Beispiel #1
    def express_as(self, form):
        """Expresses the equation in the form passed as an argument
        and returns an instance of that form's class as the new expression.

        Valid forms are , Standard and .
        Keyword arguments:

        form (str): the form the equation will be converted to"""

        slope = str(self.slope)

        if not isinstance(form, LinearForms):
            raise InvalidFormError(form)
        if form is self.form:
            raise RedundantConversionError(self.form, form)

        if form is LinearForms.PointSlope:

            points = self.get_point(2)
            x_point, y_point = str(points[0]), str(points[1])
            rewritten = "y-" + y_point + "=" + slope + "(x-" + x_point + ")"

            rewritten = Expression.beautify(rewritten)
            return PointSlope(rewritten)

        if form == LinearForms.SlopeIntercept:
            operator = "+" if self.y_intercept > 0 else ""
            rewritten = "y=" + slope + "x" + operator + str(self.y_intercept)

            rewritten = Expression.beautify(rewritten)
            return SlopeIntercept(rewritten)

        raise InvalidFormError(form)
Beispiel #2
    def substract(a, b):
        """Returns the expression resultant of substracting terms a and b."""

        a = Expression(a, no_vars_intended=True)
        b = Expression(b, no_vars_intended=True)

        if isanumber(a.expression) or isanumber(b.expression):
            raise NonAlgebraicOperationError

        if len(a.terms) > 1 or len(b.terms) > 1:
            raise InvalidOperationError(a, b)

        if TermOperations.getpower(
                a.expression) is not TermOperations.getpower(
                    b.expression) or a.variables != b.variables:
            result = a.expression + '-' + b.expression
            return Expression.beautify(result)

        a_coefficient = a.get_number(0, frac_to_number=True)
        b_coefficient = b.get_number(0, frac_to_number=True)

        result = str(num(a_coefficient) - num(b_coefficient))
        result = if_assign(result == '1', "", result)
        result = if_assign(result == '-1', "-", result)

        result += "".join(a.variables) + '**' + str(
        return Expression.beautify(result)
Beispiel #3
    def add(a, b, non_algebraic=False):
        """Returns the expression resultant of adding terms a and b."""

        a = Expression(a, no_vars_intended=True)
        b = Expression(b, no_vars_intended=True)

        if isanumber(a.expression) or isanumber(b.expression):

            if non_algebraic is True:
                return num(num(a.expression) + num(b.expression))
            raise NonAlgebraicOperationError

        if len(a.terms) > 1 or len(b.terms) > 1:
            raise InvalidOperationError(a, b)

        if TermOperations.getpower(
                a.expression) is not TermOperations.getpower(
                    b.expression) or a.variables != b.variables:
            operator = if_assign(b.expression.startswith('-'), '', '+')
            return Expression.beautify(a.expression + operator + b.expression)

        a_coefficient = a.get_number(0)
        b_coefficient = b.get_number(0)

        result = str(num(a_coefficient) + num(b_coefficient))
        result = if_assign(result == '1', "", result)
        result = if_assign(result == '-1', "-", result)

        result += "".join(a.variables) + '**' + str(
        if result.endswith('**1'):
            result = result.replace('**1', '')
        return Expression.beautify(result)
Beispiel #4
    def sort(self, for_variable):
        """Sorts a Standard Form linear equation
        to be solved for a given variable.

        Keyword arguments:

        variable (str): the variable this equation will be sorted to solve for."""

        # Required and convenient variables definition.

        eqtn = self.equation
        c_pos, a, b = eqtn.find(
            "=") + 1, self.x_coefficient, self.y_coefficient
        c = self.get_number(c_pos, eqtn)
        den = if_assign(for_variable == 'y', a, b)
        mult = if_assign(for_variable == 'y', b, a)

        if eqtn[eqtn.index(for_variable) - len(str(mult)) - 1] == "-":
            operator = "+"
            operator = "-"

        # Expressing

        sol_side = "(" + c + operator + mult + "*" + for_variable + ")" + "/" + den
        sol_side = Expression.beautify(sol_side)

        return sol_side
Beispiel #5
    def addition(p, q, name=None):
        """Performs addition between polynomials p and q."""

