def _get_results(model): exp_dir = os.path.join(args.root, f'{args.dataset}_{model}', 'adv-attack') exps = Experiment.gather(exp_dir) exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, 'results.csv') results['model'] = model return results
def nparams(args): assert Experiment.is_exp_dir(, "Not a run dir:" run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') model = load_model(run) print(run) nparams = sum(p.numel() for p in tqdm(model.parameters()) if p.requires_grad) print(f'N. Params: {nparams / 10 ** 6:.2g}M ({nparams})')
def t1(args): exps = Experiment.gather(, main='model') exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, 'tradeoff.csv') unique_cols = results.apply(pd.Series.nunique) == 1 common_params = results.loc[:, unique_cols].iloc[0] r = results.loc[:, ~unique_cols] metric_cols = {'t1', 'test_acc', 'test_loss', 'test_nfe'} plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0)) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 1)) title = Experiment.abbreviate(common_params, main='model') ax1.set_title(title) ax1.set_ylabel('Test Accuracy') ax2.set_ylabel('Test NFE') ax2.set_xlabel('ODE final integration time $t_1$') ax3.set_ylabel('Test Accuracy') ax3.set_xlabel('Test NFE') if set(r.columns) == metric_cols: # single line plot r = r.sort_values('t1') ax1.plot(r.t1, r.test_acc, marker='.') ax2.plot(r.t1, r.test_nfe, marker='.') else: # print(r, metric_cols) grouping_cols = r.columns.difference(metric_cols).tolist() # print(grouping_cols) for name, group in r.groupby(grouping_cols): # print(grouping_cols) # print(group.reset_index()) params = group.reset_index().loc[0, grouping_cols] name = Experiment.abbreviate(params, main='model') r = group.sort_values('t1') ax1.plot(r.t1, r.test_acc, label=name, marker='.') ax2.plot(r.t1, r.test_nfe, label=name, marker='.') ax3.plot(r.test_nfe, r.test_acc, label=name, marker='.') ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") plt.minorticks_on() for ax in (ax1, ax2): ax.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.get_yaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.grid(b=True, which='minor', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--') plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight")
def _make_plot(d): results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, f'diff_{d}.csv') # XXX TO FIX IN corrupted = results.loc[:, '0.0':'1.0'].isna().all(axis=1) if corrupted.any(): results.loc[corrupted, '0.0':'1.0'] = results.loc[corrupted, '0.0.1':'1.0.1'].values results = results.dropna(axis=1) results = results.sort_values('tol') id_cols = [c for c in results.columns if not c.startswith('0') and not c.startswith('1')] results = results.melt(id_vars=id_cols, var_name='t', value_name='diff') results['t'] = results.t.astype(np.float32) results[r'$\tau$'] = results.tol.astype(np.float32).apply(lambda x: rf'$10^{{{np.log10(x).round()}}}$')# .apply(lambda x: rf'$\mathrm{{{x}}}$') if d == 'cos': results['diff'] = 1 - results['diff'] plt.figure(figsize=figsize(1)) ax = sns.lineplot(x='t', y='diff', hue=r'$\tau$', ci=None, data=results) # ci='sd' plt.ylabel(r'$|\mathbf{h}(t) - \mathbf{h}_\text{adv}(t)|_2$') plt.xlabel(r'$t$') plt.xlim(0, 1) sns.despine() # plt.legend(fontsize='xx-small', title_fontsize='16') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') for axis in [ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis]: axis.set_tick_params(direction='out', color=ax.spines['left'].get_ec()) plt.savefig(f'{args.output}_{dataset}.pdf', bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
def nfe(args): run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') print(run) results_file = run.path_to('nfe.csv') best_ckpt_file = run.ckpt('best') # check if results exists and are updated, then skip the computation if os.path.exists(results_file ) and os.path.getctime(results_file) >= os.path.getctime( best_ckpt_file) and not args.force: print('Skipping...') return test_data = load_test_data(run) test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False) model = load_model(run) model = model.eval() model.odeblock.tol = args.tol def process(datum): x, y = datum x = p = model(x) nfe = model.nfe(reset=True) pred = p.argmax(dim=1).item() y = y.item() return {'y_true': y, 'y_pred': pred, 'nfe': nfe} data = [process(d) for d in tqdm(test_loader)] pd.DataFrame(data).to_csv(results_file)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Plots an experiment in terminal') parser.add_argument('glob', help='directory of experiment to plot') parser.add_argument('--window', help='smoothing window', type=int, default=100) parser.add_argument('--width', help='smoothing window', type=int) parser.add_argument('--height', help='smoothing window', type=int) parser.add_argument('-x', help='x axis', default='frames') parser.add_argument('-y', help='y axis', default='mean_win_rate') args = parser.parse_args() exps_and_logs = Experiment.discover_logs(args.glob, JSONLogger()) print('loaded {} experiments'.format(len(exps_and_logs))) fig = plotille.Figure() kwargs = {} for exp, log in exps_and_logs: if log: df = pd.DataFrame(log) fig.plot(X=df[args.x], Y=df[args.y].rolling(args.window, min_periods=1).mean(),, **kwargs) fig.x_label = args.x fig.y_label = args.y if args.height: fig.height = args.height if args.width: fig.width = args.width print(
def success_rate_single(args): exps = Experiment.gather( exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, 'results.csv') results = results.rename({'distance_x': 'p', 'distance_y': 'distance'}, axis=1) results['success_rate'] = np.isfinite(results.distance.values) natural_errors = results.distance == 0 results = results[~natural_errors] # discard natural errors rate = pd.pivot_table(results, values='success_rate', index='tol', columns=['epsilon', 'p']) rate = (rate * 100).round(2) rate = rate.rename_axis(columns={'p': r'$p$', 'epsilon': r'$\varepsilon$'}) rate = rate.rename(columns={2.0: r'$L_2$', float('inf'): r'$L_\infty$'}, level=1) print(rate)
def classification_performance(args): models = ('resnet', 'mixed', 'fullode') exps = Experiment.gather(args.root, main='model') exps = Experiment.filter({'dataset': args.dataset}, exps) results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, 'nfe.csv.gz') results = results[results.t1 == 1] # keep only complete dynamics results['accuracy'] = results.y_pred == results.y_true results = results.rename({'tol_x': 'training_tol', 'tol_y': 'tol'}, axis=1) rate = pd.pivot_table(results, values='accuracy', index='tol', columns=['model', 'downsample']) rate = (100 * (1 - rate)).round(2) rate = rate.rename(mapper=lambda x: r'$10^{{{}}}$'.format(int(round(np.log10(x)))), level=0) with open(args.output, 'w') as out: rate.to_latex(out, escape=False, multicolumn_format='c') print(rate)
