Beispiel #1
    def add_columns(self, other, columns):
        """Given another document `other' find the matching tables and add
        the columns in `columns' to the table"""

        # TODO: This is similar to join, refactoring should be possible
        d = LatexDoc()
        for it1 in self.items:
            labels1 = set(it1.row_labels)
            for it2 in other.items:
                labels2 = set(it2.row_labels)
                common = labels1.intersection(labels2)
                if common:
                    t = Table()
                    common = list(common)
                    projected_it2 = it2.select_columns(columns)
                    ind1 = utilities.indices(it1.row_labels, common)
                    ind2 = utilities.indices(projected_it2.row_labels, common)
                    rows1 = [it1[row].values for row in ind1]
                    rows2 = [projected_it2[row].values for row in ind2]

                    new_rows = [r1 + r2 for (r1, r2) in zip(rows1, rows2)]
                    # print "new rows: ", new_rows
                    t.column_labels = it1.column_labels + columns

                    for (prob_idx, prob) in enumerate(common):
                        t.add_row_in_order(new_rows[prob_idx], prob)

        return d
Beispiel #2
    def join(self, other, op=operator.concat):
        """Join all the items that has at least one common row label. Pivot is the first column"""
        # TODO: Pivot as other columns?
        d = LatexDoc()
        for it1 in self.items:
            if type(it1) != Table:
                raise TypeError

            labels1 = set(it1.row_labels)

            for it2 in other.items:
                if type(it2) != Table:
                    raise TypeError

                labels2 = set(it2.row_labels)

                common = labels1.intersection(labels2)

                if common:
                    t = Table()
                    common = list(common)
                    ind1 = utilities.indices(it1.row_labels, common)
                    ind2 = utilities.indices(it2.row_labels, common)
                    rows1 = [it1[row].values for row in ind1]
                    rows2 = [it2[row].values for row in ind2]

                    new_rows = [op(r1, r2) for (r1, r2) in zip(rows1, rows2)]
                    t.column_labels = op(it1.column_labels, it2.column_labels[1:])

                    for (prob_idx, prob) in enumerate(common):
                        t.add_row_in_order(new_rows[prob_idx], prob)

        return d
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, other=None, file_handle=None, file_name=None):
        if not other:
            self._text = r"\documentclass{article}" + "\n"
            self._text += "\n"
            self._text += r"\usepackage{graphicx}" + "\n"
            self._text += "\n"
            self._text += r"\usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry}" + "\n"
            self._text += "\n"
            self._text += "\usepackage{fancyhdr}" + "\n"
            self._text += "\n"
            self._text += "\pagestyle{fancy}" + "\n"
            self._text += "\n"
            self._text += "\lhead{\\today}" + "\n"
            self._text += "\n"
            self._text += r"\begin{document}"
            self._text += "\n"
            self.file_handle = file_handle

            self.items = []
            if not file_name:
                if file_handle:
                handle = open(file_name, "r")
                in_table = False

                for line in handle.readlines():
                    if line.startswith(r"\begin{table}"):
                        t = Table()
                        in_table = True
                    elif in_table:
                        if "&" in line:
                            elts = map(str.strip, line.split("&"))
                            if elts[-1].endswith(r" \\ \hline"):
                                elts[-1] = elts[-1][0 : -len(r" \\ \hline")]
                            sys.stderr.write("elts stripped: " + str(elts))
                            # If we are on the column labels line
                            if not t.has_column_labels():
                                t.column_labels = [elt.replace("\\", "") for elt in elts]
                            # A regular row
                                t.add_row(elts[1:], elts[0].replace("\\", ""))
                        if line.startswith(r"\end{table}"):
                            in_table = False
            self._text = other.text
            self.items = copy.deepcopy(other.items)