        if not isinstance(p, Polynomial) or not isinstance(q, Polynomial):
            raise InvalidOperationError(p, q)

        result = ""
        alr_added = []

        for term in p.terms:
            if term in alr_added:
            match = PolynomialOperation.find_term_by_degree(term, q)
            if match is not None and match not in alr_added:
                result += str(
                    TermOperations.add(term, match, non_algebraic=True)) + '+'
                alr_added.extend([term, match])
            result += term + '+'

        for term in q.terms:
            if PolynomialOperation.find_term_by_degree(term, p) is None:
                result += term + '+'

        return Polynomial(Expression.beautify(result), name)
Beispiel #6
    def multiply(a, b):
        """Multiplies terms a and b."""

        a = Expression(a, no_vars_intended=True)
        b = Expression(b, no_vars_intended=True)

        power = str(
                TermOperations.getpower(a.expression) >=
        variables = set(a.variables + b.variables)

        if len(TermOperations.commonvars(a.expression, b.expression)) > 0:
            power = str(
                int(TermOperations.getpower(a.expression)) +

        power = if_assign(power == '1', '', power)

        if power == '1':
            return "".join(variables)

        a_coefficient = a.get_number(0)
        b_coefficient = b.get_number(0)

        result = str(int(a_coefficient) *
                     int(b_coefficient)) + "".join(variables) + '**' + power
        return Expression.beautify(result)
Beispiel #7
    def simplify(self):
        """Simplify terms of same degree into single term."""

        polynomial = ""
        for k, v in self.terms_by_degree.items():
            polynomial += v + "+"

        return Expression.beautify(polynomial)
Beispiel #8
    def express_as(self, form):
        """Expresses the equation in the form passed as an argument
        and returns an instance of that form's class as the new expression.

        Valid forms are , Standard and .
        Keyword arguments:

        form (str): the form the equation will be converted to"""

        # Required and convenient variables definition.

        slope, y_intercept = str(self.slope), str(self.y_intercept)

        if not isinstance(form, LinearForms):
            raise InvalidFormError(self.equation.form, form)
        if form == self.form:
            raise RedundantConversionError(self.form, form)

        # Express in Standard Form.
        if form is LinearForms.Standard:

            slope = slope.replace('-', '')
            x_op = if_assign(self.slope < 0, '', '-')

            # 'y' will always be positive, for negative multipliers of it will
            # be distributed. Hence why '+' is the operator before 'y'.

            rewritten = x_op + slope + "x" + '+' + "y" + "=" + y_intercept
            rewritten = Expression.beautify(rewritten)

            return Standard(rewritten)

        # Express in  form.
        if form is LinearForms.PointSlope:

            points = self.get_point(2)
            x_point, y_point = str(points[0]), str(points[1])

            rewritten = "y-" + y_point + "=" + slope + "(x-" + x_point + ")"
            rewritten = Expression.beautify(rewritten)

            return PointSlope(rewritten)

        raise InvalidFormError(form)
Beispiel #9
    def reorder_terms(self):
        """Reorders the terms of the polynomial; higher degrees first."""

        ordered_terms = []

        for degree in self.degrees:

        expression = "+".join(ordered_terms)
        return Expression.beautify(expression)
Beispiel #10
    def sort_for_y(self):
        """Sorts equation for y."""

        eqtn, sol_side = self.equation, self.rhs
        x_index = eqtn.index('x')
        operator = if_assign(eqtn[x_index + 1] == '-', '+', '-')
        slope_sign = if_assign(eqtn[0] == '-', '-', '')

        sol_side = "(" + self.y_coefficient + "*y" + operator + \
                str(self.y_intercept).replace('-', '') + ")/" + slope_sign + str(self.slope)
        sol_side = Expression.beautify(sol_side)

        return sol_side
Beispiel #11
    def product(p, q, name=None):
        """Takes the product of polynomials p and q."""

        if not isinstance(p, Polynomial) or not isinstance(q, Polynomial):
            raise InvalidOperationError(p, q)

        result = []

        for term_of_p in p.terms:
            for term_of_q in q.terms:
                result.append(TermOperations.multiply(term_of_p, term_of_q))

        result = '+'.join(result)
        return Polynomial(Expression.beautify(result), name)
Beispiel #12
    def sort_for_x(self):
        """Sorts equation for x."""

        eqtn, sol_side, y_coefficient = self.equation, self.rhs, self.y_coefficient
        x_index = eqtn.index('x')

        # Set the solution side
        sol_side = "(" + sol_side + ")/" + y_coefficient
        # Add a * symbol before the x if there's a number before it.
        sol_side = if_assign(eqtn[x_index - 1].isdigit(),
                             sol_side.replace('x', '*x'), sol_side)
        # Beautify the solution side.
        sol_side = Expression.beautify(sol_side)

        return sol_side
Beispiel #13
    def sort_for_y(self):
        """Sorts equation for y."""