def retrieval(args): assert Experiment.is_exp_dir(, "Not a run dir:" run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') results_file = run.path_to('retrieval.csv') assert os.path.exists(results_file), f"Results file not found: {results_file}" results = pd.read_csv(results_file) # t1s, mean_aps_sym, mean_aps_asym = results.loc[:, ['t1', 'mean_ap_sym', 'mean_ap_asym']] plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) ax = plt.gca() results.plot('t1', 'mean_ap_sym', marker='.', label='sym', ax=ax) results.plot('t1', 'mean_ap_asym', marker='.', label='asym', ax=ax) # plt.axhline(mean_ap_res, c='k', label='resnet') max_diff = (results.mean_ap_asym - results.mean_ap_sym).max() print(f'Asym-sym max difference: {max_diff:%}') # plt.plot(t1s, mean_aps_asym - mean_aps_sym, marker='.', label='diff') plt.title('mAP vs Feature Depth (t) - CIFAR-10') plt.xlabel('Integration time') plt.ylabel('mAP') # plt.ylim([0, 1]) plt.legend(loc='best') ''' NFE sectioning ns = np.diff(nfe) xv = np.diff(t1s)/2 xv[1:] += t1s[1:-1] xv = xv[ns != 0] for x in xv: plt.axvline(x, c='k', ls='--') xv = np.array([0, ] + xv.tolist() + [1,]) xl = np.diff(xv) / 2 xl[1:] += xv[1:-1] for x, n in zip(xl, np.unique(nfe)): plt.annotate('NFE = {:.1f}'.format(n), (x, .2), rotation=90, ha='center', va='center') ''' plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight")
def finetune(args): run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') print(run) features_file = 'features.h5' if is None else 'features-{}.h5'.format( features_file = run.path_to(features_file) assert os.path.exists( features_file), f"Features file not found: {features_file}" results = pd.DataFrame() results_file = run.path_to('finetune.csv') if os.path.exists(results_file): if os.path.getctime(results_file) >= os.path.getctime( features_file) and not args.force: results = pd.read_csv(results_file) params = next(run.params.itertuples()) with h5py.File(features_file, 'r') as f: features = f['features'][...] y_true = f['y_true'][...] t1s = f['t1s'][...] block = np.zeros_like(t1s, dtype=int) if params.downsample == "ode": block = np.concatenate((block, block + 1)) t1s = np.concatenate((t1s, t1s)) svm = LinearSVC() Cs = np.logspace(-2, 2, 5) svm = GridSearchCV(svm, {'C': Cs}, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=-1, verbose=10, cv=5) for t1, b, fi in tqdm(zip(t1s, block, features)): if 't1' in results.columns and 'block' in results.columns and ( (results.t1 == t1) & (results.block == b)).any(): print(f'Skipping b={b} t1={t1} ...') continue score =, y_true).best_score_ print(f'Accuracy: {score:.2%}') results = results.append({ 'block': b, 't1': t1, 'cv_accuracy': score }, ignore_index=True) results.to_csv(results_file, index=False)
def train(args): exps = Experiment.gather(, main='model') exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) ax = plt.gca() for exp in exps: # if run.params.loc[0, 'lr'] == 0.1: continue try: exp.log.plot('epoch', 'test_acc', label=exp.path, ax=ax) print(exp.path) except Exception as e: print(exp.path) print(e) plt.minorticks_on() ax.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.get_yaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) plt.grid(b=True, which='minor', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight")
def transfer(args): exps = Experiment.gather(, main='model') exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) results_file = 'finetune.csv' if is None else 'finetune-{}.csv'.format( results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, results_file) perc_scale = 100 if args.percentage else 1 # filter out aggregations for now results = results[results.t1 >= 0] results.cv_accuracy *= perc_scale results['name'] = None results.loc[(results.downsample == 'residual') & (results.model == 'resnet'), 'name'] = 'Res-Net' results.loc[(results.downsample == 'residual') & (results.model == 'odenet'), 'name'] = 'Res-ODE' results.loc[(results.downsample == 'one-shot') & (results.model == 'odenet'), 'name'] = 'ODE-Only' results['name'] = pd.Categorical(results['name'], ['Res-Net', 'Res-ODE', 'ODE-Only']) results = results.sort_values('name') ax = sns.lineplot(x='t1', y='cv_accuracy', hue='name', style='name', markers=('D', 'o', 'o'), dashes=False, data=results) h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() h, l = h[1:], l[1:] ax.lines[0].set_linestyle('--') h[0].set_linestyle('--') ax.lines[0].set_color('k') h[0].set_color('k') for hi in h: hi.set_markeredgecolor('w') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('5-fold Accuracy (%)') plt.xlim(0, 1) # ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) plt.legend(handles=h, labels=l, loc='best', ncol=1) # , prop={'size': 8}) plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight")
def nfe(args): run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') print(run) results_file = run.path_to('nfe.csv.gz') best_ckpt_file = run.ckpt('best') results = pd.DataFrame() # check if results exists and are updated, then skip the computation if os.path.exists(results_file ) and os.path.getctime(results_file) >= os.path.getctime( best_ckpt_file) and not args.force: results = pd.read_csv(results_file, float_precision='round_trip').round({'t1': 2}) test_data = load_test_data(run) test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False) model = load_model(run) model = model.eval() def _nfe(test_loader, model, t1, tol, args): model.odeblock.t1 = t1 model.odeblock.tol = tol y_true = [] y_pred = [] nfes = [] for x, y in tqdm(test_loader): y_true.append(y.item()) y_pred.append(model( nfes.append(model.nfe(reset=True)) return {'y_true': y_true, 'y_pred': y_pred, 'nfe': nfes} progress = tqdm(itertools.product(args.tol, args.t1)) for tol, t1 in progress: if 't1' in results.columns and 'tol' in results.columns and ( (results.t1 == t1) & (results.tol == tol)).any(): print(f'Skipping tol={tol} t1={t1} ...') continue progress.set_postfix({'tol': tol, 't1': t1}) result = _nfe(test_loader, model, t1, tol, args) result = pd.DataFrame(result) result['t1'] = t1 result['tol'] = tol results = results.append(result, ignore_index=True) results.to_csv(results_file, index=False)
def best(args): exps = Experiment.gather(, main='model') exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) if args.l: # search best in logs data results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, 'log', index=0) else: results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, 'results') metric_cols = {'epoch', 't1', 'test_acc', 'test_loss', 'test_nfe', 'test_tol', 'acc', 'loss', 'nfe-f', 'nfe-b'} grouping_cols = results.columns.difference(metric_cols).tolist() idx_acc_max = results.groupby(grouping_cols)['test_acc'].idxmax() results = results.loc[idx_acc_max] common_params = results.apply(pd.Series.nunique) == 1 common_values = results.loc[:, common_params].iloc[0] results = results.loc[:, ~common_params] with pd.option_context('display.width', None), pd.option_context('max_columns', None): print(results.sort_values('test_acc', ascending=False).head(args.n)) print(common_values)
