf.opts.site_id in ["cly", "rkn", "inv"]:
            num_ranges = scf.POLARDARN_NUM_RANGES
        if scf.opts.site_id in ["sas", "pgr"]:
            num_ranges = scf.STD_NUM_RANGES

        slice_1 = {  # slice_id = 0, there is only one slice.
            "pulse_sequence": scf.SEQUENCE_7P,
            "tau_spacing": scf.TAU_SPACING_7P,
            "pulse_len": scf.PULSE_LEN_45KM,
            "num_ranges": num_ranges,
            "first_range": scf.STD_FIRST_RANGE,
            "intt": 3500,  # duration of an integration, in ms
            "beam_angle": scf.STD_16_BEAM_ANGLE,
            "beam_order": beams_to_use,
            [i * 3.5 for i in range(len(beams_to_use))],  #1 min scan
            "txfreq": scf.COMMON_MODE_FREQ_1,  #kHz
            "acf": True,
            "xcf": True,  # cross-correlation processing
            "acfint": True,  # interferometer acfs
        # The check for too many slices is like so:
        # effective_length = 2^x => the next power of two for how many taps there are in a stage
        # if effective_length * num_slices > max_number_of_filter_taps_per_stage:
        # error

        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={1: 'INTTIME'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={1: 'INTTIME'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        slices = []
        max_num_slices = int(eo().max_number_of_filter_taps_per_stage /
        #print("Longest filter: {} taps. Max concurrent slices: {}".format(longest_filter_num_taps,
        #    max_num_slices))
        for i in range(max_num_slices):
            self.add_slice(slices[i], interfacing_dict={0: 'PULSE'})

        # Just for fun, add a few INTTIME as well
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={1: 'INTTIME'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'INTTIME'})

        # Add a bunch of slices that are scan interfaced, shouldn't have an effect
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})
        self.add_slice(copy.deepcopy(slice_1), interfacing_dict={0: 'SCAN'})