        # Required and convenient variables definition.
        eqtn, y_index = self.equation, self.equation.index('y')
        x_index = eqtn.index('x')
        y_point = self.get_number(y_index + 2, eqtn)
        x_point = self.get_number(x_index + 2, eqtn)
        x_point_op = if_assign(eqtn[x_index + 1] == '-', '-', '+')

        # Expression
        sol_side = "(y" + eqtn[y_index + 1] + y_point + "-" + str(self.slope) + \
                "*" + x_point_op + x_point + ")/" + str(self.slope)

        sol_side = Expression.beautify(sol_side)
        return sol_side
Beispiel #14
    def divide(a, b):
        a = Expression(a)
        b = Expression(b)

        variables = set(a.variables + b.variables)
        power = '**' + str(
            int(TermOperations.getpower(a.expression)) -
        power = if_assign(power == '**1', '', power)

        if power == '**0':
            return "/".join(variables)

        a_coefficient = a.get_number(0)
        b_coefficient = b.get_number(0)

        result = str(num(
            int(a_coefficient) / int(b_coefficient))) + "/".join(variables)
        result = if_assign(power != '', '(' + result + ')' + power, result)
        return Expression.beautify(result)
Beispiel #15
    def _complete(self):
        if not any('**2' in term for term in self.terms):
            raise NoSquareError(self.expression)

        term_count = len(self.terms)

        if term_count is 3:

        if term_count is 2:
            if any(self.variables[0] not in term for term in self.terms):
                self.terms.insert(1, '0' + self.variables[0])
                self.terms.insert(2, '0')

        if term_count is 1:
            self.terms.insert(1, '0' + self.variables[0])
            self.terms.insert(2, '0')

        self.expression = Expression.beautify('+'.join(self.terms))
Beispiel #16
    def express_as(self, form):
        """Expresses the equation in the form passed as an argument
        and returns an instance of that form's class as the new expression.

        Valid forms are , Standard and .
        Keyword arguments:

        form (str): the form the equation will be converted to"""

        eqtn, slope = self.equation, str(self.slope)

        if not isinstance(form, LinearForms):
            raise InvalidFormError(form)

        if form is self.form:
            raise RedundantConversionError(self.form, form)

        if form is LinearForms.SlopeIntercept:
            operator = if_assign(self.y_intercept < 0, '', '+')
            rewritten = 'y=' + slope + "x" + operator + str(self.y_intercept)

            if '--' in rewritten:
                rewritten = rewritten.replace('--', '+')

            return SlopeIntercept(rewritten)

        if form is LinearForms.Standard:
            operator = if_assign(eqtn[0] == '-', '-', '+')
            y_coefficient = if_assign(self.y_coefficient == '1', '',

            rewritten = '-' + self.x_coefficient + 'x' + operator + \
                    y_coefficient + 'y' + '=' + str(self.y_intercept)

            rewritten = Expression.beautify(rewritten)

            return Standard(rewritten)

        raise InvalidFormError(form)
Beispiel #17
    def sort_for_x(self):
        """Sorts equation for x."""

        eqtn, y_index = self.equation, self.equation.index('y')
        x_index = eqtn.index('x')
        y_point = self.get_number(y_index + 2, eqtn)
        x_point = self.get_number(x_index + 2, eqtn)

        slope_pos = self.equal_index + 1

        # Gets the slope instead of using self.slope because this method is called
        # before defining (and to define) the slope attribute.

        slope = self.get_number(slope_pos, eqtn)

        first_op = if_assign(eqtn[y_index + 1] == '-', '+', '-')
        second_op = eqtn[x_index + 1]

        sol_side = slope + "*(x" + second_op + x_point + ")" + first_op + y_point
        sol_side = Expression.beautify(sol_side)

        return sol_side