def _faiss_gather(s_dir): faiss_exps = os.path.join(, s_dir) faiss_exps = Experiment.gather(faiss_exps) faiss_exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, faiss_exps) faiss_exps = list(faiss_exps) db_sizes = [50000, 100000, 250000, 500000, 750000, 950000] effec = Experiment.collect_all(faiss_exps, 'metrics*.csv') effec = effec.query('limit in @db_sizes') times = Experiment.collect_all(faiss_exps, 'query_times.csv') times['query_time'] = times.loc[:, 'query_time_run1': 'query_time_run5'].mean(axis=1) space = Experiment.collect_all(faiss_exps, 'index_stats.csv') # space['size'] *= 64 / 1024 space['size'] /= 1024**2 space['build_time'] = space.train_time + space.add_time data = effec.merge(times) data = data.merge(space) data['limit'] = data.limit.apply(lambda x: str(x)[:-3] + 'k') data = pd.pivot_table(data, values=[ 'ap', 'ndcg', 'ndcg@25', 'query_time', 'size', 'build_time' ], index=['limit', 'n_probes']) data = data.reset_index().rename(columns={ 'limit': 'samples', 'n_probes': 'trade-off' }) print(data) return data
def clean(args): runs = Experiment.gather(, main='model') empty_runs = filter(lambda run: run.log.empty, runs) dirs = [run.path for run in empty_runs] n_empty_runs = len(dirs) print("Empty runs found: {}".format(n_empty_runs)) if n_empty_runs: print('\n'.join(dirs)) print("Delete them? [y/N] ", end='') if input().lower() in ('y', 'yes'): for r in dirs: command = 'rm -rf {}'.format(r) print(command) os.system(command)
def accuracy(args): run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') print(run) results_file = run.path_to('results') best_ckpt_file = run.ckpt('best') all_results = pd.DataFrame() # check if results exists and are updated, then load them (and probably skip the computation them later) if os.path.exists(results_file ) and os.path.getctime(results_file) >= os.path.getctime( best_ckpt_file) and not args.force: all_results = pd.read_csv(results_file) params = next(run.params.itertuples()) test_data = load_test_data(run) test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=params.batch_size, shuffle=False) model = load_model(run) model = model.eval() t1 = torch.arange(0, 1.05, .05) # from 0 to 1 w/ .05 step model.odeblock.t1 = t1[1:] # 0 is implicit model.odeblock.return_last_only = False if params.downsample == 'ode2': model.downsample.odeblock.t1 = t1[1:] # 0 is implicit model.downsample.odeblock.return_last_only = False model.downsample.odeblock.apply_conv = True t1 =, t1)) T = len(t1) def _evaluate(loader, model, tol, args): model.odeblock.tol = tol if 'ode' in params.downsample: model.downsample.odeblock.tol = tol n_batches = 0 n_processed = 0 nfe_forward = 0 n_correct = torch.zeros(T) tot_losses = torch.zeros(T) progress = tqdm(loader) for x, y in progress: x, y =, p = model(x) # timestamps (T) x batch (N) x classes (C) nfe_forward += model.nfe(reset=True) pp = p.permute(1, 2, 0) # N x C x T yy = y.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, T) # N x T losses = F.cross_entropy(pp, yy, reduction='none') # N x T tot_losses += losses.sum(0).cpu() yy = y.unsqueeze(0).expand(T, -1) n_correct += (yy == p.argmax(dim=-1)).sum(-1).float().cpu() n_processed += y.shape[0] n_batches += 1 # logloss = losses.item() / n_processed # accuracy = n_correct / n_processed nfe = nfe_forward / n_batches metrics = { # 'loss': f'{logloss:4.3f}', # 'acc': f'{n_correct:4d}/{n_processed:4d} ({accuracy:.2%})', 'nfe': f'{nfe:3.1f}' } progress.set_postfix(metrics) loglosses = tot_losses / n_processed accuracies = n_correct / n_processed metrics = { 't1': t1.numpy(), 'test_loss': loglosses.numpy(), 'test_acc': accuracies.numpy(), 'test_nfe': [ nfe, ] * T, 'test_tol': [ tol, ] * T } return metrics progress = tqdm(args.tol) with torch.no_grad(): for tol in progress: progress.set_postfix({'tol': tol}) if 'test_tol' in all_results.columns and (all_results.test_tol == tol).any(): progress.write(f'Skipping: tol={tol:g}') continue results = _evaluate(test_loader, model, tol, args) results = pd.DataFrame(results) all_results = all_results.append(results, ignore_index=True) all_results.to_csv(results_file, index=False)
def retrieval(args): exps = Experiment.gather(, main='model') exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) results_file = 'retrieval.csv' if is None else 'retrieval-{}.csv'.format( results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, results_file) perc_scale = 100 if args.percentage else 1 sym_metric = '{}_sym'.format(args.metric) asym_metric = '{}_asym'.format(args.metric) assert sym_metric in results.columns, f'Results not available for this run: {sym_metric}' assert asym_metric in results.columns, f'Results not available for this run: {asym_metric}' results[[sym_metric, asym_metric]] *= perc_scale results = results.sort_values('downsample') is_baseline = (results.downsample == 'residual') & (results.model == 'resnet') baseline = results[is_baseline] # baseline = pd.DataFrame() results = results[~is_baseline] assert results.dataset.nunique() == 1, "This plot should be drawn with only runs on a single dataset: {}".format(results.dataset.unique()) ci = None plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() eps = 0 if not baseline.empty: eps = .05 common = dict(xycoords='data', textcoords='offset points', fontsize=8, va='center', ha='center') mean_aps = baseline.groupby('t1').mean().sort_values('t1') for block, aps in enumerate(mean_aps.to_dict('records')): if aps[sym_metric] < .95 * perc_scale: ax.plot([0, 1 + eps], [aps[sym_metric]]*2, c='k', lw=.8) ax.annotate(f'#{block}', xy=(1 + eps, aps[sym_metric]), xytext=(8, 0), **common) if aps[asym_metric] < .95 * perc_scale: ax.plot([-eps, 1], [aps[asym_metric]]*2, c='k', lw=.8, ls='dashed') ax.annotate(f'#{block}', xy=(-eps, aps[asym_metric]), xytext=(-8, 0), **common) sns.lineplot(x='t1', y=sym_metric, hue='downsample', style='downsample', ci=ci, markers=('o', 'o'), dashes=False, data=results, ax=ax) sns.lineplot(x='t1', y=asym_metric, hue='downsample', style='downsample', ci=ci, markers=('o', 'o'), dashes=((2, 2), (2, 2)), data=results, ax=ax) label_map = {'residual': 'ODE-Net', 'one-shot': 'Full-ODE-Net'} h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() h_and_l = zip(h, l) h_and_l = sorted(h_and_l, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) h_and_l = ( (h, '{}, {}'.format(label_map[l], 'asymmetric' if h.is_dashed() else 'symmetric')) for h, l in h_and_l if l in label_map) h, l = zip(*h_and_l) if not baseline.empty: h += (Line2D([], [], c='k', lw=.8), Line2D([], [], c='k', ls='dashed', lw=.8)) l += ('ResNet, symmetric', 'ResNet, asymmetric') # plt.title(dataset) plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{\mathit{t}}$ (final hidden state time)') plt.ylabel(r'mean Average Precision {}(%)'.format('@ 10 ' if args.metric == 'ap10' else '')) plt.xlim(-2*eps, 1 + 2*eps) y_lim = (0, perc_scale) if is None else (.24 * perc_scale, .68 * perc_scale) plt.ylim(*y_lim) major_ticks = np.arange(0, 1.2, 0.2) minor_ticks = np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.05) ax.set_xticks(major_ticks) ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) ax.get_yaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.grid(b=True, which='minor', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--') plt.legend(handles=h, labels=l, loc='lower center', ncol=3, prop={'size': 8}) plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight")
