Beispiel #1
Datei: Projekt: badi/rax
    def get_trajectory_lengths(self, keeplast=False, pool=None):
        @param keeplast=False (boolean): keep the frame between generations
        @param pool=DEFAULT_POOL (Pool)
        _logger.debug('Project.get_trajectory_lengths: self.outputfreq = %s' % self.outputfreq)

        pool   = ezpool.get_pool(pool)

        if type(self.outputfreq) is not float or self.outputfreq <= 0:
            raise ValueError, 'I need to know the output frequency'

        myfn   = functools.partial(_get_traj_lengths, self.outputfreq, keeplast=keeplast)
        result =, self.get_trajectories())
        return result
Beispiel #2
Datei: Projekt: badi/rax
def process_trajectories(proj, fn, pool=None):
    Map a function over the *Trajectories* in a *Project*

    @param proj (Project)
    @param fn (Trajectory -> r: a function accepting a single argument of type *Trajectory*)
    @param pool=DEFAULT_POOL (Pool)

    @return (sequence of r)

    pool = ezpool.get_pool(pool)

    func = functools.partial(_process_trajectories_processor, fn)'Processing trajectories')
    results =, proj.get_trajectories())

    return results
Beispiel #3
Datei: Projekt: badi/rax
    def map(self, fn, pool=None):
        Map a function over the values in the project
        @param fn (a -> b)
        @param pool=DEFAULT_POOL (Pool)

        @return a new transformed project

        pool = ezpool.get_pool(pool)'Applying function %s to project' % fn)

        p = Project(outputfreq=self.outputfreq, description=self.description, extrafiles=self.extrafiles)
        trajs = self.get_trajectories()
        mapper = functools.partial(_trajectory_map, fn=fn)

        for t2 in, trajs):
            p.add_trajectory(, t2.clone, t2)

        return p
Beispiel #4
Datei: Projekt: badi/rax
def load_project(root, runs=None, clones=None, gens=None, pool=None, coalesce=False, chunksize=None, **initprojkws):
    Reads the data into a Project object.

    @param root (string): The root to the analysis directory. For example, given a file analysis/rmsd/C-alpha/RUN1234/CLONE4567/GEN4242.dat, root would be 'analysis/rmsd/C-alpha'
    @param pool=DEFAULT_POOL (Pool): The pool of processors to use. By default a new *Pool* is created and destroyed on completion, unless one is provided.
    @param coalesce=False (boolean): Coalesce the project trajectories.
    @param runs=None (list of ints): list of runs to load
    @param clones=None (list of ints):  a list of clones to load
    @param gens=None (list of ints):  a list of generations to load

    @param **initprojkws: parameters to pass to the Project constructor

    @return (Project)


    _logger.debug('load_project: initprojkws=%s' % initprojkws)

    pool = ezpool.get_pool(pool)

    def filter_rcg(paths, runs, clones, gens):

        runs   = runs   or []
        clones = clones or []
        gens   = gens   or []

        runsp   = map(lambda v: rcg_path_name('RUN', v)  , runs)
        clonesp = map(lambda v: rcg_path_name('CLONE', v), clones)
        gensp   = map(lambda v: rcg_path_name('GEN', v)  , gens)

        for p in paths:

            oks = [len(runs) < 1, len(clones) < 1, len(gens) < 1]
            for pat in runsp:
                if pat in p:
                    oks[0] = True

            for pat in clonesp:
                if pat in p:
                    oks[1] = True

            for pat in gensp:
                if pat in p:
                    oks[2] = True

            if all(oks): yield p'Searching for data in %s' % root)

    myglob   = os.path.join(root, 'RUN*', 'CLONE*', 'GEN*.dat')
    data_itr = glob.iglob(myglob)
    data_itr = filter_rcg(data_itr, runs, clones, gens)

    ## load the project data'Loading data')
    myfn = functools.partial(_load_project_processor)
    _logger.debug('load_project: loadfn: %s' % myfn)
    projects =, data_itr)

    ## reduce to a single Project instance'Accumulating project data')
    project = _merge_projects_seq(projects, **initprojkws)

