Beispiel #1
doc ='R2010')
msp = doc.modelspace()

# The center of the pentagon should be (0, 2, 2), and the shape is
# rotated around x-axis about 45 degree, to accomplish this I use an
# UCS with z-axis (0, 1, 1) and an x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis.
ucs = UCS(
    origin=(0, 2, 2),  # center of pentagon
    ux=(1, 0, 0),  # x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis
    uz=(0, 1, 1),  # z-axis
# calculating corner points in local (UCS) coordinates
points = [Vector.from_deg_angle((360 / 5) * n) for n in range(5)]
# converting UCS into OCS coordinates
ocs_points = list(ucs.points_to_ocs(points))

# LWPOLYLINE accepts only 2D points and has an separated DXF attribute elevation.
# All points have the same z-axis (elevation) in OCS!
elevation = ocs_points[0].z

    format='xy',  # ignore z-axis
        'elevation': elevation,
        'closed': True,
        'color': 1,
Beispiel #2
def test_points_to_ocs():
    ucs = UCS(ux=(0, 0, -1), uz=(1, 0, 0))
    points = [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (9, 8, 7)]
    expected = [ucs.to_ocs(p) for p in points]
    result = list(ucs.points_to_ocs(points))
    assert result == expected