def main(args): exp = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') params = next(exp.params.itertuples()) # data setup transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.numpy()) ]) preproc = utils.PREPROC[params.dataset] if params.dataset == 'mnist': data = MNIST('data/mnist', download=True, train=False, transform=transform) elif params.dataset == 'cifar10': data = CIFAR10('data/cifar10', download=True, train=False, transform=transform) preproc = map(lambda x: np.array(x).reshape((3, 1, 1)), preproc) # expand dimensions preproc = tuple(preproc) t = np.linspace(0, 1, args.resolution + 1).tolist() # model setup model = utils.load_model(exp).eval().cuda() extractor = utils.load_model(exp).eval().cuda() extractor.to_features_extractor(keep_pool=False) extractor.odeblock.t1 = t if args.tol is None: args.tol = params.tol if params.model == 'odenet': model.odeblock.tol = args.tol extractor.odeblock.tol = args.tol fmodel = foolbox.models.PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), num_classes=10, preprocessing=preproc) # attack setup if args.distance == 2: attack = foolbox.attacks.L2BasicIterativeAttack distance = foolbox.distances.MSE elif args.distance == float('inf'): attack = foolbox.attacks.LinfinityBasicIterativeAttack distance = foolbox.distances.Linf attack = attack(fmodel, distance=distance) sub_exp_root = exp.path_to('adv-attack') os.makedirs(sub_exp_root, exist_ok=True) sub_exp = Experiment(args, root=sub_exp_root, ignore=('run', 'resolution')) print(sub_exp) results_file = sub_exp.path_to('results.csv') diff_l2_file = sub_exp.path_to('diff_l2.csv') diff_cos_file = sub_exp.path_to('diff_cos.csv') if not os.path.exists(results_file): print('No results on attacks found:', results_file) return results = pd.read_csv(results_file).set_index('sample_id') diff_l2 = pd.read_csv(diff_l2_file) if os.path.exists(diff_l2_file) else pd.DataFrame() diff_cos = pd.read_csv(diff_cos_file) if os.path.exists(diff_cos_file) else pd.DataFrame() diff_cols = ['sample_id'] + t progress = tqdm(data) for i, (image, label) in enumerate(progress): if (not diff_l2.empty and not diff_cos.empty and i in diff_l2.sample_id.values and i in diff_cos.sample_id.values): continue # skipping, already computed perturbation_distance =[i, 'distance'] if perturbation_distance == 0 or not np.isfinite(perturbation_distance): continue # skipping natural errors or not-found adversarials if not isinstance(label, int): label = label.item() start = time.time() adversarial = attack(image, label, unpack=False, binary_search=False, epsilon=args.epsilon) elapsed = time.time() - start if adversarial.perturbed is None: tqdm.write(f'WARN: adversarial not found when reproducing [sample_id = {i}]') continue with torch.no_grad(): original_image = torch.from_numpy(adversarial.unperturbed).cuda() original_traj = extractor(original_image.unsqueeze(0)) adversarial_image = torch.from_numpy(adversarial.perturbed).cuda() adversarial_traj = extractor(adversarial_image.unsqueeze(0)) adversarial_traj = adversarial_traj.reshape(args.resolution + 1, -1) original_traj = original_traj.reshape(args.resolution + 1, -1) """ L2 """ diff_traj = adversarial_traj - original_traj diff_traj = (diff_traj ** 2).sum(1).sqrt() diff_traj = diff_traj.cpu().numpy() tmp = pd.DataFrame([[i] + diff_traj.tolist()], columns=diff_cols) diff_l2 = diff_l2.append(tmp, ignore_index=True) diff_l2.to_csv(diff_l2_file, index=False) """ Cosine similarity """ diff_traj = F.cosine_similarity(adversarial_traj, original_traj) diff_traj = diff_traj.cpu().numpy() tmp = pd.DataFrame([[i] + diff_traj.tolist()], columns=diff_cols) diff_cos = diff_cos.append(tmp, ignore_index=True) diff_cos.to_csv(diff_cos_file, index=False)
def tradeoff(args): exps = Experiment.gather(, main='model') exps = Experiment.filter(args.filter, exps) results = Experiment.collect_all(exps, 'nfe.csv.gz') results = results.sort_values('downsample') assert results.dataset.nunique() == 1, "This plot should be drawn with only runs on a single dataset" results['epsilon'] = 1 - results.t1 results['test error'] = 100 * (results.y_pred != results.y_true) plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() handles = [] labels = [] label_map = {'residual': 'ODE-Net', 'one-shot': 'Full-ODE-Net'} sns.lineplot(x='epsilon', y='test error', hue='downsample', style='downsample', ci='sd', markers=('o', 'o'), dashes=False, data=results, ax=ax) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{\mathit{\varepsilon}}$ (time anticipation)') ax.set_ylabel(r'test error %') h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for hi, li in zip(h[1:], l[1:]): hh = Line2D([], []) hh.update_from(hi) hh.set_marker(None) handles.append(hh) labels.append(label_map[li]) ax.get_legend().remove() ax2 = plt.twinx() sns.lineplot(x='epsilon', y='nfe', hue='downsample', style='downsample', ci='sd', markers=('X', 'X'), dashes=False, data=results, ax=ax2, legend=False) # ax2.set_ylabel(r'number of function evaluations (NFE)') ax2.set_ylabel(r'NFE') ax2.set_ylim([0, ax2.get_ylim()[1] * .9]) handles.extend([ Line2D([], [], marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markeredgecolor='w', color='k'), Line2D([], [], marker='X', markerfacecolor='k', markeredgecolor='w', color='k'), ]) labels.extend(['error', 'nfe']) handler_map = {h: HandlerLine2D(marker_pad=0) for h in handles[-2:]} plt.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc='upper center', ncol=2, handler_map=handler_map) plt.minorticks_on() ax.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.get_yaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) # ax2.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(ax2.get_yticks()[0], ax2.get_yticks()[-1], len(ax.get_yticks()))) ax.grid(b=True, which='minor', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--') ax2.grid(False) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight")