    ## load the number of runs/clones/gens'Reading the number of runs/clones/gens')
    rcgpath = os.path.join(root, project._rcg_file)
    if os.path.exists(rcgpath):
        with open(rcgpath) as fd:
            rcgs           = fd.readline().strip().split()
            rs,cs,gs       = map(lambda s: int(s.strip()), rcgs)
            project.runs   = rs
            project.clones = cs
            project.gens   = gs
        _logger.warning('Cannot find number of runs/clones/gens at %s' % rcgpath)

    ## load the metadata'Loading metadata')
    mdpath = os.path.join(root, project._metadatafile)
    if os.path.exists(mdpath):
        with open(mdpath) as fd:
            for line in itertools.imap(str.strip, fd):
                splitted = line.split('=')

                # the values may have '=' that would have be split
                k, v     = splitted[0], '='.join(splitted[1:])
                k, v     = map(str.strip, (k,v))

                project.add_metadata(k, v)
        _logger.warning('Cannot find metadata file %s' % mdpath)
    _logger.debug('_load_project: loaded metadata: %s' % project.metadata)

    ## load the description
    descfile = os.path.join(root, project._descfile)'Loading description')
    if os.path.exists(descfile):
        with open(descfile) as fd:
            desc =
        _logger.warning('Cannot find description file %s' % descfile)

    ## load the extra files
    extrasdir = os.path.join(root, project._extradir)'Loading extra files')
    if os.path.exists(extrasdir):
        files = os.listdir(extrasdir)
        _logger.warning('Cannot find extrafiles directory %s' % extrasdir)

    if coalesce:'Coalescing project')

    return project
Beispiel #5
Datei: Projekt: badi/rax
    def write(self, root, pool=None):
        Write the project out to a root directory.
        This creates the root/RUNXXXX/CLONEYYYY/GENZZZZ.dat files.

        @param root (string): the root under which the RUN/CLONE/GEN files will be created
        @param pool=DEFAULT_POOL (Pool): The *Pool* to used (default with 1 processor)

          root = '/tmp/testroot'
          # results in /tmp/testroot/RUN1234/CLONE5678/GEN9012.dat, etc
        """'Saving project under %s' % root)

        pool = ezpool.get_pool(pool)

        ## write the data
        for run, rundata in self.projdata.iteritems():
            for clone, traj in rundata.iteritems():
                dirname = os.path.join(root, rcg_path_name('RUN',run), rcg_path_name('CLONE',clone))
                if not os.path.exists(dirname):

                # force evaluation
                list(, dirname, traj), traj.get_generations()))

        ## write the number of runs, clones, and generations
        if self.runs > 0 and self.clones > 0 and self.gens > 0:
            rcgpath = os.path.join(root, self._rcg_file)
            with open(rcgpath, 'w') as fd:
                fd.write('%d %d %d' % (self.runs, self.clones, self.gens))
  'Wrote the number of runs (%s), clones (%d), and gens (%d) to %s' % (self.runs, self.clones, self.gens, rcgpath))
        else: _logger.warning('Project: (RUNs, CLONEs, GENs) are (%d,%d,%d)' % (self.runs, self.clones, self.gens))

        ## write the metadata
        if self.metadata:
            mdpath = os.path.join(root, self._metadatafile)
            with open(mdpath, 'w') as fd:
                for k, v in self.metadata.iteritems():
                    fd.write('%s = %s\n' % (k, v))
  'Wrote metadata to %s' % mdpath)
        else: _logger.warning('Project: no metadata provided')

        ## write the description
        if self.description:
            with open(os.path.join(root, self._descfile), 'w') as fd:
      'Wrote description')
        else: _logger.warning('Project: no description provided')

        ## copy the extra files
        if self.extrafiles and len(set(self.extrafiles)) == len(self.extrafiles):
            outdir = os.path.join(root, self._extradir)
            if not os.path.exists(outdir):
      'Created %s' % outdir)

            for p in self.extrafiles:
                outname = os.path.basename(p)
                target = os.path.join(outdir, outname)

                if os.path.exists(target):
                    _logger.warning('Extrafile %s already exists: skipping' % target)

                shutil.copy(p, outdir)
      'Copied %s to %s' % (p, target))