def test_a_full_analysis_request_is_executed(self):
        ...then verify that whole flow works as expected
        response_json = {
            "success": True,
            "data": {
                "content": "Facebook is looking at buying U.S. startup for $6 million",
                "language": "en",
                "version": "sensei: 3.1.0; disambiguator: 15.0-QNTX-2016",
                "knowledge": [
                        "label": "",
                        "properties": [
                            {"type": "WikiDataId", "value": "Q380"}
                        "syncon": 288110,
                "phrases": [
                    {"tokens": [0], "type": "PP", "start": 54, "end": 65},
                "tokens": [
                        "syncon": 62653,
                        "start": 74,
                        "end": 83,
                        "type": "NOU",
                        "lemma": "long time",
                        "pos": "NOUN",
                        "dependency": {"id": 11, "head": 7, "label": "nmod"},
                        "morphology": "Number=Sing",
                        "paragraph": 0,
                        "sentence": 0,
                        "phrase": 4,
                        "atoms": [
                                "start": 74,
                                "end": 78,
                                "type": "ADJ",
                                "lemma": "long",
                "mainSentences": [],
                "mainPhrases": [],
                "mainLemmas": [],
                "mainSyncons": [],
                "entities": [],
                "topics": [],
                "sentences": [{"phrases": [0], "start": 0, "end": 100}],
                "paragraphs": [],

        response = MagicMock(text="e@i")
        response.status_code = 200
        response.json.return_value = response_json
        self.patched_post.return_value = response

        client = ExpertAiClient()
        request_body = {"document": {"text": "text"}}
        data_model = client.full_analysis(
            body=request_body, params={"language": "es"}

        # two POST requests are made, one for the token and one for analysis
        self.assertEqual(self.patched_post.call_count, 2)
        self.assertEqual(data_model.sentences[0].phrases[0].type_, "PP")
from import ExpertAiClient
client = ExpertAiClient()

text = "Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players of all time. Scoring was Jordan's stand-out skill, but he still holds a defensive NBA record, with eight steals in a half.'"
language = 'en'

output = client.full_analysis(body={"document": {
    "text": text
                              params={'language': language})

# Output arrays size

print("Output arrays size:")

print("knowledge: ", len(output.knowledge))
print("paragraphs: ", len(output.paragraphs))
print("sentences: ", len(output.sentences))
print("phrases: ", len(output.phrases))
print("tokens: ", len(output.tokens))
print("mainSentences: ", len(output.main_sentences))
print("mainPhrases: ", len(output.main_phrases))
print("mainLemmas: ", len(output.main_lemmas))
print("mainSyncons: ", len(output.main_syncons))
print("topics: ", len(output.topics))
print("entities: ", len(output.entities))
print("entities: ", len(output.relations))
print("sentiment.items: ", len(output.sentiment.items))