def nfe(args): assert Experiment.is_exp_dir(, "Not a run dir:" exp = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') nfe = pd.read_csv(exp.path_to('nfe.csv.gz')) #, index_col=0) nfe = nfe[(nfe.t1 == 1) & (nfe.tol == 0.001)].reset_index(drop=True) nfe.nfe = (nfe.nfe - 2) / 6 # show n. steps instead of NFE nfe = nfe[nfe.y_true == nfe.y_pred] dataset = exp.params.dataset.iloc[0] if dataset == 'mnist': labels = [str(i) for i in range(10)] elif dataset == 'cifar10': labels = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'] nfe.y_true = nfe.y_true.apply(lambda x: labels[x]) nfe = nfe.sort_values('y_true') # g = sns.FacetGrid(nfe, col='y_true') #, 'nfe') # ax = sns.boxplot(y='y_true', x='nfe', data=nfe, orient='h') # ax.set_xlabel('solver steps') # ax.set_ylabel('image class') print('{:.2g} \pm {:.2g}'.format(nfe.nfe.mean(), nfe.nfe.std())) min, max = nfe.nfe.min(), nfe.nfe.max() values = np.arange(min, max + 1) plt.xticks(values) bins = values - .5 plt.xlim(bins[0], bins[-1]) counts, _, _ = plt.hist(nfe.nfe, bins=bins) plt.grid(b=False, axis='x') plt.grid(b=True, which='minor', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--', axis='y') plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) for v, c in zip(values, counts): plt.text(v, c, f'{c:g}', ha='center', va='bottom') plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() """ Images """ sns.set_style('white') n = 5 pad = 20 side = 28 if dataset == 'mnist' else 32 side += 2 # make_grid padding groups = nfe.groupby('y_true') test_data = load_test_data(exp) test_data.transform = transforms.ToTensor() largest_nfe = groups.nfe.nlargest(n) high_nfe_idxs = largest_nfe.index.get_level_values(1) high_nfe_images = torch.stack([test_data[i][0] for i in high_nfe_idxs]) high_nfe_grid = make_grid(high_nfe_images, nrow=n) smallest_nfe = groups.nfe.nsmallest(n).reset_index().sort_values(['y_true', 'nfe'], ascending=[True, False]) low_nfe_idxs = smallest_nfe.level_1 # nsmallest in reverse order low_nfe_images = torch.stack([test_data[i][0] for i in low_nfe_idxs]) low_nfe_grid = make_grid(low_nfe_images, nrow=n) smallest_nfe = smallest_nfe.nfe grid_h = low_nfe_grid.shape[1] img_pad = torch.zeros((3, grid_h, pad)) grid =, img_pad, low_nfe_grid), 2) plt.imshow(np.transpose(grid.numpy(), (1, 2, 0))) # , interpolation='nearest') for i, (l, s) in enumerate(zip(largest_nfe, smallest_nfe)): y, x = (i // n), (i % n) y, x = (np.array((y, x)) + (0.8, 0.75)) * side text = plt.text(x, y, str(int(l)), fontsize=5, ha='left', va='top', color='white') text.set_path_effects([patheffects.Stroke(linewidth=1, foreground='black'), patheffects.Normal()]) disp = side * n + pad + 6 text = plt.text(x + disp, y, str(int(s)), fontsize=5, ha='left', va='top', color='white') text.set_path_effects([patheffects.Stroke(linewidth=1, foreground='black'), patheffects.Normal()]) ax = plt.gca() h, _ = ax.get_ylim() ticks = (np.arange(10) / 10 + 1 / (2 * 10)) * h plt.yticks(ticks, labels) plt.xticks([]) h, htxt = -0.03, -0.08 ax.annotate('', xy=(0, h), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(1, h), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="<->", color='k')) ax.annotate('high NFE', xy=(0, htxt), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(0, htxt)) ax.annotate('low NFE', xy=(1, htxt), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(0.87, htxt)) plt.savefig(args.output2, bbox_inches="tight")
def main(args): root = 'runs_' + args.dataset exp = Experiment(args, root=root, main='model', ignore=('cuda', 'device', 'epochs', 'resume')) print(exp) if os.path.exists(exp.path_to('log')) and not args.resume: print('Skipping ...') sys.exit(0) train_data, test_data, in_ch, out = load_dataset(args) train_loader = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True) test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False) if args.model == 'odenet': model = ODENet(in_ch, out=out, n_filters=args.filters, downsample=args.downsample, method=args.method, tol=args.tol, adjoint=args.adjoint, dropout=args.dropout) else: model = ResNet(in_ch, out=out, n_filters=args.filters, downsample=args.downsample, dropout=args.dropout) model = if args.optim == 'sgd': optimizer = SGD(model.parameters(),, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=args.wd) elif args.optim == 'adam': optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.wd) # print(train_data) # print(test_data) # print(model) # print(optimizer) if args.resume: ckpt = torch.load(exp.ckpt('last')) print('Loaded: {}'.format(exp.ckpt('last'))) model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model']) optimizer.load_state_dict(ckpt['optim']) start_epoch = ckpt['epoch'] + 1 best_accuracy = exp.log['test_acc'].max() print('Resuming from epoch {}: {}'.format(start_epoch, else: metrics = evaluate(test_loader, model, args) best_accuracy = metrics['test_acc'] start_epoch = 1 if args.lrschedule == 'fixed': scheduler = LambdaLR( optimizer, lr_lambda=lambda x: 1) # no-op scheduler, just for cleaner code elif args.lrschedule == 'plateau': scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode='max', patience=args.patience) elif args.lrschedule == 'cosine': scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, args.lrcycle, last_epoch=start_epoch - 2) progress = trange(start_epoch, args.epochs + 1, initial=start_epoch, total=args.epochs) for epoch in progress: metrics = {'epoch': epoch} progress.set_postfix({'Best ACC': f'{best_accuracy:.2%}'}) progress.set_description('TRAIN') train_metrics = train(train_loader, model, optimizer, args) progress.set_description('EVAL') test_metrics = evaluate(test_loader, model, args) is_best = test_metrics['test_acc'] > best_accuracy best_accuracy = max(test_metrics['test_acc'], best_accuracy) metrics.update(train_metrics) metrics.update(test_metrics) save_checkpoint( exp, { 'epoch': epoch, 'params': vars(args), 'model': model.state_dict(), 'optim': optimizer.state_dict(), 'metrics': metrics }, is_best) exp.push_log(metrics) sched_args = metrics[ 'test_acc'] if args.lrschedule == 'plateau' else None scheduler.step(sched_args)
def main(args): exp = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') params = next(exp.params.itertuples()) # data setup transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.numpy())]) preproc = utils.PREPROC[params.dataset] if params.dataset == 'mnist': data = MNIST('data/mnist', download=True, train=False, transform=transform) elif params.dataset == 'cifar10': data = CIFAR10('data/cifar10', download=True, train=False, transform=transform) preproc = map(lambda x: np.array(x).reshape((3, 1, 1)), preproc) # expand dimensions preproc = tuple(preproc) # model setup model = utils.load_model(exp).eval().cuda() if args.tol is None: args.tol = params.tol if params.model == 'odenet': model.odeblock.tol = args.tol fmodel = foolbox.models.PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), num_classes=10, preprocessing=preproc) # attack setup if args.distance == 2: attack = foolbox.attacks.L2BasicIterativeAttack distance = foolbox.distances.MSE elif args.distance == float('inf'): attack = foolbox.attacks.LinfinityBasicIterativeAttack distance = foolbox.distances.Linf attack = attack(fmodel, distance=distance) sub_exp_root = exp.path_to('adv-attack') os.makedirs(sub_exp_root, exist_ok=True) sub_exp = Experiment(args, root=sub_exp_root, ignore=('run', )) print(sub_exp) results_file = sub_exp.path_to('results.csv') results = pd.read_csv(results_file) if os.path.exists( results_file) else pd.DataFrame() # perform attack progress = tqdm(data) for i, (image, label) in enumerate(progress): if not results.empty and i in results.sample_id.values: continue if not isinstance(label, int): label = label.item() start = time.time() adversarial = attack(image, label, unpack=False, binary_search=False, stepsize=args.stepsize, epsilon=args.epsilon) elapsed = time.time() - start result = pd.DataFrame(dict( sample_id=i, label=label, elapsed_time=elapsed, distance=adversarial.distance.value, adversarial_class=adversarial.adversarial_class, original_class=adversarial.original_class, ), index=[0]) results = results.append(result, ignore_index=True) results.to_csv(results_file, index=False) success = ~results.adversarial_class.isna() successes = success.sum() success_rate = success.mean() progress.set_postfix({ 'success_rate': f'{success_rate:.2%} ({successes}/{len(success)})' })
def main(args): exp = Experiment(args, ignore=('epochs', 'resume')) print(exp) np.random.seed(args.seed) tf.random.set_seed(args.seed) data = load_datasets( # TRAIN/VAL/TEST SPLIT if args.split == 'subjects': # by SUBJECTS val_subjects = (6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 28, 30, 48, 49) test_subjects = (3, 4, 19, 38, 45, 46, 51, 52) train_data = data[~data['sub'].isin(val_subjects + test_subjects)] val_data = data[data['sub'].isin(val_subjects)] test_data = data[data['sub'].isin(test_subjects)] elif args.split == 'random': # 70-20-10 % train_data, valtest_data = train_test_split(data, test_size=.3, shuffle=True) val_data, test_data = train_test_split(valtest_data, test_size=.33) lengths = map(len, (data, train_data, val_data, test_data)) print("Total: {} - Train / Val / Test: {} / {} / {}".format(*lengths)) x_shape = (args.resolution, args.resolution, 1) y_shape = (args.resolution, args.resolution, 1) train_gen, _ = get_loader(train_data, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, augment=True, x_shape=x_shape) val_gen, val_categories = get_loader(val_data, batch_size=args.batch_size, x_shape=x_shape) # test_gen, test_categories = get_loader(test_data, batch_size=1, x_shape=x_shape) log = exp.path_to('log.csv') # weights_only checkpoints best_weights_path = exp.path_to('best_weights.h5') best_mask_weights_path = exp.path_to('best_weights_mask.h5') # whole model checkpoints best_ckpt_path = exp.path_to('best_model.h5') last_ckpt_path = exp.path_to('last_model.h5') if args.resume and os.path.exists(last_ckpt_path): custom_objects = { 'AdaBeliefOptimizer': AdaBeliefOptimizer, 'iou_coef': evaluate.iou_coef, 'dice_coef': evaluate.dice_coef, 'hard_swish': hard_swish } model = tf.keras.models.load_model(last_ckpt_path, custom_objects=custom_objects) optimizer = model.optimizer initial_epoch = len(pd.read_csv(log)) else: config = vars(args) model = build_model(x_shape, y_shape, config) optimizer = AdaBeliefOptimizer(, print_change_log=False) initial_epoch = 0 model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics={ 'mask': [evaluate.iou_coef, evaluate.dice_coef], 'tags': 'binary_accuracy' }) model_stopped_file = exp.path_to('early_stopped.txt') need_training = not os.path.exists( model_stopped_file) and initial_epoch < args.epochs if need_training: best_checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(best_weights_path, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True) best_mask_checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(best_mask_weights_path, monitor='val_mask_dice_coef', mode='max', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True) last_checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(last_ckpt_path, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False) logger = CSVLogger(log, append=args.resume) progress = TqdmCallback(verbose=1, initial=initial_epoch, dynamic_ncols=True) early_stop = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping( monitor='val_mask_dice_coef', mode='max', patience=100) callbacks = [ best_checkpointer, best_mask_checkpointer, last_checkpointer, logger, progress, early_stop ], epochs=args.epochs, callbacks=callbacks, initial_epoch=initial_epoch, steps_per_epoch=len(train_gen), validation_data=val_gen, validation_steps=len(val_gen), verbose=False) if model.stop_training: open(model_stopped_file, 'w').close() tf.keras.models.save_model(model, best_ckpt_path, include_optimizer=False) # evaluation on test set evaluate.evaluate(exp, force=need_training) # save best snapshot in SavedModel format model.load_weights(best_mask_weights_path) best_savedmodel_path = exp.path_to('best_savedmodel'), save_traces=True) # export to tfjs (Layers model) tfjs_model_dir = exp.path_to('tfjs') tfjs.converters.save_keras_model(model, tfjs_model_dir)
def main(args): dataset, q, x = utils.load_benchmark(args.dataset, args.features) q = utils.load_features(q, chunks=(2500, 2048)) x = utils.load_features(x, chunks=(2500, 2048)) if args.limit: x = x[:args.limit] n_points, dim = x.shape if args.n_cells is None: step_k = 2500 min_points_per_centroid = 39.0 max_points_per_centroid = 256.0 # n_train_points = min(n_points, 120000) # train index with less points or it crashes.. min_k = np.ceil( n_points / (step_k * max_points_per_centroid)).astype(int) * step_k max_k = np.floor( n_points / (step_k * min_points_per_centroid)).astype(int) * step_k args.n_cells = min_k print('Using min suggested cells:', args.n_cells) exp = Experiment(args, root=args.output, ignore=('output', 'pretrained')) print(exp) # create or load faiss index index_file = exp.path_to('index.faiss') if not os.path.exists(index_file): if args.pretrained: print('Loading pre-trained empty index ...') index = faiss.read_index(args.pretrained) train_time = None else: tmp = utils.compute_if_dask(x) print('Creating index: training ...') index = faiss.index_factory( dim, 'IVF{},PQ{}'.format(args.n_cells, args.code_size)) # index = faiss.index_factory(dim, 'IVF{},Flat'.format(args.n_cells)) start = time.time() index.train(tmp) train_time = time.time() - start del tmp print('Creating index: adding ...') start = time.time() bs = 2**14 for i in trange(0, x.shape[0], bs): batch = utils.compute_if_dask(x[i:i + bs]) index.add(batch) add_time = time.time() - start faiss.write_index(index, index_file) size = os.path.getsize(index_file) index_stats_file = exp.path_to('index_stats.csv') index_stats = pd.DataFrame( { 'size': size, 'train_time': train_time, 'add_time': add_time }, index=[0]) index_stats.to_csv(index_stats_file, index=False) else: print('Loading pre-built index ...') index = faiss.read_index(index_file) n_probes = (1, 2, 5, 10, 25) # , 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000) n_probes = filter(lambda x: x <= args.n_cells, n_probes) params = vars(args) progress = tqdm(n_probes) for p in progress: index.nprobe = p params['nprobe'] = p progress.set_postfix( {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k != 'output'}) scores = None scores_file = exp.path_to(f'scores_np{p}.h5') if not os.path.exists(scores_file): print('Computing scores:', scores_file) q = utils.compute_if_dask(q) # execute kNN search using k = dataset size ranked_sim, ranked_ids =, n_points) # we need a similarity matrix, we construct it from the ranked results. # we fill it initially with the lowest score (not recovered IDs has infinity score) if False: # XXX OPTIMIZED VERSION NOT WORKING!!!! ranked_ids =, mask=(ranked_ids < 0)) id_order = ranked_ids.argsort(axis=1) scores = -ranked_sim[np.arange(q.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1), id_order] del ranked_sim, ranked_ids, id_order else: scores = np.full((q.shape[0], n_points), np.inf) for i, (rsims, rids) in enumerate(zip(ranked_sim, ranked_ids)): for rsim, rid in zip(rsims, rids): if rid > 0: scores[i, rid] = rsim scores = -scores utils.save_as_hdf5(scores, scores_file, progress=True) query_times, query_times_file = exp.require_csv('query_times.csv', index='n_probes') for i in trange(1, 6): if utils.value_missing(query_times, p, f'query_time_run{i}'): q = utils.compute_if_dask(q) start = time.time(), n_points) query_time = time.time() - start[p, f'query_time_run{i}'] = query_time query_times.to_csv(query_times_file) metrics, metrics_file = exp.require_csv(f'metrics_np{p}.csv') if 'ap' not in metrics: if scores is None: print('Loading scores...') scores = utils.load_features(scores_file) print('Computing mAP...') metrics['ap'] = dataset.score(scores[...], reduction=False, progress=True) metrics.to_csv(metrics_file, index=False) if 'ndcg' not in metrics: dataset._load() # TODO in y_true getter if scores is None: print('Loading scores...') scores = utils.load_features(scores_file) print('Computing nDCG...') y_true = dataset.y_true[:, :args. limit] if args.limit else dataset.y_true bs = 5 ndcg = [] for i in trange(0, y_true.shape[0], bs): ndcg.append( dcg(y_true[i:i + bs], scores[i:i + bs], normalized=True)) ndcg = np.concatenate(ndcg) # metrics['ndcg'] = dcg(y_true, scores, normalized=True) metrics['ndcg'] = ndcg metrics.to_csv(metrics_file, index=False) if 'ndcg@25' not in metrics: dataset._load() # TODO in y_true getter if scores is None: progress.write('Loading scores...') scores = utils.load_features(scores_file)[...] progress.write('Computing nDCG@25...') y_true = dataset.y_true[:, :args. limit] if args.limit else dataset.y_true bs = 50 ndcg = [] for i in trange(0, y_true.shape[0], bs): ndcg.append( dcg(y_true[i:i + bs], scores[i:i + bs], p=25, normalized=True)) metrics['ndcg@25'] = np.concatenate(ndcg) # metrics['ndcg'] = dcg(dataset.y_true, scores, normalized=True) metrics.to_csv(metrics_file, index=False) progress.write(f'nDCG@25: {metrics["ndcg@25"].mean()}') metrics['n_probes'] = p metrics.to_csv(metrics_file, index=False)
def retrieval(args): exp = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') features_file = exp.path_to('features.h5') results_file = exp.path_to('retrieval.csv') assert os.path.exists( features_file), f"No pre-extracted features found: {features_file}" all_results = pd.DataFrame() # check if results exists and are updated, then load them (and probably skip the computation them later) if os.path.exists(results_file ) and os.path.getctime(results_file) >= os.path.getctime( features_file) and not args.force: all_results = pd.read_csv(results_file) params = next(exp.params.itertuples()) with h5py.File(features_file, 'r') as f: features = f['features'][...] y_true = f['y_true'][...] if params.model == 'odenet': t1s = f['t1s'][...] features /= np.linalg.norm(features, axis=-2, keepdims=True) queries = features # all queries n_samples = features.shape[ -2] # number of samples, for both models (first dimension might be t1) n_queries = queries.shape[ -2] # number of queries, for both models (first dimension might be t1) gt = np.broadcast_to(y_true, (n_queries, n_samples)) == y_true[:n_queries].reshape( n_samples, -1) # gt per query in each row def score(queries, db, gt): scores = aps = [ average_precision_score(gt[i], scores[i]) for i in trange(n_queries) ] return np.mean(aps) if params.model == 'odenet': for i, t1 in enumerate(tqdm(t1s)): # TODO check and skip mean_ap_asym = score(queries[i], features[-1], gt) # t1 = 1 for db mean_ap_sym = score(queries[i], features[i], gt) # t1 same for queries and db results = { 't1': t1, 'mean_ap_asym': mean_ap_asym, 'mean_ap_sym': mean_ap_sym } all_results = all_results.append(results, ignore_index=True) all_results.to_csv(results_file, index=False) else: # resnet mean_ap = score(features, features, gt) all_results = all_results.append({'mean_ap': mean_ap}, ignore_index=True) all_results.to_csv(results_file, index=False)
def nfe(args): assert Experiment.is_exp_dir(, "Not a run dir:" runs = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') nfe = pd.read_csv(runs.path_to('nfe.csv'), index_col=0) sns.boxplot(x='y_true', y='nfe', data=nfe) plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches="tight")
def tradeoff(args): run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') print(run) results_file = run.path_to('tradeoff.csv') best_ckpt_file = run.ckpt('best') results = pd.DataFrame() # check if results exists and are updated, then load them (and probably skip the computation them later) if os.path.exists(results_file ) and os.path.getctime(results_file) >= os.path.getctime( best_ckpt_file) and not args.force: results = pd.read_csv(results_file) params = next(run.params.itertuples()) test_data = load_test_data(run) test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=params.batch_size, shuffle=False) model = load_model(run) model = model.eval() def _evaluate(loader, model, t1, tol, args): model.odeblock.t1 = t1 model.odeblock.tol = tol n_correct = 0 n_batches = 0 n_processed = 0 nfe_forward = 0 progress = tqdm(loader) for x, y in progress: x, y =, p = model(x) nfe_forward += model.nfe(reset=True) loss = F.cross_entropy(p, y) n_correct += (y == p.argmax(dim=1)).sum().item() n_processed += y.shape[0] n_batches += 1 logloss = loss.item() / n_processed accuracy = n_correct / n_processed nfe = nfe_forward / n_batches metrics = { 'loss': f'{logloss:4.3f}', 'acc': f'{n_correct:4d}/{n_processed:4d} ({accuracy:.2%})', 'nfe': f'{nfe:3.1f}' } progress.set_postfix(metrics) metrics = { 't1': t1, 'test_loss': logloss, 'test_acc': accuracy, 'test_nfe': nfe, 'test_tol': tol } return metrics progress = tqdm(itertools.product(args.tol, args.t1)) for tol, t1 in progress: if 't1' in results.columns and 'test_tol' in results.columns and ( (results.t1 == t1) & (results.test_tol == tol)).any(): print(f'Skipping tol={tol} t1={t1} ...') continue progress.set_postfix({'tol': tol, 't1': t1}) result = _evaluate(test_loader, model, t1, tol, args) results = results.append(result, ignore_index=True) results.to_csv(results_file, index=False)
def main(args): # do not track lambda param, it can be changed after train exp = Experiment(args, ignore=('lambda_', )) print(exp) if exp.found: print('Already exists: SKIPPING') exit(0) np.random.seed(args.seed) tf.random.set_seed(args.seed) # get data train_dataset = get_train_data(args.category, image_size=args.image_size, patch_size=args.patch_size, batch_size=args.batch_size, n_batches=args.n_batches, rotation_range=args.rotation_range, seed=args.seed) test_dataset, test_labels = get_test_data(args.category, image_size=args.image_size, patch_size=args.patch_size, batch_size=args.batch_size) is_object = args.category in objects # build models generator = make_generator(args.latent_size, channels=args.channels, upsample_first=is_object, upsample_type=args.ge_up, bn=args.ge_bn, act=args.ge_act) encoder = make_encoder(args.patch_size, args.latent_size, channels=args.channels, bn=args.ge_bn, act=args.ge_act) discriminator = make_discriminator(args.patch_size, args.latent_size, channels=args.channels, bn=args.d_bn, act=args.d_act) # feature extractor model for evaluation discriminator_features = get_discriminator_features_model(discriminator) # build optimizers generator_encoder_optimizer = O.Adam(, beta_1=args.ge_beta1, beta_2=args.ge_beta2) discriminator_optimizer = O.Adam(, beta_1=args.d_beta1, beta_2=args.d_beta2) # reference to the models to use in eval generator_eval = generator encoder_eval = encoder # for smoothing generator and encoder evolution if args.ge_decay > 0: ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=args.ge_decay) generator_ema = tf.keras.models.clone_model(generator) encoder_ema = tf.keras.models.clone_model(encoder) generator_eval = generator_ema encoder_eval = encoder_ema # checkpointer checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint( generator=generator, encoder=encoder, discriminator=discriminator, generator_encoder_optimizer=generator_encoder_optimizer, discriminator_optimizer=discriminator_optimizer) best_ckpt_path = exp.ckpt(f'ckpt_{args.category}_best') last_ckpt_path = exp.ckpt(f'ckpt_{args.category}_last') # log stuff log, log_file = exp.require_csv(f'log_{args.category}.csv.gz') metrics, metrics_file = exp.require_csv(f'metrics_{args.category}.csv') best_metric = 0. best_recon = float('inf') best_recon_file = exp.path_to(f'best_recon_{args.category}.png') last_recon_file = exp.path_to(f'last_recon_{args.category}.png') # animate generation during training n_preview = 6 train_batch = next(iter(train_dataset))[:n_preview] test_batch = next(iter(test_dataset))[0][:n_preview] latent_batch = tf.random.normal([n_preview, args.latent_size]) if not is_object: # take random patches from test images patch_location = np.random.randint(0, args.image_size - args.patch_size, (n_preview, 2)) test_batch = [ x[i:i + args.patch_size, j:j + args.patch_size, :] for x, (i, j) in zip(test_batch, patch_location) ] test_batch = K.stack(test_batch) video_out = exp.path_to(f'{args.category}.mp4') video_options = dict(fps=30, codec='libx265', quality=4) # see imageio FFMPEG options video_saver = VideoSaver(train_batch, test_batch, latent_batch, video_out, **video_options) video_saver.generate_and_save(generator, encoder) # train loop progress = tqdm(train_dataset, desc=args.category, dynamic_ncols=True) try: for step, image_batch in enumerate(progress, start=1): if step == 1 or args.d_iter == 0: # only for JIT compilation (tf.function) to work d_train = True ge_train = True elif args.d_iter: n_iter = step % (abs(args.d_iter) + 1) # can be in [0, d_iter] d_train = (n_iter != 0) if (args.d_iter > 0) else ( n_iter == 0) # True in [1, d_iter] ge_train = not d_train # True when step == d_iter + 1 else: # d_iter == None: dynamic adjustment d_train = (scores['fake_score'] > 0) or (scores['real_score'] < 0) ge_train = (scores['real_score'] > 0) or (scores['fake_score'] < 0) losses, scores = train_step(image_batch, generator, encoder, discriminator, generator_encoder_optimizer, discriminator_optimizer, d_train, ge_train, alpha=args.alpha, gp_weight=args.gp_weight) if (args.ge_decay > 0) and (step % 10 == 0): ge_vars = generator.variables + encoder.variables ema.apply(ge_vars) # update exponential moving average # tensor to numpy losses = { n: l.numpy() if l is not None else l for n, l in losses.items() } scores = { n: s.numpy() if s is not None else s for n, s in scores.items() } # log step metrics entry = { 'step': step, 'timestamp': pd.to_datetime('now'), **losses, **scores } log = log.append(entry, ignore_index=True) if step % 100 == 0: if args.ge_decay > 0: ge_ema_vars = generator_ema.variables + encoder_ema.variables for v_ema, v in zip(ge_ema_vars, ge_vars): v_ema.assign(ema.average(v)) preview = video_saver.generate_and_save( generator_eval, encoder_eval) if step % 1000 == 0: log.to_csv(log_file, index=False) checkpoint.write(file_prefix=last_ckpt_path) auc, balanced_accuracy = evaluate(generator_eval, encoder_eval, discriminator_features, test_dataset, test_labels, patch_size=args.patch_size, lambda_=args.lambda_) entry = { 'step': step, 'auc': auc, 'balanced_accuracy': balanced_accuracy } metrics = metrics.append(entry, ignore_index=True) metrics.to_csv(metrics_file, index=False) if auc > best_metric: best_metric = auc checkpoint.write(file_prefix=best_ckpt_path) # save last image to inspect it during training imageio.imwrite(last_recon_file, preview) recon = losses['images_reconstruction_loss'] if recon < best_recon: best_recon = recon imageio.imwrite(best_recon_file, preview) progress.set_postfix({ 'AUC': f'{auc:.1%}', 'BalAcc': f'{balanced_accuracy:.1%}', 'BestAUC': f'{best_metric:.1%}', }) except KeyboardInterrupt: checkpoint.write(file_prefix=last_ckpt_path) finally: log.to_csv(log_file, index=False) video_saver.close() # score the test set auc, balanced_accuracy = evaluate(generator, encoder, discriminator_features, test_dataset, test_labels, patch_size=args.patch_size, lambda_=args.lambda_) print(f'{args.category}: AUC={auc}, BalAcc={balanced_accuracy}')
def features(args): run = Experiment.from_dir(, main='model') print(run) params = next(run.params.itertuples()) features_file = 'features.h5' if is None else 'features-{}.h5'.format( features_file = run.path_to(features_file) results_file = run.path_to('results') dependecy_file = run.ckpt('best') if os.path.exists(features_file) and os.path.getctime( features_file) >= os.path.getctime( dependecy_file) and not args.force: print('Skipping...') sys.exit(0) if == 'tiny-imagenet-200': transfer_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(32), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465), (0.2023, 0.1994, 0.2010)), ]) test_data = TinyImageNet200('data/tiny-imagenet-200', split='val', transform=transfer_transform) else: test_data = load_test_data(run) test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=params.batch_size, shuffle=False) model = load_model(run) model = model.eval() model.to_features_extractor() if params.model == 'odenet': if os.path.exists(results_file): # reuse t1s if already tested results = pd.read_csv(results_file) results = results[results.t1 <= 1] t1s = results.t1.sort_values().unique() else: t1s = np.arange(.05, 1.05, .05) # from 0 to 1 w/ .05 step model.odeblock.t1 = t1s.tolist() if 'ode' in params.downsample: model.downsample.odeblock.t1 = t1s.tolist() t1s = np.insert(t1s, 0, 0) # add 0 at the beginning features = [] y_true = [] with torch.no_grad(): for x, y in tqdm(test_loader): x = y_true.append(y.numpy()) f = model(x) f = f.cpu().numpy() features.append(f) features = np.concatenate(features, -2) # concat along batch dimension y_true = np.concatenate(y_true) with h5py.File(features_file, 'w') as f: f['features'] = features f['y_true'] = y_true if params.model == 'odenet': f['t1s'] = t1s